GM_Todd's Serpent Skull OOC Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

I'm trying!!!

So where are Brin and Meraxes? We need them to kill these baddies.


I had to meet a deadline here at the office. Assuming I didn't destroy the website I think I'm good for the rest of the day. This PbP is flying! I thought I was fairly active but I do something for 20 minutes and I come back to find +10 new posts in the IC thread. :D

ok enough OOC chat here. I'm off to the IC thread to murder some lobsters.

Yeah - I stepped away for like two hours after the baddies were killed expecting things to slow down. Not so.

Sorry - we'll need to slow down eventually, I'm sure, but the pace is frenetic right now!

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

All the roleplay after the first fight was fun as the different personalities were put under stress for the first time. That part seemed to be pretty fast and furious on the posts.

Plus it seems like mornings (EST) are good for a lot of us and so we get a lot done then.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Between combat, when we're not bound by rounds etc, conversations between 2 or more people can be quite fast paced if both are active at the same time of day and check the game often enough, you can easily get 10-20 posts in an hour or two that way.

Merax, are you delaying this round? I've got a new link in the game thread.

I'm holding action to 5ft step to where Petry is currently standing.

23 hours since Brin's last come he can't post obsessively all day like the rest of us?!

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)
GM_Todd wrote:
23 hours since Brin's last come he can't post obsessively all day like the rest of us?!

I was thinking the same thing. I mean jeesh, it's almost like he has other stuff going on in his life.

Female Human Bard 1AC
Kalis Daen'ith wrote:
GM_Todd wrote:
23 hours since Brin's last come he can't post obsessively all day like the rest of us?!
I was thinking the same thing. I mean jeesh, it's almost like he has other stuff going on in his life.

It's almost like he has a life!

I'm going to give Brin until tomorrow morning to post his action. If he isn't back on, I will move for him.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

I don't think Brin will be upset. Not with a nat 20 and confirmed critical.

Female Human Bard 1AC

We're still waiting on Kalis, so not an issue till then, but will you give Brin time to reply to this round again, or will you make a move for him once everyone else has, as long till he writes somewhere that he's back?

I think, just to get through this encounter, I will continue to move for him. After that, we'll see if we can move on without his input. Hopefully he'll be back soon - I'm not sure how long to wait, but this is a holiday weekend, which means he might not be back until Tuesday.

Female Human Bard 1AC

It's not so much an issue between encounters. We can always just assume he hangs to the back, follows someone, but is otherwise quiet and doesn't do anything worth commenting on.

And even though I might sound like an ass saying this, but during combat it slows everything down if someone doesn't answer for over a day.

I really, really don't want to replace Brin, but how long do you guys want to wait until we hear something from him? I'm about to wrap up the selection in my other recruitment thread and Jasper Finn's creator is one of the applicants. We could easily bring Jasper in if necessary, but I'd need to make that call pretty quickly - like before noon. That doesn't seem very fair to Brin.

What do you guys think?

Female Human Bard 1AC

No that definitely doesn't seem fair to Brin. I mean could be some RL reason why he's not answering, and he's just been gone for less than 2 days now. If it wasn't combat time, it wouldn't even be much of an issue.

I'd say we definitely should give him the weekend, if we haven't heard anything after that we can start to think about finding a replacement.

Well you can always tell Jaspers player to keep an eye on the recruitment thread for the next few days (but that might give him hope, and if brin comes back he doesn't get in again), or just bump it when it's time and see if he reacts. (if you accept him to your other game, you can obviously reach him easier)

My 2 cents

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

I would agree that the weekend seems reasonable. Sorry no posts this morning, my office is closed and I was sleeping in for an insanely long time. I needed it though.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

I'm inclined to be a little ruthless since he hasn't posted an explanation that he might be out, or have an emergency. I know in a case like this I would have no problem with GM Todd DMPC'ing Petry for the whole weekend, and I would just take my lumps when I got back online. If Brin's gone until Tuesday, that's a pretty long weekend to not tell anyone else that "hey, I won't be here". Even an e-mail to GM Todd would have been enough.

Just to let you know, I went out and spent $130 on a Verizon Wireless Mi-Fi in order to stay online while on my two-week National Guard Annual Training at the beginning of the month of June. Partly for PbPs. So I'm putting my money where my mouth is to stay online, even in the deep woods of Fort Bragg.

That being said, Brin come back! The game is faster-paced than anyone expected.

Female Human Bard 1AC
Petronicus Wintrish wrote:
I'm inclined to be a little ruthless since he hasn't posted an explanation that he might be out, or have an emergency. I know in a case like this I would have no problem with GM Todd DMPC'ing Petry for the whole weekend, and I would just take my lumps when I got back online. If Brin's gone until Tuesday, that's a pretty long weekend to not tell anyone else that "hey, I won't be here". Even an e-mail to GM Todd would have been enough.

Oh I'm not saying to wait the weekend to continue with the game. I think GM Todd should take over Brin for the fight, so it can go on. We gave him a day to reply, now its up to him to say when he's back, and not to us to wait for him every turn.

But I think we should wait for the weekend before we decide to replace him, as I said it hasn't even been two days since his last post. Sure it would have been nice to know if he's gone, but two days are really not enough to kick someone.

If by sunday or monday we still haven't heard anything... well yeah, then we can talk about it.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Speaking of which, I'll be quiet most of this coming Tuesday--on the road visiting family--and next weekend I'll be at the North American Discworld Convention. At least the hotel has free internet, so I'll be able to post occasionally.

This weekend I'll be with my girlfriend so posting will be a sparse. I may be able to read every now and again but my posts will be concise.

The best times for me to post are when I'm working. (8am - 4:30pm M-F).

Lets give him till after the holiday. He could be trapped in well! Or worse- Utah!

I think it would be a good idea for GMT to have everyone's email for situations like this.


Can everyone please email me at thetoddblog at gmail dot com, please? I already have Allia and Petry's email addresses.

I probably won't be posting much this weekend either. My goal is to get everyone to camp so there can just be character development happening until everyone is back on normal schedule.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)
GM_Todd wrote:
I would like these potions assigned to people before the end of the day and in people's profiles please.

If you click on my profile and go to the right-hand side, you will see "From the Jenivere". I will start keeping track of "public" treasure and xp, so people can tell what went where.

That's awesome. Thanks, Petry.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)
GM_Todd wrote:
Each NPC castaway has an initial attitude toward the PCs dependent on the PCs’ backgrounds. The PCs can attempt a Diplomacy check to adjust a given NPC castaway’s attitude beyond this initial attitude once per day.

Not to metagame, but I noticed that Allia has a +9 to Diplomacy while Petry has a +6. I would like to assist Allia's Diplomacy if possible to get a +11 on all Diplomacy rolls, unless GM Todd rules that we have to roll each PC to NPC for Diplomacy.

I'm more than happy to roleplay the Diplomacy rolls if needed with some conversation.

Female Human Bard 1AC
Petronicus Wintrish wrote:
GM_Todd wrote:
Each NPC castaway has an initial attitude toward the PCs dependent on the PCs’ backgrounds. The PCs can attempt a Diplomacy check to adjust a given NPC castaway’s attitude beyond this initial attitude once per day.

Not to metagame, but I noticed that Allia has a +9 to Diplomacy while Petry has a +6. I would like to assist Allia's Diplomacy if possible to get a +11 on all Diplomacy rolls, unless GM Todd rules that we have to roll each PC to NPC for Diplomacy.

I'm more than happy to roleplay the Diplomacy rolls if needed with some conversation.

Yes, just rolling 5 times each day seems a bit boring.

The question is, do they have a attitude towards each of us seperately, or as a group? Basicly, one of us improves it for the entire group, or each of us has to try to improve their attitude for themselves, maybe with the help of others.

They have both individual and group attitudes. The group attitude is a game mechanic and is what's represented in the chart. Their personal attitudes will be more character and RP-driven, but will positively or negatively influence how easy it is to adjust their group attitude.

As for the original question, I'm fine if you help one another and I will look favorably on discussion-driven attempts to sway their opinion, only calling for a DC if it chance is involved. Either way, just having the highest diplomacy may not be the best way to sway them. Particularly when it comes to character relationships and conflicts.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Allia, are you here? Can we get Jask's particular problem resolved today?

I'll be on the road driving for a few hours each day this weekend, but I'll be posting tonight and tomorrow afternoon. I'd like to split up the stuff from the ship to each person as well.

GM Todd, I've marked off the other two backpacks I had and what was in them in the Google spreadsheet. (sob!)

Female Human Bard 1AC

Well I was actually waiting for someone to say something, as it's not really up to me alone.

And I did say if anyone wanted the keys, Allia would give it to them.

Petry, I'm not an evil DM - I wouldn't necessarily say that they were "destroyed on the Jenivere."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

I changed it to "lost", GM Todd. :)

Female Human Bard 1AC

I'm more curious about how you're planning on carrying 3 backpacks.
Because unless I missed something in your physical description, you still only have one back :)

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

I thought we'd be arriving in Eleder and going to the jungle a la Rudyard Kipling style in "Kim". So I was going to hire porters. Or, reading the blurb for this AP, using NPCs as porters.

Female Human Bard 1AC
Petronicus Wintrish wrote:
I thought we'd be arriving in Eleder and going to the jungle a la Rudyard Kipling style in "Kim". So I was going to hire porters. Or, reading the blurb for this AP, using NPCs as porters.

Well we have 4 NPC stuff-carrier mules now :)

Female Human Bard 1AC

Game seems to go very slow right now, guess that's due to the weekend and the holiday you guys have tomorrow.

So I hope it picks up speed on tuesday again, latest

I think it will. Every weekend might be light, too. Though I'm nto sure we can keep up the frenetic pace we developed. We'll see, though.

Brin, I hope everything is ok. We really don't want to lose you, but we need to know if you're still wanting to play. If you don't post here or in the game by noon tomorrow (Monday July 4), we will assume that you've moved on to kill monsters and sea scorpions elsewhere. But please, come back.

It's super slow for me this weekend. I'm quite busy :/

The game should resume breakneck speeds Tuesday. Well that's what I hope at least!

Petry, under rations, it is actually 48 total rations, not 48 days. Sorry for the confusion.

Female Human Bard 1AC
GM_Todd wrote:
Petry, under rations, it is actually 48 total rations, not 48 days. Sorry for the confusion.

48 days for one person, we just happen to use up 11 days at once ;)

Female Human Bard 1AC
Kalis Daen'ith wrote:
We would probably be better discussing the roles in the ooc thread unless we think there will be a lot of character building in that discussion.

Actually I think we should finish with the distribution of the loot and everything first, before we start discussing something else again.

We jumped from the middle of hearing and discussing Jask's story right into loot distribution without much RP to it, and before half the group said anything about that, we jump ahead to role assingment?

Yes, it takes a while, but that's PbP for you, stuff doesn't get done in 5 minutes.
Who cares if we break camp and move on tomorrow or on thursday?

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)
Allia Thren wrote:

Yes, it takes a while, but that's PbP for you, stuff doesn't get done in 5 minutes.
Who cares if we break camp and move on tomorrow or on thursday?

True. As far as the loot, I think the money stuff should just be tracked and split when we get some place where we can actually spend it. The mundane gear stuff will basically just stay in camp, so that doesnt seem to be a concern. None of the useful stuff (sword, armor, etc) is anything Kalis would want at this point, but we should probably discuss how we will handle it for the future. Overall, Kalis would not be overly concerned about the distribution unless it became apparent to him that he was being treated unfairly. I do think it is strange that the satchel is included and makes me wonder about magic. Kalis wouldn't think of it, but did anyone cast detect magic?

It is a holiday weekend here, so things are a little hectic for me too.

Female Human Bard 1AC

I can cast it, but haven't. And Allia probably won't till someone reminds her.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Okay, explanations! I'm just writing things down as GM Todd directs. If he says we have a "long leather satchel", then we have a long leather satchel. Kalis' idea to made a travois from the canvas and some saplings was just inspired, I wish I'd thought of it.

If anybody wants to add their food to the pile, just tell us IC and I'll add it to the list. Same for any stuff you brought that might help the party (like the caltrops I added for protecting the camp), and and future loot.

Money: for right now, unclaimed property and gold pieces I can track on my profile page and we'll split it ELEVEN ways when we get off Gilligan's Island. Now I'm not perfect, so if you want something, take it, and all I'm going to say on my profile page is (Brin, Allia, Dragolan, Gelik) and stop tracking it. I'm not going to track "used", that's up to you!

I think the NPCs are meant to be one-on-one with the PCs for interaction and Diplomacy, and Petry has his hands full with Sasha. Will Sasha get jealous if he tries to help Aerys or Allia? He's too young to know, and he's not chancing it right now until she is "friendly". Allia and Kalis helped Petry not claim the spotlight on Jask, and I'm grateful for that. I can build Petry as the party peacemaker, but I'd like to tell people OOC just in case.

IC, Petry's Lawful Good and will probably bend over backwards to help people but I'd like to not be the only person posting 100 times a day.

Powers: GM Todd's headache will become bigger as Petry does more. But he's not going to be "sharing" with utility powers until he reaches Level 5 or so (a looooonnnng time in game terms).

Right now, I'd love for someone to take the Leadership ball for the next day or two and run with it. I can make Petry into a leader if needed, but I love to hear/interact with others.

Female Human Bard 1AC

I'm not sure what you mean by "meant to be one-on-one". That each of us only gets to be friendly with one?
Maybe Sasha will get pissed at Petry when she sees that he treats women like dirt usually? Just a thought :)

Petry's been nice to women. It's Meraxes who's been mean.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Yes, "like dirt" was maybe a bit too harsh, just wanted to say he should be careful how far he wants to take the "not helping other women"

Meraxes may be selfish but he isn't stupid. He will do what is required but not much else. As much as I'd like to lead I'd doubt many of you would appreciate Meraxes' management style. :)

Being stuck on an island with you all will open him up to two choices: make friends and learn to trust your fellow survivors or become sea-lobster (or worse!) food.

I think its important for us to get along and make a base-camp. Its gonna get hot in the day so the faster we set up shade before noon the better. We could also leave most of our supplies at this camp. We can use the defenders and trappers to secure its postition while we venture out into the island.

Meraxes wouldn't be down for looking for Jask's vindication papers in the swealtering heat. He'd rather explore when it is more comfortable.

GMT are you going to helping us keep track of rations we eat /day and this be a micro-manage style of survival or more like "its been a while.. your food stores are running pretty low" sort of deal?

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