Ambrosia Slaad |

Well, you might want to peruse this thread for things not to wish for. :)
Please don't make any more aberrations out of Poodles, Jacks, or Slaadi.

Majuba |

I think the definition of "best" would depend on the character. Using 30 for +5 to all stats is pretty useful, if this is anything close to a selfish character.
100 Wishes could probably come close to "ending world hunger" or even war, at least for a little while. You could probably eradicate a disease from Golarion with a dozen or so, depending on how prevalent it was.
You could also take over a few countries, as you wish yourself into the royal bloodlines and the kings and queens mysteriously die off, with a few wishes to make sure the public loves (or fears) you enough to accept it.
Edit: Maybe... bring Aroden back from the dead?

scifan888 |

I think the definition of "best" would depend on the character. Using 30 for +5 to all stats is pretty useful, if this is anything close to a selfish character.
100 Wishes could probably come close to "ending world hunger" or even war, at least for a little while. You could probably eradicate a disease from Golarion with a dozen or so, depending on how prevalent it was.
You could also take over a few countries, as you wish yourself into the royal bloodlines and the kings and queens mysteriously die off, with a few wishes to make sure the public loves (or fears) you enough to accept it.
Edit: Maybe... bring Aroden back from the dead?
I do not think a wish can bring a god back to life. Can it?

Selgard |

1) I wish this large sheet of paper was a completely accurate but unlabeled map of the known world.
2) I wish this map was correctly labeled with all current cult cells, shrines, or temples to Lamashtu. (or insert preferred evil deity here)
3) I wish a copy of this map was delivered to each temple of (insert god here) on this world.
4) (repeat 3 as necessary to give all the temples and shrines in the world copies of the map showing the location of all cult cells of the aforementioned evil god).
Repeat as necessary to locate all the cells/temples/shrines to the evil gods.
Holy war ensues.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

1) I wish this large sheet of paper was a completely accurate but unlabeled map of the known world.
2) I wish this map was correctly labeled with all current cult cells, shrines, or temples to Lamashtu. (or insert preferred evil deity here)
3) I wish a copy of this map was delivered to each temple of (insert god here) on this world.
4) (repeat 3 as necessary to give all the temples and shrines in the world copies of the map showing the location of all cult cells of the aforementioned evil god).
Repeat as necessary to locate all the cells/temples/shrines to the evil gods.
Holy war ensues.
that sounds like epic mage drinking games

scifan888 |

1) I wish this large sheet of paper was a completely accurate but unlabeled map of the known world.
2) I wish this map was correctly labeled with all current cult cells, shrines, or temples to Lamashtu. (or insert preferred evil deity here)
3) I wish a copy of this map was delivered to each temple of (insert god here) on this world.
4) (repeat 3 as necessary to give all the temples and shrines in the world copies of the map showing the location of all cult cells of the aforementioned evil god).
Repeat as necessary to locate all the cells/temples/shrines to the evil gods.
Holy war ensues.
Well, that should keep some of the bad guys to busy to try stealing the wishes.
A little background. A high level character has gained an item that grants 100 wishes. Being smart enough to know that this makes him a target and not just from evil beings he wants to use up the wishes but not waste them. Of course using up the wishes before they can get their hands on them would probably anger some of them enough to try to destroy him anyway. So he will use some to boost himself. He's also rich enough to buy the various tomes & manuals that grant ability score increases so he won't use the wishes for that.So what else should he wish for besides using a couple dozen as Selgard suggested?

Holy Stab-Master |

Wish 1!!!
Wish to be the only person able to use said wishing device
Wish 2!!!
Wish to have an indestructable map detailing all the people who wish to steal said wishing device at all times
Wish 3-9!!!
Wish for 2 rings, boots, gauntlets, amulet, cape, crown of physical perfection (+8)
Wish 10!!!
Wish for a suite of +5 Full Plate made from a combonation of adamantium mytheral and gold dragon scales
Wish 11!!!
Wish to be a 20th lvl fighter
Wish 12!!!
Wish for a +4 Keen Vorpal Elven Curve Blade!!!
Wish 13!!!
Wish to have an army of 10,000 clones of you, complete with all your gear, who are completely loyal and will follow you to the death.
Wish 14!!!
Wish for a bag of endless grilled cheese sandwiches
Wish 15!!!
Wish for the tankard of endless soft drinks
Begin total world domination!!!!!!!!!
P.S. props to martinaj for the grilled cheeses

mdt |

1) Wish that whenever I reached into any container, I could pull out any number of coins of any denomination I wanted that would fit in my hand, be they silver, gold, platinum, or even puny copper.
2) Wish that I always have a container I can access.
3) Wish that nobody could ever remember that I can pull an endless supply of coins out of any container.
4) Wish that I was always in peak physical condition. (Proof vs disease, age, wounds)
5) Wish that I was always in peak mental condition. (Never tired, no need to sleep)
6) Wish that nobody could ever undo any of my wishes, or use a wish against me without my approval in advance.
7) Wish that the rest of the wishes would be scattered around the world to those who are good who are in the direst of need, one wish each.
1 thru 6 get me pretty much every thing I ever want, and 7 is a huge bunch of good karma stored up. :)

scifan888 |

Wish 1!!!
Wish to be the only person able to use said wishing deviceWish 2!!!
Wish to have an indestructable map detailing all the people who wish to steal said wishing device at all timesWish 3-9!!!
Wish for 2 rings, boots, gauntlets, amulet, cape, crown of physical perfection (+8)Wish 10!!!
Wish for a suite of +5 Full Plate made from a combonation of adamantium mytheral and gold dragon scalesWish 11!!!
Wish to be a 20th lvl fighterWish 12!!!
Wish for a +4 Keen Vorpal Elven Curve Blade!!!Wish 13!!!
Wish to have an army of 10,000 clones of you, complete with all your gear, who are completely loyal and will follow you to the death.Wish 14!!!
Wish for a bag of endless grilled cheese sandwichesWish 15!!!
Wish for the tankard of endless soft drinksBegin total world domination!!!!!!!!!
P.S. props to martinaj for the grilled cheeses
#3-9 Enhancement bonuses from each won't stack
#11 Can wishes grant extra levels?#12 What's an Elven Curve Blade?
#13 Can't you get only 1 clone per wish?

scifan888 |

1) Wish that whenever I reached into any container, I could pull out any number of coins of any denomination I wanted that would fit in my hand, be they silver, gold, platinum, or even puny copper.
2) Wish that I always have a container I can access.
3) Wish that nobody could ever remember that I can pull an endless supply of coins out of any container.
4) Wish that I was always in peak physical condition. (Proof vs disease, age, wounds)
5) Wish that I was always in peak mental condition. (Never tired, no need to sleep)
6) Wish that nobody could ever undo any of my wishes, or use a wish against me without my approval in advance.
7) Wish that the rest of the wishes would be scattered around the world to those who are good who are in the direst of need, one wish each.
1 thru 6 get me pretty much every thing I ever want, and 7 is a huge bunch of good karma stored up. :)
For #1 I'd add "...that are completely mundane and real and do not belong to anyone or anything else"
Ezekiel Shanoax, the Stormchild RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |

1) I wish that no one knew I possesed this item.
Evil, Snarky Wish-Granting Devil says: It is done. You no longer possess this item, it has been given to X. Everyone - including yourself and myself - now knows that X possesses it, because that it is the truth and truth reigns supreme. Your wish is granted!

Bobson |

#12 What's an Elven Curve Blade?
An exotic version of a falcion - it does 1d10 instead of 2d4, and is finessable.
I've never understood why people make vorpal keen weapons, though. Vorpal only triggers on a natural 20, regardless of the crit range. Much better to have a +5 brilliant energy keen weapon - you bypass all bypassable DR, you almost always hit, which makes confirming the large number of crits you get much easier.

Ramarren |

without lawyering the wishes too much (you may need to do so depending on the evilness of the GM).
Presuming that you are in Golarion, *and* that you don't want to just immediately make a run for the startstone and use as many wishes as necessary to pass the test...
1) I wish to be Pureblood Azlanti (replaces your current stat mods with +2 to *every* stat, IIRC)
2) I wish that all of the articifical increases I have received to my abilities were inherited throughout my bloodline in perpetuity.
Everything after that is gravy, as far as I'm concerned :)

scifan888 |

without lawyering the wishes too much (you may need to do so depending on the evilness of the GM).
Presuming that you are in Golarion, *and* that you don't want to just immediately make a run for the startstone and use as many wishes as necessary to pass the test...
What exactly happens during the Starstone test to become a god? Has that been revealed?