Red Slaad

Slaadi Claws's page

4 posts. Alias of zylphryx.


SlaadiClaws wrote:
Slaadi Claws wrote:
digital egging?!?!?! BRILLIANT!!!!! You are now on Slaadi Claws' nice list ... you really don't want to be on the naughty list...
Hmmm, you look familiar somehow... nope, I got nothing.

A Slaad by any other name is just another egging opportunity.

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digital egging?!?!?! BRILLIANT!!!!! You are now on Slaadi Claws' nice list ... you really don't want to be on the naughty list...

Greyish-Greenish Slaad wrote:

YAP! Slaadi, your salvation is near! For I have given Santa a Poodlizer! Soon he shall turn you all into poodles as your Christmas presents!

You guys are so lucky!

<walks in with a broken Poodlizer in one hand and a glass of milk stuffed full of cookies in the other>

HAR HAR HAR! Merry Eggs Mass!

Most kids leave a plate of cookies and a glass of milk, but this was a real treat. I just zapped the Tooth Fairy with this thing ... she's not leaving quarters under kids' pillows anymore. Not being a good little poodle .. fairy ... thing.

When I was egging my reindeer, Blortzen stepped on it and broke it ... ah well, if there is an unegged elf left at the workshop I may have it try to fix this thing.

<leaves a bunch of eggs under a 'tree' made of empty beer cans, baling wire and betting stubs from various horse tracks before he climbs up a chimney which appears in the Maelstrom>

Tossed Slaad wrote:
Egg Slaad wrote:
Tossed Slaad wrote:
Spicy Nacho Slaad wrote:
Tossed Slaad wrote:
Well, we're nearing the time of year when I can wrap myself up as a present and egg happy children all over the world.
And what of their parents? Do you cheese their parents too? Ah, I can now imagine the screams of terror on Christmas Day.....

Yeah, I get them too.

Once, though, I climbed down a chimney in a Santa Claus costume with a big sack. Some kids came down stairs and were like, "It's Santa! He's bringing us presents!" Then I let the aboleth out of the sack and we took turns egging and dominating the kids. I didn't eat their cookies, though, because I wouldn't want to deprive the real Santa.

Wait, wait ... you didn't use the cookies as Santa bait in order to egg that old elf?
Then how would we get presents?

HAR HAR HAR! Merry Eggs Mass!!

<eggs all the good boys and girls ... then the naughty ones ... then their parents>