Stiehl9s |

Here's an introduction video to Clash of Clans
and here's a video of what can be possible - Clash of Clans Town Hall Level 7 raid

Stiehl9s |

Thanks for compliments Vaughn. Ive been doing good versus Raids except for leaving my Town Hall so exposed but that's part of my strategy for tanking my trophy count. If by farming you mean raiding then yes, I crank a lot of raids throughout the day. No hiding behind a shield for me! Im mad jealous of your Barbarian King. I never thought to use Gems to score one. Good idea!

Vaughn Elliot |

I'm very close to lvling barb king to 2. My son suggested I use the gems I had sitting around, and it's a very great thing to have, really. Totally worth it.
i think keeping town hall exposed is probably a good idea that i should use. I got totally dry-gulched by a dude yesterday whose troops were all lvl 5+, I had no chance--and prob because of a high-ish trophy count (about 1300 right now).
it's so tough to decide what to upgrade at this point, everything takes so dam long!!

Stiehl9s |

Theres some good strategies online (cant find them right now but I'll keep looking) as to what trophy count to keep depending on your Town Hall level. IIRC for TH7 you should stay in the 900-1200 range.
And yes, the game is a test in patience after a certain point. Im trying to save Gems for a 4th builder because of this.

Vaughn Elliot |

I'm embarrassed tosya, I'm not *nearly* as close to a lvl 2 barb king as I thought. I somehow missed a decimal place; it takes 12,500 dark elixir to upgrade, not the 1,250 I thought. D'hoooooooo

Vaughn Elliot |

I'm just about ready to think about town hall 8. I've set up my non-war base so that raiding me for resources is not easy--you need to really want to get in there to get my goods--so hopefully I'll be able to save quickly enough. I'm hoping within a week or so I'll start that 8-day upgrade.

Vaughn Elliot |

*all* level 7--impressive! I'm still working on getting mine to 6. that's partly the reason I decidd to hold off on TH 8; yesterday I got dry-gulched for half a mil each over three attacks, so obviously my defneses aren't as good as I thought. most of my defenses are maxed, but th eones that aren't take mucho $ and time, blarg.
I will have dragons tomorrow, maybe just in time to make on eClan War attack in our current match up. I'm eager to see dragons + barb king + lvl 3 rage spell in action, yo!

Vaughn Elliot |

Riht on Vaughn. Im gunning for upgrading all of my defenses before shooting for TH8. I did score Dragons! and have all of my walls up to level 7 now. Steady grinding.
Man, past couple days have been ROUGH for CoC. After 2 weeks of only minor attacks on me, I've had a half million of gold/elixir raided in 1.5 days, and my own raids have been lackluster. I seem to have hit a funk. :-( will try to shak out of it.

Stiehl9s |

^ no worries there Vaughn. Ive had a couple of 300K+ raids lately and am about maxed out gold wise with almost no way to spend it until my TH is upgraded...4 days left! Woot!
Sidenote - Tark and all - you guys still need a WotW Divine caster? My Unholy Barrister would love to hop into an active game.

DM - Voice of the Voiceless |

Stiehl9s - Take a gander at the gameplay and if you're still interested after that pop into the discussion thread and say hello.

Shifty |

Do any of you folks know if I can apply GM credit for the Confirmation to different PFS characters if I run it multiple times?
My understanding is that you may apply it to a new L1 character for each run through, and to a 2nd level character once.
It was a bit odd as that old repeat rule was for L1 scenarios (i.e. first steps) and confirmation replaced two of them. First Steps 1 remains a great scenario however,

Vaughn Elliot |

^ no worries there Vaughn. Ive had a couple of 300K+ raids lately and am about maxed out gold wise with almost no way to spend it until my TH is upgraded...4 days left! Woot!
So I kicked off my TH8 upgrade (complete 6/17). While that's cooking, I'm keeping 1 builder free so I can upgrade walls at will/as $$ comes in, in that 8 days. I'll have all to lvl 6 by the end of today, no prob. And, with any luck, I'll have the 3,000 more dark elixir I need to kick off Barb King lvl 2 overnight (but that will more likely be tomorrow PM, that's kind of a lot for a n00b like me to get in 1 day).
tomorrow (6/11) I'll have Dragons lvl 2. In 3 days will have 2 barracks capable of training dragons, w00t. going to try to time it so I have enough elixir to hit the Lab upgr immediatley upon completion of TH 8. i'm thinking of upgrading, in this order: barbs, archers, wallbreakers, wizards (because high level wizards in low level Clan War castles prevent enemy stars yo!!), giants, healer, then whatever.

Stiehl9s |

Nice plan. Glad to hear Im not the only one with long term goals.
Im 3 days from TH8, 5 days from lvl 2 dragons, 1 day from Hogs. Im almost completly upgraded except for air defenses, theyre at lvl 3 and my last mortar to lvl 5 is 3 days away. Had to start on lvl 2 Tesla just to spend gold since I keep topping out on gold at 3 mill. I really need a 5th builder so Im saving gems.
I'll probably upgrade barbs, giants, wallbreakers, wizards, dragons...hmm... I hardly ever use archers. Might have to check out that tactic.

Vaughn Elliot |

Had to start on lvl 2 Tesla just to spend gold since I keep topping out on gold at 3 mill. I really need a 5th builder so Im saving gems.
I'm staying at 3 builders; historically I haven't been able to keep enough resources on hand to justify more. Besides, I've spent money on "free" games before, and I won't do it anymore. :-)
I'll probably upgrade barbs, giants, wallbreakers, wizards, dragons...hmm... I hardly ever use archers. Might have to check out that tactic.
I pretty much only use archers when raiding for resources, because htey're cheap and fast (just like I like my women BAZINGA). I like wizards duing clan wars when hte goal is to break everything (they're simply awesome in low level clan castles--they EAT low level packs of giants for brunch), but I'm not very good at keeping them alive. I tink I may need to look at some strat guides.

Tirion Jörðhár |

Hmmm - Was just looking on the Paizo sight and discovered that for $39.99 I can pre-order the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary 4 Box. Or, for $24.99 I can order the PDF.
Just as a question, perhaps I am confused, but what the heck value would any PDF of a cardboard pawn be? So I can print out paper versions of them which I can then tape to the other pawns I have? So I can look at them on the screen and show them to friends to prove that I am so rich(or maybe poor, or stupid) that I buy pictures of pawns?

![]() |

Hmmm - Was just looking on the Paizo sight and discovered that for $39.99 I can pre-order the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary 4 Box. Or, for $24.99 I can order the PDF.
Just as a question, perhaps I am confused, but what the heck value would any PDF of a cardboard pawn be? So I can print out paper versions of them which I can then tape to the other pawns I have? So I can look at them on the screen and show them to friends to prove that I am so rich(or maybe poor, or stupid) that I buy pictures of pawns?
I don't know how they line up (pawns being one of the few lines I don't subscribe to and didn't check on the BB pawns), but you can probably have them printed on cardboard - that might be a tad more expensive than buying the whole thing (shipping can be very expensive, though), but you can have the pages printed that you need and as often as you need them.

Vaughn Elliot |

print on cardstock? when I was making scenery/castles using Campaign Cartographer, I used cardstock. Worked great.

Tirion Jörðhár |

Yeh, but if you are going to go to that extreme, isn't it easier to just find a free picture on the web somewhere and print that on the cardstock and save yourself $25? If you are doing all the work yourself, might as well find the coolest pic the web has to offer rather than the one or two pics available from the Paizo PDF. Plus, with rare exceptions, you can probably find most of the pictures on the paizo site somewhere if you want a specific one - for instance it is usually not that hard to extract images imbedded in another PDF, such as the AP you just bought as a PDF.

Mark Sweetman |

It isn't easier as the easiest thing is to just buy the thing.
Can you save money by doing it custom... sure... but the bestiary box comes with over 300 of them. Let's say you're really good with the searching and the cropping and the turning into a PDF to printing... but even if it only takes you a minute per pawn - that's still five hours of work to collate.
*Shrugs* - if it's not for you it's not for you, but there are plenty of time poor people (or those that have to wrestle with international postage) that it works for.

Tirion Jörðhár |

No, Mark. My original question is who would pay $25 for the PDF of the pawns. I can understand a PDF for almost any other printed book/AP, but seeing that someone can buy just a PDF of something that is designed for tabletop use seemed really funny to me.

Mark Sweetman |

If I played on tabletop I might.
It's comparing $25 plus printing costs
$40 plus shipping costs
Shipping to a place like Malaysia would probably run in excess of $20 for something like that. You'd be ahead cost wise by buying the PDF and self-printing.
For someone who lives in the states that shipping and handling bit is lost on you - but for international folks it can be brutal. My shipping and handling for my minis case sub can run into $70 - 80 each time.

Vaughn Elliot |

So...how the hell is everyone? I'm sick as a duckin' fog (some type of cold or seasonal allergies or both, it's kickin' my arse like you read about)
Anyone hear from ZDM? Are these campaigns going out to pasutre, or are any going to continue?

Shifty |

Hi Mate!
Sorry to hear about you being sick, never fun! Winter here so it would be even less fun :)
Doing quite well, I've noticed a few of the forum games are a bit slow, must be nice weather in the northern hemisphere so everyone is off having fun.
No idea on the campaigns, was rather enjoying them though... keen to see how Runes goes especially, very engaging set of mysteries :)

Tirion Jörðhár |

Still here as well. If you want to keep them active, just dot the campaign thread every few weeks. I assume that DMZZ will return at some point to tell us he has to shut down. He obviously had a big RL change, lets just hope that it is not the end for these games as they were a lot of fun.

GM Harpwizard |

I am around, but I've been extremely busy these last few weeks. If you could believe it, I had to teach Pathfinder in my high school for two weeks. It was really tough, but we managed to run a PFS scenario each day. Between my GMing colleage and I, we ran 25 sessions. The kids absolutely loved it!
Well, I was suppose to go to Scotland next week, but we had to cancel our trip dur to some family health issues. We are doing well, but we had to shorten our vacation. Instead of Scotland for 4 weeks, we are going to Alaska for about 10 days.

DM Harpwizard |

We are doing well. It's actually my mother in law who is having trouble. The worse part is that we do not know what is actually wrong. However, we will make the best of it and go visit when we can. As for Scotland, we will try to go again next summer. Actually, Feytharn, one of the best advantages of shortening the trip and going to Alaska instead is that I get to attend a local Pathfinder Society Convention with some friends. For a three day affair I will get to play in six scenarios and GM two.
My big question is what do I prep? I am signed up to GM two open sessions, which means I can GM anything of my choice. The problem is, most Pathfinders at these conventions have already played a great many scenarios. At the moment I could run the following at a moments notice:
Season 3
The Frostfur Captives
The Tide of Twilight
The Gods Market Gamble
The Cyphermage Dilemma
Season 4
The Rise of The Goblin Guild
The Veteran's Vault
Season 5
The Glass River Rescue
The Confirmation
The Stolen Heir
What do you think the chances are that I will find a group of players who all have not done one of these? Have you guys played through most of these? Do you folks know any other scenarios that you would recommend that few would have gone through, that would be easy to prep and would be a lot of fun? Thanks for your thoughts!

Shifty |

Season 3
The Frostfur Captives - Played
The Tide of Twilight
The Gods Market Gamble - Played
The Cyphermage Dilemma
Season 4
The Rise of The a Goblin Guild - Played
The Veteran's Vault - GM'd
Season 5
The Glass River Rescue - Played & GM'd
The Confirmation
The Stolen Heir - Played.
Season 3 stuff is pretty popular, as most cons are spamming S5 and smatterings of S4, so newer players particularly wont have even heard of the S3 content.
Rise of the Goblin guild was funky, but highly frustrating.
Vet Vault a much more straightforward affair.
The three Season 5s are generally welcome, especially the Confirmation, which is a replayable scenario, so always worth having tucked away for an emergency.
If it is a double session, go for City of Strangers 1 & 2, or Hydras Fang Incident + Perils of the Pirate Pact. They work ok as there is a theme, and they are pretty straightforward.

DM Harpwizard |

Thanks for your thoughts, Shifty. The hardest part of Goblin Guild is the chase sequence. I've been trying to turn it into more of a narration/skill check affair. If I make it into a dramatic story it works well. However, even aside from the chase, my players seem to enjoy it immensely. I love how every group I run it with it treats the goblin follower differently.
I will keep The Confirmation in mind for replayability. I suppose the players could have a different experience every time it is played. Thant's good to think about. However, running the confirmation repeatedly is why I have 6 PFS characters now!
I will also look into those double themed scenarios. Thanks! That is a good possibility. At the moment I have the same four players signed up for both sessions on the warhorn. Do you guys use the Warhorn in Australia?