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If Damian is Robin and Dick is Nightwing... Where is Tim? And Jason? I hope Jason is back to being dead
Nope. Red Hood and the Outlaws is one of the new titles.
but I like Tim, he's the Robin I grew with... And I don't really care for Barbara as Batgirl, I still like Cassie better. Or even Steph. Barbara as Oracle was the best hacker/computer expert on a world of supergenius, as Batgirl she is just another bat-themed hero. And without Oracle the Birds of Prey don't even have a reason to exist.
"The Birds of Prey are Gotham City’s covert ops team, taking down the villains other heroes can’t touch." Wait. The villains that, say, Metropolis' heroes can't touch, is something I could find plausible. The villains that Batman can't touch? What does that even mean??

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"The Birds of Prey are Gotham City’s covert ops team, taking down the villains other heroes can’t touch." Wait. The villains that, say, Metropolis' heroes can't touch, is something I could find plausible. The villains that Batman can't touch? What does that even mean??
Maybe they're all incorporeal? :)

VM mercenario |

"The Birds of Prey are Gotham City’s covert ops team, taking down the villains other heroes can’t touch." Wait. The villains that, say, Metropolis' heroes can't touch, is something I could find plausible. The villains that Batman can't touch? What does that even mean??
And if they are going to kill these villain, covert ops and all that, wouldn't Batman hunt them down?
Also just saw the image for the Teen Titans and... I can't even express how goddawful the thing looks...

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

I had a brief, shining moment where I could pretend that was Misfit on the cover of Batgirl. Please leave me to my delusions (not that I think Misfit should be Batgirl, I just don't want to think about the alternatives). (But Gail Simone is writing it? Hm.)
Birds of Prey doesn't necessarily look that bad, at a glance. The description is vague. Who is that on the cover--that's definitely Black Canary there. Can't figure if the planty redhead is Poison Ivy or Rose/Thorn (the latter of whom makes a little more sense and has been in BoP before). The Katana chick looks familiar but a name isn't coming to me. No idea who the brunette is off the top of my head. (No Huntress :( ).

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I had a brief, shining moment where I could pretend that was Misfit on the cover of Batgirl. Please leave me to my delusions (not that I think Misfit should be Batgirl, I just don't want to think about the alternatives). (But Gail Simone is writing it? Hm.)
Don't follow this link then.

Freehold DM |

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:Any news on changes with the Legion of Super-Heroes?nothing yet. I'm betting they'll be announced on 'Superman day' whenever that is.
So far DC's suceeded in reducing me from 5 books (and trade waiting on a couple others) to Nightwing. Way to go DC!
They better not. They BETTER NOT. Then again, I always read Legion no matter what, so...

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

I read Birds of Prey, Secret Six, and Gotham City Sirens. I used to read Wonder Woman but gave up around issue 606.
From the looks of things, two of the comics I buy may cease to exist, and the last looks like it may be changed enough that I will not enjoy it. I *might* pick up Firestorm. I *might* pick up Wonder Woman.
In the best case scenario, DC loses no sales, but I'm trading three titles I am absolutely passionate about for three I'm only trepidatiously interested in and may drop. In the worst case scenario, I no longer collect DC Comics, after having been a collector since I was 8 years old (that's about 27 years if I'm doing my math right).

Sunderstone |

Don't lynch me but I'm hopeful. I may yet take up collecting again. My main gripe is too many Bat-books. Do we really need Batgirl and Batwoman?
I won't buy Batman Inc or other weird Batmans like African Batman (just saw this). Firestorm and Capt. Atom are no buys as is Speed Force. Just Flash is enough. JLA and each core guy's book is a must buy (Aquaman, GL, WW, etc). ymmv

Sunderstone |

For the curious, I'm an old collector as well. From about age 7 (parents bought me old Marvel books), about 35 years ago <sniff>. I quit somewhere about X-Men 350s-360s, at about 87 titles per month iirc. I've picked up the odd DC comic here and there but never with any intent on collecting again.
My favorites were Batman, Daredevil, Uncanny, and LoSH. marvel usually had better art, but DC always had better writing IMHO.
Hope DC shines again.

Grey Lensman |
I'll probably keep my Green Lantern titles, and am dropping the majority of my Bat-books, as I only cared about the Dick Greyson Batman anyways. That means I'll give Nightwing a try, in addition to Hawkman (I read the last series before they threw him off of it in favor of turning it into a Hawkgirl solo). Not sure on JSA, as the new direction they were doing seemed off, and Alan Scott's new costume was one of the worst I have ever seen.
No Justice League titles unless J'onn J'onz is in them, period.

Sunderstone |

Sunderstone wrote:From my understand, Bats is DC's best line. Kinda like Wolverine and Spidey over at the competition.Don't lynch me but I'm hopeful. I may yet take up collecting again. My main gripe is too many Bat-books. Do we really need Batgirl and Batwoman?
I agree.
My old school comic love just prefers one Batgirl (Barbara btw). I do like Batman and Detective comics though, just one book for supporting Gotham cast.
ShinHakkaider |

Abbasax wrote:Poor, poor Superman... He'll never be the same again.Though, Morrison on Superman and Fabian on Teen Titans does sound pretty awesome to me....
I dunno, I'm not a big DC guy and Final Crisis was hella disappointing BUT that being said if he brings even a fraction of the PURE AWESOME that was All Star Superman to the regular title? I'll be ipadding the HELL out of that book.
All Star Superman for me was great partially because Morrison was calling back to things that he'd set up in his DC One Million Series several over 10 - 15 years ago. But also because he was focused on how amazing not only Superman is but how amazing his world and influence is as well.
I'm annoyed with Simone off of Birds of Prey and while I like Geoff Johns personally (he really seems like a good guy the few times I've met him in person at signings here in NYC) but I dnt care for his slavish devotion to the silver age versions of DC's characters. Which is odd because he did some really, REALLY good Wally West stories before he bought Barry back.
And the less said about Jim Lee the better. But Fabian on Teen Titans? Well so far that's two titles I'll be picking up digitally (a month after thier release of course. maybe I'll just wait six months and pick them up in bunches...)

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More updates
Legion Lost might interest me, with Fabian Niceza's writing.
Teen Titans... Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
Tim Drake is forced to step out from behind his keyboard when an international organization seeks to capture or kill super-powered teenagers. As Red Robin, he must team up with the mysterious and belligerent powerhouse thief known as Wonder Girl and a hyperactive speedster calling himself Kid Flash in TEEN TITANS #1, by Scott Lobdell and artists Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund.
So Tim, Cassie, Connor, and Bart are gone as we know them.
Hawk and Dove drawn by Liefield. Oh the poor poor feet...

Dal Selpher |

Gee. Up until now, I thought the reboot was a good idea, but... renumbering Detective Comics? What a pity. I mean, how many comics acheive an issue figure of more than 800? It seems a shame to throw that away.
From my understanding Action Comics is getting reset to #1 as well.
I'll be honest, the more news I read about this the more my insides tremble in anxious fear.

Freehold DM |

No thanks. He needs to stay far, far away from comics. Secondary mutations and acid trips. Feh.
Callous Jack wrote:Abbasax wrote:Poor, poor Superman... He'll never be the same again.Though, Morrison on Superman and Fabian on Teen Titans does sound pretty awesome to me....
I dunno, I'm not a big DC guy and Final Crisis was hella disappointing BUT that being said if he brings even a fraction of the PURE AWESOME that was All Star Superman to the regular title? I'll be ipadding the HELL out of that book.
All Star Superman for me was great partially because Morrison was calling back to things that he'd set up in his DC One Million Series several over 10 - 15 years ago. But also because he was focused on how amazing not only Superman is but how amazing his world and influence is as well.
I'm annoyed with Simone off of Birds of Prey and while I like Geoff Johns personally (he really seems like a good guy the few times I've met him in person at signings here in NYC) but I dnt care for his slavish devotion to the silver age versions of DC's characters. Which is odd because he did some really, REALLY good Wally West stories before he bought Barry back.
And the less said about Jim Lee the better. But Fabian on Teen Titans? Well so far that's two titles I'll be picking up digitally (a month after thier release of course. maybe I'll just wait six months and pick them up in bunches...)

Eric Hinkle |

More updates
Legion Lost might interest me, with Fabian Niceza's writing.
Teen Titans... Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
Tim Drake is forced to step out from behind his keyboard when an international organization seeks to capture or kill super-powered teenagers. As Red Robin, he must team up with the mysterious and belligerent powerhouse thief known as Wonder Girl and a hyperactive speedster calling himself Kid Flash in TEEN TITANS #1, by Scott Lobdell and artists Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund.So Tim, Cassie, Connor, and Bart are gone as we know them.
Hawk and Dove drawn by Liefield. Oh the poor poor feet...
On Teen Titans: I hope it doesn't end up as bad as it sounds.
On Hawk & Dove & Liefeld -- what did those poor heroes ever do to deserve this?

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What saddens me about the Titans.
1) they've never met each other, so the whole continuity is gone.
2) Tim Drake a keyboard jockey? Not Tim Wayne? All that development gone? Lonnie, Tam, Lynx, all gone?
3) Wonder Girl a thief?
These aren't Tim/Cassie/Bart/Connor. They may share names, but they aren't the characters with years of history and development. Seems to hint more that Oracle just got hit by the ret-con bomb into Batgirl.

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Is there some place that has one giant compiled list of all the reboot information that is somewhat up to date? Not that these links havent been helpful and full of info, but Im wanting something that I dont have to go looking from page to page to page to find info on one or two titles each and just find it all together.
Guess I'll try wikipedia.

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Ugh sounds horrible...
Rule number one of comics writing: Don't mess with the origin stories
Rule number two of comics writing: Don't completely scrap years of characterisation.
Looks like DC are ignoring both of those for every comic they publish.
Ah well, at least Linkara will have some ammunition for future episodes.

VM mercenario |

Gotta love the "Justice League Dark"[/sarcasm]. They finally bring Constantine into the main verse and team him up with the "world's greatest supernatural heroes" like... Deadman and Shade the Changing Man? Oh, come the frak on! That is the best they could scounge up? At least it looks like Zatanna is on the cover...

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Theory: In about a year DC will number this universe Earth (insert number here), and the comics will go back to how they were before this reboot.
I think there is a very good chance you're right.
Which is all the more reason I'm tempted not to read most of this stuff. DC has increasingly rebooted and BOLD NEW DIRECTIONED everything year after year after year, only to have it be swiftly forgotten (someone brought up One Year Later to me as an example, which I had actually forgotten had happened at all and that was only a few years ago). I'm tired of it and the evidence increases it's all just a quick marketing gimmick that will quickly be shoved under the carpet when the sensationalism stops hitting the fandom. I'm thinking of canceling my subs and then if I hear something actually good comes out of this, I'll just order the trade.

cibet44 |
Has anyone heard what the price point will be on the digital comics?
Same as the paper for the first month (or maybe 2) then dropping to less than the paper (I think $1.99). I'm sure someone could give the exact details better.
The important thing to me is that the digital and paper are the same price on initial release which means I'll be waiting until that price drops before I try them.

QXL99 |

How can anyone predict whether a new book is going to be great or a piece of trash based on one piece of art and a brief paragraph?
DC did a great thing, IMO, when Superman was rebooted in the 80's--this new reboot may be just as good for the majority of the DC line. Of course not every book that's been announced grabs me, but I think they are approaching the DC universe the way Bruce Timm did when adapting these characters for television--identify what's best from the past and build on that.
Looking forward with great interest to this Autumn...

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I will be picking up the issues of what I was getting before the change, and then I will determine if I continue to buy them. However, taking Dick out of the Bat-Suit is already strike one against my continued purchasing of the Bat-titles.
That's my view on it too.
I'll buy what I was buying before the reboot and maybe pick up a couple of books to replace the ones that didn't make the cut, like Powergirl.I'm not overly excited or upset about the reboot and if the stories are good I hope it lasts.

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How can anyone predict whether a new book is going to be great or a piece of trash based on one piece of art and a brief paragraph?
DC did a great thing, IMO, when Superman was rebooted in the 80's--this new reboot may be just as good for the majority of the DC line. Of course not every book that's been announced grabs me, but I think they are approaching the DC universe the way Bruce Timm did when adapting these characters for television--identify what's best from the past and build on that.
Looking forward with great interest to this Autumn...
I posted words to this effect on CBR, but figured I'd repeat it here.
Why should I invest my money in books replacing books I like? I like Brian Q Millar's Batgirl, the current team on Superboy, the dynamic of Birds of Prey, Fabian Niceiza's Red Robin, etc.
I won't buy Batgirl, because, even though I enjoy Barbara Gordon, and am happy to see her take a role front and center, she's a) still taking a step backwards and b) I'm losing a Batgirl I enjoy for this trip down memory lane.
Plus they've admitted that continuity is out the window. Apparently Bruce, Dick, Jason and Tim all have their timelines compressed. So Tim still faced down Ra's in the past, yet somehow he did it w/o the Teen Titans to help him because they haven't been formed. The Justice League supported Tim and saved Bruce in the return of Bruce Wayne, yet somehow they didn't exist yet. Green Lantern is apparently picking up from Balckest night, but Hawkman is just starting out in his book, so how did we get the hawk-zombies?
Hawk and Dove "Hank Hall is not happy. He’s not happy to have Dawn Granger as a new partner in his war on crime." Um, whisky tango foxtrot? So all their continuity is out of the window too? Does this mean Hawk never died? Does this mean that (again) Blackest Night is somewhat cannon? If superboy was just created, then what does that do for Reign of the supermen? If there was no Reign, then how did the Cyborg exist to join the Sinestro Corps? If they annull all of the history between Clark and Lois, does this mean that Chris Kent is out the window?
It's going to be a bloody mess, and has turned into a jumping off point.

Aaron Bitman |

I'm not sure what you're asking for. Like, DC closes shop one month, and the next month opens and it's all-new characters?
I just meant rebooting continuity of all titles.
Let me see if I can say it more clearly. When, right after the COIE, Superman's continuity was completely rebooted, that made no sense. If the old Superman met, for example, the Teen Titans, and the new Superman met the SAME Teen Titans, how can this make sense?!? The old and new Supermen can't both EXIST in the same universe (or even multiverse.) A clean reboot would require that ALL the characters of ALL the titles (in the mainstream DC universe, anyway) be rebooted. Do what was done to Superman in 1986, but do it to ALL the characters, ALL the titles, ALL the stories, and ALL the DC universe simultaneously. And that seems to be what DC is doing, finally. I can't think of a clearer way to say it than that.
Anyway, I don't get to spend much time on these boards anymore. I just returned after more than a week, and took a quick look at this thread, and I just noticed something about Batman, which I haven't followed in over a decade. I just have to say... Holy sidekicks, Batman!
(I guess this may be a threadjack, since I'm about to ramble about DC continuity BEFORE the upcoming reboot. Ah well, I'll spoilerize it.)
You know, it seems like such an obvious move. So why did this never occur to me?!? I just read a bit about Damian Wayne on the Wikipedia, and he sounds like a fascinating character! Now I feel like I have to take out some Batman trade paperbacks the next time I go to the library, to see this kid in action.

Stewart Perkins |

Theory: In about a year DC will number this universe Earth (insert number here), and the comics will go back to how they were before this reboot.
Actually if what I read is correct, the reboot isn't a reboot as much as "Ultimate DC" and is one of the 52 universes. They are just focusing on it (and it looks terrible to me). Which gives them leeway to drop it asap if need be.

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EileenProphetofIstus wrote:Any news on changes with the Legion of Super-Heroes?nothing yet. I'm betting they'll be announced on 'Superman day' whenever that is.
So far DC's suceeded in reducing me from 5 books (and trade waiting on a couple others) to Nightwing. Way to go DC!

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Well seen the new Harley Quinn and all I can say is no just no.
Worse than the Arkham Asylum redesign? I'm honestly afraid to look.
This is a big part of why I gave up on DC and Marvel. Decent creative teams get a good thing going on their own titles and the rug inevitably gets pulled out from under them for the next big event or reboot.
Having most of your favorite characters be B- and C-listers doesn't help either. :(

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Kevin Mack wrote:Well seen the new Harley Quinn and all I can say is no just no.Worse than the Arkham Asylum redesign? I'm honestly afraid to look.
This is a big part of why I gave up on DC and Marvel. Decent creative teams get a good thing going on their own titles and the rug inevitably gets pulled out from under them for the next big event or reboot.
Having most of your favorite characters be B- and C-listers doesn't help either. :(
It makes the Arkham Asylum Design look downright dignified.

Rathendar |

Mikaze wrote:It makes the Arkham Asylum Design look downright dignified.Kevin Mack wrote:Well seen the new Harley Quinn and all I can say is no just no.Worse than the Arkham Asylum redesign? I'm honestly afraid to look.
This is a big part of why I gave up on DC and Marvel. Decent creative teams get a good thing going on their own titles and the rug inevitably gets pulled out from under them for the next big event or reboot.
Having most of your favorite characters be B- and C-listers doesn't help either. :(
Holy cow. I just searched this up and i can only agree 100%.
I'd take the AA design over this any day as the lesser of two evils.