DM Duke's Curse of Crimson Throne Recruitment thread

Gamer Connection

Hello everyone! I'm looking to start a Curse of the Crimson Throne PbP here on the forums, but I need some players! If you are interested, please respond to this thread. I'll be making a decision within the next week and the game will start shortly thereafter. I'm looking for four or five players, no more.

A couple things before I get to what I'm looking for:

First, if you haven't already, you'll want to download the Curse of the Crimson Throne player's guide. It's free, so just search the site!

Second, this will be my first time running a PbP. I think I'll do pretty well (especially because I'll be able to take my time formulating responses and looking up rules), but you never know. Just wanted to give you a heads up on that. This may especially be a problem when it comes to map-making. I'm still working on a solution to that (and will accept suggestions of course). I also find that I use parentheses a lot, so if that bothers you, you might want to avoid my games!

Third, I'll take new and veteran PbPers. It all boils down to your story and how well you write.

Lastly, I consider PbPs as a way to really create a story. We are all writing this story together. What this means is that I expect you to roleplay. I expect posts that are more than one sentence (more often than not, sometimes just a sentence is fine). It also means I would really prefer you to write well. Try to use proper grammar and spelling (we all make mistakes of course).

How to Join:
Here's what I need from you. Respond here with a character background and an idea with where you want to go with the character. Don't just give me "Rock Smasher, Half-Orc Barbarian." I want to know Rock's history, why he's in Korvosa, what his values are, etc. Please be sure to put in there how you are tied in with Gaedren Lamm (see the Player's Guide traits). If you have a unique way to be tied to Gaedren Lamm that isn't one of the background traits, we can work together to come up with one for you.

Don't worry too much about actual character creation just yet. It's a good idea to get a head's start, but we'll finalize everything in the Discussion thread prior to game start. What matters is the story.

Also, it'll be handy to know what your timezone is.

Character Creation:

1) 20 point buy, 1st level
2) Core races only
3) Core, APG, and UM classes, archetypes, and racial variants are allowed. If you pick something really out there, be ready to back it up with story.
4) No evil characters. Remember that CN is not a substitute for evil.
5) Max HP at first level (choose either average+1 or roll thereafter).
6) Average starting gold
7) Two traits. One must be from the Curse of the Crimson Throne player's guide Background traits, the other can be from anywhere subject to approval. If you have a unique way to be tied to Gaedren Lamm that isn't one of the background traits, we can work together to come up with one for you.

Let me know if you have any questions about character creation (or if I'm missing something glaringly important). I'll be happy to answer.

Posting Requirements:

Other than using proper spelling and grammar, I prefer the following:

1) Bold text for words spoken aloud.
2) Italics for words thought to oneself.
3) OOC (blue) text for out-of-character comments, questions, quips, snark, jokes, etc.
4) Big and small text for shouting and whispering, respectively.
5) Regular text everywhere else.

I expect you to be able to post at least once a day during the week (remember, a post is more than one sentence) and at least once during the weekend. I am on EST (GMT -5:00). If you need to be absent for an extended period of time, all I ask is that you give me and the other players forewarning, if possible.

I think that's all! I look forward to seeing some character ideas!

Dark Archive

What are your thoughts about words of power? Either way, Im interested. If I didn't have to go to work soon, I'd post more of an elaborate background and all that. However, for now, I am interested in playing an arcane caster. Possibly set apart from his family for something about his abilities, or maybe where he gets them.

I'm interested. I'm working on a young noble of the Ornelos House who is a Magus studying at the Acadamae ran by his House. He'll be a recovering Shiver addict that is looking to recover some of his lost honor with his recent plunge into the depths of drug use.

Jason Beardsley wrote:
What are your thoughts about words of power? Either way, Im interested. If I didn't have to go to work soon, I'd post more of an elaborate background and all that. However, for now, I am interested in playing an arcane caster. Possibly set apart from his family for something about his abilities, or maybe where he gets them.

To be quite honest, I don't know all that much about it since I don't actually own UM. I'll look over a friend's copy tomorrow, but for now go ahead and assume it'll be fine. It would be interesting to see how it runs in a game.

Aerodus Crispin used to be a good man, but that was before he was broken. He grew up in Korvosa, the son of a common laborer and dreamed of greater things.

The rest of the background:

As a boy he was always smarter than the other children and eventually earned himself a spot in The Acadamae. That ended the day a local fisherman claimed to have witnessed Aerodus commit a murder. It couldn't have been him, of course, he had been studying and there were several that would swear that he couldn't possibly have left his room. The sentencing was put off, but nonetheless he was put in jail. A friend of Aerodus' confronted the fisherman and learned the truth. A crime lord named Gaedren Lamm had forced him to lie and plant the weapon. The weapon that Gaedren had used himself. The fisherman died before he could give his official testimony, and with the key witness dead, Aerodus was set free. But even in that short time in jail was enough. A fight broke out between two others in the jail and Aerodus attempted to step in. In his arrogance he believed the two would listen to reason. For this crime, he was stabbed repeatedly by the knife the criminal had hidden from the guards. Aerodus survived, but not without a permanent change, both to his appearance and outlook. As if the Gods had not punished him enough, the Acadamae forced him to leave so that this incident would not tarnish their reputation.

Upon leaving the school, Aerodus' family attempted to take him in, but the stigma of the murder followed and he decided to leave and not burden them further. He drifted in and out of employment, picking up various menial jobs and mostly spending his time drinking and waking up in odd places. Then he found the merchant shop of Petronicus Albus The Honest, the not-so-honest side street hole in the wall, specializing in taking used items from people that would prefer food. Pet, as most people called him, needed the sharp eye of one trained in magic, but couldn't afford someone with actual skill. After Petronicus mentioned this to a friend of Aerodus, the not-quite-wizard was presented to the shop owner for employment. He spent several years working for the old merchant, aiding in distinguishing useful items from trash. In that time he's built on what little formal training he received. Recently he's decided to move on with his life since Pet has had less need of his services. And so, he's yet again found himself without a job...

The character would be a Wizard, though he can easily be played as a Witch if the party needs more single target debuffing as opposed to area effect work. He'll be a very scarred young man, both physically and emotionally. He used to be arrogant, but he's now quite a bit more humble and mostly trying to blend into the background and not be noticed.

Some notes on the character sheet:
Skills are subject to change based on the party and what second trait I pick. I'm thinking of picking up either Vagabond Child (to represent his unemployed time hanging out with disreputables) or Iron Liver from the Armory book if it's acceptable (to represent his former heavy drinking and current penchant for a drink). Languages are also up in the air based on possible tie-ins with other characters. I'm *more* than open to one of the other characters being the friend that helped Aerodus out when he was framed and when he needed a job. I've also left Feats open for now, but I'll look through the books in a bit for them. As you can see it's just a preliminary character sheet for a lot of flexibility but I'm happy to fill anything in if you'd prefer during this application process.

So, I have a couple different ideas prowling around my head, so let us begin.

Jack Allorei History:

An orphaned Half-Elf of no notable birth, Jack's earliest memories are of the Korvosa City Orphanage, wrestling with the other children and playing hide and seek. He also remembers Matron Uthgardt, a foul-tempered Half-Orc with no time for jokes and jibes. She also had a rather nasty habit. She was addicted to shiver, and late in the spring of Jack's eighth year Jack was sold to Gaedren Lamm so the Matron could continue her addiction. Thus began Jack's time as a "Little Lamm".

Jack was actually quite capable as a lamb, intelligent, charismatic, and more than a little bit of a smart-ass. This would get Jack in trouble, but then he would turn around and have what Gaedren needed before Gaedren knew he needed it. It wasn't till his 11th year, the year the dreams started, that Jack left Gaedren's service.

Jack had been sent out on another thieving mission, to go find some random bauble that might fetch a handsome price. His pickpocketing had turned up nothing, but while scrounging the dumps (as sometimes things were accidentally discarded that were worth quite a lot), Jack came across a peculiar necklace. It was tarnished, but when polished showed a mask with one side of black, the other of white. It didn't take him long to find the temple of Nethys and he stayed and listened to the sermons of the High Priest all day. When he returned to Gaedren and gave him the holy symbol, Gaedren flew into a rage. Gaedren smashed the holy symbol and beat Jack senseless. The next day he limped as best he could to the Temple of Nethys, and took shelter with the priest and acolytes.

It was during this time that Jack was training that he explained his vivid dreams to his tutor. Always it showed magic flowing into Jack, filling him with power and transforming Jack into something...else. The tutor grew quite excited, and Jack was locked away for several years in intensive lessons. Now Jack has completed his training, and would kindly like to talk to Gaedren with his fists...or his claws.

Ideally I would like to take this character through as a Synthesist Summoner. If you aren't fond of this idea, I have another character who I might be willing to take a shot with. I can type up his description at a later point if you like.

Here is my submission, Solace, a human cleric of Pharasma. She is a young woman who serves her temple by assisting with preparing bodies for their funeral rights. Solace has recently been devastated by the murder of her fiance whom she loved very dearly (Widowed trait) and she now spends much of her free time trying to find out who was responsible. I'll write up more of a background tomorrow.

"Tyr Wulfskald. That it's name?"

"Aye, slave many long years to our beloved Korvosian monarchy. Said to have been left by the Ulfen when the horde broke the Cheliaxian blockade at the Arch of Aroden, sacking Absalom port. But if you ask me, he's a creature best left forgotten. Killed anyone we put in with him. Even the Orcs."

"Tore the Greyskins to pieces didn't he. Why does the barbarian wear that metal mask?"

"To keep him from eating you. And the chains are to bind his limbs from draining your bone even of it's marrow. He'll never see the pale light of the sun again, mark my words."


Tyr Wulfskald is a barbarian human prisoner left within holding to the Varisian military. He has been there for many a year, waiting for the moment when he would taste freedom once more.

The man is savage, brutal, yet born from a noble line and honor bound to those who would set him loose from this horrifying captivity. He has long platinum blond hair, and his face is shielded by a thick silver mask. Muscular and well over six foot, he rises covered in warpaint, ready to punish Gaedren Lamm for aiding in his imprisonment and risk his life's blood to end the Curse of the Crimson Throne.


Greetings. Wulfskald is made to be the emotional ballast or hub of the party; a man of few carefully chosen words who's weight is carried through his mighty actions not merely speech. His build is adaptable to the very rhythm of his grouping, yet shall be forged into a Wolf Totem or purely Savage Barbarian given this party require a defensive or powerfully aggressive melee based addition. Eastern Standard Time is my time zone. Take care.


Hello, I'm Olondir and this is my character concept. EDT time here (Eastern US)

Lirranar, The Black Swan.

I'm imagining him as a dashing human or half-elf arcane duelist. Inquisitor with the feather domain is also an option. He belongs to a minor house in Korvosa whose sigil is a swan. He was wedded to his beautiful bethroded for barely a fortnight when she was taken from him. Stabbed to death over what appeared to be a petty robbery. He is a very moral absolutist kind of character where the ends justify the means.

Rain. Darkness. Blood. Sweat. Tears. She is still breathing, but it grows less and less. Hang on, my love But it was no use. I knew it was too late. I grasped her hands harder with mine and held her head up with my other hand. I could feel her losing grip. I kept her close. As close as any man could hold someone. Goodbye my love she said. I can still see the blood around her mouth as she struggled to say those last few words. She smiled even as we kissed. Our last kiss. She let go.

I didn't.

I tracked the son of a b*%#+ down. A name, at least.

Gaedren Lamm.

It's a start.

I'm interested in playing Qualin Lyir. He's the son of a pirate and a Taldan noble-woman (very minor noble). Pirates being pirates and all, his father wasn't around often, though he did show up every year or so to fill his son's head with stories of the open sea and adventure. After a while there were no more visits, and Qualin grew up and became a wanderer himself. His first adventure, has been tracking down his father, which has led him to Khorvosa, and a man named Lam.

There are a lot of directions the background could go, and for the most part I'm up for anywhere you would like to go with it. If you want me to specify, I'm happy to do so. Where I would like to take the character mechanically would involve his father dying, and leaving his weapons to Qualin as a strange inheritance. This may make more sense after the next paragraph.

First level would be ranger. After that he would level as a magus (I see there is another magus applicant, so not sure how to go with that) and go back and forth a bit, between ranger and magus, more magus than ranger. If you're cool with multiple archetypes (as per raw this is kosher, but I know some GMs might not be alright with the idea) he would go with the three magus archetypes that aren't the staff magus (don't have my books handy). The black blade will be his fathers sword, which tracks him down during the campaign (comes in at magus level 3, so if I'm chosen we can work out when this would happen, as if you need it delayed I can level as ranger until your ready). The athame will be the "ghost" of his father's main gauch (it's a wide bladed fencing dagger in appearance).

I can post more background if you'd like, but wanted to get something up before I go to bed. That and I normally go for a basic idea and try and let the events of the campaign shape the character more than the backstory. I'll look over the player's guide tomorrow and pick the traits.

Also, in MT time zone...though most of my gaming time is late at night.

Dark Archive

DM Duke wrote:
Jason Beardsley wrote:
What are your thoughts about words of power? Either way, Im interested. If I didn't have to go to work soon, I'd post more of an elaborate background and all that. However, for now, I am interested in playing an arcane caster. Possibly set apart from his family for something about his abilities, or maybe where he gets them.
To be quite honest, I don't know all that much about it since I don't actually own UM. I'll look over a friend's copy tomorrow, but for now go ahead and assume it'll be fine. It would be interesting to see how it runs in a game.

Thanks for giving me an opportunity to test it out myself. I know how scary it might seem at first. I'm currently GMing my RL game with one of the players playing an wordcasting oracle. Since we started at 10th level, I was scared at first, but decided to go along with it, because I was interested to see how the players liked it, and how well it "balanced" with the other casters. They're having a blast (pun intended). =)

So, I'll flesh out my PC tomorrow. I just got home from work. It's just past 3am, and I'm really tired. I look forward to playing =)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi there, it's not listed, but will the 'Sable Company Marine' Ranger archetype be allowed? I'm EDT as well.

Bare-Bones Concept - Midori Kai:
A young Tien immigrant. After the assassination of their father, the community's elders attempted to pressure Midori into an arranged marriage for shady reasons. Refusing an arranged marriage as the only way for survival, Midori and her young brother packed up and left, traveling along the trade routes. Upon reaching Korvosa, they had a slim portion of their gold/valuables left...using most of the remainder, Midori purchased a shopfront with housing on the above floor. It's been four years since their arrival - Midori's bakery is flourishing. Time has been fortunate to the siblings or so it seemed. A few months ago, her little brother vanished, and it seems like a certain individual named Gaedren Lamm is involved.

Yenrry is an archer-focused bard who became addicted to Shiver and nearly died. I've written a brief background, but I can flesh him out more if selected.

Thanks for the consideration!

Basic Background:
Yenrry is the son of a halfling sailor in Korvosa and a barmaid in one of the dock's many taverns. From a young age, he was interested more in entertaining the drunken patrons of his mother's bar than taking part in manual labor with his father. He was gifted with a golden tongue and vivid imagination. He told and reenacted stories of Korvosan adventurers - his most popular character was a cunning rogue who would steal from the thuggish drug lords and give to the poor, honest dockworkers.

When Yenrry entered adulthood, he began taking Shiver when a patron of the bar convinced him that the vivid dreams would improve his stories and increase his tips. After four years of hopeless addiction, Yenrry nearly died after an overdose. After a year of recovery and investigation, he was able to uncover that Gaedran was the one who convinced Yenrry and countless other young, poverty-stricken residents to try the drug. He is eager to seek Gaedran out and end his chokehold on the city's youth.


Would love to submit Arryn here, combat-maneuvre tank with a complete lack of either charm or common sense for consideration. You mentioned that you'd be open to a character with a connection to Lam outside of the campaign traits - how about some really low-level muscle that used to work for him before finally realizing that he was on totally the wrong side?

I did start this campaign once in another pbp, but we barely got through a couple encounters before it died, so I don't really have much player knowledge even to keep separate.

Durvin is the oldest of five, and the first to leave the nest for work. Born and raised in Korvosa he had always been enamored with the ships at sea and in the ports. He decided to go and seek employment on board the merchant ships of House Leroung. He truly felt at home on the sea and spent a few months on his first voyage.

When he returned home his family was saddened by the disappearance of his oldest sister, Mirribel. He set out in search of her, using his easy smile and friendly demeanor to find clues to lead him to her. The last he heard was something about this Gaedren Lamm using children as pickpockets. Considering others have always said that Durvin and his family had looked more like human children than halflings, the information might be worth looking into. Since the authorities don't seem too concerned, he will just have to do something about it himself.

Halfling Bard, sailor themed, looking at possibly adding Oracle of either Wind or Waves later.

I'm loving the character concepts so far, keep them coming! I think this will end up being a difficult decision.

If I select anyone without a campaign trait from the Player's Guide, we'll come up with your trait in the Discussion thread.

Aerodus Crispin:

Aerodus Crispin wrote:
I'm thinking of picking up either Vagabond Child (to represent his unemployed time hanging out with disreputables) or Iron Liver from the Armory book if it's acceptable (to represent his former heavy drinking and current penchant for a drink).

Iron Liver would be fine.


Ganny wrote:
Ideally I would like to take this character through as a Synthesist Summoner. If you aren't fond of this idea, I have another character who I might be willing to take a shot with. I can type up his description at a later point if you like.

I don't mind Synthesists, especially because I like the way you are tying it into your backstory.

Midori Kai:

Midori Kai wrote:

Hi there, it's not listed, but will the 'Sable Company Marine' Ranger archetype be allowed? I'm EDT as well.

Sure! You could do that.

I hope I've answered everyone's questions so far.

So far we have:

(Jason Beardsley) - Words of Power caster
Devrim Ornelos (Draconas) - Magus
Aerodus Crispin (Aptinuviel) - Wizard
Jack Allorei (Ganny) - Synthesist Summoner
Solace (Joy) - Cleric of Pharasma
Tyr Wulfskald (Sharp Spark) - Barbarian (needs a trait)
Lirranar (Olondir)- either an Arcane Duelist or Inquisitor
Qualin Lyir (Fraust) - Ranger/Magus
Midori Kai (Cubed414) - Ranger (Sable Company Marine archetype)
Yenrry Clockweaver (GM_ToddPBC) - Halfling Bard
Arryn Dawood (Nazard) - Fighter (needs a trait)
Durvin Tamish (Troy Malovich) - Halfling Bard

Sadly, I will be bowing out of consideration - I have decided to start up my own PBP game. You have some great concepts (I particularly like Durvin's - halfling bards FTW!). Have fun!

I have an idea for a half-orc sorcerer.

Marko is the child of a local prostitute. He never knew his father or even heard much about him. She tried to take care of him, but was never really capable of it so he's largely grown up on the street. Gaedren used him as one of his Lamms for a time, as a beggar child and later a thief. It wasn't too bad, despite the abuse, until he got a little older and started thinking about getting out. Then Gaedren caught him hiding some of the take and nearly killed him for it. Since then, he's been living even more on the margins, avoiding the Guard

Strange things have also begun happening around him, the awakening of his sorcerous blood. He'd been hoping to connect with the Cerulean Society, or at least a more respectable gang than Gaedren's, but this may lead him down another path.

Mechanics-wise I haven't decided yet whether it's worth actually starting him with one level of rogue or just going straight to sorcerer and using a trait & skills to give him the rogue flavor. It'll partly depend on whether you're interested in playing out little flashes of magic/bloodline abilities during that first level. I also still need to dig through bloodlines for something that'll work well.

Stealth and Face type skills: he's not cute, but he's a talker. Probably more of a battlefield controller/debuffer than direct damage, but that will evolve as he picks spells.

Dark Archive

Crais, human synthesist summoner:
Crais was raised in a disciplined home, his parents ever striving to teach him of the virtues of civilization, study, and structure over the barbaric savagery of anarchy, the uncivilized, and the innate magics of sorcerers, and those like them.

While trying to prepare for school exams at home, he tried to cast a simple summoning spell, and something went very wrong. Or something went very right. Upon completion of his ritual needed to cast the summoning spell, instead of a celestial dog as planned, a well-groomed canine-headed humanoid appeared. The creature offered to serve as a bodyguard when it was required of him. Crais agreed and asked the creatures name, "What would you like to call me?", and his name was given to him.

When presented with the exam, his father on the panel of judges, he recalls the ritual he performed, and summons his bodyguard. The results of this "summoning" was unexpected, surprising, and terrifying to the judges, his father reacting the worst. Outraged at what his son did, he calls for one of the judges to banish the creature. Crais tries to interfere, pleading with his father to "just listen" and explain himself. A judge quickly banishes the creature, blasting it backwards, colliding with Crais, and dissipating on contact.

Forced to leave the school, Crais shuts himself in his room, and tries summoning his bodyguard. To no affect. He begins the ritual again. Nothing comes. As he tries again, and fails, his father bursts through the door. Looking at his son, Crais's father has a look of horror and disgust on his face. "Where's my son!" he yells. "Dad, what are you talking about?" The ensuing argument leads to Crais being forced from his parents home, and make his way on his own, as well as the discovery that somehow he was the creature that he summoned.. somehow.

I see now that there's already a contender for the same thing. I could always go with my initial thought, being a wordcasting sorcerer.

Stark, human wordcasting sorcerer:

He can use the same story as Crais, replacing the bits about "summoning" with forming his own spells and tatooing himself with various symbols representing these "words".

Edit: Just disregard the character Crais. I'm sticking with Stark.

Then DM Duke, I shall leave up the Synthesist Summoner and pull up a character sheet, if you want.

Jason Beardsley: How does Stark connect to Gaedren Lamm? If you need some ideas, check out the Crimson Throne Player's Guide.

thejeff: Your character is noted.

Ganny: If you'd like to pull up a character sheet, you may. But it is not necessary since his backstory is already up.

Dark Archive


After he was forced to strike it out on his own, Stark quickly found himself being accused of murder. It was not a hard thing to do, given his undisciplined use of magic (despite his upbringing) and all his strange tattoos. Reigel, a friend of Stark's, eventually got the truth, but by then, his brief lapse at the Academae swiftly became a full expulsion.
He now trains himself, hoping one day to confront the real murderer

Here is Ruhk, consider my hat to be in the ring.

I would like to submit a human (varisian) staff magus. Don't have a name or character hset yet, but i'll work on those,

background: Framed by Lamm, he was forced to leave the academy in shame. His teachers and old friends whispered in the shadows, "thats what you get from a pureblood Varisian". Though he continues to practice his magic, he is unable to advance as quickly and as easily. A chance meeting with a wandering monk, turns him down the martial path. The monk teaches him the way of the staff and soon he begins incorporating his magic into his daily practices. As his skill improves each day, he focuses on his true goal, revenge on Lamm and the restoration of his honor.

I see him as someone values his good name and reputation. He had become blinded a bit by thoughts of revenge, and harbors a deep hatred for lamm.

Here is my magus build so far, still a work in progress.

edit: Timezone Est as well

Introducing Chavakala, a Varisian oracle with the heavens mystery and the haunted curse.


Chavakala grew up in the wagons of a Varisian caravan and fell in love with the starry night sky when she was a little girl. While other children in the caravan slept, Chavakala would slip outside and find a spot of cool, wet grass or an isolated boulder where she could lay down and watch the skies for hours at a time. "Touched by the stars," the elders in the caravan said.

When she was 7, strange breezes, sounds, lights, and shadows began to manifest around Chavakala, especially at night. Whispers that no one else could hear teased at her mind. At first, the sights, sounds and feel of these mysterious spirits threated to drive her mad. She was only able to find peace by losing herself meditating in the night sky. But, after a time, she began to find some semblance of control. The spirits still grabbed at her and manifested at bad times, but Chavakala also began to gain a measure of control and in time found she was sometimes able to control them to move small objects or create sounds.

As she moved into her teenage, years, other unusual powers manifested. First, an ability to gather the spirits around her in a starry coat. A couple years later, when her younger sister was threatened by a Sczarni thug, she found the ability to gather the spirits around a foe to bring a chill so deep that it nearly killed him.

But none of her abilities were able to help during a fateful caravan trip to Korvosa. In two short weeks, Chavakala's sister deteriorated from a bright, happy, young 14-year old to a shivering husk. Chavankala and the entire caravan were devastated when she passed away. Searching her things, Chavakala discovered a mostly used vial of a strange liquid and after asking around, found that the substance was shiver, a terribly addictive drug.

Chavakala swore she would find out who was responsible for the terrible death of her sister. When the caravan left town a couple weeks after her sister's death, she remained behind, determined to avenge her. It didn't take long for her to discover the immediate source. She learned that her sister had taken a liking to the same Sczarni thug that Chavakala had faced in a prior trip to Korvosa. This time, she didn't stop the spirits from killing him.

But, before he passed, Chavakala learned another name. Gaedren Lamm. The Sczarni's source for Shiver. And she vowed that she would bring down the entire vile enterprise that brought about her sister's doom.

(Timezone is usually CST)

Dark Archive

I see you have plenty of applicants. Who shall make the cut?

My time zone is EST, btw.

Fleshing out Solace a bit more. Here is some background on her campaign trait, I took Widowed.

Widowed Background:
For several generations the women of Solace's family have felt the calling to become clerics of Pharasma, so it was only natural that she would follow the same path and devote herself to The Lady of the Graves.

Despite her youth and small size, Solace had been trying her best to rise above all the other apprentices at the Temple with the goal in mind to one day rise to the title of High Priestess. She did manage to find time amongst her duties to fall deeply in love with a young man who was in the city guard and had plans to one day rise up to captain of the watch. Solace and Jorn's plan to marry was destroyed when he was killed attempting to foil a kidnapping that he happened upon while off duty. Solace had been coming to meet up with him for dinner and she arrived just as he died. She was devastated and felt that her whole world was destroyed and dearly wants those responsible for his death to pay for it with their own lives.

Since her passion goes against the neutral nature of her faith, Solace has been trying to track down the murderers on her own. Her latest lead turned up the name of Lamm, a man known for his taking of children for slaves.

ADT, one zone east of EDT for me.

Oh, forgot about the timezone thing. I'm EST.

Given the campaign trait of Missing son or daughter.

"What's that brand on the brute's leg?"

"You mean the self mutilation, the dots. Some sort of Ulfen hunter code. 'S bout family. Old Deadeye, their God Erastil."

"Like I give a toss about the Stag."

"Well that ancient buck watches the Ulfen blood like their own chieftain. The reaching lines indicate horns, and the central circular symbol might suggest protection, safety, and family. I'm betting good copper that whatever Wolfskald in down in this muck for.. it's over a relative that's come up missing. Couldn't take that raider's run back to the safety of Irrisen or worse."

Does timezone matter? EST if so.

Well, since the worst thing that can happen is that my character does not get picked, I will submit Iolana, a vanilla Varisian bard.

Iolana is what would could be considered classically beautiful. She has attractive features and a voluptuous build, but a conversation with this matron will give the impression that her quick wit, extensive vocabulary and distinctive voice are a fairer testament to her character than her appearance. Iolana is slightly older than her contemporaries, having spent the golden days of her adolescence and young adulthood in the variable bliss of matrimony and managing her husband's growing share in their clan's caravan trade.

In the fleeting moments of quiet as her tapered fingertips slid her embroidery needle across cool muslin while their first child quickened in her belly, Iolana allowed herself to fantasize about the creature comforts associated with settling in the city, particularly a stationary roof over her head and access to superior medical care for the birth. She was already so many years older than her sister, Tauni when she started, and she had lost two of her children. As the birth neared, her doting husband announced that he had successfully negotiated terms to sell rarer items at the market of Korvosa on a trial basis, intending to diversify their holdings as Iolana had oft times suggested given the increasing frequency of their trade with their land-bound oousins. Iolana afforded herself the guilty pleasure of indulging the various aches and pains associated with late term pregnancy in the large bed a sympathetic maid had clean and fluffed especially for her while her husband scouted the location of their future dealings.

When Eugeni did not return for supper that evening, Iolana became uneasy. The nourishment she accepted for the sake of their child was flat, bordering on vile compared to their typical fare, as though every bite turned to ash on her tongue. She paced just outside the door for what seemed hours, antagonized by the poor performance of the traveling player in the common room, wishing there were more that she could do. She had always known her husband's sense of direction to be wanting, but his natural charm and his prominent Chelish look inspired affiable Samaritans to assist him wherever they traveled. When dark fell, Iolana reluctantly terminated her vigil to resume it in their rooms, and though she knew each of the entries in the ledger documenting the history of each of their purchases and their appraised worth, that knowledge was of little comfort to her in the hours before she fell into an uneasy state of sleep.

Iolana woke to a rude summons, and after securing her traveling cloak around all but the most prominent swell of her belly, admitted a pair of Korvosa's city guard. Flanked by the laconic pair, Iolana stoically identified Eugeni's corpse and after a few hard moments, the soiled remains of the gift he had purchased for her, a bolt of richly embroidered tian silk he promised, sure that their daughter would be a healthy and robust tribute to her mother's beauty. Missing, Iolana noted in a dry voice, was the ring her own father had fashioned for his only son on the occasion of their marriage, a artfully sculpted and battered platinum band set with a large, peerless garnet meant to celebrate Eugeni's acceptance into the clan. It was the only piece of jewelry Eugeni ever agreed to wear regularly.

As Eugeni insisted, Iolana delivered a healthy girl some weeks later, and remained in her parents wagon just long enough to watch her bold blue eyes turn to Eugeni's amber hue, strengthening Iolana's resolve to return to the city and locate and bring her husband's murderer to justice. She placed the babe under the protection and guidance of the clan's Eldest, the blind crone who had made overtures to train Iolana in her adolescence who inexplicably became recalcitrant when she began her flirtation with Eugeni.

In terms of demeanor, Iolana is generally gregarious and pleasant to converse with. Her wit is sharp, and is capable of expressing unpopular opinions in creative and unassuming ways. Despite appearances of "abandoning" her child, she has a strong sense of duty to her family that will likely extend to the party unit. Her greatest strength is in the social arena, in particular navigating around it to uncover information, and her dealings in the business and crafting trade have given her some knowledge of those elements as well. I imagine that her primary occupation at the start of the campaign will be as a seamstress tied to the opera in some way, only revealing her true inclination for performance art when prevailed upon.

Letsee, if it is not made entirely clear by the above, Iolana will primarily provide support. Each of her mental statistics will be above average, reflecting her ability to reason, and her particular brand of patience as well as her ability to entertain. The daughter of a craftsman and wife of a merchant, she recognizes the virtue of crafting as well as the fiscal opportunities. Iolana will not be a combatant, but with a host of intelligent spells at her disposal, she will ensure that the party will be able to respond to and solve challenges quickly and efficiently.

We already have a bunch of applicants, so I'm going to leave this open until tomorrow morning and will then make my decision. If anyone else wants to apply, please do so now!

I am seriously going to have a hard time deciding I think...

Dark Archive

I think we all understand that not all of us are going to be picked. That's just the way it is. Good luck to everyone! =)

Yeah, good luck and fun games.

Aye, luck to everyone who has applied!

If Iolana makes it, and there is a void where a dedicated arcane or divine caster could be more useful, I may adjust class for mystic thurge. Character background and concept are solid enough - intelligent support caster.

Finished up on Devrim's background which can be found on my profile or below.

Born into the power and prestige of House Ornelos, Devrim was the youngest child of Navara Ornelos, youngest sister to Toff Ornelos. At an early age, much was expected of Devrim as an Ornelos. His family is one of the prime movers in Korvosa with many of them in high seats of power as advisors, magistrates, and administrators. Somehow though, Devrim excelled at every opportunity in disappointing his House.

His uncle and others in the family pressured him to study at the Acadamae, specializing in one of the schools of magic taught there. His father wanted his son to be strong and confident over being a font of vast knowledge, so he enrolled him in Orsini Academy under its esteemed sword master. Devrim attempted to please them all by studying long into the night at the Acadamae and working the sword forms during all his breaks. This lack of total commitment to his studies infuriated his uncle with Devrim taking many more than one tongue-lashing from Toff. His study of the arcane arts drew the disgust of his father who had less and less to do with his own son as time went on.

All this stress on his body and mind would eventually drive Devrim into the use of drugs to ease his troubles. It started off mildly enough as substances that provided a slight hallucinogenic effect to those that helped relax the user. Eventually, it progressed to the point of harder substances such as most recently, Shiver to improve the few hours of sleep he was able to gain a day. His supplier, a scummy criminal by the name of Gaedren Lamm, promised that Shiver would ease his worries with few side effects as Lamm took the steady stream of gold that Devrim placed in his hands. The young noble grew more and more addicted to Shiver as he used an increasingly stronger dose with each use.

After a high dose of tainted Shiver purchased from Lamm, the boundaries between dreams and waking, hallucinations and reality briefly blurred for Devrim. By the time he came down from his bad trip, he had accidently slain one of his fellow students at the Acadamae. Officially, he should have been arrested and tried but his family connections were able to have the charges dropped to a mere dueling accident. Unofficially, he was censured by House Ornelos and expelled from its holdings for an unspecified amount of time, in essence banished from his family. The honor and prestige of his rank stripped away from him in so brief a moment, Devrim struggled with becoming clean once more. The final step in his plan to sobriety was to hunt down his own personal demon, personified in his ex-dealer Lamm, and maybe regain a little of his stolen honor in the process.

I'd just like to point out to everyone here that I'm going to be running a Rise of the Runelords game as well. I'll be making the decision on those characters tomorrow as well, so if you'd like to apply there too, please do.

I'm going to give preference to folks who apply both here and there. You all have such great ideas and talent, I'd like to give you another shot. With 16 applicants, I can only choose 5 here, so I can at least bring in another five over there.

Thanks and good luck!

Rise of the Runelords recruitment.

Forgot to mention I'm EST as well.

I just got into a Carroion Crown campaign, and will be starting my own PbP here I think it best that I resign from this. Really wish I had the time for this and the RotRl game as well...Maybe after summer classes are over you'll have a spot open.

I am PST, but can post pretty freely as I work nights.

Shaped up Midori's background a bit more. I left her attendance at Endrin Military Academy open - I wasn't sure how you'd like to incorporate that if Midori is chosen.

Midori Kai - the story:
Through the eyes of a passing citizen in Korvosa, Midori appears as a rather unique-looking young woman. Framed by her jet black hair, her almond-shaped eyes sparkle of the lightest hue of jade. Her exotic appearance has an uncanny ability to capture the attention of those staring at her odd looks.

“Isn’t that the girl that runs that odd bakery in Midland? Their breads and sweets look strange, but I’ve seen the usual nobles flocking around it lately. Wait…that’s an Endrin Military Academy uniform she’s wearing, must be another of her kind…”

A young woman. An immigrant. A baker. Midori Kai could be labeled as all of these, but she was in the process of obtaining another label, but that’s not how she looked at it. Ever since she was a child, she has dreamed about her hair blowing around while she soared through the sky. She thought it would remain only as a dream that she used to occupy herself through the stuffiness and the daily rituals of her home life. As one of two children (and the only daughter), Midori’s child life wasn’t as smooth as most would believe. Having lost her mother during a miscarriage, Midori only had her grandmother as a feminine influence. Pulled into two different directions by her father and her grandmother, she learned martial combat styles while also learning how to become the ideal wife. While she seemed to do well at most of the challenges thrown at her, Midori had great talent at two things: baking and archery. These two talents turned out to be Midori’s greatest passions.

Tensions between the territorial lords in Tian-Min were escalating. One would hear reports of villages and towns swiftly changing leadership after a mass assassination of the previous ruling family. It was one of those occurrences that everyone knew happened yet still placed it out of their minds - Oh, that would never happen here. Fate proved these thoughts wrong, at least for Midori’s village. It started at night: guards disappearing…until shouts were heard, notifying the estate’s occupants that something was amiss. In her bedchambers, Midori had already risen and began fitting her armor on as her grandmother frantically ran in, dragging Midori’s young brother behind her. Against her will, it all happened in a flash - crying and hugging her grandmother as the elderly woman pushed both of them towards a safe way out. Dashing into the countryside, Midori only had time for a quick glance behind her to see the warm glow of flames surrounding her childhood home.

Traveling along the trade routes, the siblings fortunately found a merchant caravan that would allow their accompaniment for a small trade of a few of the family heirlooms that they had hastily packed before fleeing. They spent a year on the road until they happened upon a “city of opportunity.” Using the most of their remaining family heirlooms and coins, Midori purchased a shop-front with housing on the above floor in hopes of cementing a life anew.

It's been four years since the gates of Korvosa met Midori Kai and her brother, Toshio Kai. Time has been fortunate to the siblings or so it seemed. A few months ago, Midori panicked when she returned home from the military academy. She found the bakery’s doors open to the street. Inside, signs of a struggle were evident - her brother gone. Midori hurried to the Korvosan Guard but left infuriated and repulsed when told that they would look into the matter when they could. Midori scoured the city for any signs of Toshio, but all leads led nowhere, except for one. It was rumored that a local crime lord was using children as pickpockets throughout the city. His name was Gaedren Lamm, and he chose the wrong person to cross.

Silver Crusade

A Cleric of Pharesma enters the room. His story is in his profile.

GMT +1 at the moment, in the winter just plain old GMT

Ok, the decision has been made. Would the following please report to the discussion thread:

Devrim Ornelos - Magus
Solace - Cleric of Pharasma
Tyr Wulfskald - Barbarian
Jack Allorei - Synthesist Summoner
Aerodus Crispin - Wizard

Link to the Discussion Thread is here.

Thank you to everyone who applied. You made my job very difficult!

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