Strength Ninja

Ninja Discussion: Round 1

anyone looked into this?

is it viable or is the lower dex going to make it lose out from the lower level of TWF it can achieve.

of course more attack = more sneak but having STR to add to shurikens would be very nice.

Liberty's Edge

Good question, I plan on an 18 Str Ninja with 15 Dex and using a 2h. THe way I see it, by the time I qualify for GTWF I should have a +2 item at least (If that is the case then lvl 4 and 8 needs to add to Dex), possibly +4 item to qualify for it.

Obviously that sounds odd as I stated I will be 2h, but if Katana stays like a bastard sword then with Quick Draw it means when I get the opportunity to Full atk I can seamlessly draw my light 1h and wield the 2h 1 handed and stabby stab.

Meanwhile, when unable to get a full atk I have a nice big hit I can do with the 2h.

The bigger issue with Shurikens is 'how much does the lower Dex hurt your ability To Hit?'

Sovereign Court

Meh, i always play rogues with strength and greatswords...much cooler then rapier dex ones...

You could 2H a katana,get a +6 to damage and +4 to hit.....


You will lose out on about half of the ninja skills,as well as the necessary Dex bonus to AC.Shuriken will need a balance of Dex and Str because you're already taking a -2 penalty to attack with Flurry of Stars,you can't take GWF,and your BAB is medium.Overall,I'd go like 60% Dex 40% Str with a shuriken build.

What Asteld said is nice,when you get the option to full attack you can just pull out a Wakizashi and get 2X the sneak attacks.Again,the only problem is that you'll have not-so-great and not as good AC,but if you're willing to do that it seems a viable option for combat.

seems like it suffers from being a MAD class somewhat, because you still want a good chunk of charisma too.

although I guess you could go for heavy armor I didn't see any abilities that restrict it, heh maybe I'm going blind

the medium BAB is not so bad with the easy access to an extra full BAB attack for 1 ki point.

I guess more attractive in a 25pt buy then a 15pt buy

Liberty's Edge

sphar wrote:

You could 2H a katana,get a +6 to damage and +4 to hit.....


You will lose out on about half of the ninja skills,as well as the necessary Dex bonus to AC.Shuriken will need a balance of Dex and Str because you're already taking a -2 penalty to attack with Flurry of Stars,you can't take GWF,and your BAB is medium.Overall,I'd go like 60% Dex 40% Str with a shuriken build.

What Asteld said is nice,when you get the option to full attack you can just pull out a Wakizashi and get 2X the sneak attacks.Again,the only problem is that you'll have not-so-great and not as good AC,but if you're willing to do that it seems a viable option for combat.

Yeah the Str build has some weaknesses:

Lower AC
Less bonus on some skills
Fewer Points to spend elsewhere (likely only 12 Cha, so less Ki)
Unable to get Weapon Focus just once to effect both weapons

But it has a certain style to it, between Flurry of stars, in your face big hitting 2h and sneaky sneaky multiple stabbing SA it kinda gives me the image of a Ninja being deadly no matter what the situation.

The lower bonus on skills is not so big a deal as you will be prety darn high on them anyway. The AC is a problem lower lvl, but as you get higher your AC just cannot keep up anyway.
Weapon Focus and Ki I consider the 2 real disadvantages.

My 18 Str idea is based on a 20 point PFS buy (so you still have 15 Dex which lvl 4 will likely put to 16, plus any items you get), not so sure I would go with it on 15 points

Asteldian Caliskan wrote:
sphar wrote:

You could 2H a katana,get a +6 to damage and +4 to hit.....


You will lose out on about half of the ninja skills,as well as the necessary Dex bonus to AC.Shuriken will need a balance of Dex and Str because you're already taking a -2 penalty to attack with Flurry of Stars,you can't take GWF,and your BAB is medium.Overall,I'd go like 60% Dex 40% Str with a shuriken build.

What Asteld said is nice,when you get the option to full attack you can just pull out a Wakizashi and get 2X the sneak attacks.Again,the only problem is that you'll have not-so-great and not as good AC,but if you're willing to do that it seems a viable option for combat.

Yeah the Str build has some weaknesses:

Lower AC
Less bonus on some skills
Fewer Points to spend elsewhere (likely only 12 Cha, so less Ki)
Unable to get Weapon Focus just once to effect both weapons

But it has a certain style to it, between Flurry of stars, in your face big hitting 2h and sneaky sneaky multiple stabbing SA it kinda gives me the image of a Ninja being deadly no matter what the situation.

The lower bonus on skills is not so big a deal as you will be prety darn high on them anyway. The AC is a problem lower lvl, but as you get higher your AC just cannot keep up anyway.
Weapon Focus and Ki I consider the 2 real disadvantages.

My 18 Str idea is based on a 20 point PFS buy (so you still have 15 Dex which lvl 4 will likely put to 16, plus any items you get), not so sure I would go with it on 15 points

12CHA ouch heh why bother going ninja might as well go straight rogue save yourself the headache hehehe

Liberty's Edge

My understanding is that Cha only gives its modifier as Ki points, am I wrong? If not then why waste stats for a set bonus of just an extra Ki or 2.

I mean crippling your Str or Dex or Con for what, 16 Cha which gives you only Ki bonus and nothing else?
10 points for 16 Cha for +3 Ki
2 points for 12 Cha for +1 Ki

So, at lvl 2 you have only 2 points compared to 4. Pretty big issue, the issue is smaller at higher lvl, but personally for 8 stat points to spend I will just take a Feat for 2 extra Ki

Asteldian Caliskan wrote:

My understanding is that Cha only gives its modifier as Ki points, am I wrong? If not then why waste stats for a set bonus of just an extra Ki or 2.

I mean crippling your Str or Dex or Con for what, 16 Cha which gives you only Ki bonus and nothing else?
10 points for 16 Cha for +3 Ki
2 points for 12 Cha for +1 Ki

So, at lvl 2 you have only 2 points compared to 4. Pretty big issue, the issue is smaller at higher lvl, but personally for 8 stat points to spend I will just take a Feat for 2 extra Ki

It also effects the DC's of any of your offensive tricks.

14 would be my personal minimum for playing the class

Liberty's Edge

Ah, DC's were not taken into account. Hmm, maybe I will have to take the risk and drop Con to 12 to make Cha 14.

Yeah,I play PFS too.
In that case,if you're over third level,it's no problem because you're probably getting at LEAST 5000 gp per adventure.Go ahead and pick up a few stat iouns,you're set.

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