Overheard at the Paizo office

Off-Topic Discussions

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Grand Lodge

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Liz Courts wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

sara marie: ...hmm so if Liz’s brownies are dense and rich and made with sin...

sara marie: ...and her coffee is a dark dark black hole (also dense and rich and apparently made with sin)...

gary: do not dunk the brownie

sara marie: ...if you have a brownie with a cup of her coffee...

gary: do. not. dunk. the. brownie.

Something something bag of holding and portable hole.

So THAT's what happened to RPG Superstar today.

Senior Editor

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Chris Carey (in regretful tones): You can't save everyone from bad grammar.

Silver Crusade

Judy Bauer wrote:
Chris Carey (in regretful tones): You can't save everyone from bad grammar.

I refuse to give up.

*carves symbol of Sarenrae into trusty CLUEx4*

Alright, who needs saving?

Dark Archive Software Developer

Cort: for over 20 years, I've used a whip twice and spurs never.

Community Manager

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Katina: Star Trek II? Nobody likes that.
Diego: Go home. ಠ_ಠ

Community & Digital Content Director

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pmg no, we don't
pmg we already have one weird al

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Chris Lambertz wrote:

pmg no, we don't

pmg we already have one weird al

And he is awesome!

Silver Crusade

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@ Dragoncon:

Jason: I demand pants!

Community Manager

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pmg: The supply of Black Sabbath is no longer dangerously low.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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robot chris: I didn’t think demons were into punching

diego: If I were a demon I’d punch everything!

ashley: i don't even have to be a demon to do that

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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tanis: Warning: I’mma come look at your toe in like 10 minutes.

Community Manager

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Robot Chris: Hold up. Explain, Sauron.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

13 people marked this as a favorite.

Cort: I've had a productive day; I'm going to go home before I do something to mess it up.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

11 people marked this as a favorite.

redacted 1: “Advanded celestial cthulhu”

redacted 2: Is there a Half-Tarrasque template you can add to it?

redacted 1: Fun fact: You can totally make a CR 25 challenge using 33,000 hedgehogs

redacted 2: How about a Cthulhu swarm? What is the CR on that?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Diego: Oh, that should be Hell Unleashed, not Hello Unleashed

liz: Hello Kitty Unleashed!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Cort: I've had a productive day; I'm going to go home before I do something to mess it up.

I might have to turn this into a poster for my office.

Community Manager

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Sara: I'm evil.
Money Chris: We know.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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katina: I think we can all agree that stairs are a nuisance

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Liz Courts wrote:

Sara: I'm evil.

Money Chris: We know.

It's the alternate script from The Empire Strikes Back! But I'm confused; is Sara reading Cosmo's part?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Sara Marie wrote:
Diego: Oh, that should be Hell Unleashed, not Hello Unleashed

I read that as "Jell-O Unleashed."

Dark Archive

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Vic Wertz wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
Diego: Oh, that should be Hell Unleashed, not Hello Unleashed
I read that as "Jell-O Unleashed."

If you ever do an Ooze themed module...

Community Manager

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Katina: I’m just saying, you need trusted advisors to make sure that your plan doesn’t backfire. You need your own version of Littlefinger, which i’m pretty sure everyone agrees is Chris Self.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

12 people marked this as a favorite.

diego: I’m concerned that Katina is trying to get me to double think my glorious reign before it even begins...

katina: I’m just saying, you need trusted advisors to make sure that your plan doesn’t backfire
katina: You need your own version of Littlefinger, which i’m pretty sure everyone agrees is Chris Self

diego: But he’s going to want me to keep the toys in the packages so they retain their value and are worth more one day. I want to open them and play with them...

katina: You get one version to keep in the box and one to play with, DUH
katina: i mean you’re king, might as well milk it

diego: But now we’ve doubled the burden on my subjects before they can go be self reliant. This power is going straight to our heads
diego: Oops, didn’t mean to use the royal we there.
diego: See, straight to our heads

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

11 people marked this as a favorite.

katina: /goes to seedy neighborhoods with a trenchcoat full of pathfinder books
katina: “Hey Mac, wanna buy an Adventure Path?”

sharaya: I’ll try nicer neighborhood. “have you heard the good news about Pathfinder?”

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

8 people marked this as a favorite.

katina: when you phrase it like that, Liz, it makes me want to treat documenting [Issue Reports]s like a field scientist documenting a new species of insect
katina: “This as-yet-undiscovered bug was found in the shipping code. We have much to learn about it’s species, but so far it’s habits seem to include: [screwing] [stuff] up.”

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:

diego: I’m concerned that Katina is trying to get me to double think my glorious reign before it even begins...

katina: I’m just saying, you need trusted advisors to make sure that your plan doesn’t backfire
katina: You need your own version of Littlefinger, which i’m pretty sure everyone agrees is Chris Self

diego: But he’s going to want me to keep the toys in the packages so they retain their value and are worth more one day. I want to open them and play with them...

katina: You get one version to keep in the box and one to play with, DUH
katina: i mean you’re king, might as well milk it

diego: But now we’ve doubled the burden on my subjects before they can go be self reliant. This power is going straight to our heads
diego: Oops, didn’t mean to use the royal we there.
diego: See, straight to our heads

Ninjaed by the... Gninja?

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Can just say Gninja'd.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:

redacted 1: “Advanded celestial cthulhu”

redacted 2: Is there a Half-Tarrasque template you can add to it?

redacted 1: Fun fact: You can totally make a CR 25 challenge using 33,000 hedgehogs

redacted 2: How about a Cthulhu swarm? What is the CR on that?

I had a GM decide an adult red dragon wasn't difficult enough, but instead of figuring out the stats for one age category higher, he decided to just give it the half-black dragon template. The dragon was the only survivor. First campaign in a while we've actually played to the end, even if it wasn't the end we had planned.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Mona: Come on, now. Don't be homophonic.

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Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Mona: Come on, now. Don't be homophonic.

They're going to know if their speech is homophonic over there, even if you don't point it out...

Dark Archive Software Developer

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Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Mona: Come on, now. Don't be homophonic.

I live a polyphonic lifestyle.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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gary: nope. already decided against sticking my finger into that little puzzle box

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Diego: Yeah, my sisters ate their babies too.

Community & Digital Content Director

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Katina #dontpoachmebro
Katina #notanegg

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Dark Archive

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Chris Lambertz wrote:

Katina #dontpoachmebro

Katina #notanegg

Sounds like something a tasty egg just waiting to be poached would say...

Community & Digital Content Director

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Community Manager

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Robot Chris: More like Dancefloor of the Righteous. UNTZ UNTZ DEMON SLAYING UNTZ UNTZ

Dark Archive

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well we already have the eternal template, when are we getting shiny and chrome templates?

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Chris Lambertz wrote:

And now I feel the urge to get new dice that can evoke the image of post-apocalypse based on coloring or pattern. TO THE GAME STORE!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Robot Chris: More like Dancefloor of the Righteous. UNTZ UNTZ DEMON SLAYING UNTZ UNTZ

Deskari: You pathetic mortals don't have enough legs to keep up with these moves.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Robot Chris: Did you just say chocolate was optional?
Get out.

Silver Crusade

Katina Mathieson wrote:

Robot Chris: Did you just say chocolate was optional?

Get out.

It is if you're talking about pizza.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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katina: My levels of evens has escalated to "literally can't"

Chris Lambertz wrote:

Liz must have just seen this Q-Workshop Kickstarter for Pathfinder metal dice!

Readerbreeder wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Liz must have just seen this Q-Workshop Kickstarter for Pathfinder metal dice!

Taking into account those are using Pathfinder trademark, I suspect that Liz might had insider knowledge prior to the KS announcement...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Readerbreeder wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Liz must have just seen this Q-Workshop Kickstarter for Pathfinder metal dice!
Taking into account those are using Pathfinder trademark, I suspect that Liz might had insider knowledge prior to the KS announcement...

{munching merrily} Halfway through morning coffee and the third bowl of Chocolate Frosted Gninja Bombs, you can start to see future time.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.

redacted: updating life goals: operate dog train while eating tater tot grilled cheese

Community Manager

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Readerbreeder wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Liz must have just seen this Q-Workshop Kickstarter for Pathfinder metal dice!
Taking into account those are using Pathfinder trademark, I suspect that Liz might had insider knowledge prior to the KS announcement...

My reach is long.

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
{munching merrily} Halfway through morning coffee and the third bowl of Chocolate Frosted Gninja Bombs, you can start to see future time.

I was wondering where those went.

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