Wouldn't it be cool...

Jade Regent

...if Nicolas Logue made a comeback as one of the writers for the last two volumes of the Jade Regent AP

Now I know that some people aren't too keen on him since the whole Sinister Adventures fiasco, but IMHO he has consistently produced some of the best adventures out there and I would love to see him writing again.

But why Jade Regent, well here's a blurb on him from the PathfinderWiki:

"Nicolas Logue has been a student of all things Asian for most of his life. Martial arts training led to philosophical pursuits and eventually historical research. He graduated from SUNY at Buffalo summa cum laude with two degrees; one in Theatre and one in Chinese Studies. At this time he had already spent one year in Beijing, China doing intensive language study and martial training. After graduation he returned to Beijing on a Fulbright grant to study Chinese Theatre (jingju) and martial arts. He stayed for two years traveling extensively in order to perform in northern and southern China. In 2002 he headed to Hawaii to pursue an M.F.A. in Asian Theatre and has since trained in Japanese Kyogen (comedic theatre) and Indonesian Randai and Silat."

Sounds like someone you'd want involved in the Jade Regent AP!

The Exchange

It would be... considering he was all for an Asian themed pathfinder adventure back when pathfinder was first announced.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm just happy that Mr. Pett has one of the chapters. Hate to say it (because I do enjoy Mr. Logue's work) but this has been the case for me ever since I found Skinsaw way creepier than Hook Mountain.

Plus, Goblins....

chavamana wrote:

I'm just happy that Mr. Pett has one of the chapters. Hate to say it (because I do enjoy Mr. Logue's work) but this has been the case for me ever since I found Skinsaw way creepier than Hook Mountain.

Plus, Goblins....

Don't get me wrong, it's definitely not my intent to start a debate about who the best adventure writer is.

I also love Richard Pett's adventures and I think that Jade Regent currently has an amazing line up of adventure writers (I don't think the all-star combination of Jacobs, Vaughan and Pett has happened since Runelords).

I'm just saying that 1) Nicolas Logue has produced some great adventures in the past, 2) he seems to have an interest in producing oriental themed adventures and that 3) he has advanced knowledge and training in Asian studies and theatre. I think those are some strong reasons why he would have be a great addition to the Jade Regent writing team.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

No, I agree. I really like Mr. Logue's writing. Running the Kobold King right now. But since, for the reasons you mentioned before, it doesn't seem likely that he'll be writing in Jade Regent (esp since he'd probably already be contracted, ne?).

So I figured I would just chime in that I do like many (if not all) of the names I do see attached to the Jade Regent.... And since I often need to double check if a module was written by Pett/Logue....

Or I babble. I think that's it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We announced the full author list for Jade Regent at Paizocon, but I don't think we've duplicated that announcement here...

It is:

1: James Jacobs
2: Greg A. Vaughan
3: Jason Nelson
4: Richard Pett
5: Tito Leati
6: Neil Spicer

I love Nick Logue's adventures, but he's more or less retired from writing adventures at this point as far as I know.

James Jacobs wrote:

We announced the full author list for Jade Regent at Paizocon, but I don't think we've duplicated that announcement here...

It is:

1: James Jacobs
2: Greg A. Vaughan
3: Jason Nelson
4: Richard Pett
5: Tito Leati
6: Neil Spicer

I love Nick Logue's adventures, but he's more or less retired from writing adventures at this point as far as I know.

Thanks for the response!

I did not realize that the names of the last two authors had already been released. As you had mentioned in a previous thread, those are all very seasoned adventure path writers and it sounds like Jade Regent is in very capable hands.

PS - I'm also happy to see that you are writing adventures on a regular basis again. I loved Souls for the Smuggler's Shiv!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ditto on the re-increase of James Jacobs writing.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Also, if Nic Logue would pop up as a Paizo author we would have a "Force him to return my Razor Coast money before you pay him a dime" situation. And much flames.

On a side note, yay for Tito Leati coming back in Jade Regent.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't we need someone new to take his place in the Vaughan-Pett-Logue love/feud triangle (henceforth, the lofrangle)? My reading of the Book of Revelations and the Mayan Calender indicates that, without Logue, Vaughan and Pett will combine to form a demogorgan-esque creature which will consume the stars and void.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Gorbacz wrote:
On a side note, yay for Tito Leati coming back in Jade Regent.

Agreed. Tito does some high quality work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sebastian wrote:

Don't we need someone new to take his place in the Vaughan-Pett-Logue love/feud triangle (henceforth, the lofrangle)? My reading of the Book of Revelations and the Mayan Calender indicates that, without Logue, Vaughan and Pett will combine to form a demogorgan-esque creature which will consume the stars and void.

This is some solid stuff right here.

Arrrrrgh stop giving Spicer all this work it's interfering with his PbP playing...

Congrats on getting the capstone Neil

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

James Jacobs wrote:
We announced the full author list for Jade Regent at Paizocon...

You did? I must have missed that. I'd been keeping it under wraps this whole time, because I thought you guys were delaying sharing that information until we got closer to the actual turnover date (which is hurtling toward me at lightspeed, it seems).

DM Wellard wrote:
Arrrrrgh, stop giving Spicer all this work it's interfering with his PbP playing...

I believe I've been keeping up just fine so far. ;-)

DM Wellard wrote:
Congrats on getting the capstone, Neil...

Thanks. I seem to be developing a knack for tying off campaign storylines. But, one of these days, I'd like to look into kicking one off, as well. That's some pretty rarefied air, considering someone from the Paizo staff has written around half the initial adventures in each AP. Nick Logue (CotCT) is among the small handful of freelancers who've ever been entrusted with that task. Same for Tim Hitchcock (KM), Mike Kortes (CC), and Greg Vaughn (SD). I think Pett and I need to edge our way into being a lead-off batter sometime soon. Let's join forces, Rich. ;-)

My two cents,

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Neil Spicer wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
We announced the full author list for Jade Regent at Paizocon...

You did? I must have missed that. I'd been keeping it under wraps this whole time, because I thought you guys were delaying sharing that information until we got closer to the actual turnover date (which is hurtling toward me at lightspeed, it seems).

DM Wellard wrote:
Arrrrrgh, stop giving Spicer all this work it's interfering with his PbP playing...

I believe I've been keeping up just fine so far. ;-)

DM Wellard wrote:
Congrats on getting the capstone, Neil...

Thanks. I seem to be developing a knack for tying off campaign storylines. But, one of these days, I'd like to look into kicking one off, as well. That's some pretty rarefied air, considering someone from the Paizo staff has written around half the initial adventures in each AP. Nick Logue (CotCT) is among the small handful of freelancers who've ever been entrusted with that task. Same for Tim Hitchcock (KM), Mike Kortes (CC), and Greg Vaughn (SD). I think Pett and I need to edge our way into being a lead-off batter sometime soon. Let's join forces, Rich. ;-)

My two cents,

You and Pett better be careful as you creep towards the front of the line. You may find booby traps along the way, and who knows what scavenging marauders might try to clamber over your mangled remains en route to the front seat. Just sayin. :)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Jason Nelson wrote:
You and Pett better be careful as you creep towards the front of the line. You may find booby traps along the way, and who knows what scavenging marauders might try to clamber over your mangled remains en route to the front seat. Just sayin. :)

Hah! Dude. That lunch you had today? I think Pett already poisoned it. ;-)


Neil Spicer wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
You and Pett better be careful as you creep towards the front of the line. You may find booby traps along the way, and who knows what scavenging marauders might try to clamber over your mangled remains en route to the front seat. Just sayin. :)
Hah! Dude. That lunch you had today? I think Pett already poisoned it. ;-)

Slither towards the front line I think you'll find, my newly undead chum.

Quite right too Spicer - up her Majesty! Charge!

who is tito leati? what has he done? just curious. i cant wait for jade regent to come out.


captain yesterday wrote:
who is tito leati? what has he done? just curious. i cant wait for jade regent to come out.

Tito has been around for a long time (he's actually 203 years old) and he's written some infuriatingly brilliant adventures and articles, dating back to Dragon and Dungeon times. You might know him more recently from Crown of Fangs (CotCT#6) and he's a contributor for the Inner Sea World Guide.

He's annoyingly good and his adventure will be awesome, curse him!



Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Tito is an Italian gentleman who works in Germany, lives occasionally in Poland and speaks Aklo, Undercommon and Gibberish.

He's also a very smooth person, and anybody who visits the POLCON convention in Poland this August will likely have a chance to chat with him in person. A horrifying experience, but totally worth it!

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