Raise Dead and Restoration

Rules Questions

Raise Dead reads "The subject of the spell gains to neagative levels when it is raised, just as if it has been drained by an energy-draining creature". Does mean that you can restore the lost levels with Restoration?

You can restore both lost levels with two Restoration spells cast a week apart with a cost of 1,000 gp each.

AvalonXQ wrote:
You can restore both lost levels with two Restoration spells cast a week apart with a cost of 1,000 gp each.

Thanks :-)

I have a 3rd level character that died and just got resurrected. We found a scroll of Raise Dead and it was used on my character. So now, my character is basically at first level and will more than likely die again due to the tenacity of the campaign.

Does anyone have any decent houserule ideas I can pitch to our DM? I find it interesting that we get the scroll of Raise Dead so early in our adventuring days, but I don't think the campaign's writers or the DM thought through the implication of using it. I mean, number one, you are at two negative levels, and number two, to regain those levels, you basically have to throw 2,000 more gp at it to get that character back to what he was before he died.

I was half tempted to not bring the character back, but I felt guilty that the party burned through a 5,000 gp piece of treasure for my dude (which is A TON at first level), and the DM didn't really give the option to create a new character - I would have to use an NPC for the rest of the adventure.

Curious what other rules may be out there.

Your character in not a lvl 1 character. The negative levels never means an effective level loss instead your char only has -2 to all checks (Sv, skills and attack), -10 hp and -2 caster levels.-

negative levels at 3rd level is just way to cruel -10 hp at that level will kill you fast.
I suspect your dm is probably handing out a restoration scroll soon

Scarab Sages

AvalonXQ wrote:
You can restore both lost levels with two Restoration spells cast a week apart with a cost of 1,000 gp each.

Exactly right. Though why you would want to for a character that is under 6-7 level is beyond me... 7000gp (approx) is a huge hit. Might as well roll up a new character.

I'm assuming that the OP is playing in the Serpent's Skull AP, in which case the scroll is from available treasure from a certain (fear inducing, i don't want to ever go into a situation like that where my ass has to be saved by celestial friggin dolphins) encounter. That would also explain the GM's decision not allow replacement characters and make the OP go with an NPC (not that I agree with that decision). Also, there's no one on the island to cast restoration, 1000 GP or not.

Yeah, it sucks having two negative levels, while only being level 3, but the alternative is basically playing a pre-gen. If I were you, I'd sit down with your GM and try to come up with a feasible backstory that would explain why a replacement PC was on the island. Then roll up that bad boy and keep him close at hand. You'll probably need to pull him out before you're off the island, lil' buddy.

I just saw this thread and have an additional question. We just finished a long-term campaign which originally had 3.5 D&D rules but we switched to Pathfinder about half way through. So if my fellow players had the raise dead applied to them but not the restoration, can they still have restoration (using the rules above) applied to them to recover their negative level?

The reason that I am asking is that I am running the next part of the campaign (to give the previous DM a much needed break) and we have one player who kept his 8th level character but is still about 3 levels behind the others. This would certainly help us to bring him back up to level (there are few months in-between campaigns) and would help not to run a side adventure for him to catch up. Thanks in advance.

Zethorn wrote:

I just saw this thread and have an additional question. We just finished a long-term campaign which originally had 3.5 D&D rules but we switched to Pathfinder about half way through. So if my fellow players had the raise dead applied to them but not the restoration, can they still have restoration (using the rules above) applied to them to recover their negative level?

The reason that I am asking is that I am running the next part of the campaign (to give the previous DM a much needed break) and we have one player who kept his 8th level character but is still about 3 levels behind the others. This would certainly help us to bring him back up to level (there are few months in-between campaigns) and would help not to run a side adventure for him to catch up. Thanks in advance.

You're the GM, so you decide. I'd talk it over with the other GM too.

However, if you're asking for advice, I'd say yes, just let them spend the 3K gold to restore the negative levels during the 3 months down time. Under PF, there's no limit on the restoration, it can be cast on anyone who has negative levels. And it restores one negative level.

Since he was in 3.5 when he got them, no doubt he'll need to 'level up' to fix his character. I'd just let him level up to 8th and put his XP about midrange of whatever the rest of the group has. I'd then deduct 3000gp from his wealth. :)

mdt wrote:

You're the GM, so you decide. I'd talk it over with the other GM too.

However, if you're asking for advice, I'd say yes, just let them spend the 3K gold to restore the negative levels during the 3 months down time. Under PF, there's no limit on the restoration, it can be cast on anyone who has negative levels. And it restores one negative level.

Since he was in 3.5 when he got them, no doubt he'll need to 'level up' to fix his character. I'd just let him level up to 8th and put his XP about midrange of whatever the rest of the group has. I'd then deduct 3000gp from his wealth. :)

Thanks for the quick response and the advice. I will talk to the other DM and the player directly.

mcgeedis wrote:
Does anyone have any decent houserule ideas I can pitch to our DM?

It's less work and more fun to reduce the death penalties.

Give the party a Get Out of Death Free card. Restoration scroll, helpful NPC cleric in town, etc.

Otherwise, you've got that level 3 character that died. Bummer. His cousin, who has almost identical skills and abilities shows up the next day and joins the party. Except his gear is better since he used WBL chart instead of non-optimum found loot, and the DM has another character sheet to vet, and any backstory or progress the old character made is void.

I'd rather have the party spend a couple days to bring back their comrade than have the identical twin show up. (or, worse, lose the player because who wants to always be a level or two behind the party?)

Lantern Lodge

Why group usually allows you to rest and take a heal check to regain neg levels at lower levels. Of course the DC is pretty high, and it could take days/weeks to regain those 2 levels.

Ideal is to let the party decide to spend time helping a party member or "move on". Encourages RP.

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