Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

I have not looked into them, but I have never been a fan of technology in a fantasy game. The class that I like the least, and in all likelihood will never even consider playing, is the Gunslinger. I know that some love it, but for me it just does not fit in a world with magic. After all, if people can teleport across great distances and shoot fireballs more than a tenth of a mile, who needs airplanes and guns.

I feel a bit on the same page, but it seems Pathfinder has taken the Final Fantasy route. I am of the opinion they have created multiple campaign sttings without seperate branding leaving it up to is to exclude what we dislike. The lasers really destroy a bit of the DnD feel, but maybe that is what they want?

Anyone pick up the DnD yet?

HP Rolls:

1d8 ⇒ 6
1d8 ⇒ 4
1d8 ⇒ 3
1d8 ⇒ 7
1d8 ⇒ 6
1d8 ⇒ 8
1d8 ⇒ 3

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Going with Assault Leader as opposed to Ledge Walker.

VC - Sydney, Australia
GM Harpwizard wrote:
The flavor sounds good. Are they fun adventures to run? It sounds like some TPK threats for low level characters.

I've just started Trial by Machine.

So far so good.

TPK traps only if you roll craptacular characters, in which case you had it coming. :p

These books scream for a Chrono Trigger game, lol. I am buying them today. Grippli paladin time.

Dark Archive

Male Hagspawn Witch 15/Souldrinker 5

I've looked over the first one, seems interesting enough to me. Looking forward to seeing where in unfolds.

It took a really long time for them to elaborate on this portion of Golarion. I think they had to be firmly rooted in order to not alienate a core readership. Now that the game has been out for 5 years it might renew some interest where people had started to look elsewhere.

Any of you guys ever use D20Pro? They have a Kickstarter going right now to update the system to accommodate more systems and streamline a few other things. Not sure how much fun VTTs actually are.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

In the past it always worried me when a system began to expand into multiple worlds/timezones/archetypical settings without clearly separating them from one another - for example by different rulesets.

AD&D didnt need Spelljammer ;)

Venture Captain since December 2014
Bilbo Bang-Bang wrote:
Anyone pick up the DnD yet?

I downloaded the free PDF of the rules. It looks like they have brought back many of the elements of 3.0/3.5 that we liked. At a glance, there are many differences, but it is recognizable as d&d. However, I have no inclination to change gaming systems at this point. I love Pathfinder way too much!

I am not sure how they will balance the tech advantage of a laser toting gunslinger against a PC with a blackpowder musket or long sword. It does erode the reality of any less advanced culture not bowing to the Technic League.

Hey Harp, thanks for the input. I kinda want to get them just to give DnD a shot again. Haven't played it since 1996. I miss Beholders, lol.

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Venture Captain since December 2014

I am trying to keep an open mind, but I remember the feeling of such loss when they went to 4th edition. I loved 3rd edition, but I hated what WOTC did to my game after that. Discovering Pathfinder was such a joy! I feel like Pathfinder became D&D the way it was suppose to be. I mean, even the core rule book is dedicated to Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. I guess I felt like I found my people. Now that D&D Next is here, I'm not sure how to feel. My loyalty has switched to Pathfinder, and I don't think I will switch back.

However, I have fond memories of the World of Greyhawk, Keep on the Borderlands, White Plume Mountain, The Caverns of Tsjocanth, the Tomb of Horrors, and creatures such as Beholders and Mind Flayers!

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VC - Sydney, Australia

I jumped off at 3rd Ed, I wasn't having a bar of it, and won't go back now.

It will just remain a happy memory.

Shifty wrote:

I jumped off at 3rd Ed, I wasn't having a bar of it, and won't go back now.

It will just remain a happy memory.

Yeah, 3rd never attracted my attention as it just felt like a table top video game. I ended up going back to 2nd at the time.

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Oh yeah, no way back...maybe only for a round of AD&D Forgotten realms ;)

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

I always found Greyhawk vastly superior to Forgotten Realms. Forgotten Realms started what I consider the - lets be lazy and just make a world that is pretty much the same as the real world. Golarian does the same thing unfortunately, although I still like it better than FR. Both have a west facing continent with a large semi-landlocked sea that separates a cooler northern land from a hot deserty/jungle covered southern land. Both have big barbarians who live on the far northern coast and like to raid in longships. Etc. It is like - just reprint the Europe map with the Mediterranean and norther Africa thrown in for good measure - and save yourselves the time of having to redraw it.

When are we set to start kicking ass again?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...


FR is pretty vanilla at first glance, I agree - but the depth of 20+ years of editoring and expanding is what makes it special - iconic heroes (or at least rogues^^) imagined by really good writers (e.g. Drizzt, Liriel Baenre, Elminster, Jarlaxle etc.), iconic villains, the whole galore of D&Dness (beholders, mindflayers, dragons etc.) iconic dungeons (Undermountain, Myth Drannor etc.), tons of different cultures and colourful subsettings (The Horde, Al Qadim) etc. etc. - it has just EVERYTHING :D

@Bilbo: Dunno - think we are waiting for Twilightrose?

VC - Sydney, Australia

I hated FR. It can simply just go burn.

I liked Greyhawk, I liked Dark Sun.

FR was the only setting I had. I looked at the others, at the time I was most familiar with FR from the novels. I had read Dragonlance previously, but it never really stood out to me. Dark Sun seemed a little niche to me and not the classic DnD I wanted to play. Now Greyhawk I have heard was well received, but never had the chance to look into it.

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Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Twilight is ready. She chose Assault Leader for her Rogue Talent.

I guess you just need Kabal just to decide on a feat....and I'll go with Combat Reflexes.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

I guess the biggest difference was that Greyhawk was 110% Gary Gygax. FR was what a group of writers, talented ones mind you, created when Gary Gygax was sort of unceremoniously pushed out. Or at least that is how I recall it.

Remember, Greyhawk had The Village of Homlet/Temple of Elemental Evil, Tomb of Horrors, Against the Giants (G1-3), White Plume Mountain, Slave Lords (A1-4), Drow (D1-3), and lots of other goodies. Plus, it is hard to beat Iuz the Old, Lolth, Mordekainen, Otiluke, the City of Greyhawk, Tenser, Bigby and lots of others.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Yeah, I'm ready :D

Nice. I came after that period so it is likely I simply was drawn in to the marketing for FR in the early 1990's, lol.

Venture Captain since December 2014

Hi folks, I've just lost two players in my Heroes of Elsir Vale Campaign. I'm looking for a fighter, ranger, or paladin to help round out a party for the final chapter of my Red Hand of Doom Campaign. We are nearly done the adventure, but we have one last dungeon crawl into a dungeon of Dragon Cultists. At the moment we have the following party makeup.

Bofus, Halfling Thief 9
Tirion, Gnome Sorcerer 9
Red (Shifty) Half-Elf Bard 9
(Mark Sweetman) Human War priest 9

You would need to create a level 9 character with a 25 point buy. Your character needs to be good, work well with others, and be willing to risk his or her life for an epic quest to save the Elsir Vale! This last chapter is very dangerous and there is a good chance of death. However, it should prove to be fun if you can survive. Please let me know if you are interested. I'm looking for someone willing to post at least twice a day.

You can join the discussion at the following thread:

Heroes of Elsir Vale OOC Discussion Thread

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Ok, now we only need a real solution for our little problem: The party has just forced the Kreeg boos to flee and is still stuck in a fight...with half of the party gone...how do we solve that situation?

Venture Captain since December 2014

If the Kreeg Boos flee, isn't that a good thing? We can just jump in right there. Otherwise, you can gave us fight them again with the new party.

Alternate dimension party. Hand wave and roll on. ;)

Fire seems to be picking back up. Good stuff.

Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

Flee? No, f$!% that. I will use his ass to leather a new shield.

Male Orc Expert 5
GM Harpwizard wrote:

Hi folks, I've just lost two players in my Heroes of Elsir Vale Campaign. I'm looking for a fighter, ranger, or paladin to help round out a party for the final chapter of my Red Hand of Doom Campaign. We are nearly done the adventure, but we have one last dungeon crawl into a dungeon of Dragon Cultists. At the moment we have the following party makeup.

Bofus, Halfling Thief 9
Tirion, Gnome Sorcerer 9
Red (Shifty) Half-Elf Bard 9
(Mark Sweetman) Human War priest 9

You would need to create a level 9 character with a 25 point buy. Your character needs to be good, work well with others, and be willing to risk his or her life for an epic quest to save the Elsir Vale! This last chapter is very dangerous and there is a good chance of death. However, it should prove to be fun if you can survive. Please let me know if you are interested. I'm looking for someone willing to post at least twice a day.

You can join the discussion at the following thread:

Heroes of Elsir Vale OOC Discussion Thread

I'll bite.

VC - Sydney, Australia


I think at this point we were on a roll cracking through what looks to be a rather lengthy dungeon crawl. It took months just to get to where we were - maybe just dclare (like the cricket) and make a summary post of us crushing the fort and then we can go back to Turtleback and continue on the adventure.

OK it handwaves a lot of combat, and simply has the forces in the fort lose via fiat, but I get the vibe that the fort battle wasn't a massively key and decisive battle in the overall campaign...

-Narrative summary - whats there, what happened, Kreeg dead.
-Loot split - Huzzah.
-Any level ups completed - If applicable.
..then onwards.

I think Karlan will probably still be mad at Harry over Rangergate.

Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

Harry has indeed earned a solid punch in the face and chewing out for murder in the dark, hiding the body, and not bothering to maybe possibly inform Karlan that the other ranger is well deserving of a similar fate before the bastard had ample opportunity to stab a loudmouthed cleric or breathe in marek's general direction.

Whether or not Harry actually gets a punch in the face or just gets a good dressing down depends entirely on how events leading up to it play out.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

In how far do our new members know about the story so far and in how far is that important?

I ask this question because of the loose ends, like Lucretia etc.

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Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

I dunno, I suppose Harry would be filling them all in on everything once he met up with them...

I am not sure who Ironfingers will have known, but I would Karlan would be a good fit. Especially if he knew him as a squire. Nice thing about dwarves long lives.

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Should we read up on the gameplay?

Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

Sure. I'd start from the beginning.

No seriously. Harry and Karlan have been around since the literal start of the game. Celestra shortly thereafter.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Celestra joined in the middle of Book 1. Ailetha right at the end of Book 1.

Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

The rest of them were people Karlan didn't like very much.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Read up is quite a task ;)

Shall we only do in-game information-transfer? :D

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

We can do it in gameI suppose... Harry will be happy to post the 'official' story...

Would probably be a long post!

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Isn't that your specialty!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2
Heavy Harry wrote:

We can do it in gameI suppose... Harry will be happy to post the 'official' story...

Would probably be a long post!

Great, just great...another long winded chap. You dont happen to have a brother thats a goody two shoes priest in Riddleport do you bub?

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

"The point is, my old mate, is to keep the bastards talking as long as you can so that your crew can clean out the full range valuables in an orderly and leisurely manner eh? Besides, we only talk to people we didn't come to kill, the rest of em we're best cutting down mid monologue, as frankly they are using up valuable time we could be using spending their to be looted gold on wenches and beer"

Male Human Paladin 10| AC 28 T 14 FF 26 | HP 99/99 | F +15 R +10 W +13 | Init +2| REACH

"Remind me again what happened the last time you went wenching?"

Male Half Orc Rog5 Cav 3: HP:84/84, - AC: 21/T:14/FF:18 - Perception: +12(Dark Vision) F: +6/R: +8/W: +4 - CMB: +11 - CMD: 25, Speed: 30ft, Init: +2 (+4)

"Nothing. Nothing happened, and anyone who says different will probably go looking for Rangers"

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