Synthesists and Evolution Questions...

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1: In short, the Synthesist summoner archetype's eidolon does not have skills. The Synthesist gets to use the eidolon's evolutions. Does the Skilled evolution apply to the summoner's skills?

2: Do you still pick your eidolon's base form, or must it be the humanoid base form? Quadraped seems like a better choice, allowing your summoner to pounce, and also gives your summoner an increased speed (since your speed is based on the limbs evolutions, right?)

Varthanna wrote:
Quick question. In short, the Synthesist summoner archetype's eidolon does not have skills. The Synthesist gets to use the eidolon's evolutions. Does the Skilled evolution apply to the summoner's skills?

It makes sense to me. It's always been one the summoner could get via the Aspect ability.

Varthanna wrote:

1: In short, the Synthesist summoner archetype's eidolon does not have skills. The Synthesist gets to use the eidolon's evolutions. Does the Skilled evolution apply to the summoner's skills?

2: Do you still pick your eidolon's base form, or must it be the humanoid base form? Quadraped seems like a better choice, allowing your summoner to pounce, and also gives your summoner an increased speed (since your speed is based on the limbs evolutions, right?)

]The synthesist also gains access to the eidolon’s special abilities and the eidolon’s evolutions.[/quote wrote:

Even if the Eidolon doesn't have skills, you have access to its evolutions. I'd say that it means you get the Skilled evolution even if you don't have access to Aspect yet, because it's the Synthesist's entire point.

But this does bring up a more important question in my opinion.

I like the concept of the Synthesist, but there seems to be a fatal flaw.
Since a regular Summoner would have another "character" on the field, with extra actions, its own skills, and its own feats, what is it that would make me want to be a Synthesist other than liking its flavor?

Now if I want my Eidolon to have the benefits of Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, or Improved Natural Attack, I have to take the feats myself (and possibly not even be allowed to take INA). This cuts into what I could spend on other feats. AND if I want to cast spells I don't get an attack with the Eidolon at the same time.

Plus I don't have the benefit of skills on the Eidolon, along with the lack of feats.

Sure, I have improved survivability, but is it worth it?

Do the feats that the Eidolon would gain from the Eidolon chart instead count as bonus feats for my character? Do I get my skills bumped up from 2+INT to the Eidolon's 6+INT because I'm fused (or at least 4+INT)? These are solutions I see to make the Synthesist more appealing (and a bit more in line with the vanilla class).

I'm also assuming that the Eidolon still receives the ability score boost to its own stats for this based on level. Which is why I'm wondering about the feats and skills.

Does the synthesist take up 10x10-ft. when he has a biped-eidolon summoned which has attained the large evolution?

According to the text, they appear to take up the same space - so the logical explanation would be that, yes, he does. But, it's kind of an odd situation - thus the indecision.

What do you guys think?

Why be a Synthesist? At a first glance, a Synthesist seems absolutely ridiculous.

Let's look at a 12th level Synthesist using a Biped base form, and a very modest investment into AC (2 evolution points, and less than 10k on gear)

AC: 10 (base) + 2 (biped nat armor) + 10 (leveling nat armor) +4 (2 evo points for nat armor) + 4 (greater shield meld) +6 (+2 Chainshirt) +1 (ring of protection) +1 (amulet of nat armor) +3 (17 Dex) =41 (39 if taking the Large evolution).

That's ridiculous. And minimal effort. For some more gold, feats, and points into dex you could possibly be looking at a 50 AC. At level 12. Oh, and you also have 120ish hp assuming you don't bother to raise your con, invest any feats, or use your favored class bonus for more.

And to top it all off, you still got up to 5 attacks per round with 14 more evolution points to spend however you wish, still doing the ridiculous Eidolon damage.

Merkatz wrote:

Why be a Synthesist? At a first glance, a Synthesist seems absolutely ridiculous.

Let's look at a 12th level Synthesist using a Biped base form, and a very modest investment into AC (2 evolution points, and less than 10k on gear)

AC: 10 (base) + 2 (biped nat armor) + 10 (leveling nat armor) +4 (2 evo points for nat armor) + 4 (greater shield meld) +6 (+2 Chainshirt) +1 (ring of protection) +1 (amulet of nat armor) +3 (17 Dex) =41 (39 if taking the Large evolution).

That's ridiculous. And minimal effort. For some more gold, feats, and points into dex you could possibly be looking at a 50 AC. At level 12. Oh, and you also have 120ish hp assuming you don't bother to raise your con, invest any feats, or use your favored class bonus for more.

And to top it all off, you still got up to 5 attacks per round with 14 more evolution points to spend however you wish, still doing the ridiculous Eidolon damage.

This and the master summoner seem to be a bit TOO good, I mean sure, you lose actions, but more than make up for it! In my opinion you can rival a martial class, plus you have other bonuses, can choose to fly, breath under water, etc. etc., I expect this to be a very abusable build, sure if you get hit by a dismissal or something related you may die, but that can be taken care of.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Merkatz wrote:

Why be a Synthesist? At a first glance, a Synthesist seems absolutely ridiculous.

Let's look at a 12th level Synthesist using a Biped base form, and a very modest investment into AC (2 evolution points, and less than 10k on gear)

AC: 10 (base) + 2 (biped nat armor) + 10 (leveling nat armor) +4 (2 evo points for nat armor) + 4 (greater shield meld) +6 (+2 Chainshirt) +1 (ring of protection) +1 (amulet of nat armor) +3 (17 Dex) =41 (39 if taking the Large evolution).

That's ridiculous. And minimal effort. For some more gold, feats, and points into dex you could possibly be looking at a 50 AC. At level 12. Oh, and you also have 120ish hp assuming you don't bother to raise your con, invest any feats, or use your favored class bonus for more.

And to top it all off, you still got up to 5 attacks per round with 14 more evolution points to spend however you wish, still doing the ridiculous Eidolon damage.

I'm not sure if the Synthesist is supposed to be able to use armor that he is wearing while he is using his eidolon's form. Sure, it says that the Synthesist can use his own gear and abilities while merged, but it also says that you use the eidolon's armor bonus rather than your own. Since eidolons can't wear armor, I think that means you have to use either mage armor or bracers of armor for your armor bonus. So, that makes things not quite as overpowered.

Merkatz wrote:

Why be a Synthesist? At a first glance, a Synthesist seems absolutely ridiculous.

Let's look at a 12th level Synthesist using a Biped base form, and a very modest investment into AC (2 evolution points, and less than 10k on gear)

AC: 10 (base) + 2 (biped nat armor) + 10 (leveling nat armor) +4 (2 evo points for nat armor) + 4 (greater shield meld) +6 (+2 Chainshirt) +1 (ring of protection) +1 (amulet of nat armor) +3 (17 Dex) =41 (39 if taking the Large evolution).

That's ridiculous. And minimal effort. For some more gold, feats, and points into dex you could possibly be looking at a 50 AC. At level 12. Oh, and you also have 120ish hp assuming you don't bother to raise your con, invest any feats, or use your favored class bonus for more.

And to top it all off, you still got up to 5 attacks per round with 14 more evolution points to spend however you wish, still doing the ridiculous Eidolon damage.

Note that Synthesists probably can't wear armor, since Eidolons can't wear armor and you become "one creature" with the Eidolon. Mage armor still works though.

The thing is, the incredible AC is already obtainable by an Eidolon, who can do whatever tanking for the party while the Summoner casts useful spells like grease or glitterdust. True, the summoner would have to invest in some AC items on the Eidolon and she would be unable to use items in those slots, but the Eidolon would get an entirely different set of skills, its own feats, and most importantly its own actions. It's no longer a choice between smashing the enemies and using Glitterdust to blind them - you can simply blind them and then smash them in the same round, increasing offensive combat effectiveness significantly. You can even have the eidolon charge (pounce, even) into combat while you fire off spells from a safe distance, secure in the knowledge that you can still put down a summon monster meatshield if the Eidolon does die, or even temporarily summon it back with a spell before the enemies get to you.

I still think that the synthesist class is quite good, and indeed very powerful, but the ridiculous AC bonuses are something all Eidolons can obtain, especially if you go with a small serpentine form, [you'd probably want to give it arms and either Arch or use a Scimitar with Dervish Dance given the high Dex and low Str if you wanted the ultimate AC tank].

As far as RAW, I'm still pretty convinced that a summoner can wear armor while in synthesists form. The summoner uses the eidolon's physical stats, and BAB (in place of his own). However, the summoner gains the eidolon's hit points, special abilities, evolutions, and natural armor (on top of his own).

But looking beyond that....

When we looked at the summoner class, it was often the summoner, not the Eidolon who was the weak link in the chain. Sure you might make one hell of a tankish eidolon, sacrificing a of it's offensive power in the process- but the summoner was still pretty squishy. Hit the summoner hard enough, or put him to sleep, or whatever, and the eidolon goes poof.

In the case of the synthesists, you are not only protecting the eidolon, you are protecting yourself. There's no weak link to target.

Hell, playing a sythesist who just gives up all forms of physical fighting is quite terrifying. Can you imagine a 10th level character with DR 5/Good, Immunity to acid, cold, electricity, fire, AND sonic attacks, 150ish HP, an AC in the upper 30s, permanent flight, above average saves all around, evasion, +30ish to UMD, and some encounter ending spells?

And the pure utility the synthesist brings to the table is staggering. A synthesist could have a +17 to UMD at first level, without any feats or traits at a cost of just 1 evolution point. With a trait, he could instead have a +18 in Diplomacy or Bluff at first level. And with Eidolon Surge spells, the summoner basically has 2 dozen self buff spells in one.

Shadow Lodge

Varthanna wrote:
2: Do you still pick your eidolon's base form, or must it be the humanoid base form? Quadraped seems like a better choice, allowing your summoner to pounce, and also gives your summoner an increased speed (since your speed is based on the limbs evolutions, right?)

Now this is a question I'd like answered! It would be really cool to be able to turn into a serpentine or quadraped creature through the Summoning Ritual. Does anyone remember Zoids?

Merkatz wrote:
As far as RAW, I'm still pretty convinced that a summoner can wear armor while in synthesists form. The summoner uses the eidolon's physical stats, and BAB (in place of his own). However, the summoner gains the eidolon's hit points, special abilities, evolutions, and natural armor (on top of his own).
Actually, it says
The synthesist uses the eidolon's base attack bonus, and gains the eidolon's armor and natural armor bonuses and modifiers to ability scores.

Shadow Lodge

Tobias wrote:
Merkatz wrote:
As far as RAW, I'm still pretty convinced that a summoner can wear armor while in synthesists form. The summoner uses the eidolon's physical stats, and BAB (in place of his own). However, the summoner gains the eidolon's hit points, special abilities, evolutions, and natural armor (on top of his own).
Actually, it says
The synthesist uses the eidolon's base attack bonus, and gains the eidolon's armor and natural armor bonuses and modifiers to ability scores.

You can still turn that all into Natural Armor. But I suspect an errata will come out saying that Armor of any kind still interferes with the Synthesist's connection to his Eidolon. I'd agree with it too.

Nigrescence wrote:

Even if the Eidolon doesn't have skills, you have access to its evolutions. I'd say that it means you get the Skilled evolution even if you don't have access to Aspect yet, because it's the Synthesist's entire point.

Small problem.

Skilled wrote:
An eidolon becomes especially adept at a specific skill, gaining a +8 racial bonus on that skill. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different skill.

The evolution gives the Eidolon the bonus to the skill. However, the summoner is not the Eidolon (he's only wearing it) and he does not get to use the Eidolon's skills.

So, no, it probably wouldn't apply.

Tobias wrote:

The evolution gives the Eidolon the bonus to the skill. However, the summoner is not the Eidolon (he's only wearing it) and he does not get to use the Eidolon's skills.

So, no, it probably wouldn't apply.

Except that's the same language for pretty much all the evoltions, so are you arguing the summoner doesnt, in fact, get any benefits?

Best way to abuse this would be to start venerable. Since you use the eidolon's physical stats, its like a free +3 stackable bonus to all your mental stats. Your only downside is if they caught you sleeping, and with a ring of sustenance and a half elf, those times would be small indeed. A summon eidolon spell could bring out your "armor" in a round.

It's also a fantastic dip class now, because you can add the bonuses directly to your fighter or barbarian's already potent abilities.

Varthanna wrote:
Tobias wrote:

The evolution gives the Eidolon the bonus to the skill. However, the summoner is not the Eidolon (he's only wearing it) and he does not get to use the Eidolon's skills.

So, no, it probably wouldn't apply.

Except that's the same language for pretty much all the evoltions, so are you arguing the summoner doesnt, in fact, get any benefits?

No. He doesn't. The eidolon has no feats or skills, and the summoner uses its physical abilities. If it has no feats or skills, and you give it a +8 bonus to a skill, then it has a +8 bonus to a skill it cannot roll. "The eidolon has no skills or feats of its own." This lasts until it gains Split Forms, in which case I'd argue that the eidolon gains the synthesists feats and mental ability scores. Otherwise, split forms would split you and your eidolon, and your eidolon would go unconscious from having 0 Wisdom/0 Int/0 Cha and disappear immediately.

It's also a fantastic dip class now, because you can add the bonuses directly to your fighter or barbarian's already potent abilities.

When you're synthing with your eidolon, you use its BAB and not your own. Directly RAW. "The synthesist uses the eidolon's base attack bonus."

Level 1 synthesist/19 fighter synthing = uses +1 BAB.

ooh, good point. Somehow missed that one.

Oterisk wrote:
ooh, good point. Somehow missed that one.

Also the fact that a fighter's physical stats are probably higher than the eidolon's base.

Synthesist wrote:
The synthesist also gains access to the eidolon’s special abilities and the eidolon’s evolutions.

Ice Titan, you're right that the eidolon has it on a skill he cant roll. But the summoner could still use the Skilled evolution. Its irrelevant that the eidolon itself cant use it, since with the synthesist the eidolon itself doesnt use any of its evoltions, the summoner does, unless I misunderstand.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hmmm, I just realized something really interesting about the sythesist. It is possible to use the eidolon form to gain Ability increase evolutions. You see, you don't gain the eidolon's mental scores, but you DO get to benefit from all of his evolutions. Meaning, for every 2 evolution points you spend to give +2 to your eidolon's Cha, you can increase the DC of your spells by 1.

Of course, you can only get the Ability Increase evolution once for every 6 summoner levels, but that's a pretty nice ability. It effectively lets a Synthesist's save DCs keep up with a Wizard.

Varthanna wrote:
Oterisk wrote:
ooh, good point. Somehow missed that one.

Also the fact that a fighter's physical stats are probably higher than the eidolon's base.

Synthesist wrote:
The synthesist also gains access to the eidolon’s special abilities and the eidolon’s evolutions.
Ice Titan, you're right that the eidolon has it on a skill he cant roll. But the summoner could still use the Skilled evolution. Its irrelevant that the eidolon itself cant use it, since with the synthesist the eidolon itself doesnt use any of its evoltions, the summoner does, unless I misunderstand.

Good point-- if the eidolon had the skilled evolution, then the synthesist would gain access to it. I can see that, definitely.

This class was already heavily reliant upon a player and GM treaty not unlike the one most people playing Mutants and Masterminds: "Don't break the game." Now it's just a little more so.

One thing I find irritating about this class is that you can't have an ogre synthesist until level 6, and I'm not sure exactly how well a large-sized-race synthesist would fare in terms of CR.

Though, this archetype is great for RAW boss fights since it is so heavily padded with AC and HP.

the thing about the hp padding though is it cannot be healed. it's temp hp not axtua
hp. it ll get widdled would d down til the summoner collapses from his own wounds. I'm curious if the healing eidolon spells even work. though I think they might.

Ice Titan wrote:
Though, this archetype is great for RAW boss fights since it is so heavily padded with AC and HP.

I'm already planning a synthesist boss fight that challenges the party in human form then unveils the horrifying eidolon form for the second stage of the battle, effectively refreshing HP and gaining massive buffs. :D

Mojorat wrote:

the thing about the hp padding though is it cannot be healed. it's temp hp not axtua

hp. it ll get widdled would d down til the summoner collapses from his own wounds. I'm curious if the healing eidolon spells even work. though I think they might.

It can be healed by casting Summon Eidolon (with the limitations therein).

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Ice Titan wrote:

Though, this archetype is great for RAW boss fights since it is so heavily padded with AC and HP.

I noted this too. You can easily give a big boss a very 'One-Winged-Angel' type form for a big final showdown.

I do think the Synthesist is a great boon as well for people who want to play non-standard characters; its a pretty solid (if questionably powerful) way to roll a monster or an angel or a demon character.

Mojorat wrote:

the thing about the hp padding though is it cannot be healed. it's temp hp not axtua

hp. it ll get widdled would d down til the summoner collapses from his own wounds. I'm curious if the healing eidolon spells even work. though I think they might.

Good point. Since the eidolon can never be healed, it will always be at or below half health.

I think that's a typo or a missed edit, to be honest. Technically, then, if the summoner's eidolon is turned to stone and then they summon it, I don't know what would happen. I imagine they would be trapped inside stone, instantly be "tele-fragged", or infinitely shunt away until the summoner is unconscious.

I think the synthesist's eidolon can be healed, but it's something I need to playtest. Good thing one of the PCs in the game I'm running tonight is a synth now-- and oh, man, the flavor is too cool.

Umbral Reaver wrote:
Mojorat wrote:

the thing about the hp padding though is it cannot be healed. it's temp hp not axtua

hp. it ll get widdled would d down til the summoner collapses from his own wounds. I'm curious if the healing eidolon spells even work. though I think they might.
It can be healed by casting Summon Eidolon (with the limitations therein).

you won't be doing I'n combat though. :P

to ice Titan I agree the flavor is awesome somethingbi wanted since summoner was introduced.

It's a one round casting. That's slow, but can be done if necessary.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

not any slower than Wis/Sor/Cleric Summon monster spells

Ice Titan wrote:
It's also a fantastic dip class now, because you can add the bonuses directly to your fighter or barbarian's already potent abilities.

When you're synthing with your eidolon, you use its BAB and not your own. Directly RAW. "The synthesist uses the eidolon's base attack bonus."

Level 1 synthesist/19 fighter synthing = uses +1 BAB.

I would assume that this is similar to the monk's flurry ability, where only the part of the BAB that comes from the class is replaced.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Oterisk wrote:

It's also a fantastic dip class now, because you can add the bonuses directly to your fighter or barbarian's already potent abilities.

It is actually a horrible class dip, because you gain the Eidolon's BAB when you use its form. Meaning, if you are a level 19 fighter with one dip into Sythnisist, your BAB will drop to +1 when you take the Eidolon's form.

Matrixryu wrote:
Oterisk wrote:

It's also a fantastic dip class now, because you can add the bonuses directly to your fighter or barbarian's already potent abilities.
It is actually a horrible class dip, because you gain the Eidolon's BAB when you use its form. Meaning, if you are a level 19 fighter with one dip into Sythnisist, your BAB will drop to +1 when you take the Eidolon's form.

As AvalonXQ said, this is clearly intended to replace your summoner BAB with the eidolon's, not your total BAB.

Compare with the monk's flurry, which states

For the purpose of these attacks, the monk's base attack bonus is equal to his monk level.

That means a monk 1/Fighter 19 who flurries has a BAB of +1, right? It's the same thing - you use some other number as your BAB, instead of whatever your BAB happens to be.

Except the FAQ here specifically says that it's only the BAB from monk levels that's replaced. Likewise, it's only the BAB from summoner levels that gets replaced.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Bobson wrote:
Matrixryu wrote:
Oterisk wrote:

It's also a fantastic dip class now, because you can add the bonuses directly to your fighter or barbarian's already potent abilities.
It is actually a horrible class dip, because you gain the Eidolon's BAB when you use its form. Meaning, if you are a level 19 fighter with one dip into Sythnisist, your BAB will drop to +1 when you take the Eidolon's form.

As AvalonXQ said, this is clearly intended to replace your summoner BAB with the eidolon's, not your total BAB.

Compare with the monk's flurry, which states

For the purpose of these attacks, the monk's base attack bonus is equal to his monk level.

That means a monk 1/Fighter 19 who flurries has a BAB of +1, right? It's the same thing - you use some other number as your BAB, instead of whatever your BAB happens to be.

Except the FAQ here specifically says that it's only the BAB from monk levels that's replaced. Likewise, it's only the BAB from summoner levels that gets replaced.

This is a heck of an assumption with what you stand to gain here. I mean, you could gain Pounce with no loss of BAB by having a quadriped base-form eidolon on a one level dip, no?

I'd assume the opposite unless a dev specifically says otherwise; the rules say you use the eidolons BAB, so make no assumptions otherwise. Especially since Sean Reynolds said

"It's just that when a rulebook tells you "you get X, Y, and Z," and specifically doesn't mention W as one of the things you get, W isn't one of the things you get. :)"

on another thread in the rules board, which effectively says 'Dont assume you get things it doesn't say you do."

KrispyXIV wrote:

This is a heck of an assumption with what you stand to gain here. I mean, you could gain Pounce with no loss of BAB by having a quadriped base-form eidolon on a one level dip, no?

I'd assume the opposite unless a dev specifically says otherwise; the rules say you use the eidolons BAB, so make no assumptions otherwise. Especially since Sean Reynolds said

"It's just that when a rulebook tells you "you get X, Y, and Z," and specifically doesn't mention W as one of the things you get, W isn't one of the things you get. :)"

on another thread in the rules board, which effectively says 'Dont assume you get things it doesn't say you do."

I think the bad assumption is that you'd have any baseform other than biped, not that it works the exact same way as something else with the exact same wording.

And even if so, when the strength 24 fighter wants to be able to pounce his strength drops down to 14... pretty crappy pounce, IMO. And even with the temp HP from the eidolon he'd likely LOSE more hp than he'd gain from the lower Con score. Long term, a dip into this this would not be a good choice.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Varthanna wrote:
KrispyXIV wrote:

This is a heck of an assumption with what you stand to gain here. I mean, you could gain Pounce with no loss of BAB by having a quadriped base-form eidolon on a one level dip, no?

I'd assume the opposite unless a dev specifically says otherwise; the rules say you use the eidolons BAB, so make no assumptions otherwise. Especially since Sean Reynolds said

"It's just that when a rulebook tells you "you get X, Y, and Z," and specifically doesn't mention W as one of the things you get, W isn't one of the things you get. :)"

on another thread in the rules board, which effectively says 'Dont assume you get things it doesn't say you do."

I think the bad assumption is that you'd have any baseform other than biped, not that it works the exact same way as something else with the exact same wording.

And even if so, when the strength 24 fighter wants to be able to pounce his strength drops down to 14... pretty crappy pounce, IMO. And even with the temp HP from the eidolon he'd likely LOSE more hp than he'd gain from the lower Con score. Long term, a dip into this this would not be a good choice.

Why couldn't you have a base form other than biped? There are no restrictions mentioned other than size, are there?

What in the Fused Eidolon description even implies you might be restricted to a biped base form?

Liberty's Edge

I have asked James Jacobs in the "Ask James Jacobs" thread about the base form of a Synthesist.

KrispyXIV wrote:

I'd assume the opposite unless a dev specifically says otherwise; the rules say you use the eidolons BAB, so make no assumptions otherwise. Especially since Sean Reynolds said

"It's just that when a rulebook tells you "you get X, Y, and Z," and specifically doesn't mention W as one of the things you get, W isn't one of the things you get. :)"

on another thread in the rules board, which effectively says 'Dont assume you get things it doesn't say you do."

It's a very valid quote, but entirely irrelevant to this discussion. The question isn't "Do you get the Eidolon's BAB?" The question is "Does the Eidolon's BAB replace your summoner BAB or your total BAB?" The text of "uses the eidolon’s base attack bonus" does not imply either one because it could be "uses the eidolon's base attack bonus instead of their summoner BAB" or "uses the eidolon's base attack bonus instead of their total BAB", and the inference from the Monk FAQ is that it's the former.

Given that one produces an entirely nonsensical result (your BAB drops, which no other effect in the game, including negative levels does) and one produces a potentially overpowered one (easy access to pounce, at the expense of many other things), it's pretty clear what was intended.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Bobson wrote:

Except the FAQ here specifically says that it's only the BAB from monk levels that's replaced. Likewise, it's only the BAB from summoner levels that gets replaced.

Ahh, I didn't know that had been addressed in the FAQ. I'm glad they did.

Well, in that case, I guess I will have to agree that only the summoner class' bab gets replaced. Seems odd though, because that only makes a +1 or -1 difference.

Matrixryu wrote:
Bobson wrote:

Except the FAQ here specifically says that it's only the BAB from monk levels that's replaced. Likewise, it's only the BAB from summoner levels that gets replaced.

Ahh, I didn't know that had been addressed in the FAQ. I'm glad they did.

Well, in that case, I guess I will have to agree that only the summoner class' bab gets replaced. Seems odd though, because that only makes a +1 or -1 difference.

Yeah. There's very little difference between a 3/4 BAB class, and a full BAB class that has 3/4 HD progression. At 1st level and every 4 levels thereafter, BAB will be one higher, and at 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, BAB will be one lower. At even levels, BAB will be the same. I actually find the rule a bit useless, other than thematically (you get all the eidolon's physical stuff).

Scarab Sages

One question I have is the Fast Healing evolution. The Fused Eidolon ability states that "The synthesist also gains access to the eidolon's special abilities and the eidolons evolutions." So, when fused, does the eidolon's granted temporary HP refresh, or just the summoner's? Or both at once?

Along those lines, does the eidolon's health count as temporary hit points for purposes of healing or fast healing (In that they are unable), or do they still count as a creature (meaning they CAN be healed)?

*Edited out a section, addressing it in a separate post*

CPOKWDWH_Kai wrote:
One question I have is the Fast Healing evolution. The Fused Eidolon ability states that "The synthesist also gains access to the eidolon's special abilities and the eidolons evolutions." So, when fused, does the eidolon's granted temporary HP refresh, or just the summoner's? Or both at once?

I think, as it's written, I would have to rule that the fast healing does not double up, but could be spent on either the temporary HP or on the summoner's actual HP. You're one creature, which is why I don't think you'd be able to double dip even though you both have the fast healing evolution, but the text seems to indicate that the temporary HP the summoner gets are the actual HP of the Eidolon. Thus, healing the Eidolon isn't the Summoner healing temporary HP [impossible], but rather the Eidolon healing its own HP by means of the Eido/Summoner's fast healing [or any other effect that targets the combo creature]. That's how I'd rule it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm going to be following this topic closely. :D

Bobson wrote:
KrispyXIV wrote:

I'd assume the opposite unless a dev specifically says otherwise; the rules say you use the eidolons BAB, so make no assumptions otherwise. Especially since Sean Reynolds said

"It's just that when a rulebook tells you "you get X, Y, and Z," and specifically doesn't mention W as one of the things you get, W isn't one of the things you get. :)"

on another thread in the rules board, which effectively says 'Dont assume you get things it doesn't say you do."

It's a very valid quote, but entirely irrelevant to this discussion. The question isn't "Do you get the Eidolon's BAB?" The question is "Does the Eidolon's BAB replace your summoner BAB or your total BAB?" The text of "uses the eidolon’s base attack bonus" does not imply either one because it could be "uses the eidolon's base attack bonus instead of their summoner BAB" or "uses the eidolon's base attack bonus instead of their total BAB", and the inference from the Monk FAQ is that it's the former.

Given that one produces an entirely nonsensical result (your BAB drops, which no other effect in the game, including negative levels does) and one produces a potentially overpowered one (easy access to pounce, at the expense of many other things), it's pretty clear what was intended.

There are a lot of things that Fused Eidolon does that no other effects in the game do. For instance, no other effect sets your physical scores to certain values no matter what they were to begin with. All other ability score changes are bonuses or penalties, but that doesn't negate the fact that with the Synthesist that's not how it works.

When you're fused with the Eidolon, all your physical attributes are determined by it, as it does all the physical stuff for you. This includes attacking. When you take a level of fighter, the Eidolon does not gain a level of fighter. Given that the Synthesist uses the Eidolon's BAB, it's clear that the devs consider BAB to have more to do with physical training rather than mental insight; if it was a mental insight thing the summoner would supply it rather than the Eidolon. Since your Eidolon does not have that additional physical training from your level of fighter, I don't think that you get the additional BAB from multiclassing.

Belatedly, if a synthesist uses greater aspect, does he just gain 3 free evolution points when fused?


Omelite wrote:
There are a lot of things that Fused Eidolon does that no other effects in the game do. For instance, no other effect sets your physical scores to certain values no matter what they were to begin with. All other ability score changes are bonuses or penalties, but that doesn't negate the fact that with the Synthesist that's not how it works.

This isn't quite true. If you are a necromancer inhabiting another body with magic jar, the body you inhabit comes with predetermined ability scores of a certain value, not unlike the fused eidolon scenario.

Brandon Hodge wrote:
Omelite wrote:
There are a lot of things that Fused Eidolon does that no other effects in the game do. For instance, no other effect sets your physical scores to certain values no matter what they were to begin with. All other ability score changes are bonuses or penalties, but that doesn't negate the fact that with the Synthesist that's not how it works.
This isn't quite true. If you are a necromancer inhabiting another body with magic jar, the body you inhabit comes with predetermined ability scores of a certain value, not unlike the fused eidolon scenario.

Great analogy.

Another question: How does this interact with magic items (specifically, stat-boosting items)? If I am wearing a belt of +2 str, does this apply to the eidolon stats while I'm fused with it?

Varthanna wrote:
Another question: How does this interact with magic items (specifically, stat-boosting items)? If I am wearing a belt of +2 str, does this apply to the eidolon stats while I'm fused with it?

Magic items work as normal. Yes. Though there is still the question of whether the fused eidolon/summoner gets the armor bonus from armour worn. I would say no because armor does not function for eidolons. Though as pointed out, Mage armor does work.

I was wondering what happens if you cast Enlarge Person. You can't cast it on yourself since you can't be fused with an Eidolon smaller than yourself. I guess you can cast it on the eidolon through share spells, but what happens then? Do you count as large? Do you update the Eidolon stats and only carry over those that are directly affected by the spell (such as the Dex penalty)?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Slaunyeh wrote:
I was wondering what happens if you cast Enlarge Person. You can't cast it on yourself since you can't be fused with an Eidolon smaller than yourself. I guess you can cast it on the eidolon through share spells, but what happens then? Do you count as large? Do you update the Eidolon stats and only carry over those that are directly affected by the spell (such as the Dex penalty)?

Once fused, you are treated as a single creature.

Casting enlarge person would modify your stats as normal (AFTER taking into account the effects of being fused).

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Its been confirmed by James Jacob that the summoner can take any of the base Eidolon forms and the Synthesist retains his own form regardless of the base form of the Eidolon. However, when a Synthesist picks an evolution does it manifest on the Synthesist or on the image of the Eidolon?

Most of the time it is irrelevant; if the Eidolon has wings and is banished the Synthesist loses the evolution either way but in some cases it matters. If the Synthesist selects the large evolution it matters because if only the image of the Eidolon grows in size then the Synthesist continues to use his regular sized gear. If the evolution however makes the Synthesist grow in size then all his regular gear would be the too small because its not a polymorph effect. This would also allow the Synthesist to wield large or huge sized weapons. My best guess would be that only the image of the Eidolon grows in size because having the Synthesist shrinking every time he sleeps and bursting out of his clothes every time he grows would be pretty strange. In the case where only the image of the Eidolon changes size do the Eidolon's natural attacks deal a larger damage die and have reach? Would the image of the Eidolon be able to hold things such as manufactured weapons?

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