Tark's Council of Thieves OOC discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Female Human Housewife/1
Tirion Jörðhár wrote:
Hu5tru wrote:

gosh darnit, I was working on a reply, and a stray mouse click killed it. And sadly, I really do not have the energy to start again right now.

Later tonight, likely.

Perhaps you need a mousetrap to catch those Norwegian mice. Then you could use them as props to intimidate people in the play.

If I could train the Norsk killer snails to type, perhaps...

These suckers are HUGE. Stepped on one in sock feet once. EWWWWWWWWWW.

Male Human Barbarian 5

And I learned to keep my shoes inside the tent with those things. Luckily I was warned to check before trying to put them on.

That said, my sister said she's seen six inch long slugs in the US northwest. I've haven't seen any of those bigger than 2 or 3 inches in Germany though, thankfully.

Male Orc Expert 5
Bejis Krupt wrote:

And I learned to keep my shoes inside the tent with those things. Luckily I was warned to check before trying to put them on.

That said, my sister said she's seen six inch long slugs in the US northwest. I've haven't seen any of those bigger than 2 or 3 inches in Germany though, thankfully.

Where I grew up a 4-5 inch or longer slug wasn't a rarity.

Turns out we were given these damn things by you.

Thank you for the interesting childhood.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Geez in this country you keep your boots inside the tent because what crawls in there can and will likely kill you... if only we had slugs instead! :p

Male Orc Expert 5
Shifty wrote:
Geez in this country you keep your boots inside the tent because what crawls in there can and will likely kill you... if only we had slugs instead! :p

Yeah, don't you dare bring any of those bastards over here. You know the ones I'm talking about. We have enough troubles with mutant bees and fire ants.

Female Human Cleric/4

I feel like I've missed out on a lot of stuff in this campaign. For instance, I barely know who Arael is except he's the leader dude, and Janiven seems to be his lieutenant.

Now this weirdo is kissing my hand and the rest of the party (save our newbie elf) knows who he is, but Asmodia doesn't...

Coming in late kinda stinks.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)
Asmodia Crispin wrote:

I feel like I've missed out on a lot of stuff in this campaign. For instance, I barely know who Arael is except he's the leader dude, and Janiven seems to be his lieutenant.

Now this weirdo is kissing my hand and the rest of the party (save our newbie elf) knows who he is, but Asmodia doesn't...

Coming in late kinda stinks.

Yep- c'est la vie. My character is in the same boat. It is the metagaming avoidance thing. Do I, the player, know this stuff? Yes, I read the thread to see what was needed and how I would fit in. Also, you can ask TarkXT, but I assume you came in as I did and we knew who the group was even though we did not do these intros as in character. Actually, the only original player left is LaVash - Bejis and Bloodless replaced two who just stopped posting fairly early on and you came in late in the first module when 2 more had gone inactive.

So, I say you can talk to Tark, but except for things done individually, most of what occurred prior to you and me joining is kinda public knowledge.

As far as Areal goes, he is an elf who is one of the leaders. The group rescued him from a Hellknight transfer carriage and then he helped organize some artillery when the final tiefling temple was stormed at the end. There is really not much else about him or Janiven other than that they are the impetus behind this whole movement.

Female Human Cleric/4

I didn't even know Arael was an elf until I saw the picture. I figured he was some foppish human bard, actually.


I don't know what is and isn't common knowledge and I haven't read the thread, to be honest. But, I figure if anyone is gonna make an ass of themselves it should be the cleric of Cayden. Lucky drunk and all that :P

All those knowledge skills I've trained have been absolutely useless. Sure was worth it to spend the extra 2 points on an intelligence modifier. :D

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

what a tumbleweedy Saturday...

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Well ZZ, if you want, I could have my nutty blue haired tiefling go nuts and start chopping up paladins. I am sure that the ogre and goblin would either help or at least cheer me on.

Asmodia - don't worry about the knowledge, I have 18 int and have most of these covered fairly well, although it is always good to have a backup for when I roll crappy.

Female Human Cleric/4

Yeah, when I joined, our Int character was the Magus, so I thought to be able to roll would be worth it, and then we went directly into a dungeon full of tieflings and my knowledge skill checks have been... great thus far. HAHA. It's a rather good thing that I did not make a cloistered cleric, though I enjoy that archetype most, save for the lack of spell casting.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

All the time I was worried that you would start working together with Mord -_-

I wonder if Tirion was just a slip - you tend to play babes, eh? :)

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Nobody else does, so it adds some diversity to the party.

VC - Sydney, Australia

But then you undid that good work by playing a butt-fugly one :(

Male Human Barbarian 5
Asmodia Crispin wrote:
Now this weirdo is kissing my hand and the rest of the party (save our newbie elf) knows who he is, but Asmodia doesn't...

At least you aren't being tainted by guilt by association. Calla wasn't exactly making friends with him. See link. Bejis would be willing to recount the incident in game later, once we have a moment.

Male Orc Expert 5

Afraid the only cure for not knowing what's going on is to ask. Or to go along wiht the party long enough that it's not even an issue. This was the sort of thing I was really looking forward to with Calla in the group. I was sad to see her go.

And what's zyren doing here? This is not a campfire this is a black den of lies and torment.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Don't feel bad Asmodia it happens in all PBP that characters leave and replacements fill in. I am the same way and just plan on doing catch up once we are out of this dungeon.

Speaking of the dungeon, I just realized we got hit by a magic missile and a spiritual weapon by the same castor I believe. What the heck...unless multiclassed. If so he is pretty high level for us...ouch.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Oh yes, what could a drow ever want in a black den of lies and torment :)

Female Human Cleric/4

Pardon the high Wis mod, high Cha mod lover's spat. Think it played out well enough, though, for two people who essentially know nothing about each other shagging, that is.

Male Orc Expert 5

Well the bloodles/asmodia relations ship is like.

Bloodless: Casual sex? I have a roof!
Asmodia: Sure!

*shagging occurs*

Thesing: Hi I'm obviously a right bastard who will use you like a bottle of astroglide and toss you aside when I bore of you. But hey I do happen to have entirely too much money and practiced charm. a/s/l?

Asmodia: Well I don't knowwwww.....

Bloodless: He's a celebrity!

*cue debate*

Just imagine how the people with low charisma scores (or the people who hide them well) feel.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Saying that I have low charisma is an insult to people with low charisma.

Female Human Housewife/1

Hey, that douche is part of the establishment, which as we all know aren't exactly in the kissing babies game.

And as I said, there's the good ship uh... what's her name, who could literally crush me with her mass in the play as well, and that's before all those juicy political connections that bloodless AND bejis mentioned. boff the established male star under that lady's watch? good way to end up fish food, so far as I know, or some accident on stage...

Also, astroglide? Ewww.

All I've heard is "do it for celebrity, or for alliances" not "hey, this dude is peachy keen, he totally has what it takes for a cleric of cayden to flaunt her s$%& and not immediately be taken out by hell knights simply for existing." If that were the case, she'd probably eat it like its emissions were norsk melk sjokolade. As it is she gains nothing by the match save 15 seconds of fame followed by the eternal shame of having willingly gone where x hundred number of womens have gone before and been treated like garbage.

M Elf HP:33/33, AC:19/T:15/FF:14 - Percep: +10(LL Vis) F:+4/R:+9/W:+3 CMD: 20, Spd: 30ft, Init: +6 Rogue 4 (Pregen)

Ha I like the 'Readers Digest' version.

Nah its more like a case of if you feel like rumbling him in the hay to add a notch to the belt then also remember he might have other uses as well. So simply put, if you are just shagging him to add another conquest 'because you can', then you may as well be the one using him like the cheap hussy he is.

Your perception is that you think we are suggesting you surrender to him, it obviously hasn't connected that I think its perfectly valid for you to be the dominant one using him as a chew toy; or astroglide. I reckon the biggest mistake he could make would be thinking he was running this rockshow :p

Last I checked we aren't exactly kissing babies either... reckon theres a few Hellknights we killed in combat might think otherwise, and reckon the ones we straight up executed might not see it taht way either. Then there's the tieflings we pulled an ambush on, and the one's we chased down a hole and slaughtered to a man - not saying they didn't have it coming... but thats not exaclty hugs, rainbows, and unicorn rides we are dealing in :)

Female Human Housewife/1

darn, hadn't thought of that. mostly because this is my cleric of cayden, not my bard/sacred prostitute and priestess of calistria.

something to occupy my mind while i walk the mutt, anyway.

Female Human Housewife/1

bejis and bloodless make out.

*grabs popcorn*

HO-ho-ho ho. Christmas comes early this year. :P *laughs*

darnit, don't have the time to read the script tonight. Tomorrow while my hubby is at work!

I think i want to continue the conversation, but... if we move on it is cool, too.

Just a heads up, I'll be flying overseas to the US this weekend for Thanksgiving, (then back in 2 and a half weeks), so I won't be checking regularly this weekend. I expect to be without a computer a 3 days next week (not sure which yet).

I do expect to keep up reading for the most part, though I might be reduced to responding with my smartphone.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Druid (Urban) - 4

Lazarod: "You can't handle the truth!

Female Human Housewife/1
Nix Tharel wrote:

Just a heads up, I'll be flying overseas to the US this weekend for Thanksgiving, (then back in 2 and a half weeks), so I won't be checking regularly this weekend. I expect to be without a computer a 3 days next week (not sure which yet).

I do expect to keep up reading for the most part, though I might be reduced to responding with my smartphone.

I hope the weather and airline travel is kinder to you, friend.

Would be a real shame to miss out on our two burly males macking on each other.

Female Human Cleric/4

Tark concerning the script:

So the ending implies that Tybain signed a contract with Asmodeus. Does that mean that he fell? Coz... umm... yeah...

I can see Asmodia's drinking ramping up significantly while reading this abomination.

I laughed extremely hard at Tybain's encounter with the fluke.

Hu5tru wrote:

I hope the weather and airline travel is kinder to you, friend.

Would be a real shame to miss out on our two burly males macking on each other.

Hopefully the weather stays fairly neutral. I don't put much hope on the airlines though.

As for the acting, how far off is the showing of the play? I assume we have some promotion/rehearsal activities?

Male Orc Expert 5
Asmodia Crispin wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


You'd have to ask the original writers. I think the implication is that he did sign his soul over to Asmodeus to serve eternally in exchange for his godly judgment. Whether or not he fell is up to the viewer. Afterall Tybain is a fictional character. In fact he's a ficitonal character ina fictional play in a fictional universe. So he's double ficitonal. He serves as comic relief and satire againstorders of paladins. However the play itself (something you cna find online but Asmodia likely wouldn't know about without a very high know history roll) is that the play is actually a clever satire against the then new rulers of cheliax. It might be interesting to note that the main character in all versions of the play is a tiefling. Tieflings are second class citizens. So essentially he did a play where a black man is standing trial in southeastern USA circa 1822. Add to it the paladin of Aroden whose god quite literally just died at the plays writing who probably represents a lost innocence of sorts, an old way that no longer applies adn that win or lose has lost his innocence forever. Dentris I'm thinking is a self insert character. Drovalid might be a hellknight as his brutal tactics and dedication to duty above all seem to mark him as such. Krona is an invention of my own to account for 5 players. Essentially she represents the Chelaxian infatuation with all things savage. From the fighting pits, to colonies, to taking exotic slaves, Chelaxians have a love hate relationship with those they deem primitive. On the one hand they envy their simple pragmatic views and love for life. On the other hand their "pointless" violence, chaotic tendencies, and uncivilized lifestyle.

Male Orc Expert 5
Nix Tharel wrote:
Hu5tru wrote:

I hope the weather and airline travel is kinder to you, friend.

Would be a real shame to miss out on our two burly males macking on each other.

Hopefully the weather stays fairly neutral. I don't put much hope on the airlines though.

As for the acting, how far off is the showing of the play? I assume we have some promotion/rehearsal activities?

7 days.

5 to rehearse and practice

1 for a public dress rehearsal.

Then the fun begins.

Female Human Housewife/1

hmm, was not reading the script like it was Shakespeare's Coriolanus, which I suppose is my fault for not considering that the writing of a PF Adventure Path is quite up to snuff with that of the anonymous Bard :P reference to the silly movie

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Alright I do not think that the nobles group is meant to survive the first book. I was looking at 2 of our front line people and here are the last few d20 rolls.

Meraxilar: 6, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9, 6, 3, 1, 8, 3, 12 for an average of 6.6

Caldazar: 1, 14, 1, 1, 5, 2, 2, 17, 16, 9, 4, 11, 8 for and average of 7

The dice gods must hate us right now.

M Elf HP:33/33, AC:19/T:15/FF:14 - Percep: +10(LL Vis) F:+4/R:+9/W:+3 CMD: 20, Spd: 30ft, Init: +6 Rogue 4 (Pregen)

Going away tomorrow for the weekend... so out Fri Arvo, back Sunday evening.

Male Human (Chelish) Cleric 4 AC: 17/10/17 HP: 30
Tal Bernard Mainz wrote:

Alright I do not think that the nobles group is meant to survive the first book. I was looking at 2 of our front line people and here are the last few d20 rolls.

Meraxilar: 6, 3, 6, 19, 3, 9, 6, 3, 1, 8, 3, 12 for an average of 6.6

Caldazar: 1, 14, 1, 1, 5, 2, 2, 17, 16, 9, 4, 11, 8 for and average of 7

The dice gods must hate us right now.

I agree :(

Rat, probably

It's the name. The game thinks 'nobles' are part of the 1% and is punishing us accordingly.

Male Orc Expert 5
Castor the rat wrote:

It's the name. The game thinks 'nobles' are part of the 1% and is punishing us accordingly.

Never mind that the only noble among the two groups that still has his house, sanity, and good reputation is in the rebels group.

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5
TarkXT wrote:
Castor the rat wrote:

It's the name. The game thinks 'nobles' are part of the 1% and is punishing us accordingly.

Never mind that the only noble among the two groups that still has his house, sanity, and good reputation is in the rebels group.

We Nobles are not concerned with such plebeian trifles. We have staff for that.

Castor, send out for some sanity immediately. Some people think we are running low.

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Wizard (Banishment) 1 | HP 8/8 | F+1 R+1 W+4 | AC 11 ff10 t11 | CMB -1, CMD 10 | Per +5 | Init +1

Allow me, Mr. Pollux.

Sanity is measured in reference to a theorized being which is perceptive and rational, yet fallible. The society is used to gauge whether a person is sane. Therefore, the sanity of an individual can only be considered with respect to society, and not to an objective ideal.

The society of the Nobles Without a House has remained constant, with the single exception of replacing a dwarf with a human. Because this singular change included a change in race, we can safely assume that any changes in sanity stemming from the change reflect stronger cultural ties, and can be excluded from the analysis. Once the single exclusion is performed, we note that there has been no considerable change of the Nobles throughout this section.

Therefore, we can conclude that the group has remained perfectly sane throughout the ordeal.

Female Human Housewife/1
LeVash wrote:

Pavo will spread rumors among his clients (hound training) about the show having an unusually talented Lazarod and companions this time, and will see if anyone is interested in significant wagers that Lazarod, at least, will survive to the end.

Good old Shade.

Surprising that not one of you has asked how the cleric of Cayden intends to channel energy to heal when she has to display a holy symbol to do so...


Male Orc Expert 5
Hu5tru wrote:
LeVash wrote:

Pavo will spread rumors among his clients (hound training) about the show having an unusually talented Lazarod and companions this time, and will see if anyone is interested in significant wagers that Lazarod, at least, will survive to the end.

Good old Shade.

Surprising that not one of you has asked how the cleric of Cayden intends to channel energy to heal when she has to display a holy symbol to do so...


Why? That's what the Order of the Rack is for. :)

Female Human Housewife/1

yeah, i mean, think the six trials is bad? ain't got nothin' on actual hellknights twisting the knife.

I just get this premonition that it's gonna be something redolent of a scene from Hellraiser II. Like how Uncle Frank's hell was to be surrounded by a bunch of writhing harlots he could never touch, she'd be stuck in some kind of animal house where all the beer was Samuel Adams.

Male Orc Expert 5
Hu5tru wrote:

yeah, i mean, think the six trials is bad? ain't got nothin' on actual hellknights twisting the knife.

I just get this premonition that it's gonna be something redolent of a scene from Hellraiser II. Like how Uncle Frank's hell was to be surrounded by a bunch of writhing harlots he could never touch, she'd be stuck in some kind of animal house where all the beer was Samuel Adams.

Worse. Coors light.

Female Human Housewife/1

See, no. Coors Light has the property of being so light that you can drink it if forced and achieve a buzz. Samuel Adams is an abomination that should be removed from the face of the planet. Whenever someone brought that sh*t to a party, my friends and I would actually dare each other to polish one off just to keep the crap out of the fridge.

But then, I have fond memories of Coors Light and somehow navigating to our sh*tty hotel in Missoula, Montana despite being frame-rate vision drunk and stopping to puke several times when I delivered an essay at a conference.

Male Orc Expert 5
Hu5tru wrote:

See, no. Coors Light has the property of being so light that you can drink it if forced and achieve a buzz. Samuel Adams is an abomination that should be removed from the face of the planet. Whenever someone brought that sh*t to a party, my friends and I would actually dare each other to polish one off just to keep the crap out of the fridge.

But then, I have fond memories of Coors Light and somehow navigating to our sh*tty hotel in Missoula, Montana despite being frame-rate vision drunk and stopping to puke several times when I delivered an essay at a conference.

You are not human. Turn in your card.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Actually, a mug of Coors light might get her thrown out of the church.

Female Human Housewife/1
TarkXT wrote:
Hu5tru wrote:

See, no. Coors Light has the property of being so light that you can drink it if forced and achieve a buzz. Samuel Adams is an abomination that should be removed from the face of the planet. Whenever someone brought that sh*t to a party, my friends and I would actually dare each other to polish one off just to keep the crap out of the fridge.

But then, I have fond memories of Coors Light and somehow navigating to our sh*tty hotel in Missoula, Montana despite being frame-rate vision drunk and stopping to puke several times when I delivered an essay at a conference.

You are not human. Turn in your card.

First I can't play a cleric right for the man who wrote the googledoc, and now I get my card revoked for getting drunk on Coors when I was 20.

Can't a girl make mistakes?

Jeez man, do you even know how expensive it is to smoke American Spirits when you're 20? I'll tell ya, King Cobra and Miller High Life were my friends.

*runs away crying*

Male Orc Expert 5
Hu5tru wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
Hu5tru wrote:

See, no. Coors Light has the property of being so light that you can drink it if forced and achieve a buzz. Samuel Adams is an abomination that should be removed from the face of the planet. Whenever someone brought that sh*t to a party, my friends and I would actually dare each other to polish one off just to keep the crap out of the fridge.

But then, I have fond memories of Coors Light and somehow navigating to our sh*tty hotel in Missoula, Montana despite being frame-rate vision drunk and stopping to puke several times when I delivered an essay at a conference.

You are not human. Turn in your card.

First I can't play a cleric right for the man who wrote the googledoc, and now I get my card revoked for getting drunk on Coors when I was 20.

Can't a girl make mistakes?

Jeez man, do you even know how expensive it is to smoke American Spirits when you're 20? I'll tell ya, King Cobra and Miller High Life were my friends.

*runs away crying*

Never criticised your cleric playing. Play how you like.

However the beer thing is bad and you should feel bad. Especially now that you're older and miraculous things like Yuengling exists.

Female Human Housewife/1

Actually, I'm more of a whiskey and tequila woman, now. I have graduated in those, too. From Jack Daniels to... I believe the last I had was Johnny Walker Blue Label, and from Jose Cuervo to Resespado 1800 and Centravio. Mmmmm. Smooth.

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