Pathfinder Pre-Painted Plastic Minis


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PaladinRS wrote:
If it is. Just point me to the post of ONE damn person asking for painted miniatures.

I want a wide selection of prepainted miniatures that are reasonably priced*. I don't play Warhammer.

*If that can be done without random packs, great. If not, random is fine with me.

PaladinRS wrote:
Make the damn pogs and continue to destroy your competition.

I personally wouldn't bother buying pogs. I can print out pictures myself.

And if pogs were such a great idea, I'd imagine disk wars would still be thriving due to RPGers purchasing them to use.

Grand Lodge

PaladinRS wrote:
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe this is the way to go. If it is. Just point me to the post of ONE damn person asking for painted miniatures.

Thread 1

Thread 2

I know there have been more, but those turned up on a 2 second search.

EDIT: And there have been other board regulars, like me, who thought "Yeah, that would be nice, but it's never gonna happen cuz there is nobody out there to take on the license."

And remember, this is a Licensed Product. Paizo's commitment is mostly just oversight.

PaladinRS wrote:
The pre painted miniature thing was a disaster for WoTC. I see trunkloads of that garbage being offered on EBAY for .99 cents.

Links please? I'm in a buying mood. Singles don't count, you said "trunkloads", so I'd settle for lots of 10+ actually selling for that little.

PaladinRS wrote:
The people who use miniatures are going to want to paint miniatures. And they are all going to want to play Warhammer. Because its pretty much the best miniature game out there.

Don't want to paint. Don't want to play Warhammer. Warhammer is inferior to DDM, MonPoc, Hordes, WarMachine, HeroClix et al.

PaladinRS wrote:
Drop this s*%#. Put your artists to work on pogs. Fire the moron who had the painted miniature idea. Promote someone who has the number for a printer who can do high quality die cut cardboard in their rolodex.

Pogs aren't even cool to the 3-year olds they were targeted to.

PaladinRS wrote:
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe this is the way to go. If it is. Just point me to the post of ONE damn person asking for painted miniatures.

---> Paizo, would you please make pre-painted plastic miniatures?

PaladinRS wrote:
Because I can link about 200 on your own damn boards of people asking for Official Pathfinder cardboard pogs.

Pretty sure we could exceed that, and by quite a bit, of people asking for pre-painted plastic minis.

PaladinRS wrote:

Make the damn pogs and continue to destroy your competition. Sincerely. Whoever the brainchild of this abortion was needs to be let go.

You are going to make way more money off of this, and you could keep it all in house. Please. Listen to reason.

Is that what it's called these days?

PaladinRS wrote:
The people who use miniatures are going to want to paint miniatures.

As the bread-and-butter of my company, i certainly hope that demand for unpainted metal figures is high. But I can tell you there *IS* a demand for pre-painted plastics, because we sell those, too.

PaladinRS wrote:
And they are all going to want to play Warhammer. Because its pretty much the best miniature game out there.

Really? Because most of the people I know that buy the Pathfinder Minis or the Dark Heaven, Chronoscope, or Warlord Minis we sell play D&D, Pathfinder, or some other tabletop RPG.

Minis are only for Warhammer? They don't even MAKE metal miniatures anymore...

Liberty's Edge

I know it's only one box with a handful of minis, but if WizKids did do Pathfinder plastic minis in greater numbers, I'd buy them all.

Well, I'd buy some of everything. I leave a couple around for everyone else...

pres man wrote:

Slap these on a base and there you go.

goblin dogs ~ zombie dogs


PaladinRS wrote:
a whole bunch of stuff I disagree with.

Warhammer???!!!? What does that have to do with D&D/Pathfinder? We're not playing a strategy game... we're playing RPGs... These figures represent our characters!

Never even CROSSED my mind to try a game like that. I want the figures for THIS game.

First of all... Miniatures are a LOT more fun to see on the table than pogs.

While YES, i DO enjoy painting them... i also enjoy the plastic ones to help customize the weapons and armor a LOT easier than trying to carve metal. My DM wants to maintain SOME secrecy about what we'll be facing... and does NOT paint. So he loves the pre-painted variety.

As for Pogs and paper miniatures... I find it mind-boggeling that people pay money for that. Paper has POTENTIAL... but pogs are a joke. Anyone with a printer can come up with better (or just as good) pictures.

Marvel Superheroes did the tricorner paper miniatures back in the 80's... I've gone SO far beyond that...

Seriously... pieces of paper = good... 3D plasic miniatures = Bad???

mind Boggleing...

My only hope is that there is a good mix of races and classes that are generic enough for PLAYERS to use too.. Just a whole bunch of 'iconics' will be VERY frustrating... (really my biggest problem with the Pathfinder/reaper ones..) We don't USE the iconics in our games... we have our OWN characters.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

The one I've seen looks great! The idea sounds great! I just hope they're durable, is all.

I've never had a D&D mini break, but I've seen a few Heroclix fail to survive a short accidental trip from table to the floor.

Drakli wrote:

The one I've seen looks great! The idea sounds great! I just hope they're durable, is all.

I've never had a D&D mini break, but I've seen a few Heroclix fail to survive a short accidental trip from table to the floor.

I've had quite a few minis break, but it's always swords breaking off. That's my fault though, I just keep them in a bin (and I have a decent sized collection and want more. I'm obsessed).

Also I'll also throw my hat out there to show mr paladin that we DO want pre painted plastic. I thought we'd never see any paizo ones due to cost, but I am hopeful and will buy these when they come out if for no other reason than to help promote the idea of more.

I love the pathfinder paper minis, the idea is great, the only problem I've had is ink being my reason for not making them now (I can't find a good printer that can do a reasonable amount of prints cheap). I bought the first 3 or so sets and just haven't picked up the new ones yet. Pogs/stands I'm not as interested as has been mentioned I can just make that in a paint program myself with the actual art of said npc/critter.

PaladinRS wrote:

This can be what I imagine happens when people do not do any "research" and just go off of what they "believe" happened.

1. People want pre-painted minis period. They could be made out of plaster, but as long as they are pre-painted people will probably purchase them. Why? Because not all of us have the time to paint nor the confidence in our ability to do so. We live in a society where we want what we want and we want it right now. I'm not saying everyone falls into this kind of thinking but a good deal of people do.

2. While the company that makes Warhammer does do some really good minis and potentially they could be used for characters or a variety of other uses, they are expensive, they have to be put together and painted. This may be fine for some people, but I'd rather not put together a hundred different Warhammer goblins and then paint them, not to mention that unless I played that game as well it would be silly for me to spend all of that money on those minis unless every encounter required several goblins.

3. The irony of your statement that no one wants prepainted plastic minis in a thread that is dedicated to talking about prepainted plastic minis and where several of the posts include "YES, DO WANT" like statements astounds me. I mean we are not even talking about Alannis Morrisette Irony here, but real honest to goodness Irony where the audience is just like, "Is he being for real?" Thank you, sir. I don't believe that anyone will ever have a better example of such a concept after this. (The previous sentence is a good example of sarcasm for those of you following along at home.)

Brian E. Harris wrote:
Warhammer is inferior to DDM, MonPoc, Hordes, WarMachine, HeroClix et al.

I do not appreciate your usage of the word inferior here. First of all, by making this statement you are in fact comparing apples to oranges. Sure the are both miniatures games, but they are completely different. If Warhammer was such an inferior game, it would not be as popular as it is. Having played both games, and enjoying both, I don't see either as being a better or worse game because you cannot compare the two. This would be like comparing 1st ed DnD to the Lord of the Rings. Sure both deal with the genre of fantasy but they do so in completely different ways.

PaladinRS wrote:
Painted Miniatures? Fire the huge bad that had that idea, and hire someone that isn't suffering from a recent lobotomy.
PaladinRS wrote:
Drop this s#+~. Put your artists to work on pogs. Fire the moron who had the painted miniature idea. Promote someone who has the number for a printer who can do high quality die cut cardboard in their rolodex.
PaladinRS wrote:
Make the damn pogs and continue to destroy your competition. Sincerely. Whoever the brainchild of this abortion was needs to be let go.
PaladinRS wrote:
Respectfully and Ernestly

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well I know about the "roll/role" elitism, the "manga/furry/cyborg/gunslinger/none of those please" elitism, but pog elitism is admittedly something new for me.

Sovereign Court

Gorbacz wrote:
painting elitism is admittedly something new for me.

Not a wargamer then, are you? :D

PaladinRS has been a paragon of restraint and gentility compared to the... strongly held opinions on painting miniatures that you'll get over at places like DakkaDakka.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Another thing to keep in mind for minis...

People want them. Look at Ironwind's product. They have 'fan financed' miniatures. They cost roughly $600-800 for a mech to be comissioned, then they sell the finished product through the store. (the patron(s) get I think a dozen or so).

They've had to stop accepting fan financing for now...

Because there are too many already on back order.

Heck, with heroclix, you get people on the secondary market who buy minis for nostaliga. I hunted down the 80's Teen Titans in heroclix for my sister one year. She didn't enjoy the effort as much as I thought she would.*

I hunted down a War Machine, a Thunderstrike, various Captain America sculpts etc because they're heroes I enjoy and I like having the minis on my desk. Likewise, I have a Clicky Tech Spider on my desk because I think the sculpt is cool.

I don't even play the games.


Apparently it's ok for her to get me things that harken back to our childhood, but not the other way 'round.

Liberty's Edge

PaladinRS wrote:

Fair enough. I will repost it without the offending Verb.

At least you read it though.

I don't remember exactly what I had, so I will try to paraphrase:

Painted Miniatures? Fire the huge bad that had that idea, and hire someone that isn't suffering from a recent lobotomy ... etc, etc, etc

I have to say you are pretty far off base here, my friend. While there certainly are people that like to paint metal miniatures, there are also PLENTY of people that prefer prepainted plastic.

My entire group uses nothing but prepainted plastic minis. I am thrilled at the prospect of Paizo partnering up with someone who will make them. You asked to be pointed to someone asking for prepainted plastic minis ... well, I'm certainly one :)

As for the pogs thing, there are people out there that use them, but I suspect that number may not be very large. I know no one in my group uses them. I personally have pretty much zero interest in them ...

You are more than entitled to you opinion (accurate or not) and you certainly are entitled to want what you want and believe what you will ...

BUT, please don't insist that you're opinions are fact, particularly in such a ... obnoxious is the best word to use here ... way.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
JMD031 wrote:
I do not appreciate your usage of the word inferior here.

My apologies for stating an opinion and not using masked curse words or insulting the staff of a gaming company while doing so.

I'll strive for irony next time, rather than a lack of appreciation.

If people are really interested in pogs, I would point out there are tokens for sale here:
Set #1
Set #3

The sizes are 3ed so some of them are no longer standard (10'x5' for example) and they are printed on card stock and have to be cut out instead of punched out. But with a little work, you can cut them out and glue them to cardboard and you'd have some effective pogs.

PaladinRS wrote:

This person has four posts, posts this invective, and you're wasting precious minutes of your lives replying? What in the name of God are you crackheads thinking? (and I say this lovingly)

Kruelaid wrote:
PaladinRS wrote:
This person has four posts, posts this invective, and you're wasting precious minutes of your lives replying? What in the name of God are you crackheads thinking? (and I say this lovingly)

Well, for me, I was really hoping to see links to these mythical eBay auctions selling "truckloads" of DDM for $0.99.

I wants me some more pre-painted plastic minis!

Sovereign Court

Brian E. Harris wrote:

Well, for me, I was really hoping to see links to these mythical eBay auctions selling "truckloads" of DDM for $0.99.

I believe the Paladin was saying you could buy truckloads of $0.99 miniatures, not truckloads of miniatures for $0.99. And, if you're willing to buy s++@ty commons nobody wants, you probably can. If it's a small truck.

cappadocius wrote:
I believe the Paladin was saying you could buy truckloads of $0.99 miniatures, not truckloads of miniatures for $0.99. And, if you're willing to buy s~+*ty commons nobody wants, you probably can. If it's a small truck.


You've forced me to re-read his post.

He actually said "trunkloads of garbage" which is not what I want.


Reaperbryan wrote:
Really? Because most of the people I know that buy the Pathfinder Minis or the Dark Heaven, Chronoscope, or Warlord Minis we sell play D&D, Pathfinder, or some other tabletop RPG.

I bought Reaper metal in the past. Not so much any more, but mainly because I don't really get to paint them. Still have lots of metal waiting to be painted.

I also bought some stuff from GW. Their minis are cool, too, but I wouldn't call them better than Reaper, but they're definitely more expensive.

I often picked up some cool warhammer figure but put it down again when I saw the price tag. That never really happened with Reaper.

And I said it before and I'll say it again: With the possible exception of dinosaurs, I'll probably get the whole Legendary Encounter line. I'll gladly get spares of horde monsters like orcs and goblins - all the stuff that is put in packs of 3.

What do you have planned for the line? You should definitely do a marilith. I have the metal one, but I haven't painted it yet, don't know when I will, and we really need a pretty marilith. The DDM one was way beyond ugly.

Also, I have this metal fury which I think is from Reaper.

And some spellcasters. We definitely need some of those.

And mosnters. And everything else! :)

I would love to buy several pre-painted plastic Bathalians, phase cats and some versions of your Tyrant of Darkness/Eyebeast/Conjunctivus...

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

I'm all for pre-painted minis, and the larger the better.

I have never (and am never going to start) painting miniatures - such a hobby would fall below my existing hobbies of working on my campaign, reading (Paizo material and just books in general), watching movies, visiting winerys, and brewing beer.

Thus, anything I can get already painted for me is a plus; I'm getting tired of trying to have action figures double as useful miniatures, and I'm tired of trying to write material around the miniatures I do have instead of the ones I want.

So, anyone who comes out with prepainted miniatures can expect me as a customer. Anyone who wants me to buy metal miniatures will have to wait until I'm wealthy enough to hire someone as permanent staff to paint them for me :)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Brian E. Harris wrote:
I would love to buy several pre-painted plastic Bathalians, phase cats and some versions of your Tyrant of Darkness/Eyebeast/Conjunctivus...

I'm still waiting for the plastic Marilith to be released.

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Have fun with your prepainted miniatures. Much like the other line of prepainted crap that is out there, I look forward to seeing it rot on the shelves.

The only thing I see anyone buying from WotC these days is their Monster Vault. The local store I buy from had an epiphany and opened a box to show people what they get. People want it for the monster tokens. I know people from pretty much every system out there that use it. And while it is just 'paper minis', which I suppose you could print out for yourself, its 30 bucks for the box, and you get a f!@@ing ton of them. And they are glossy and pretty and high quality. And they are definately not s~!* you could just 'print out'.


I will repost in six months with either an apology, or much more likely, laughing my ass off and wondering when you will release a Beastiery Box set with tokens.

30 Bucks Plus for a box of pre painted plastic miniatures. LOL.

Have fun with that.

PaladinRS wrote:


Have fun with your prepainted miniatures. Much like the other line of prepainted crap that is out there, I look forward to seeing it rot on the shelves.

The only thing I see anyone buying from WotC these days is their Monster Vault. The local store I buy from had an epiphany and opened a box to show people what they get. People want it for the monster tokens. I know people from pretty much every system out there that use it. And while it is just 'paper minis', which I suppose you could print out for yourself, its 30 bucks for the box, and you get a f%!&ing ton of them. And they are glossy and pretty and high quality. And they are definately not s+!$ you could just 'print out'.


I will repost in six months with either an apology, or much more likely, laughing my ass off and wondering when you will release a Beastiery Box set with tokens.

30 Bucks Plus for a box of pre painted plastic miniatures. LOL.

Have fun with that.

LOL. I expect that I will. LOL. LOL.


Brian E. Harris wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
I do not appreciate your usage of the word inferior here.

My apologies for stating an opinion and not using masked curse words or insulting the staff of a gaming company while doing so.

I'll strive for irony next time, rather than a lack of appreciation.

It is not the fact that you have stated the opinion, it is the manner in which you have stated it. If I say "Fuji Appples are inferior to all other apples", sure I'm just stating my opinion but since I never quantify what inferior means my statement is meaningless. In a way what I'm getting at is that your opinion means next to nothing unless you stated in a way such as "Warhammer is inferior to DDM, Warmachine, Hordes, etc. BECAUSE of price, model quality, rules, etc. I don't care that you don't like warhammer, but I disagree that the game is generally inferior in every way to all of those other games as each game has their own strengths and weaknesses. You can choose not to reply to this because you do not owe anyone an explanation, but I have a feeling you will anyways because no one wants their opinion to be considered meaningless on the internet.


PaladinRS wrote:


Have fun with your prepainted miniatures. Much like the other line of prepainted crap that is out there, I look forward to seeing it rot on the shelves.

I think you've forgotten the most important rule of the Paizo messageboards: don't be a jerk.

PaladinRS wrote:

You might keep a look out for PF Beginner Box, it suppose to have 80 pawns, which are not going to be miniatures. What those pawns are, I'm not sure if anyone has clarified (if it has been I'd like to know). It may be pogs like you want or maybe markers like used in Kill Doctor Lucky. If they are pogs, looks like you might get a chance to increase your stash.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I think you've forgotten the most important rule of the Paizo messageboards: don't be a jerk.

Oh Snap!

Brian E. Harris wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
PaladinRS wrote:
This person has four posts, posts this invective, and you're wasting precious minutes of your lives replying? What in the name of God are you crackheads thinking? (and I say this lovingly)

Well, for me, I was really hoping to see links to these mythical eBay auctions selling "truckloads" of DDM for $0.99.

I wants me some more pre-painted plastic minis!

Sure Paladin dude was exaggerating, but you really can get some great deals on minis on Ebay. I purchased almost 600 MageKnight minis for $60 (roughly a dime per mini) and got some really great minis that I intend to use in numerous Pathfinder and D&D campaigns. Because the bases are too large for my battle maps I used a pair of flush-cut pliers and removed them from their old base and glued them down to wooden disks that are the same size as D&D minis. The wooden disks cost me an additional $10 or so.

Now I've got a pretty nice collection of minis with some really nice ones for dirt cheap. In fact some of the mounts make pretty nice dragons with the rider removed and dragon wings epoxied on their shoulders. I feel like I got a steal.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
KaeYoss wrote:

What do you have planned for the line? You should definitely do a marilith. I have the metal one, but I haven't painted it yet, don't know when I will, and we really need a pretty marilith. The DDM one was way beyond ugly.

Also, I have this metal fury which I think is from Reaper.

And some spellcasters. We definitely need some of those.

And mosnters. And everything else! :)

I'm in the loop a little - I sit in on about a third of the LE planning meetings. But 99% of the time, I'm too busy on the production floor cranking out unpainted metal miniatures. I am a chair on the board that helps vote on which of the offerings up for consideration will go to the prototyping stage, but I'm not very deeply involved with LE as a whole.

With that disclaimer, We're looking at 6 non-dinosaur releases this fall, I'm pretty sure it's got wolves, a wizard type, and some fire/acid beetles. I can't recall the other 3. I'm thinking there was a ghast or a ghoul, but I'm drawing a blank. Not being on the final committee, I have no notes to refer to, I'm just trying to recall the voting process.

Some of the figures we showed in the past on our site never got prototyped in plastic - the version we showed was the metal copy we send to our supplier as a Master. Some of the figures got prototyped, and then voted down after that. For every 4 figures we release, we protoype 12. For every 12 we Prototype, 20 got made as Masters.

Plastics are a very different business model for us than the metal we've worked with for two decades, and we approach it much more cautiously - many of you could probably name a dozen or so companies and products that were sunk by pre-painteds, and I am pretty darn adamant that I not be one of them.

If you're at PaizoCon, Origins, or GenCon, I'd love to talk in person. (this goes for any of you, not just KaeYoss.)

Brian E. Harris wrote:
I would love to buy several pre-painted plastic Bathalians

And why don't you? One of the first minis in the LE series.

The Paizo store now has product entries for Cerberus and Cyclops for pre-order (no pictures yet, though). Judging from the price, they're going to be big.


Reaperbryan wrote:

If you're at PaizoCon, Origins, or GenCon, I'd love to talk in person. (this goes for any of you, not just KaeYoss.)

Nope, nope and nope. Germany-based, me. And while some might call me obsessed with this hobby, I do draw the line at oceans when it comes to cons. ;-)

Otherwise, I'd probably be there with bells on. (It's true - just look at my avatar pic!)

PaladinRS wrote:


Have fun with your prepainted miniatures. Much like the other line of prepainted crap that is out there, I look forward to seeing it rot on the shelves.

Have fun with that.

I work for a company that sold those prepainted minis and we had a hard time keeping them on the shelves. We routinely sold out of them, and i never have understood why they stopped making them, but i guess other companies had trouble selling them for some reason.

As for these soon to come PF minis we have a lot of customers (myself included) that are really looking forward to them, so they definitely will not rot on our shelves.

Liberty's Edge

We can barely keep the used mini's on the shelf any more. I doubt any thing would rot. I dig the plastic mini's for monsters and NPC's and prefer to paint PC's and key bad dudes.

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
We can barely keep the used mini's on the shelf any more. I doubt any thing would rot. I dig the plastic mini's for monsters and NPC's and prefer to paint PC's and key bad dudes. is a good source is you want to pour your own mini's from moulds and you need a horde of something (though there 32mm line is spares if you don't need Romans, Elves or Britons).

That said, I think the problem with prepainted minis is that they're hand painted overseas which leaves the producer open to a number of problems.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Just as a note, doing a set of prepainted plastic minis doesn't mean that we're not thinking about any other options for representing characters, NPCs, and monsters.

In fact, I can promise you that 2011 will see Pathfinder "minis" released in at least four different forms: WizKids' prepainted plastic, Reaper's unpainted metal, Pathfinder Paper Minis from a number of artists, and the tokens in the Beginner Box—which, if people like 'em, could possibly show up in other forms in 2012. (We'll be revealing exactly what those tokens are at PaizoCon next week!)

These things are in no way mutually exclusive.

KaeYoss wrote:
Brian E. Harris wrote:
I would love to buy several pre-painted plastic Bathalians
And why don't you? One of the first minis in the LE series.

I shall buy 4 of him shortly.

Thank you, good sir. I must have skipped over him looking at the Reaper page.

Can anyone knowledgeable comment on the feasibility of "common goblins and rare rune lords"?

It doesn't seem to me that such a model would actually work (logical as it appears from a consumer point of view) since it reduces the desirability of the rare figures. If they're not close to indispensable then the number of people who will collect until they find one or more will be considerably lower I would think.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
PaladinRS wrote:
If it is. Just point me to the post of ONE damn person asking for painted miniatures.

It's not particularly important, but I have a monthly budget of around two hundred bucks set aside for prepainted, plastic figures currently going begging and no interest in unpainted figures. So although you may not know any, there are people looking for exactly this kind of product.

I also have all the various 4E tokens which are available and they remain unused in their sheets. What appears "obvious" is usually a matter of perspective, IMO.

Paizo Employee CEO

11 people marked this as a favorite.
PaladinRS wrote:
Sincerely. Whoever the brainchild of this abortion was needs to be let go.

That would be me. And since I own the company, firing me would be to close up shop.

Oh, and btw, doing prepainted plastics with WizKids doesn't preclude us from doing cardboard pogs. Or metal miniatures. Or paper minis. It isn't a one or the other type of thing. Different customers want different things.

Oh, and one more note. HeroClix is doing really, really well right now for WizKids. Their new sets that have print runs that are supposed to last six months are selling out in six weeks. Or less. They have even had some sets that sold out before they were released. Doesn't sound like a failing industry to me.


Dark Archive

bugleyman wrote:
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I think you've forgotten the most important rule of the Paizo messageboards: don't be a jerk.
Oh Snap!

Double Snap, SKR for the WIN!

I LOVE to paint. And after twenty years of it, I can call myself passable. GW has put several of my paint jobs on display and I made a meager living off them when I was unemployed.

I'm not a fan of the quality or paint jobs of prepainted minis. The swords can't stand up straight because the plastic is soft. And the meager price falls flat when compared to the rest.

BUT... I have more prepainted minis in my travel box than I have painted GW/Reaper in my entire life. Why? Because I've grown tired of painting groups, I can only stand to paint individual figures anymore, and I prefer characters over monsters.

I don't want to spend a week painting a regiment of 20 orcs when I don't even play Warhammer for a scene in D&D where they're going to be manhandled, moved around, and possibly eaten by a kitten, only to be put carefully individually in a foam box to come home. Instead, I'll pay a THIRD of what GW wants to charge me for their orcs, buy some pre-painted orc figs, toss them collectively in a travel bin, and spend that extra time painting a bad-ass tattooed Seoni from Reaper (ALL HAIL SEONI!).

I have a feeling a good portion of us feel this way.

[stands on soapbox]

So to all the Trolls out there, you can back off, because your precious metal minis aren't going anywhere (thank Aroden!), so you can stop ragging on the plastic pre-paints. They are just there to give you the time you need to paint the good stuff. And if you don't want to use them, that's fine. Go ahead and spend two weeks painting for a single encounter. There is nothing wrong with that desire. I applaud your efforts and will join in the paint parade whenever I can. But don't rain on someone else's pre-paint parade just because you wouldn't use them yourself. Gamer's are rare enough. We need to stick together, not split apart over elitism.

[puts soapbox away]

Oooh, it's time to game! Where's Seoni....

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Thank you!

Sovereign Court

Reaperbryan wrote:
I'm pretty sure it's got wolves, a wizard type, and some fire/acid beetles.

eeeeee! You made me so happy!

Lisa Stevens wrote:
PaladinRS wrote:
Sincerely. Whoever the brainchild of this abortion was needs to be let go.

That would be me. And since I own the company, firing me would be to close up shop.

Then I'll finally get my company back! Rrrragh!

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Oh, and one more note. HeroClix is doing really, really well right now for WizKids. Their new sets that have print runs that are supposed to last six months are selling out in six weeks. Or less. They have even had some sets that sold out before they were released. Doesn't sound like a failing industry to me.


Without any context to this statement, it holds about as much weight as the pixels of this post.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'll be back in this thread in 6 months to offer cheap and efficient abortions to people who say LOL a lot, because it's clearly undesirable for them to spread their DNA any further. :)

Lisa Stevens wrote:
PaladinRS wrote:
Sincerely. Whoever the brainchild of this abortion was needs to be let go.

That would be me. And since I own the company, firing me would be to close up shop.

Oh, and btw, doing prepainted plastics with WizKids doesn't preclude us from doing cardboard pogs. Or metal miniatures. Or paper minis. It isn't a one or the other type of thing. Different customers want different things.

Oh, and one more note. HeroClix is doing really, really well right now for WizKids. Their new sets that have print runs that are supposed to last six months are selling out in six weeks. Or less. They have even had some sets that sold out before they were released. Doesn't sound like a failing industry to me.


It's not a failing industry, it's a difficult one. I wish that weren't true and that I could buy plastic pre-painted miniatures of Yuan-ti as easily and cheaply as I can buy plastic pre-painted army men or bugs. But that's not the case.

I wish Paizo and WizKids well in this endeavor and I will certainly buy at least one pack of the minis just to vote with my dollars so that there is a likelihood of continuing to make more minis.

But the reality is that I have a pretty good bit of disposable income that I could spend on minis, and even then I don't want to spend $30 on six or eight minis unless I have a burning need for a specific set to complete an encounter in a campaign. And even then I'd probably just go ahead and make my own minis before spending that much money on minis.

I just bought two dragon figures from Michaels, one was $5.99 (a green dragon) and one was $14.99 (a red dragon). And they are completely compatible with D&D although they are colossal sized. Our gaming store has a dragon about half the size of the smaller of the two I bought at Michaels for $35, used. No way I'm spending that sort of money on a mini. That's a movie and a snack for my wife and me.

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