Macho Man the Monk

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

When I recently built my monk my DM and I were talking about a few of the abilities and just brainstorming ideas for fluff. He told me I should check out the grappling rules. So I did and came up with the tripping monk, but instead of trips clotheslines. Then it snowballed! I was a professional wrestler with a bag of holding filled with tables, ladders and chairs... i could take the improvised weapon feat and so on. I even mentioned climbing a ladder and using my "Slow Fall" to emphasize the Elbow Drop! I dont know why exactly it came up, and at the tyme it was just a good laugh between my DM and myself... Then last week the Macho Man tragically died. So I feel that in his honor I owe it to myself and my DM even if its just for a game session or two to actually fluff out an actual Macho Man Monk... Im turning to the boards for fun ideas and builds and some help. Im working a lil to much to min max it myself, but if I can get a few helping hands in on the idea I might have a solid finished product for our next gaming session.

Also toss in Leadership at lvl 6 and make Ms. Elizabeth your cohort. Prolly make her a Paladin/Sorcerer/Wizard multi class for Bull Strength and Enlarge Person... Its the Macho Man he has to be over powered! lol

So Im a lvl 7 Monk:
Abilities: 17,17,16,16,14,12
I was a half Orc last session but can change(after our first session DM lets us make tweaks). Feel free to have fun with it. Even if its not to help me. I think its just a fun character to make.

Thanks in advance! I hope when you all think about it, it will be as much fun as my DM and I had thinking about it.

You HAVE to max out, and possibly even buff, your Perform: Oratory skill.

I think you just got some win on my screen.

I know it's still controversial around here, but this fairly screams for the Antagonize feat.

Also, "You will eat my rear rockets and like it! Ohhhh yeahhh!"

Awesome idea!

You might want to look into either the half-ogre or half-giant. The half-ogre gives +4 to strength and the half-giant is treated as one size larger when grappling, bull rushing, etc...

The h-o can be found on the Pathfinder SRD and the h-g is in Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Unleashed.

Ima make Doink the Clown.

Archetype for Monk: Macho Man. Let's see what comes up! ^^

I had a half-orc inquisitor I was playing in a heavily homebrewed game. I had a high strength and enlarge person cast on me, when a skeletal hand came up from the ground and tried to drag me down to hell after the boss fight ended with. I made a grapple check to become the grappler, and then a second check to pin him, so I pulled the skelletal BBEG out of the ground like a tuber. Clutching his skull, staring deep into the otherworldly light in their sockets, and almost frothing at the mouth with dramatacism I told him in my best hulk hogan impression "So you thought you would drag. me. doowwn. tooo. helllll? Well brother, I'm gonna inntroduce you to a whooole new worrrrld of paaaaaaaaain'uh."

...and then the rogue coup de grace'd him with my greatclub.

Edit: In hindsight, I wish I had possessed a chair at that time.


Now you just need to make a monk rely on charisma rather than wisdom, and you are set :). I can see it now, the huge arena in the hobgoblin capital, the adoring crowd, the mat still glistening with the blood from the previous bout, and the casters turning their mage-lights to the entrance of the big tent... and here he is, the MOST ELECTRIFYING HUMANOID IN ALL ADVENTURE ENTERTAINMENT!

The crowd goes wild.

Damn it, now I want to make an unarmed-fighting barbarian who speaks of himself in the third person :D .

Scarab Sages

Why not use the Empty Hand monk archetype from the APG? It's ALL about using improvised weapons, and even lets you substitute unarmed damage for the weapon damage at later levels (oh yes, 2d10 table damage). Get a Monk's Robe (read: WRASSLIN' COSTUME), Intimidating Prowess feat, oh, and don't forget Dazzling Display, because, well, DUH.

Oh, and don't forget to pack a lot of Slim Jims. OOOOH YEAAAAAAAH!

Vow of the Third Person: The monk must speak in the third person in all forms of communication. A monk with this vow increases his ki pool by 1 point for every 5 monk levels.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Vow of the Third Person: The monk must speak in the third person in all forms of communication. A monk with this vow increases his ki pool by 1 point for every 5 monk levels.

Aaaad we have a new leader on the board! :D

Would the steel chair count as a monk weapon?

could this concept be full of more winsauce??

Lets see...must have a high Charisma, and like was already said, max out Perform(oratory. though I'd call it Promo-Cutting). Improved and Greater Dirty Trick(thumb to the eye, trick knee, etc). Ki and Improved Ki Throw. Monk of the Empty Hand and anything that lets you better use improvised weapons are also important.

lordfeint wrote:

Would the steel chair count as a monk weapon?

Well this new monk archetype would clearly get improvised weapon as a bonus feat in the early levels.

This idea sounds like if you spliced the reaping mauler and drunken fighter style (don't remember the exact name) prestige classes and then gave it a hilarious, but extremely necessary, charismatic flair.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I played with a guy a few times in LG who played a tricked out pro-wrestling character. He carried around a bag of holding with folding chairs, tables, and 2x4's covered in barbed wire. He'd spend a few rounds setting up his table, covering it in caltrops and alchemist's fire, and then suplexing the enemy through the table.

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