Lordx87's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


The Exchange

I've been trying to figure out EXACTLY how much Magic Armors cost to create.

Specifically, I would like to create a set of Wild enchanted, Dragonhide Full plate.

I thought it would be..

3,300 (DragonHide)
+9,000 (Cost of a level 3 enchant:Wild)

However, reading the instructions, it says that all armors have to have at least +1 to add a special effect.

so +1, with wild being a +3 makes the cost a +4 Item.

16,000 (+4)
+3,000 (Dragonhide)

Puts it way over my gold amount to spend


The Exchange

I'll be playing an elf ranger, who will be multi classing with Paladin.

The Exchange

I'll signup so long as I'm grouped with Nighttrace and Guru