Interest for a Pathfinder mercenary company PBP?

Gamer Connection

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Ábítan “Little Bitter” Hæftince wrote:

As for The Tin Circus they are just mummer's boys playing at war...

The crimson princesses reckon we're soft because we use big words like 'escort' and 'formation'.

Stiehl9s wrote:

Sweet! ...and I didnt even have to bloddy anyone for it...yet...

I'll head over to the OOC and check out my squad to see what will be a good fit.

Good man! Welcome to the game.

Also is there anybody out there interested in co-DMing one of the games with me?

Basically I am only able to post once every day or so at the moment and so I'm looking for people that can move the game along, running encounters, controlling NPCs etc.

If you are interested shout out here or send me an email at -

Pentors Email:

The squads are
1) The Crimson Kings - in Isger, hunting Bandits in the Chitterwood.
2) The Iron Carnival - in Ustaval, escorting a caravan.
3) The Steel Wolves - in Sargava, guarding an expedition.

"Gods damned ruining my fight!" Sighing softly Jax scoops up the shortsword, glaring at te Prospects.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

::with a sigh Trace sets up a hammock and settles in for his name to be pulled.::

Update appreciated Pentor.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If at all possible, I would like to end up in the same squad as Guru, we're friends "IRL" and this would allow us to post for each other if the need arises, that sort of thing. Built in battle buddy if you will ;)

Sorry guys, nothing much to report so far. No further pull outs in any squad so your still on the waiting list.

Will post here if a spot becomes available.

Ok after some thought and a couple of co-GMs I am thinking about adding a 4th squad to the game. It would depend on how many people are interested though.

So if you are interested in joining a completely new squad in a mercenary PBP set in Golarion then please post here with your character concept and suggestions for where the squad should be based and the name of the squad. The only area that isn't available to start in is the Worldwound, as I have plans for that area.

There will be 7 spots available in the squad and those who have already posted registering their interest -

Mathpro18 - ?
NightTrace - ?
Guru_of_the_Sands - ?
Derosierr - ?

get first dibs on a spot, so if they all post saying they are interested there will be 3 spots left.

One question I do have to ask, and here seems as good as any other.

Why seven players? Is it to fill the ranks and expect attrition to narrow it down?

"On your feet Prospects. General Pentor is addressing you!"

Looking forward to having another Squad! :)

Lighten up, Francis.

But... -Gestures wildly- Fear... -Sighs- Fine!

This is too cool. I'm vouching for Derosierr. Ive table top gamed with him for a very long time.

Welcome aboard fellas and as Pvt Fury said Fall In!

Me'mori wrote:

One question I do have to ask, and here seems as good as any other.

Why seven players? Is it to fill the ranks and expect attrition to narrow it down?

Nah it's just cause 8 is the number of mercs in a squad, so taking away the NPC corporal that leaves 7 spots open. Plus if people do go missing it means there is a bigger pool of players left so things don't slow down to much while you bring in new players.

Aaah Sentis gets it! They sure are breeding the Cubs smart over there in Squad 3!

going to be running a human wizard. stats and backstory to come.cya soon

Fresh meat for the grinder :)

Just to restate - 25 point buy, max wealth at 1st level, two traits. Any Pathfinder product is fair game, just note anything not Core / APG / UM in your profile. 3rd party content is subject to Pentor fiat.

While I obviously can't, and won't try to, force a location on the 4th squadron, I would recommend Eastern Garund, Absalom, or Jalmaray, or Qadira. Any of the above places would mesh nicely with the existing locations. Don't, however, feel that this recommendation has to be followed; I'm just suggesting it because having 3 adventure groups in Avistan north of the Inner Sea might get a bit crowded, adventure wise.

Woo... new blood, new squad. Looking forward to seeing them.

Welcome new recruits. If you've not already done so I'd also suggest a recon of the current Squad threads to get a grasp of what's already out there and help with moulding a "squad identity" for yourselves:

Squad 1 - "The Crimson Kings" are the insane, sneaky nasty ones
Squad 2 - "The Iron (cough-cough Tin!) Circus" are a bunch of oddballs who seem obsessed with owning a steam powered carnie float...
Squad 3 - "The Steel Wolves" are... harmless do-right pups really...

And there is no intersquad rivalry whatsoever. [turn sarcasm off] On a more serious note, the intersquad rivalry is interesting to watch, and as a new Co-DM for the Crimson Kings, I look forward to exploiting every inch of it.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm in. Not sure of what kind of character yet.

I'm in. I'll have a concept ASAP. Has the realms of the mammoth lords and land of the linnorm kings been taken yet? I've been interested in that part of the world for a good amount of time.

This is an interesting thread but I have no idea what you all are doing here :P

*tries to sort it out, fails*

Ah well... *watches*

Basically this is a recruitment thread for a PbP set in Golarion, working on a Mercenary Company idea. There are currently 3 Active Squads who find their roots in the main Unit and Pentor, our main DM is recruiting for a 4th.

7 PC members per squad with an NPC Corporal in direct control of the Squad.

Character Creation - 25 point buy, max wealth at 1st level, two traits. Any Pathfinder product is fair game, just note anything not Core / APG / UM in your profile. 3rd party content is subject to Pentor fiat. (Thanks DM Voice)

The background and starting point of the Squad will be confirmed in the OOC thread, along with the Squad name and workings.

Basically that is it!

As the ankle biter said the Crimson Queens are our Black Ops Squad. We at the Iron Carnival are attempting to become Golarion first Mechanised Unit and the Steel Pups are... well I agree with ankle biter!

Yeah the game is fulled by Squad Rivalry and is a lot of fun. I must say, so far, everyones Character is very very interesting and all the Squads are interesting and diffrent. Looking forward to having a new Sister Squad aboard!

Links of Interest

The Crimson Queens IC Thread
The Iron Carnival IC Thread
The Steel Pups IC Thread

Squad 1 OOC Thread
Squad 2 OOC Thread
Squad 3 OOC Thread

Main OOC Thread

-Pvt.Jax Fury
The Iron Carnival

I like the sound of it!

I may throw my hat in...but I am curious..How on earth is the DM running 4 seperate games?! 0_o

Do I post a character here, or in the OOC thread? do you want just concepts or whole sheets?

We have a Main DM we sets up a Frame work for stuff than you get Co-DM from other squads who controls encounters and npcs.

How do you all feel bout Psionics? From the Psionics Unleashed book?

It is not how we feel it on how DM-Pentor feels. It was posted up there.

Kaavel wrote:
It is not how we feel it on how DM-Pentor feels. It was posted up there.

Thats actually what I meant. It was a "you" in the Group DM Sense / Pentor what have you.

The Exchange

I'll signup so long as I'm grouped with Nighttrace and Guru

Post Character Concept here then, if it is approved, work on the whole sheet. A Squad 4 Thread will need to be started but the completed character details can be posted in the main OOC thread!

By concept do you just mean like race and class?

Yep, thats exactly it Guru. Race, Class and archetype if applicable.

I'm thinking Human Inquisitor.

Little Biter is actually starting to annoy me a bit. Not sure why it needs to constantly rip on the other least the rest of us try to be semi-useful to our other squads.

Anyways, 4th squad is cool, tho ima be pissed if they start in Jalamary, Qadira or Katapesh as that is soo where id prefer to be!!

Btw, I'm the co-GM for squad two, the Iron Carnival, and actually helped playtest and create Psionics Unleashed(id be Lordmonkeysama in the credits), so personally I'm cool with allowing it, though Pentor has final say.

Also, head over to the Iron Carnival OOC thread where we're discussing a replacement system for Leadership, any extra input would be most welcome :-)

Mmmm "Little Biter"... like that... given me an idea... thanks Monkeygod.

BTW think you'll find all the ribbing is in good jest, Fury and Torque give as good as they get... tis a game after all ;)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Class Concept:
Human - Gunslinger

It's a shame really, people tend to forget the fact that real life teaches more valuable lessons then any class room.

What is the "right thing to do"?

That's a hell of a lesson, and you have to learn it quickly. What is the "right thing", when you're being put out in the field and the other side is mind controlling children? Have you ever had a child walk up to you, only to see a second later that some bastard has implanted a bomb on their back?

If you're out on patrol and you run into an enemy village, what is the "right" course of action?

So I did what had to be done. I wasn't proud, but it was the right thing to do. Us or or them.

They put me back at HQ and sat me down, asked me how I felt. I wasn't sure what they wanted to hear...I felt like I had done my job. I was alive, and most of my squad made it out. I requested transfer back but they denied it, something about "to high profile". I admit, I was starting to shut down to their commentary. I ended up getting demoted, tossed into a training squad for a while, showing new recruits which end of the sword to poke the other side with.

I kept putting in for transfer to a line company, kept getting denied. But that's changing, another life lesson learned. "Persistence is key".

Just got word that they have accepted my request and will be sending me to a new squad. They warned me to keep my nose clean or I'll be drummed right out entirely this time. I know I'll do the right thing.

Nah MonkeyGod I'd have to disagree. I like Ankle Biter. He and Gremm had a great few days of tag there. It was fun to watch our Giant chase the Queens Midget! :) I can see, however, that Blaze is not quite as involved in the rivalry as Biter Jax and Torque are. That is cool though! :)

-Takes out a measuring tape and begins to measure up NightTrace- "We got dibs on the Gunslinger if the Little Ones go belly up on their first misson!" -Slides the measuring tape back in to his pocket and grins- "We have an idea for a Cannon and he may be useful..." -Makes a note in a small notebook and walks off to find Torque-

Is there a way to keep threads at the top of the list or get quick access to used ones? Still new to using this board.

The Steel Wolves are too busy dealing with the jungle to worry too much about what those in North Avistan are doing to get themselves killed.

Not that I know of Guru I just bookmark them to get access. The fun of the jungle.

Darkbiter wrote:
The Steel Wolves are too busy dealing with the jungle to worry too much about what those in North Avistan are doing to get themselves killed.

Hey! I am gonna do my best to not TPK the Carnies, cept Pvt Fury, cuz he smells like rotten, three month old cabage. As soon as its their turn, 4 of the highwaymen they're facing are gonna transform in Vrocks and devour him :-)

Grumbles softly and kicks at a clod of dirt. "Only smell like rotten cabbage coz Gremm used my laundry pot to make soup... Always Vroks. Last week, in the Tavern, that serving maid. A Vrok! Must like the taste of cabbage!"

stats and storyline sir! ceragia turndle reporting for duty sir!

Dark Archive

Monkeygod wrote:
Little Biter is actually starting to annoy me a bit. Not sure why it needs to constantly rip on the other least the rest of us try to be semi-useful to our other squads.

Monkeygod, if this is sarcasm, it didn't come across. If it is serious, check your attitude.

Now now Drayen relax. Monkey was simply stateing how he felt. Let us not make more of this than is necessary. We are all mature adults here. No need for any warnings. Abiten went with it quietly, you should too. Of course that is just my opinion. It means little, being of the Tin Carnival as I am! ;)

Guru_of_the_Sands wrote:
Is there a way to keep threads at the top of the list or get quick access to used ones? Still new to using this board.

At the top of the page there is an option to "List this Thread", and clicking on it will take you to the wishlists page where you can save it, so you don't have to dig when you check, just click on "My Wishlists" again, and you can find the threads you've listed.

Pvt.Fury wrote:
Now now Drayen relax. Monkey was simply stateing how he felt. Let us not make more of this than is necessary. We are all mature adults here. No need for any warnings. Abiten went with it quietly, you should too. Of course that is just my opinion. It means little, being of the Tin Carnival as I am! ;)

While I agree we're all adults, if Monkeygod cares to check posts past he'll see that from early on I've been chipping in the discussion in a postive way [mainly as Dow]. Abitan is, as you said, having fun and bantering with the other squads... in character

Don't worry I'll cease and desist as I don't want to rain on anyones parade.

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