Tark's Council of Thieves OOC discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Isn't it expected that the rat cheats?

Weird thing... Merax has +9 Diplomacy just by taking a point in it this level. Class skill +3, Wis +2 and Circlet of Persuasion +3. Imagine me as the diplomatic face of the group, lol.

BTW, we used up only 15 charges of the wand by my count.

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5

right now I'm just trying to get him not to eat the balls.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Hmm, if the rat likes balls, perhaps we should warn Bloodless to stay away from the bocce game.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4
Sunderstone wrote:
Weird thing... Merax has +9 Diplomacy just by taking a point in it this level. Class skill +3, Wis +2 and Circlet of Persuasion +3. Imagine me as the diplomatic face of the group, lol.

I call shenanigans - when did Merax ever Diplomance anything :P

Though if you gave the Circlet of Persuasion to a certain clean shaven post-op de-tusked half-orcen actress/or...

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)

I won't lie Rorgrim, I have wanted to get involved with a Kigmaker, and it looks like 1 or 2 of my other campaigns may be dieing soon =\ If I did I think I would probably roll up a Fey Sorcerer since it would mesh well from what I know about Kingmaker. I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow.

Nice Mumbata!

Yeah Cal, take it. Its much better suited for you instead. It was a help during the play though. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)

Alright, so I thought about the Kingmaker campaign Rorgrim, and I'll write up a character tomorrow. Going to go with a Kitsune Sorcerer with the Fey bloodline. This should mesh *really* well with the whole First World theme I'm going for. The sorcerer will be built more as a support/enchantment specialist. I'll crunch the numbers tomorrow. Night all.

Male Orc Expert 5

I'll try to update all the games when I can muster up the health. Everyone in the house is sick right now. My head feels like it's about to color my monitor in icky bits.

Mumbata of Bonuwat wrote:
Alright, so I thought about the Kingmaker campaign Rorgrim, and I'll write up a character tomorrow. ...

I too was unable to resist. Submitted a skill heavy fighter.

Looks like a good game

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

Must. Resist. Kingmaker.

In all honesty, I like the creative process of drafting up characters moreso than whether or not I get accepted. I've created one but have not submitted it because I do not want to be in another PBP. Still hearing feedback and attracting readers to my potential masterpiece is a subtle draw like a moth following pheremones.

TarkXT: Get better, cover your monitor and keyboard in plastic, take care of family. I am happy the internet is not a vector for viruses. ;-)

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Any ruling Tark on if Tal can still retrain a fighter feat this level?

Hope you and yours are doing better as well. Good luck.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4
TarkXT wrote:
I'll try to update all the games when I can muster up the health. Everyone in the house is sick right now. My head feels like it's about to color my monitor in icky bits.

Take your time and get better. The last thing we need is a DM with fuzzy dice...err head a fuzzy head

Male Orc Expert 5

Starting to feel more coherent so will try to update games sometime tomorrow after work.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Good luck feeling better. Looking foward to the update as we see how Petronicus returns to us.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17


Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)
Andrea1 wrote:

2 votes, although the trogoldyte I rolled would be really cool

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

Even though i'm lying there, naked on the alter, I am excited to see what happens.... raised, resurrected or reincarnated?

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)
Petronicus Crispin wrote:
Even though i'm lying there, naked on the alter, I am excited to see what happens.... raised, resurrected or reincarnated?

Animate Dead, Animate Dead!!!!

VC - Sydney, Australia
Petronicus Crispin wrote:
raised, resurrected or reincarnated?

or ravaged.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

The set-up does smack of a "Bathe him and then bring him to me" vibe...

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

I am intrigued. Where upon Golarion does the art of necrophilia end up in conversation. Or is it more a coffee table version of Kama Sutra Morbidia?

VC - Sydney, Australia

Kaer Maga.

Undead hookers. Seriously.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

As he quoth from the book City of Strangers:

The White Lady: This brothel specializes in those risqué desires not even Hospice can fulfill, most notably involving its cadre of undead courtesans. For an extra fee, Madame Krou (LN female human expert 4) will even remove her controlling amulets, allowing her patrons the dangerous thrill of restraining their enraged and predatory conquests by force. While even most of Ankar- Te’s residents blanch at some of the sounds coming from the brothel’s upper stories, regulars enthusiastically point out that “there are some things you just can’t do with a live ’un.”

male Human Rogue (Pirate) 1

Got some RL stuff going on. Wont be able to post proper until tomorrow some time. Please DMPC Riven if necessary.

Male Orc Expert 5

Just saying I am reading some neat s*@# from the mythic playtest.

That being said I'd like to try and playtest it with a quick homebrew mod for some players from here.

Longstory short: Asmodues has been killed. Due to complicated cosmic contracts with several powerful gods you have become the recipients of his dark and otherworldly power. However you must be tested to deem if you are worthy of that power. If you are deemed worthy the choice of what you do with that power is yours.

Going to have lots of cosmic oddness of the Planescape variety. Shenanigans will occur.

Hand rises in interest.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

I'd be game, if you're offering.

Also interested but skeptical. Not really seeing what the mythic rules add other than power creep. However the proof is in the pudding and if anyone can convince me it is Tarx so I am game.

Hat meet ring.

Poor Wandering One wrote:
Also interested but skeptical. Not really seeing what the mythic rules add other than power creep. However the proof is in the pudding and if anyone can convince me it is Tarx so I am game.

I think the idea was to try to power creep in a way that would allow for the 'Beyond CR (Level) 20' without getting so bogged down, though I haven't had time to read the play test to see if that is what it seems to be doing.

I'd also be interested in Tark's play test game, although my time has been a bit constrained recently. If there are enough players, I'd be willing to sit out.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

I think the power creep only becomes an issue when compared with non-Mythic rules. As long as everyone in the game is using Mythic rules, then power creep is a feature, not a drawback. You expect your heroes of legend to be a cut above the average sellsword after all.

I would certainly be interested in trying out the mythic adventure. Deal me in if there is room at the table...... and you don't mind taking my money.

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Sign me up Tark, as it is I have had three of my campaings fall though in the last two weeks so I have pleny of time free for another.

Male Orc Expert 5

Honestly it's meant for "mythic" characters. That is to say yes significantly more powerful but , oh how do I put it? A level 2 guy can still kill a level 2 guy +1 mythic guy. It's just harder because the mythic guy is empowered in some fashion. Make sense? In this case you are empowered by the last will adn testament of a very dark and very scary god.

For those interested it will be 20pt buy. 8th level plus 2 Mythic levels. Golarion characters.

The Exchange

Hmmmmmm. Mythic.
8th level PF
9&10 Mythic
20pt buy
Infused Gothe God essence percolating through my veins.

I'll draft something up, may or may not submit.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Will (sadly) sit out.

Am cramming in my final studies and assignments for the year which will be chewing time hardcore, and then likely away for a month early Jan. That would be really disruptive to the early stages of a game so pretty unfair on the party.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Tark, does the character need to be shady or evil in some way? Or will the game even bestow such power on good characters?

I am so tempted to adapt a PC I'm playing in another game for this... So very tempted.

Male Orc Expert 5

You can even be a paladin if you desire.

One vital striking sundering melee character coming up :)

I'll fire up something in a day or so. 8th level will be a bit of a stretch. I seem to be playing low level folks.

So 20pt
8th level with 2nd tier mythic? Right?

TarkXT wrote:
You can even be a paladin if you desire.

Shades of Balder's Gate and The Darkness.

Sounds fun.

Hmmmm Oracle? Bard? Monk? Must ponder.....

The Exchange

Male Elf Fighter 3

Pretty sure I am going with a Ulfen Cleric (Evangelist) of Gorum. He should be able to provide a ton of support while still being effective with his Greatsword.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Would love to Tark but too busy currently. I don't know how you do it with so many a pains running at once. Wow....

Male Orc Expert 5

One immediate change to the mythic rules (which is fine since the man himself discussed changing it). Amazing initiative will not grant a full turn after using mythic power. I will allow it to grant another standard action or move action on your turn. The other way is just a massive headache I refuse to deal with.

Also I'm keeping the group relatively small (4 people) so even though I havent opened a recruitment thread consider this my standard recruitment bit where I go for quality over speed.

Male Orc Expert 5

For the record this stuff reminds me less of the the mishandled 3.0 epic level stuff and more like Exalted....

Welcome back Kotter! err.... Petronicus.

Male Orc Expert 5

Dearest Doiery,

t'day I was a roight and total basterd ta a bunch of swabs who thot they pulled a fast oen on me mate Mr. Plugg an the capn. But I learned them. I learned them good. Also I be loikin how that fiery haired Sandara makes me feel in the pantaloons. I would keelhaul around me boat if ye understand me.

Bosun Scourge

Dearest Scourge,
I knows what ye mean... I've a right desire to weigh anchor down in the futtocks, run out the spinnaker and see iffin I ken raise a figurehead in 'er hawsehole. Good on yer lookin out fer yer mate Pluggy... I'm suren he'll return the favor come inspection time on yer poop deck... iffin ye follerin me.
PS - the itching in yer baggywrinkle... best to keep that to yerself aye?

Tark, I would like to submit Tak'Vellos, Elven Saurian Shaman Druid and devotee of the Law of the Jungle.


Tak was born in Sargava. His elven parents were arcanists, researching tales of lost civilizations and exotic magic in the Mwangi Expanse. When he was still a young elf, they were killed on an expedition, leaving him alone in the jungle. The young elf ran and hid, and eventually grew skilled at hunting by watching the great Saurians and learning from their example. When he was a juvenile elf, he was found by an old Mwangi woman, a druid, who saw him while she was in the jungle. By coaxing him in with food and respecting his wildness, she was was able to befriend him and began his education in the way of the druid, which continues today. Since then, Tak has left the Mwangi expanse several times to explore the world beyond, each time taking his companion, a young tyrannosaurus he rescued when its mother was killed by a Spinosaurus. He has raised the great beast from birth, calling it Ushan or Hungry One in Mwangi.

Outlook and Personality:

Tak is a survivor and believes strongly in survival of the fittest. However, his jungle upbringing wars with the virtues of compassion that his mentor, Ellaba Doucombo, taught him. He has come to see close companions as members of his 'pack' as it were, and keeping them alive as a natural outgrowth of his wild instincts. He is straightforward and blunt, and cannot understand the virtue of lying, though he clearly understands using distraction and stealth in the hunt. He is tall and thin, lean and strong, with wild hair and deeply tanned skin. He bears some tattoos over his arms of the great Saurians, whom he sees as the spirits of Hunger, Death and Survival.

Tak chose the Hierophant Mythic Path, with cold damage being his Mythic Flaw, due to his near saurian nature. If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them!

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