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Hello all, I'm looking for around 4 players for a PbP Curse of the Crimson Throne game. Would like to start around Monday (4/25/11), but if we can get players together before then, we could take care of some background things as well as the character meeting.
Looking for players to post around once a day.
I typically like to have characters grow in power, rather than start incredibly strong. With that said, I present these character creation criteria:
- Characters begin at level 1
- Races and racial options must come from Core/APG. Other character options may come from Core/APG or any Pathfinder sourcebooks, provided I have access to your character option in some way.
- Ability scores chosen by a 5 point Point Buy, using the chart in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook (or online at the SRD/d20PFSRD).
- Characters gain an ability point at every level beyond first, provided they do not put it towards the same score as the previous point. (ex: You put your point into INT at 5th level, you can put your 6th level point into anything except INT.)
- Characters begin with two traits at first level, taken either from the APG or the CotCT Players Guide (freely available online, here at paizo.com), and will gain more as a result of leveling (haven't decided on specifics quite yet...).
- Characters start with average gold for their class.
- Bringing in a new character: one level less than your previous (or the party lowest, if it's a new player), and half the normal Wealth By Level.
I hope that long and specific list doesn't scare anyone away :P
If you're interested, reply with a character concept in a spoiler tag (the PCs can meet and learn about each other a little later :P). The character needs to currently be in or around Korvosa, and needs to have a reason to hate Gaedren Lamm: a local crime lord known for murder, using orphans for pickpockets, and various other deplorable acts. The Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide has ideas, background traits, and more info, and would definitely be a good thing to check out.
Thanks all, let's see those character concepts!

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I hope that long and specific list doesn't scare anyone away :P
It wasn't the fact that it was long, it was the fact that I read "5 point buy" that scared me away.
How many games have you run that way? Does it actually work? Do you have to adopt the adventures nearly constantly (as I would think you would)? I don't mean to hijack your submission thread, I'm just honestly curious about this method.

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Austin Morgan wrote:I hope that long and specific list doesn't scare anyone away :P
It wasn't the fact that it was long, it was the fact that I read "5 point buy" that scared me away.
How many games have you run that way? Does it actually work? Do you have to adopt the adventures nearly constantly (as I would think you would)? I don't mean to hijack your submission thread, I'm just honestly curious about this method.
Haha no worries :)
I only have to adjust in the beginning. Around mid-levels, it gets close to what you'd see in a 15-ish-point buy. I typically include a bunch of other goodies to balance things out over the levels. Would you rather have higher ability scores, or a variety of actual abilities?
Of course, to each their own, and if I don't find enough willing players this way, I don't have an issue with upping the initial point-buy :)

donato Contributor |

I'd love to join this. My plan is to play a Ranger and eventually take levels in Sorcerer and become a Dragon Disciple. Let me know if you have any questions.
Devrin Arlos
CG Human Ranger 1
Init +0; Senses Perception +4
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will[/b] +0
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee Battleaxe +2 (1d8+1/x3)
[b]Str 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
BAB +1; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge: Arcana +2, Knowledge: Local +2, Perception +4, Spellcraft +5, Survival +4, Use Magic Device +2
Languages Common, Draconic
Trait Magical Knack (+2 CL [sorcerer]), Personal Addiction (+1 Fort)
Special Abilities Favored enemy: Humanoid (Human), Track, Wild Empathy
Equipment (175gp starting, 97.9gp current)
Battleaxe (10gp)
Scale Mail (50gp)
Heavy Wooden Shield (7gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Bedroll (1sp)
Winter Blanket (5sp)
Glass Bottle (2gp)
Chalk x10 (1sp)
Cup, false bottomed (1gp)
Crowbar (2gp)
Flint and Steel (1gp)
Hammer (5sp)
Common Lamp (1sp)
Lantern Oil x7 (7sp)
Sack (1sp)
I used to dream. There was a point in my life when all I did was dream. I was disconnected from the real wolrd living only within my dreams, escaping whatever bothers and responsibilites I had. The dream spiders had spun their web and I would gladly fall into them and be entangled, so that I may have my brain devoured by their venom.
Gaedren Lamm, that is the kind of name one doesn't forget. Anytime I'd come close to escaping the nightmare webbing, he would be there to wrap me up in that slumber silk again. However, my escape came with a price. At first it was reasonable, a few pinches or the occasional shield. The price grew steep and my doses grew smaller as time went on. Soon enough, I was paying crowns at a time for a dream that lasted less time than the bell tolls at noon.
I couldn't stop, though.
Soon enough, I stole from my friends and family. They've all abondoned me now, with good reason. One would think that would be the breaking point, but I was trapped in this web and there was no escape. I was soon breaking into homes, stealing from folk on the street, and even taking up jobs that some would consider unholy. I wish I could truly remember the horrors that I had wrought, but the entire time, I was dreaming.
Then came the time when I met with creation. As I slipped into another state of ecstasy, I was shaken to the bone by a roar. My body would not wake and a fear grew in my heart unlike anything I had known. I saw a great dragon and asked my why I had been doing this. I could not reply; I only shook. It claimed I was destroying all that it had blessed life with little by little and it would have no more of it. It proposed a choice: either end this life of mine, repent, and start anew, or be destroyed. Never in my time had a dream been so vivid, so real. I agreed with no doubt in my heart about what would happen if I didn't. The dragon asked me to visit the Shoanti, as they would help me start this journey. And with that, the dragon vanished and I woke.
The next day I set for the mountains, my body screaming to return to the dreams. It was a struggle to leave the city, let alone reach the Shoanti people. Upon arriving, I was greeted with hostility and confusion. However, there was one man who could understand my words and I told him of my vision. He nodded with understanding and asked that I do as told and ask no questions. I agreed. The following months were spent learning how to survive in the wilderness, something that had never occured to me as I lived in Korvosa my entire life. I learned their ways quickly and eventually, my cravings lessened and I felt more alive than ever before. After a few months, the Shoanti proposed that I was ready to start my new life. They handed me an axe and a pouch and told me to go into the forest. Once there, I was to consume the contents within and stay alive until I knew when to return.
I traveled deep into the forest and opened my pouch. I felt like I had been fooled. Inside, was a batch of shiver, the same drug I was trying to avoid. However, these people had treated me well and I had grown to trust them. I took a hit and laid down. Sure enough, I began to dream. That's when I saw him again, the dragon from before. It congratulated me on all I had done so far. Speaking with him was different this time. I felt as if though we shared the same mind and the same heart. I knew this dragon. Apsu. No longer afraid, I asked what it needed of me. It let me know that there are many great evils that threaten all that it has created, but it did not expect me to deal with all of these. Instead, he wished for me only to attend to the man that had destroyed my life. I had one doubt in my mind, why me of all people? As if it read my thoughts, Apsu replied, "For we are kin, young one."
With that, I woke sometime later. I thanked Apsu and returned to the tribe to thank them. I then went to my home and prepared for my duty.

Stomphoof |

I'd love to join this. My plan is to play a Ranger and eventually take levels in Sorcerer and become a Dragon Disciple. Let me know if you have any questions.
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I would be interested save for that 5 point buy 0_o
But hey, if things change I will throw my hat in. I personally have a bunch of standby characters who were made with 20 point buy so I would just have to do some adjusting if you wanted 15 point buy.

donato Contributor |

donato wrote:I'd love to join this. My plan is to play a Ranger and eventually take levels in Sorcerer and become a Dragon Disciple. Let me know if you have any questions.
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I would be interested save for that 5 point buy 0_o
But hey, if things change I will throw my hat in. I personally have a bunch of standby characters who were made with 20 point buy so I would just have to do some adjusting if you wanted 15 point buy.
While I am a bit wary about the point buy as well, it's actually very exciting to me as a roleplay opportunity. It represents growth of the character over time which is just waiting to be played out, especially in a PbP.

Stomphoof |

Stomphoof wrote:While I am a bit wary about the point buy as well, it's actually very exciting to me as a roleplay opportunity. It represents growth of the character over time which is just waiting to be played out, especially in a PbP.donato wrote:I'd love to join this. My plan is to play a Ranger and eventually take levels in Sorcerer and become a Dragon Disciple. Let me know if you have any questions.
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I would be interested save for that 5 point buy 0_o
But hey, if things change I will throw my hat in. I personally have a bunch of standby characters who were made with 20 point buy so I would just have to do some adjusting if you wanted 15 point buy.
Makes me worried that our characters would get creamed in a fight is all. You know, low HP, low attack bonus, ect. Low spells per day.
I like the concept but not sure about it is all. I am gonna keep an eye on this.

TarkXT |

donato wrote:Stomphoof wrote:While I am a bit wary about the point buy as well, it's actually very exciting to me as a roleplay opportunity. It represents growth of the character over time which is just waiting to be played out, especially in a PbP.donato wrote:I'd love to join this. My plan is to play a Ranger and eventually take levels in Sorcerer and become a Dragon Disciple. Let me know if you have any questions.
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I would be interested save for that 5 point buy 0_o
But hey, if things change I will throw my hat in. I personally have a bunch of standby characters who were made with 20 point buy so I would just have to do some adjusting if you wanted 15 point buy.
Makes me worried that our characters would get creamed in a fight is all. You know, low HP, low attack bonus, ect. Low spells per day.
I like the concept but not sure about it is all. I am gonna keep an eye on this.
I have the same reservations. It also makes qualifying for feats very difficult. Let's jsut say you aren't going ot find very many people playing classes with more than one stat needed at a positive to succeed.

DM Aron Marczylo |

can't join but I hope things go well.
Not to be a pain but if you are going for a 5 point buy I'd suggest converting the AP for that as it is based on 4 players at 15 points buy.
I agree with others that 5 point buy does seem really low. As others have said, it makes qualifying for feats very difficult and not many people will be interested in a 5 point game.

acidrica |

I'm interested, seeing as how my tt group is going to be biweekly instead of weekly like I though. :D The only problem is that I'm currently in a CotCT game TT, and while I'm confident in my ability not to metagame, I wanted to make sure you don't mind having a player who's been through most of the game already. Let me know if it's not a problem, and I'll think up a concept. :)

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I'm interested, seeing as how my tt group is going to be biweekly instead of weekly like I though. :D The only problem is that I'm currently in a CotCT game TT, and while I'm confident in my ability not to metagame, I wanted to make sure you don't mind having a player who's been through most of the game already. Let me know if it's not a problem, and I'll think up a concept. :)
I'm fine with that. I'll probably deviate a bit from the AP in terms of enemy stats, once the game gets going well anyway :)

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DM, here is a character that was built for a short lived Savage Tide campaign with a 20 point buy. I can pull the stats down and revise the backstory a bit, if you would be interested in a water focused Wizard.
I like it! Haven't seen an Elemental Wizard in play yet. Yep, just modify your scores a bit, and work up a tie-in to the story.
Looks like we've got our four PCs!
Donato's character Devrin Arlos
Acidrica's character
Darius Pope
Uraisa Ellsworth
Once everyone has a brief background and is in/around Korvosa, I'll start up the in-game thread with the intro, and post the link here.
It's always good to have backup players for PbPs, so if you're interested just leave a reply in this thread. If we need a replacement character (or an extra character) I'll look here and put a post up, going down the list. And, who knows, I may feel like tightening my belt and trying to run a second PbP once the first gets off the ground :P No promises on that though :)

Uraisa Ellsworth |

DM, I haven't read CotCT in a long time. Does Uraisa need more of a tie to Korvosa than just "her travels have led her here?" Or do I need to give her a stronger tie, like a friend or family member to town? I am happy to do either.
Stats have been changed, but there might be a typo or something I missed, if you want to review her.

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DM, I haven't read CotCT in a long time. Does Uraisa need more of a tie to Korvosa than just "her travels have led her here?" Or do I need to give her a stronger tie, like a friend or family member to town? I am happy to do either.
Stats have been changed, but there might be a typo or something I missed, if you want to review her.
Yes, she'll need a reason to hate Gaedren Lamm: a local crime lord in Korvosa known for murder, using orphans for pickpockets, and various other deplorable acts. Not that it's too hard to think up one :P
Stats look good so far :)

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Ok, we're down to three characters:
Donato's character Devrin Arlos
Acidrica's character
Uraisa Ellsworth
Anyone want in for the fourth spot?
Uraisa: No prob! I love DM'ing :) Character's looking good, I'll have the In-Game and OOC threads up soon.
Acidrica: Concept sounds good, proceed full steam ahead!

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If you are still looking, I will glance through the player's guide and see if I can come up with something. I personally enjoy the challenge of lower powered characters so the 5 pt buy doesn't really bother me.
Haha, if only I had you a few hours ago! I think we're pretty set on the 15-point buy now, though next time I run one, I'll be trying the 5-point buy again ;)
Anywho, glance through, and see if you come up with a concept. We'd love to have you :)

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I learned a long time ago to be able to work with just about any point buy, so the switch doesn't really bother me any. Here is Pravlox, a halfling summoner that I worked up and didn't get accepted originally. Might need some tweaking, but overall should be a good fit.
Looks good to me, just drop the point buy down :)
Huzzah! I'll be posting the thread links soon :)

Chavakala |

Ok, we're down to three characters:
Donato's character Devrin Arlos
Acidrica's character
Uraisa EllsworthAnyone want in for the fourth spot?
Uraisa: No prob! I love DM'ing :) Character's looking good, I'll have the In-Game and OOC threads up soon.
Acidrica: Concept sounds good, proceed full steam ahead!
Austin - if you wind up adding a fifth spot, if anyone drops out, or if you decide to start a second group - count me in!

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Austin Morgan wrote:Austin - if you wind up adding a fifth spot, if anyone drops out, or if you decide to start a second group - count me in!Ok, we're down to three characters:
Donato's character Devrin Arlos
Acidrica's character
Uraisa EllsworthAnyone want in for the fourth spot?
Uraisa: No prob! I love DM'ing :) Character's looking good, I'll have the In-Game and OOC threads up soon.
Acidrica: Concept sounds good, proceed full steam ahead!
I'll keep you in mind :) I'll judge how the four do in this first part of the adventure, and if they need an extra party member, I'll dip into this recruitment thread... starting with you :D