Tark's Council of Thieves OOC discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Female Human Cleric/4

Oh shoooo, another Crispin!! BROTHER!!

Male Orc Expert 5

Does Pollux remind anyone else of a Johnny Depp who never quite let go of his Edward Scissorhands role?

Caldazar wrote:
For those that aren't aware - wife had our baby boy yesterday and we're in the throes of sleep cycle adaptation.


As for sleep, it is really helpful if you can work out a way that you can feed the baby once in a while, so your wife can get 3 or 4 hours of sleep at once.

TarkXT wrote:
Does Pollux remind anyone else of a Johnny Depp who never quite let go of his Edward Scissorhands role?

lol :)

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet
TarkXT wrote:
Does Pollux remind anyone else of a Johnny Depp who never quite let go of his Edward Scissorhands role?

Never thought of it that way, but now that you mention it...

Female Human Cleric/4

Asmodia and bloodless talking civilly again?

*Shock and awe*

Guess she won't have to Hold person, longstrider and run for her life after all. *meep meep*

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4
Asmodia Crispin wrote:

Oh shoooo, another Crispin!! BROTHER!!

Greetings sister!! It has been too long ^^

Female Human Cleric/4

that really would be too funny if we matched our backstories.

I was just referencing MGS.

Do you like my sunglasses?

Male Orc Expert 5

I rather think that you two are mirror universe versions of eachother.

Female Human Cleric/4

You... you mean he's going cast hold person and kick Thesing in the balls instead of sleep with him?


Btw, I'm the Cleric that plays that she doesn't have ANY wisdom. So I assume you're the smartest Wizard ever. Except that you're an enchanter and not a universalist... but, we'll just sweep that one under the rug

Male Orc Expert 5
Asmodia Crispin wrote:

You... you mean he's going cast hold person and kick Thesing in the balls instead of sleep with him?

No, Thesing is simply not trying to do him. As there are no females in the group in fact the only character he has decided to make a move on was one of the characters wives. After the play kills him.

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5
TarkXT wrote:
Does Pollux remind anyone else of a Johnny Depp who never quite let go of his Edward Scissorhands role?

Maybe I should watch this one sometime. Could always use new ideas.

TarkXT wrote:
I rather think that you two are mirror universe versions of eachother.

If we were in the same Universe, it would be too much like Life of Brian.

"We should unite against our common enemy!"

"The Chealaxian People's Front?

"No! The Hellknights!"

Female Human Cleric/4


By my current count, we still have 39 charges on our CL Wand. Asmodia has cast no spells, although she could fix ability damage if they were to key members, like Bejis, Shade or Bloodless. Although, if either she or Aerieth take more CON damage, she might be persuaded to do so.

And probably roll a 1, just my luck.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Safely back at home now so should be wading back into the game thread shortly :)

Looks like I've a bit of catching up to do...

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4
Asmodia Crispin wrote:

that really would be too funny if we matched our backstories.

I was just referencing MGS.

Do you like my sunglasses?

heh.. sorry.. didn't catch the reference.

but yeah... would have funny if our backstory overlapped.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

OK.. so I just need some clarification. Reading through the play I understand the acts and the tortures each one hold. What I want to know is if we know how the tortures will be done on stage?

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Lol - know what is going to happen on stage? You wish.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

By readin ghte script, the only thing I know is I am safe the first 2 acts and then we geta fluke, digested by stomach acid, then something out of the movie Alien, and finally I get attacked by Cal and devils (don't know which is worse). How exactly that is going to take place I don't know. Hopefully we have lots of healing and my AC helps. That's all I know.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Your AC won't help against the luscious lips of Krona - touch AC FTW!!!

Female Human Cleric/4

Aerieth lies. it's all puppy dog kisses and empathetic "Awwwhs!" from the audience.

Trust me. I'm a cleric of Calistria. I wouldn't lie to you.

Male Orc Expert 5
Asmodia Crispin wrote:

Aerieth lies. it's all puppy dog kisses and empathetic "Awwwhs!" from the audience.

Trust me. I'm a cleric of Calistria. I wouldn't lie to you.

The puppy dogs are hellhounds and the awwhs are groans of sickening discomfort at what acid does to ones skin.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)
TarkXT wrote:
Asmodia Crispin wrote:

Aerieth lies. it's all puppy dog kisses and empathetic "Awwwhs!" from the audience.

Trust me. I'm a cleric of Calistria. I wouldn't lie to you.

The puppy dogs are hellhounds and the awwhs are groans of sickening discomfort at what acid does to ones skin.

If by hellhound you mean Cerberus and by sickening you mean having your body slowly consumed by flesh eating bacteria.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet
Caldazar wrote:
Your AC won't help against the luscious lips of Krona - touch AC FTW!!!

At least I have a decent fort save. I don't think the audience would approve of me retching on stage. Also does a tower shield granting me total cover help that at all?

Male Orc Expert 5

You cannot hide from Caldazar's MAN LOVE!

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

wait... isn't Tal the one with the whip?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

For some reason I just got the old Batman theme song in my head:
Nanananananananananananana MAN LOVE!

Though with the way Tal's going I think he's itching for Thesing to try and kill him before the show...

Female Human Cleric/4

Could be worse.

Just sayin'. I'm the lady who knows.

Rat, probably
Petronicus Crispin wrote:
OK.. so I just need some clarification. Reading through the play I understand the acts and the tortures each one hold. What I want to know is if we know how the tortures will be done on stage?

We do not know but guesses can be made.

Trial one; Simple torture. I suspect tilted racks and Saint Andrew's Cross. Good visual appeal for the masses. Probably not a wheel as we need to walk after but perhaps

Trial two: The flukes will no doubt be some kind of burrowing worm or insect. My AD&D heart holds fond memories of rot grubs but that may be too lethal.

Trial three: This one has me puzzled. A big monster eating us is well within the possable but that would be boring to the audiance. They do not get to see our death throws and all. Maybe if it had a transparent stomach?

Trial four: Frankly I haven't paid too much attention to the later trials. Given my hit point total I expect to to be slightly dead by this point. But reading the script I guess this trial will be some con drain followed by a fight with some low to mid level devils. Perhaps they will share some of our major strengths. Hexes for mine High AC for Tal's etc.

Trial five:"The companions fight off a legion of devils." 'nuff said

Trial six: No clue on this one. It sems a tad anticlimatic but berhaps the sight of Thesing being dragged to hell makes up for it.

That said I am likely wrong on important points but they mostly will not matter as Tal and Caldazar are the only ones likely to make it to the fifth trial.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

I think if thesing can he will do his worst to Tal after the lunch is over. We'll see how that goes.

As far as the trials go...Well if we all make it to the fourth trial I can try and just stand up front and take the beating while you guys work your magic. Same for the 5th trial as well I suppose.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

Well transparent stomach would mean that we would have to deal with stomach acid and we are supposed to escape as they do in the script. Not sure how that is going to be but I would bet we have to deal with acid in some manner or other.

I think I need to make a shopping list of some spells/scrolls that may help. I know I will need to learn bear's endurance at a minimum and maybe try to see if I can get some of the 'mass' versions of the spells.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

I just realized that trial four is where they eat an egg that births a doppelganger that they fight.

I am clueless as to how this will be presented. Perhaps we eat something that will make us sick. Maybe protection from poison would be appropriate?

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5
Petronicus Crispin wrote:

I just realized that trial four is where they eat an egg that births a doppelganger that they fight.

I am clueless as to how this will be presented. Perhaps we eat something that will make us sick. Maybe protection from poison would be appropriate?

My default raesoning is to assume that the script states what will happen. I expect us to eat something that then crawls up our gullets and attacks. It is visually impressive for the audience and would only take a modified summon monster type magic 'egg' to do it mechanically.

As far as getting gear for the trials I think our first purchase must be a full wand of CLW. We need the healing and about half the party can use it w/o worring about UMD. Pollux has 300gp that he can toss in the kitty in case somone is a tad short.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Since I foolishly indicated that you guys split the share last time I spent almost all of my original alotment before we even started. That being said, I do have 100gp to put towards the wand.

Tark...Is it possible to find wands that are not full. Just wondering if we can't get the 750 we need. Extra healing is always a bonus. Besides if we have a healing wand, that frees up the casters for spells that might actually make a difference. Resist Energy: Acid, Eagles Splendor, ?Magic Weapon?, lessor restorations?

Rat, probably

I don't think we need to concern ourselves any further with the wand.

Nice trap by Thesing and the Diva. I wonder how much this meal will cost conpared to how much Robahl will have to pay to get us out of the pokey. Pity this is the exact question the Tik-man could have answered.

Male Orc Expert 5

Could be worse. Imagine having Meraxilar with you right now.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

I hate it when these types of hunches are right.

Now did I read the posts correctly.... Calseinica bailed us out?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

I think Calseinica only bailed out Tal.

Caldazar has some coin that can be used if anyone is really skint... he'd stump it up to get out of the limelight and into a place where a more suitable comeuppance could be planned.

Perhaps we corner Thesing in his dressing room and extort the money out of him.... or we turn him into a gelding... either is good... Yes, I realize this is hypocritical in retrospect with the sage council he offered Tal...

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Nah Tal is up for it. Actually, the sneakiest one of us should just enter his room and take it when he is not there. Tal will definitely vote to be the distraction. Perhaps involve robahl with the retelling of the dinner, complete with the trip of Thesing.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

with my memory lapse spell we could beat the crap out of him and them he would forget all about it.....and just wonder where the bruises and tender spots came from.....lol

Male Human (Chelish) Cleric 4 AC: 17/10/17 HP: 30

Sounds like I have missed an interesting luncheon. I might have attempted to fillet Thesing though. ;)

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

would you have been so exacting with your cuts or would it have been more of a chowder?

Male Human (Chelish) Cleric 4 AC: 17/10/17 HP: 30

There is nothing exacting about my cuts. My goal would have been to unmake the man in short order. :)

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Thus the large axe he always carries with him.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4


I'm still here lurking. I don't have much to add to the groups luncheon with Thesing. Just letting you know I didn't vanish. :)

To the GM from splitting away from the group but Meraxilar is the lower profile type both as a follower of Rovagug in Cheliax (which would get me killed by the Rack), and a former scion of a destroyed/culled house. I don't mind reading along, so don't anyone rush on my account. The Luncheon was cool. :)

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Just making sure of the timeline right now. The luncheon was the during the same day as Tal's supper. Just want to make sure so I don't reference one at the wrong time. I am pretty sure, but it is late and I am not thinking straight.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

yeah... it happened before our supper.

Rat, probably

Hey TarkXT. Hope you don't mind a bit of advertising here

To nobles and rebels: I would like to announce a couple of openings in a Carrion Crown campaign that I am in. We are just starting out, you would be coming in at 500xp where the three players have just made second. I know this sounds a bit of a raw deal but you catch up quite rapidly. I think the GM just prefers organically leveled as opposed to characters made to the level.

In any case please see the Recruitment, Gameplay, and Discussion threads. Thank you for your time.

We now return you to the spite and eye-gouging in progress....

Female Human Cleric/4

Men can be so cruel to each other. Why are you guys picking on my hook up!?!

Okay, okay, I did it, too eventually, but you guys are being violent.

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