GenCon Gollum |

GenCon Gollum wrote:~tosses you into the piranah pool and then takes what is left and feeds it to the rabit from a certain movie~Sharoth wrote:What kind of pets do you want to buy? Lets be civil about it.Ooo! I'd like some rabbits and fresh fishies! Mmmm... delicious!
No! Precious doesn't like the water! Precious likes to be dirty and filthy and covered with ...
Mmm... fishies! Begins eating the piranhas

Mike The Tiger |

Mike The Tiger wrote:I'm available as a pet, but I've got high standards. My enclosure needs to be valued at around $4-5 million, and I get fed on cheerleaders.~thinks~ Nah! I think a good tiger skin rug will do nicely.
Nice try lizard! But I'm an endangered species. Mess with me and Al Gore will be all over you like flies on s$!#.

Spanky the Leprechaun |

Kruely, you know that border collies are genetic f#$~ing mutant workaholics that demolish the interior of houses if they can't herd sheep 18 hours a day, right?
Border collies shouldn't be pets for humans until we are so technologically advanced that we can buy the border collie a pet android to throw frisbees for him/her for 12 hours a day.
Just thought you should be warned; if you knew that already, then carry on.

Kruelaid |

Kruely, you know that border collies are genetic f@##ing mutant workaholics that demolish the interior of houses if they can't herd sheep 18 hours a day, right?
Border collies shouldn't be pets for humans until we are so technologically advanced that we can buy the border collie a pet android to throw frisbees for him/her for 12 hours a day.
Just thought you should be warned; if you knew that already, then carry on.
Thanks for the heads up. Did not know that.
Luckily we're going to be living on Vancouver Island on about 4 acres. There will be a goat, so the dog will have something to exercise his control issues on. Plus I love Frisbee.
Walking distance of the sea. So it can go swimming too.... hopefully it won't get mistaken for a seal.... NOM NOM NOM

Spanky the Leprechaun |

I copied this off of a site;
"If you want a dog who...
•Is medium-sized and natural-looking
•Has a handsome, easy-groom coat
•Is very athletic and thrives on TONS of exercise and training
•Is exceptionally intelligent and versatile -- when well-trained, can learn and do almost anything
•Will play fetch for hours and hours
A Border Collie may be right for you.
If you don't want to deal with...
•An intense athlete who can drive you up the wall with obsessive and destructive behaviors if you don't provide lots of exercise and creative outlets for his energy
•Compulsive chasing and nipping at things that move: children, joggers, other animals, bikes, cars
•"Separation anxiety" (destructiveness and barking) when left alone too much
•Shyness when not socialized enough
A Border Collie may not be right for you."
a lot of them ended up in rescue when the movie "Babe" came out because they can't just sit in your livingroom while you're at work, man. And if you don't have a herd of sheep, they're instinctually driven to herd kids and bicyclists......You really have to run the holy hell out of those dogs every day, man. They're not meant to be pets. They're work dogs.

Patrick Curtin |

I don't usually like to do the preaching bit, but border collies can be a handful.
But, hell, you might be the one person in 100 or whatever that ought to actually have one for all I know.
Sounds kinda like my Boston Terrier. Except he'd rather be hunting squirrels and rats and breaking their little necks than herding them. He gets about a half hour of frisbee a day. He's relentless.