Recruiting for Kingmaker PbP...will run 1 maybe 2 groups

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Ok...since there is a lot of interest I will start a Kingmaker PbP.
Characters will be a 20 point buy
Average starting wealth
2 traits one of them campaign related.
Stick to Core, AP, UM, and Ultimate Combat.
I will leave this open until Saturday at midnight EST, upon which I will make my decisions.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

I'd recommend one really good group. Kingmaker takes some dedication and a lot of time to manage. We've been playing our PBP for over a year and we're still in the first book.

Dark Archive

I am interested in getting into one of your groups. I would like to submit an Aldori Swordlord (fighter) by the name of Leithbridge Gravenhurst.


Leithbridge Gravenhurst was born the third son of four children to a Brevan noble family. His father's role for all of his sons was clearly spelled out. Leithbridge's oldest brother, Lysander, will inherit all titles and estates. His second brother, Ruthier, was sent to study the arcane arts. Leithbridge himself was expected to become a priest, whereas his little sister, Telmaine, was to be of use to the family in catching the eye of another prominent noble family scion and garner yet more wealth and prestige. Still, a noble's son should be educated and Leithbridge was schooled in his letters and sums as well as taught the skill of arms in the traditional Aldori way. Of course, living in the capital city of Restov ensured the best of tutors. Thus, it was Leithbridge's desire to join the vaunted ranks of the Aldori Swordmasters that brought him to this point.

His mother, a noble daughter of House Medvyed, taught her children many of her family's customs and traditions. Her lessons included graceful interaction with the courts of the fae, a respect for nature and the skills to thrive in the wilderness, her family's upholding of the ancient ways of Curchanus, and how to find their way through the deepest wilds. Of them, Leithbridge and Telmaine took his mother's teachings to heart, venerating the wild places, the fae and the memory of Curchanus.

While Leithbridge was daring and a natural leader amongst his childhood friends, leading them on grand adventures reminiscent of an early Brevoy; Telmaine seemed born to nature. From the way Sylvan trilled off her tongue, to her unerring insight into the mysteries of nature, Telmaine expressed the ancient myths of the Medveyed family having been born of the first world.

Upon his coming of age, Leithbridge had decided that the priesthood wasn't for him. Having failed to change his father's mind, Leithbridge stole away during the night, taking only those belongings he could carry. He knew his mother would understand and with her gentle way she would avoid the lightning and thunder that would be his father’s invection. On his way through the manor, Leithbridge passed a portrait of one of his esteemed forebearers, an original Taldan pioneer and one of the founders of Brevoy, a student of the Baron Sirian Aldori himself, and one of Leithbridge's personal heroes. His ancestor's dueling sword, mounted below the portrait for as long as Leithbridge could remember, reminded him that he had nothing more than the paired daggers his father insisted all of his sons wear at all times to call his own. As no one ever used the sword and since, to Leithbridge's way of thinking, he was pursuing the path of his ancestor, he removed the sword and took it with him. The only pang of regret Leithbridge felt at his departure was a sense of abandoning Telmaine. As consolation (and truthfully, to assuage his guilt) he promised to come back to rescue her once he has secured his fame and fortune.

Here we find Leithbridge Gravenhurst, on his own and wishing to put distance between himself and his family. The opportunity to explore uncharted lands and possibly make a name for himself are just what he desires.

This is drayen's character submission

Alright, this'll be the last PbP to which I apply. I'd love to give Kingmaker another go now that I can view google docs and whatnot.

I propose Sigurd Mjornson, a LG human (Ulfen) inquisitor of Erastil.

Sigurd's father was a proud warrior in the Land of the Linnorm Kings, but after the birth of his son (Sigurd), he began to fear that a foe's spear or an errant arrow might take him from his family, so he decided it was time to move to a region not so steeped in violence. He had heard of the River Kingdoms, a land where a man might make a life and a name for himself. He'd heard about the banditry and men of low character, but figured it would be a good place to settle down, begin farming, and still exercise his sword arm now and again.

Unfortunately, the presence of the brigands there was much stronger than he had anticipated, and not long after constructing his first home, his family was pushed northward by the rampant banditry. He began to settle once more, and once more was pushed back. This continued until Sigurd's family found themselves in Southern Brevoy. By this time, Sigurd was in his formative years, and had grown used to frequent travel and life far from civilization, so when they began to integrate into a small farming community, he found he was a bit of a social pariah.

He contributed using the skills his father had taught him, though, joining the militia and participating in many successful hunts. The aid he gave to his community earned him the attention of the local priest of Erastil, who considered grooming the lad as his successor. For his own part, Sigurd appreciated the teaching of Old Deadeye, but had no interest in serving in a church. He was more concerned with action, and in defending his community from the ever-present beasts and bandits wandering in from the Stolen Lands. He would serve Erastil, but in his own way.

Between Sigurd's skill at arms and the training his father brought to the town's militia, the town became one of the most stable settlements in the region. No single gang of bandits could assail them, and this fact earned the village the ire of numerous thugs. A few larger gangs formed a tentative alliance and planned an assault on the town, greedy for the wealth they had accumulated over these last years of safe living. The attack came when Sigurd was out hunting, and so he was saved from death on a bandit's blade. When he returned, he found the bandits gone and the village burning. His family and the priest beneath whom he had mentored both lay dead, and he found the handful of survivors looking to him. Reluctantly, they gathered what supplies they could, and headed north once more.

Sigurd has spent the last several years in Restov trying to unburden himself, but finds it difficult to settle down - he simply has nothing to cling to, no place to truly call home. When he heard the call from the Swordlords to purge the bandits from the south, he saw his chance. His family has been long buried, but this is an opportunity to take back something familiar, to find a home once more. For Sigurd, the term Stolen Lands has a very personal connotation.

Sigurd is built as an archer, though later on he should make a passable warrior in melee combat. He's a skilled survivalist, and will be at home in the wilderness. Also makes a good tertiary healer.

Actually, after giving it some thought, I'll withdraw my name. I'm in 2 pbps as it is, and about to start running one myself. Don't want to bite off more than I can chew and end up burning out on it.

I am very interested. I have a diviner that I had originally intended for an ongoing Kingmaker game anyway. I need to make a few changes and then I'll post him.

I offer Xerell for your pbp. He is a Half-elf inquisitor of Calistra. All his info is in the alias. Let me know if you have any questions or if I need to change anything.

Thx in advance for your consideration.

I'll toss my hat in the ring.

I'll post stats for Torillan Ellandilas, Elven Fighter later today. A master with the Elven Curved Blade, he hails from Kyonin.

I had forgotten that I had built him using traits from the Pathfinder Companions (Elves and Adventurer's Armory, to be specific).

Which leads me to my question: Are Traits from other sources to be allowed? I realize one must be campaign specific.

Just curious. Not a huge deal, just that Torillan was built around his heirloom weapon (he is 4th generation to possess it).

Let me know. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Hello, I'd like to put forward Katya Volkv for your consideration. General idea is to go wizard and use Eldritch Heritage feats to slowly introduce a draconic bloodline that dwells within her family history.

Background: A woman of sharp intellect and driving passion. Heavily influenced by the death of her parents during an Inquisitor raid on her home town to remove a cult dedicated to the destructive side of the god Nethys, she was orphaned and taken to a wizards college at a very young age after an occult symbol of Nethys was found scarred into her back, she has been heavily influenced by the loss of her noble status and feels slighted by fate at times. She believes she is entitled to more than what she has been given and that can make her seem abrasive. However, like most wizards, her pursuit of knowledge will generally come before most other concerns though her emotions can flip back and forth between hatred towards a world that she feels has wronged her and a curiosity to understand more of it.

Personality: Being from a noble family without any claim to her blood right and raised among wizards and nobles children, she is sensitive about certain subjects of her life. She attempts to exude an aura of nobility that sits awkwardly on her shoulders. In the pursuit of knowledge she is singularly focused and will lose herself in her studies if allowed to.

Appearance: A green eyed, red haired woman with tanned skin, a strong hint of strange blood runs in her veins as her eyes are slanted upwards and the pupils have an almost cat-like slit. She wears scholarly robes of soft silk with embroidered images down the right side and skirt. A red sash wraps around her waist and holds under the folded cloth her myriad pouches. Her pack bulges with the amount of things kept inside of it and she always smells faintly of jasmine and sulfur.

Kingmaker: Learning of the chance to study the mysteries of the Stolen Lands is too good an opportunity for Katya to miss out on so she has decided to sign up with the expeditions being sent south. Also, in the back of her mind she has begun to formulate possible plans to regain the good graces of the nobility in this venture, and perhaps convince King Noleski Surtova to give her back her title.

Though monks aren't common in the region, I'd like to put forth Amun for consideration. He was originally created for an Osirion-based campaign, but he could be travelling to Brevoy to serve as a bodyguard for a politician or as a missionary with the goal of spreading the physical and mental teachings of Irori. If there's room/desire for a monk, I'll gladly update his background and traits.

I'm interested! I will submit a character a bit later, if you don't mind (my morning is fairly busy, at the moment). I'm thinking of a rogue . . . or possibly a bard or cavalier (I'm going for a fairly "social" character).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm interested as well, and will come back in a few to submit my druid concept for the game.

And another attempt for Gurthock to become King.

Sovereign Court

I would like to play too. I would submit most probably a Fighter or Magus Character.

I will make the character, and will type out the concept here, when i get back from work.

I'd like to submit Saarah, sorcerer of Calistra for your consideration, she's currently level two but I can easily re-work her. She's going to eventually work towards Dragon Disciple.

Sovereign Court

Oh, question, do we make alias characters for this? Because i have a Taldan guy..

J. Cayne here. This is the diviner, should be more or less done except for gear, and arcane bond/familiar. If you have any suggestions or tweaks to make him a better fit they are more than welcome. Is there any other information you would like that might help you make your decision?

<----- Druid. Click the avatar for stats.

Late edit*** He's from Umok and has a fear of Fire (see Gnomes of Golarion for Umok).

Hama here, this is the Alias i will be using for the character if you choose me to play.

EDIT: Stats are up in the profile. Just click on my evatar.

Also, bio is being written and will be done tomorrow most probably.

@Drayen: Reading your character's bio made me really want to create Telmaine as a PC for this. Would you be game for Leithbridge's little sis joining the group? I don't have a full write-up yet, but I was thinking of making her a fellow Medvyed, but a nature-focused bard or rogue (to play up the idea that she was originally meant to be "married off"). I thought it might be kind of fun, and I like it when PCs are siblings, sometimes! What do you think?

Torillan Ellandilas wrote:

I had forgotten that I had built him using traits from the Pathfinder Companions (Elves and Adventurer's Armory, to be specific).

Which leads me to my question: Are Traits from other sources to be allowed? I realize one must be campaign specific.

Just curious. Not a huge deal, just that Torillan was built around his heirloom weapon (he is 4th generation to possess it).

Let me know. Thanks!

Yea I see no problem with an heirloom weapon trait.

Jason Packer 445 wrote:
I'm interested as well, and will come back in a few to submit my druid concept for the game.

Updated with a bare character sheet in my profile - too new to change the name on the profile, but she's in there. Backstory to follow.

I've wanted to try Kingmaker for awhile now. So here's a candidate:

Sergei is a human rogue from one of the northern cities in Brevoy. He's come south to avoid some trouble he'd gotten into. This expedition is an even better cover.
He's charming and friendly and it's usually not until much later that you realize you've listened to his stories and answered his questions and learned almost nothing about him.
He'll take the scout and spy archetypes and will be able to fill at least some of the Face role as well as Skirmishing and Skills.

I'll work up stats tonight or tomorrow along with some more background.

Ok, here is a brief Bio for Marton Hesk. He lived in Restov all his life, always looking up to swordsmen and wizards. He applied for both, in hopes that he could somehow be a good warrior and a competent wizard. He was scorned by both sides for the other choice.
He came back to work for his father, a blacksmith. Parents got severely injured, and Marton wowed revenge against a man who set fire to the house because of unpaid debts.
Marton's uncle, a Magus came to Restow in order to take care of the family business, and saw the potential in Marton. He trained him for several years, all the while, Marton kept looking for the arsonist. He finaly found out that the man ran across the border into a wild part of river kingdoms, and decided immediately to follow. The sharter from the swordlords came as a godsend. He is prepared and will go to make his future.

EDIT: Bio, appearance and personality added to the profile.

Hope you like it.

Dark Archive

Rhys Grey wrote:
@Drayen: Reading your character's bio made me really want to create Telmaine as a PC for this. Would you be game for Leithbridge's little sis joining the group? I don't have a full write-up yet, but I was thinking of making her a fellow Medvyed, but a nature-focused bard or rogue (to play up the idea that she was originally meant to be "married off"). I thought it might be kind of fun, and I like it when PCs are siblings, sometimes! What do you think?

I am flattered that you were inspired by my background. Please, do make Telmaine! I am interested to see where you take her. I think character ties are the best way to bring parties together. Hopefully, our GM will think so, too.

Erefine wrote:
Torillan Ellandilas wrote:

I had forgotten that I had built him using traits from the Pathfinder Companions (Elves and Adventurer's Armory, to be specific).

Which leads me to my question: Are Traits from other sources to be allowed? I realize one must be campaign specific.

Just curious. Not a huge deal, just that Torillan was built around his heirloom weapon (he is 4th generation to possess it).

Let me know. Thanks!

Yea I see no problem with an heirloom weapon trait.

Awesome! Here then is the build for Torillan...

I've had two ideas for summoners that I've been wanting to try for awhile. I'm leaning heavily toward Master Summoner, but brood master has a lot of appeal also.

The broodmaster has more backstory at the moment. However it's all in my head presently. I think half elf or human. Basically she was isolated for some reason and had "imaginary friends" who turned out to be real. She couldn't find friends so she made them. ;-)

Master summoner would be a halfling, perhaps with a bit of a napoleon complex. With DM's permission she would have a curse where he was permanently shrunk per reduce person. This would help with the "fey" flavor I'm going for. Her edilion would act as a mount mostly, but maybe with some other fun stuff. Her personality is much larger than her small frame would otherwise lead one to believe. The difference is she can summon stuff larger than herself to great effect. She has a tendency to summon earth elementals to smack around anyone who picked on him/her.

If either of these have a chance of making the cut let me know and I'll flesh them out better.

Check my profile for other characters. My "main" game is an Osirion game where I play a 15th level conjurer (teleport school) and the other I play a halfling rogue named Cousin Schmitty. I'm a very active player with a very open schedule and will be able to post several times a day if the game is so paced. Also am a very experienced gamer with 15+ years of XP. I've never played a summoner, but they look fun.

Let me know.


I would like to put my name up for consideration. This adventure path looks intense and fascinating, and I would like to try my hand at it.

My character would be William Flynn, some details of whom you can see on his profile under my name. He starts as a Human Ranger, but don't take from that preconceived notions about what the character is able to do. (He will be more of a skills character than a primary combatant.) He is quick-witted, with a sharp tongue, and he cannot wait to make a name for himself. His revised stats, along with a complete backstory, will be up tomorrow. (Save for any necessary fine-tuning.)

I am currently playing in one other PBP as Karek Kogan. I have plenty of experience, and I like to keep conversation going. I've been very excited for this character concept. Good luck, everybody!

This is Tiny Coffee Golem. Here is my placeholder for the brood master I'm building. I'm working on it as we speak. I should be fleshed out by Saturday night.

Vesta was a feral child found at approximately five years old sleeping in an otherwise secret Druid grove. She has no memory of before that. She has a mastiff like edilion that is presumed to have something to do with why she survived in the wild at such a young age.

That's all I have so far. I like it though, :-)

Given Name: Smendor Iron-Face
Class: Fighter
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: NG
Age: 65
Height: 4’2’’
Weight: 188lb

STR: 16
DEX: 12
CON: 16
INT: 13
WIS: 16
CHA: 8

Militant Merchant (Dwarf)
Noble Born: (Garess)

Weapon Focus

Key skills at level 1:
Since Motive
Profession (Merchant)

Smendor is well groomed. He has a strong demeanor. He is not much of a leader, but he knows what needs to be done on the backend.

Smendor is very dry and to the point. He does his job and he really does not give a flip if anyone does not like him.


Smendor was born into a merchant family from the town of Brunderton. His father Morvack Iron-Face was a road warrior of the region. He was the founder of several long term trade agreements between his small privet mercantile establishment, and many of the surrounding towns.
Morvack took his small economic advantage to send his son Smendor to a formal education. Smendor took this opportunity very seriously, but he was not really accepted, and that caused him to get into a lot of fights. He lasted about 2 years at the academy, before he finally decided he was going to leave. Strangely enough he had some of the best score in the school for his group.

He left thinking those two year where a complete waste of time, but before he could leave for the trip home he was confronted by a young member of the Garess family. Morgan McGregor of house Garess was a tall very charismatic individual that had a very strong influence with the ladies of the area. Morgan was very low in the noble line so he had no hope of ever really making it anywhere without hard work.

Morgan toke a chance and he was really worried so he went looking for help. Morgan new that Smendor had a lot of natural talent when it came to the mercantile field, and also a good right cross so he went right to the point. He asked Smendor to help him make a trade before he left town. He told Smendor that he knew a guy that knew a guy that had a great opportunity, but the deal was looking so shady Morgan wanted some muscle.

Morgan made the right move getting a dwarf for the trade. The other group was attempting to push gold planted metal bars.
To this day Smendor and Morgan are an inseparable team, but they need to expand their business, so getting someone into the Stolen Lands is their next move.

I built him for the mercantile field so he should really work as the treasurer, but I think the stat block works for others as needed.

I will change the stuff as needed to match your game.

Here is William Flynn for your perusal. His backstory and a character sheet with the important details are included. I will keep editing the page, regardless of whether I'm chosen, but some details are left blank so I can coordinate our needs with other players.

The short story: William Flynn is an unrecognized bastard of House Surtova who was raised as a hunter. A charming smile and a razor-sharp wit are his defense mechanisms,and he turned down a position at the Arcanamirium to join the expedition to the Stolen Lands. He is out to prove his own worth, find his nobility, and maybe stick it to his father, out there somewhere.

His role in the party is to be the face or the skill-master. He can provide some combat support with his skill in archery.

Background summary finished.

As an aside, perhaps my character could be worked in as a bodyguard for a noble character (I think some submissions had that element in their backgrounds).

Anyway, just a thought...

I hope I get picked!!

The profile has most of a character sheet and more bio.

I'll fill out the rest of the details, equipment and stuff, if selected.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Applying with a whiskey-chugging, cigar-smoking, bounty-hunting, butt-pinching, trend-setting, fashionista-diva, female dwarven gunslinger originally from Alkenstar but vacationing in Rostland for the moment.

@Dorana: You actually shorted yourself 1 point in your point buy. (Love all the adjectives by the way. That's what drew me to check out the pc. Good stuff!) :)

Javell DeLeon wrote:
@Dorana: You actually shorted yourself 1 point in your point buy. (Love all the adjectives by the way. That's what drew me to check out the pc. Good stuff!) :)

So I did. Thanks for the catch.

Shadow Lodge

Placeholder until I get home from work this morning for my Bard

He'll be more mercenary/battlefield controller than anything, and somewhat of a cynic.

Dorana Maerg wrote:
Applying with a whiskey-chugging, cigar-smoking, bounty-hunting, butt-pinching, trend-setting, fashionista-diva, female dwarven gunslinger originally from Alkenstar but vacationing in Rostland for the moment.

"Vacationing" in Rostland...

Brilliant... ;-)

FYI: Players have been picked on a different thread. Sorry all.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
FYI: Players have been picked on a different thread. Sorry all.

Different OP's??...This one was done by Erefine, the other by immirtl (sp?)..

Anyhoo, we'll see...

I may be confused. Dain GM is running the one I'm referring to. His thread says "ignore the other thread." I thought this was the "other thread." I could be wrong.

Yes you are but its okay we all make mistakes.

Saarah wrote:
Yes you are but its okay we all make mistakes.

My bad. Disregard. *runs back to breakroom to make more coffee*

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Saarah wrote:
Yes you are but its okay we all make mistakes.
My bad. Disregard. *runs back to breakroom to make more coffee*

No worries! BTW, I take 2 sugars in mine...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Color me interested! Been looking for a chance to play Kingmaker for some time now, and the player submissions here are fun to read, so I'll add mine to the pile.

The short version for those who don't click through to profiles:

Zeljka the Half-Orc Magus is a larger-than-life personality who enjoys off-color jokes, a good cold drink or five after a hard day of violent mercenary work and chases after things she wants with abandon and without subtlety (mostly men she likes the look of). Raised poor in Old Korvosa by a human man, she left behind a life of criminal enterprise and steady employment for intermittent mercenary work on the roads of Golarion, and has developed a taste for playing the Big Damn Hero!

Recently, an adoptive brother of hers, Trayvond, was in the Brevoy area looking for rare alchemical reagents (he's an Alchemist). He's a prolific letter writer, and possesses magic to send them quickly, so when the family back home hadn't gotten any in two weeks "Dad" contacted Zeljka and told her to go north and look for her brother.

She grumbled but obeyed. She was bored anyway. The Magus headed north, in search of sibling and an excuse to get paid while looking for him.

since I've already been selected for 2 kingmaker campaigns I'm going to withdraw my application, good luck to everyone else though.

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