Tark's Council of Thieves OOC discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

I thought taking ten was still a single standard action. It was taking 20 that took 20 times as long. That's still fine as Tal will make it up on a 1 unless Calseneica cuts the rope behind her in retaliation for the grope. Duly noted about the failure consequences though.

Male Orc Expert 5

Still consequences. What wiht the spikes, the acid and the potential for your nearly three hundred pound frame smashing poor caldazar to bits. I can't really imagine him being a very big man.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Good to know for future. I agree that Cal does not seem like he would be that big of a guy. For that matter I am impressed with the construction of the beast to hold us all and not break.

Male Orc Expert 5

The church of asmodeus thanks you for the consideration and asks you not to scuff it too much as they borrowed it from a pit fiend using it as a bong for this performance.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Nice. No wonder the fumes haven't bothered Tal at all yet.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4
TarkXT wrote:
Still consequences. What wiht the spikes, the acid and the potential for your nearly three hundred pound frame smashing poor caldazar to bits. I can't really imagine him being a very big man.

Aye - Caldazar is more of a wiry frame.

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)

@Rorgrim: Did you end up putting in a character for the TOEE?

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

I drafted three and tossed'em all. I believe one of them had a solid chance of being in top ten and would've been fun to play. You guys would've had to assign a watcher (or take shifts) to him. ;-) I'll keep it for a later submission, perhaps a last minute entry.

Mumbata of Bonuwat wrote:
@Rorgrim: Did you end up putting in a character for the TOEE?

Not Yet. I will get on it tonight.

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)

Thats funny Lorn, I made a slighly unbalenced Cleric of Groetus. I though about going Cleric of Erastil archer or Desna support, but I though that Groetus would be a fun RP.

Male Human Barbarian 5

Are we waiting on on character actions, or is Tark really busy?

Male Orc Expert 5

A little bit of column a a little bit of column b. I'll try to update properly later today.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

He's got two boats full of drunk misfits dragged out of some bar next to the Eye of Abadengo. Once he gets them whipped into shape, er, I mean sobered up, then he should be good to go.

male Human Rogue (Pirate) 1

Now what makes you think we be plannin on dis 'soberin' up nonsense anytime soon darlin?

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]
Riven 'Jolly' Roger wrote:
Now what makes you think we be plannin on dis 'soberin' up nonsense anytime soon darlin?

"Aye sister Deventis. Whut me broder Roger said. Cap'n divvies rum sparsely enough as 'tis. Naught be anything but barely drunk. Crying shame under the dawg-like slave requirements weesaa never volunteered for.

Male Half-Elven Swashbuckler Lvl1 HP 9/9 INIT+4 AC 16 CMB+2 CMD+16 Rapier (+5 to Att) 1d6+2/18-20x2 Short Bow (+4 to Att) 1d6+2/x3 Saves: F+0 R+6 W+0

Hey guys, I am traveling tomorrow am and will be on vacation for the next week. Will have access to a pc and tablet but will be less frequent, but will be checking in. Please bot me as needed to keep things going. Thanks.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Sea Singer) 2
Character Information:
[HP:3/17]; [Armor Class: 14 Touch: 12; Flat Footed: 12]; [BAB: +1; CMB: +3; CMD: 14]; [Saves: Fortitude: +1*; Reflex: +5* Will: +3* (*+4 bonus vs. air and water effects, or being knocked prone); [Initiative: +6]; [Perception: +5]
Skull & Shackles: Red Sky at Morning

Can someone knock my lights out so I don't have to endure these rolls anymore.

Maybe you should trip someone?

male Human Rogue (Pirate) 1

Good call Mugwort!

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Sea Singer) 2
Character Information:
[HP:3/17]; [Armor Class: 14 Touch: 12; Flat Footed: 12]; [BAB: +1; CMB: +3; CMD: 14]; [Saves: Fortitude: +1*; Reflex: +5* Will: +3* (*+4 bonus vs. air and water effects, or being knocked prone); [Initiative: +6]; [Perception: +5]
Skull & Shackles: Red Sky at Morning

Yeah, but with rolls like 2, 4, 4, & 6 even that's not going to work.

Male Orc Expert 5

Right so tommorrow morning aorund 6am I will be making a trek to a place with loads of famioly members I dont particularly care for to a beach where any attempts at sexual relations with my wife will be inevitably interrupted by a loud cuban aunt demanding we get up, do something, or simply walk in on us mid-coitus.

Due to this exercise in humiliation and isolation internet will be spotty and I will be unlikely to make too many updates over the next week. So my suggestion to the pirates is to take the time to actually get to know one another since you are essentially thrown together without much incentive to work together beyond the fact you can't trust anyone else on the boat.

I'll go ahead and see about getting the next act started for nobles today and end the course for the rebels banquet as far as you go. At some point I'm going to get my neoexodus guys in here. I have an idea on how to go about that.

Female Human Cleric/4

Jesus Christ, Tark. Is your aunt my Mother in Law?

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Good luck and try not to kill anyone. Family gatherings are always a hassle even if you like the family. Hell if you don't like the family

Female Tiefling Witch/1

X-lax and several other popular over the counter stimulants will make the get together much more enjoyable. At least more enjoyable for those not unknowingly ingesting said medication.

Rat, probably

I think I now know more about Tark's family life than I really want to.

Oh well.

Try not to kill them all. Focus on the ones between you and and inheritable property.

We'll be here when you get back.

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

I hear ya. Fortunately, I've enforced a three hour travel radius rule for family wherever I have lived/worked. Works dandy. Currently the closest relative is 10 hour drive time. So very nice.

I suppose I can RP the Harpies' Pressgang Support group.

Male Half-Elven Swashbuckler Lvl1 HP 9/9 INIT+4 AC 16 CMB+2 CMD+16 Rapier (+5 to Att) 1d6+2/18-20x2 Short Bow (+4 to Att) 1d6+2/x3 Saves: F+0 R+6 W+0

Hey, I will posting more soon, I'm on vacation myself and will take the opportunity to post less during the hiatus, back in force Wed/Thurs

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)

Same, taking it easy this weekend. I'll be checking in and posting tomorrow.

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

Cap'n Harrigan This is not a Wanted Dead or Alive poster as much as a cautionary note to depart the premises in a non-confrontational manner.

male Human Rogue (Pirate) 1

@ Feversea Swashbucklers - where the hell is everybody? the Dm gives us an open forum to finally plot, handshake and make friends and everyone is ghost like casper!

Dont be leaving me talking to meself mates!

Sorry mate, long weekend. Moved a friend.

Male Human, dual talent Hedgewitch 3

I amm wondering how much of this "open forum" is being observed by Scourge and Co. By meeting together we represent a possible power bloc. I do not suppose the powers see this as a good thing.

It is inevitable that we be seen as a group I suppose but it goes against my instinct to keep my head down.

male Human Rogue (Pirate) 1

I completely agree Ryzern and normally Jolly wouldnt risk such a gathering on deck either...

...but when the DM says 'hey Ill be gone for a while take this time to get to know one another' then we should take advantage.

Sorry for my end. Found a new apt. Bought new furniture, etc. to top it all Off, my best friend's mother passed and I'm helping him with the arrangements. The burial is in a couple of days.
I'm lurking though and will keep posting as much as possible.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]
Riven 'Jolly' Roger wrote:

I completely agree Ryzern and normally Jolly wouldnt risk such a gathering on deck either...

...but when the DM says 'hey Ill be gone for a while take this time to get to know one another' then we should take advantage.

Kinda like "taking 20" while the DM is away. :-)

Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Will post later tonight

Any Besmara's Harpies interested in RPing to get to know each other?

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

Yes. Standby one.

Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Yup sorry got waylayed yesterday, will post more over next couple days

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Heck Tark. Just poking in from Baldwin's CoT game to say you have been doing a great job keeping this going. Very nice to see other long running APs.

No worries on my end despite the craziness of a full apartment move (moving into a new place with my GF and her daughter) this whole month and some funeral arrangements of a friend (his mother passed last monday) mixed in.

Tark's family thing and others slowing down this week has actually helped me. I'm still watching and keeping up with both games (I check a few times per day) regardless. If I delay too much, someone feel free to bot me (on Merax/Kess). In about two weeks I'll be totally moved into my new place and back to normal post-wise.

Male Orc Expert 5

Back from my long exile with a beard grown in protest. I shall resume regular postings on the morrow once I've rested sufficiently and put the apartment back into something resembling human habitation.

Welcome back!

Male Half-Elven Swashbuckler Lvl1 HP 9/9 INIT+4 AC 16 CMB+2 CMD+16 Rapier (+5 to Att) 1d6+2/18-20x2 Short Bow (+4 to Att) 1d6+2/x3 Saves: F+0 R+6 W+0

Hope you had a great time, looking forward to the adventure!

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

No homicides during the week? If not congrats on surviving another family function.

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]
Tal Bernard Mainz wrote:
No homicides during the week? If not congrats on surviving another family function.

Cute. Yet so much truth.


Rat, probably

We welcome back both you and your protest beard.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Great, where did that rat trap go. Just when you figured all the vermin were cleaned up.

Rat, probably

Bring it on blondie. I'm feeling strangely peckish and some vitreous humor would hit the spot.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Well - since you want it, here is Blondie.

Blondie - Ra(t)pture

Interesting note, I believe this was the first rap song ever played on MTV if anyone cares.

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