Burgomeister of Troll Town |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
I've only been here about a year longer than you, so let me offer you some advice that you can ignore if you like.
I personally don't care what you say. But if you want to make friends in Fawtl, you're going to have abide by their rules or else you'll get ostracized. (See: Gark the Goblin, to a certain extent me)
Their rules, ostensibly, are: no religion, no politics, no sports (although they seem to ignore that one all the time). A corollary that I would offer is that if I'm the only one engaging you in conversation, you're probably violating the rules as the Lord President Moorluck found out.
It's a learning process, figuring out what is okay and what is not. And, of course, the rules are stretched a bit, depending on who you are. I'd advise you spend a bit more time lurking to get the lay of the land. As you spend more time here, you'll figure out who is who, what their senses of humor are, and which people have higher tolerance for "trolling."
Also, I'd advise that you learn to let things go. For example, if the moderators delete one of your posts, don't write a post back explaining what you meant. Apologizing is fine, but going into the details of why you said what you said kind of defeats the purpose of them deleting it.
Don't get me wrong: there's all kinds of threads where people will be happy to engage you in outrageous statements and vitriolic attacks; Fawtl just isn't one of them.
Of course, it's very possible that I have no idea what I'm talking about. Please keep in mind that, again, I have no problems with you, but, then again, I love trolls!
Mike Welham Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012 |
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If I may add to the Burgomeister's eloquent post:
One other rule is we don't talk about our battles with other posters in FaWTL. This has caused problems where those posters follow into the thread and make things...awkward.
Yes, some people get a little more latitude. As BoTT alluded to, they've been around for quite a while, and we've grown accustomed to their pattern of posting. That's probably the best explanation I can give. It's not entirely fair, I realize, but we do caution people when they cross the line.
I hope that helps out some more.
Now, I hope I'm not breaking any unspoken/unwritten/unposted rules...
Moorluck |
Awwwww, look at our little Anklebiter being all helpful and stuff. ;)
Kelsey, my only concern is that your antics are going to bite you in the ass. I hope you can find your rhythm here, and I hope you find the fellowship you're looking for. But you make me nervous, I am sorry but you do. We'll see how things pan out in the future. Hell me and at least one other FaWTLy used to go at eachother over religious threads, now I count them as my friends.
Burgomeister of Troll Town |
Be very very quiet, we're hunting Trolls.
Well, if (and it's a big if) there's any positive results of resurrecting this thread, it's that I am reminded that I still have to rent this movie.
FuelDrop |
Pay attention to me! i'm important, and my opinion matters more than yours! i have the emotional maturity of a five year old! i'm... *Smashes troll across head with 2by4, pushes linp body off of chair and sits down.* sorry about that, i forgot to turn off my computer before getting a cup of hot chocolate. we now return you to your regularly schedualed troll-o-grams.
Gark the Goblin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
@The Agent of CHAOS: Could you please hold? I will put you in touch with our Customer Service Representative, Gark the Goblin.
I got this.
Rule #1: Deadpan, deadpan, deadpan: BE F%@$ING SERIOUS. You may or may not believe what you're saying, but you have to act like you do.
Rule #2: Typographical errors. And grammar. Gotta have them.
Rule #3: Offhand remarks! Assumptions about groups work really well, as do conspiracy theories.
Rule #4: Cohesiveness: I find the most annoyance is attracted by statements of a short paragraph or two. However, if you're willing to write or post something very finished and sincere-sounding, go for it!
Rule #5: Offensive content: Politics are the keys to a man's rage. You'll have to develop your own style
Rule #6: Learn from the best. See RaHoWa.
Rule #7: Get off on it. I suggest catchphrasing "Hee hee!" or "ahahahahahahahah." Let your friends know about all the brillig trolling you've accomplished!
Rule #8: Follow the rules, kids! (i.e. toe the line, dumbasses)
Rule #9: Go where you're not wanted. F'rinstance: Ponych4n.
Rule #10: Don't get counter-trolled.
Kelsey MacAilbert |
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I think I'm going to just stay out of religion and politics and avoid trollish behavior. If I absolutely must troll, I can always hop over to Stormfront and give them hell. It's not like they don't deserve it. The Paizo staff, however, doesn't need any more h#+$!#%@~ from me.