Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Nothing? Hah! Reckon I'll have to show you how its done then.

Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

*drinks beer pointedly*

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

"The seas we rode in Riddleport are familiar and safe and we know their wily ways and they way those oceans swell. The ones in Sanpoint are a whole new creature, and best avoided. Whats bad is that the only decent talent was back in Magnimar, and come to mention it that particular little venture worked out JUST FINE thanks for asking Karlan, its just when we got to Turtleback and I was lookingfor cold ales and loose women and all I got was loose beer and cold women... and bloody Rangers"

Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

"I'm just happy not everyone from riddleport talks in sailing metaphors."

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

"Well we need to keep it to metaphors because when we speak plainly we seem to keep losing people, look at poor old Cousin Kanyk - we spoke plainly and he went on the missing list, Gerlick the half orc shaman - he went too, in fact theres a long bloody list and I reckon those uppity Rangers and their ily, cant trust em, they're behind it. What does a ranger know of the Sea eh? So oceans are a safe metaphor. Then again my Great Axe seems to get the point across too"

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

"Always did like the sound of you own voice far too much."

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

"Talk myself into trouble, talk myself out. Dont reckon all the hot air I blow would ever thaw out your frostiness though eh?"

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, Harry!" Bree crosses her arms beneath her breasts and scowls.

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Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Bah! She warms right up once she has them shivs in hand.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree can't fight back the smile that crosses her face at Kabal's statement.

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

"Reminds me of the woman I met in Magnimar, she warmed up a bit when she got to handle a shiv"

Female Changeling(Hulking) Bard/10 (HP: 82/82; AC27; FF23; T14; F+7, R+11, W+7; Perc: +11, Init +10)

Watch out for the half-orcelf. I think he uses the nautical metaphors because he like tall masts, probably compensating for something.

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pffft! Don't you guys have a game thread yet?!

Yay! the campfire has rekindled.

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Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

"Awww Ailetha, you're just in need of your timbers being shivered"

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree mumbles something under her breath about perverted git.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

We're working on it, voodoo. We're just all so excited! :D

Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

"Truth be told I doubt it can be helped that Aldern yearned to plunder his booty."

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

"Poor old Aldern, sad how that went really."

Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

"He was a nutting psychopath is what he was long before we met him. Should've been a sign to start checking people regularly."

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

"In fairness, we've been pretty thorough since. Although we need to remember to stop telling wandering strangers who we are and what we are doing every five minutes. It's becoming a full time job making them forget again afterwards. Half the world seems to want us dead, no point telling the other half where we are and where we are going"

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

"Such a curious flock to weather in metaphors of the sea, but I'll wager it's more than a magpie's gift of gab to name Riddleport so."

Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

"I'm not drunk enough for this."

Female Changeling(Hulking) Bard/10 (HP: 82/82; AC27; FF23; T14; F+7, R+11, W+7; Perc: +11, Init +10)

Hang with Harry for a while. You will get all the drawbacks of Riddleport and none of the benefits, without ever having to risk your purse to the locals.

Wow. That was a flurry of action, haha.

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Hah, lol...ok, I'll think about a good escape for Jardath and put a nice post in tomorrow.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

ZZ, mind giving us Riddles people a rundown on how that story wraps up?

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)
Twilightrose wrote:
ZZ, mind giving us Riddles people a rundown on how that story wraps up?

Isn't it your job as players to solve that riddle?

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Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4


Hey Shifty,

Do you have any PFS games coming up? I am in front of my computer all day writing papers on US military history and could use a little extra reason not to wander off to my motorbike instead of writing thesis papers. ;)

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Yeah, well I also think an in-game rundwon would be a better thing - more realistic, isn't it? :D

Hey Z, my fella here has everything square other than any belongings. Right now he looks like the the dwarf in the races section of the Core book, haha. Don't need much.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4
Zyren Zemerys wrote:
Yeah, well I also think an in-game rundwon would be a better thing - more realistic, isn't it? :D

Works for me :) Just wanted to make sure we got that closure :D Also, did we decide for sure how the groups are meeting? Did we go with Harry sending out a call to arms that Bree receives or something else?

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Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

I'll probably kick off another couple of PFS games soon, just of late I have been a touch time starved :)

DMZZ do you want to hit Inactive on the other campaigns then please?

Harry DID INDEED send a message from Turtleback Ferry. He sent a few messages really...

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Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Don't tell me that you like writing letters too? Mother's milk in a bucket! I knew it, didn't I just?

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

"Write a letter? No old mate, you seem to confuse 'sending a message' with 'sending a message', you aren't a Riddleport native eh? When I send a message I don't send the Pony Express, I just send part of the pony. Letters aren't much good when the heavy thinkers you are fighting can't even frigging read. Just don't let Sir Karlan 'proof read' your work, he gets a bit upset. He didn't like my 'open correspondence' to the Rangers much at all... reckon we're on for a bit of an argument about that too."

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Even though it isn't what was meant, I just had this picture of Bree opening up a package to find dismembered body parts with a bloody note that says, "Come kill these things. Love, Harry."

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Female Changeling(Hulking) Bard/10 (HP: 82/82; AC27; FF23; T14; F+7, R+11, W+7; Perc: +11, Init +10)
Kabal Breven wrote:
Don't tell me that you like writing letters too? Mother's milk in a bucket! I knew it, didn't I just?

Na, usually all that Harry actually writes is a note that says "Cast Speak with Dead". He tends to stuff that in the decapitated head's mouth and then stuff the whole thing in a bag.

I had planned on writing this before the last few posts - stupid being away from the boards.

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Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

You do realise that this IS Harry, and thus thats not actually implausible.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Yeah but Harry should realize that getting a message like that would NOT make Bree want to come and help him.

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Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

It would damn sure get me interested though.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Oh Bree would go, but her reason wouldn't be to help, it'd be to tear him a new one for sending her something so vile.

Male Orc Expert 5

Alrighty let's get this bit of party conflict out of the way.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4


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Male Orc Expert 5


Confession of what is essentially a murder.

This is actually not the first time Harry's "defended himself" just the first time admitting to it.

The first time I basically grabbed Karlan and shoved him and all the witnesses out the door. Poor bastard saw his fate before the door even shut.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Ah, gotcha. I'm interested to see how you guys work that one out... it's a pretty common problem in campaigns with mixed/conflicting alignments.

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Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

Accidentally deleted the original.

Eh, it's not so much an alignment problem as an ethical one. It's two kinds of law and honor butting into each other. Karlan and Harry come from wildly different backgrounds. Karlan's the sort who thinks that the monsters of society need to be dealt with publicly with multiple witnesses both to ensure the fairness of the deed, the assurance of protection, and a message to the other monsters to stay in line. Harry is the type where a murder in the dark or a sudden disappearance says all that needs to be said.

There's also the bigger issue of trust. Harry flat out did not trust his mates from blabbing on. That kind of stung.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

You don't think that the ethics and codes of honor go hand in hand, at least to some degree with alignment? Have you looked at any of the new characters that will be joining Runes, to see how you think Karlan will work with them?

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Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

In some ways even easier with Karlan than with Winter...

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

IDK Winter did encourage the men to go to brothels :D

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male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

Hahah well yes, unintended consequences and all that.

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