GM Snorter's Rise of the Runelords Campaign


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As you crest the low grassy hill and gain your first glimpse of Sandpoint you are stunned by the array of colours that assault your eyes. Banners and buntings adorn fences and the fronts of the buildings that you can see. All of them seem to celebrate the Swallowtail Festival and the opening of the new Cathedral.

The sounds of many people laughing and talking intermingle withchilrens exited calls and the yapping of dogs. Varies tempting aromas of cooking meats waft through the air.

Blossom floats around you on the sea born breeze.

male gnome cloistered cleric 3 [ HP: 19/23 | AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +5 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 Perc: +2 | Effects: ]

The gnome, who up to this point in the day had been relatively quiet, at least for him, just stops for a minute to absorb everything as his eyes light up. "Our long journey appears to be just about over, friends. I don't know about you, but I sure plan on enjoying a nice, hot bath while I rest my feet before exploring the sights."

M Dwarf Ranger 1

Harsk's brow furrows as he pauses behind Ensu, taking in the sights, sounds and smells. Even so, his hand never drifts too far from the stock of his heavy crossbow. Even in such idyllic scenery, the dwarf remains vigilant and careful, ever alert to the possibility of sudden danger.

"Feh, just need a cup of good strong tea for me, maybe a leg of lamb or some such. Not sure why I even let you talk me into coming. Never did much like crowds."

The young halfling lady looks so small and diminutive amid the grandeur of the landscape as she trots her pony along the path. Golden-brown curls peak out from under the brim of her sombrero. She looks around in wide-eyed amazement at the wide and free. She whispers to the roan affectionately. Any caught staring at her receive a scrutinizing glare in return.

With pluck she addresses the sour dwarf.

"Ye don't like cowards, eh? You talk tuff. But that could just mean yer unsivilized. That don't necessarily mean ye got true grit. Does it?"

M Dwarf Ranger 1

Harsk sighs in exasperation. "It's crowds I don't like...not cowards. Well, not that I like cowards either, mind you. I got plenty enough grit for the both of us, don't worry about that."

The dwarf sighs heavily once more. "Never mind, let's just keep moving."

male gnome cloistered cleric 3 [ HP: 19/23 | AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +5 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 Perc: +2 | Effects: ]

"I'm sure you're feel better after a good drink or two and some time off of your feet." Ensu comments as he moves forward toward an inn and a short rest.

Male Human (Taldan) Wizard 1

So, this is Sandpoint, Ezren muses to himself as he pauses a moment to look out over the town. Though he stands behind his companions of the last few days his view is not obstructed, the dwarf being closest to his stature and he falling quite "short" so to speak.

He turns his attention from Sandpoint back to his traveling companions. A rag tag bunch who came together on the road for little other reason that safety in numbers... and talking to others is, sometimes at any rate, better than talking to ones self.

"Tea is fine Harsk, I will take a nice bed in a good inn." He pauses, hand going to coin purse to needlesly remind him that most of his coin was recently spent aquiring the formula to a new spell, money well spent as it was, leaving him with little in the way of coin. "Or perhaps a somewhat decent bed in a cheap inn." He sighs

"At any rate, we have arrived. Perhaps I can utilize this festival to refill my coin purse a bit. I will need funds if I am to continue my travels."

With that he steps off toward Sandpoint, cane in hand.

"You've got grit alright Mr. Dwarf! It's hangin' right there on your shaggy beard. Ye might wanna dunk your head in that there stream before entering. You don't want to go frightenin' the locals on the first day in town. Just sayin'... Now I've gotta find me a good stable. Lets go. Yaa! "

Your group follows the remains of the Lost Coast road down the hill and toward a well used wooden bridge that crosses a stream and takes you into Sandpoint proper. As you cross the wooden structure, you see off to your right and further down the stream, a ramshackle collection of jetties that are busy with local fisherman getting ready to take their small boats out to start the mornings fishing.

The clear blue sky reflects in the clear water, and the morning sun sparkles in the odd ripple from the swish of fishes tails.

Ahead of you is an imposing grey stone building; the smell of hops and barley wafting toward you. A well painted sign proudly proclaims it to be the 'Two knights Brewery'. Further down the street you can see the local market square, that this morning is all but empty of stalls.

Off to the other side of the street you spot a sign above large wooden double doors that reads 'Goblin Squash Stables'. In a somewhat grisly display, over the entrance to what must be the stable’s covered
barn is a collection of goblin ears: preserved and nailed to the wood.

The locals all seem to greet you warmly, with either a cheery wave or a hearty 'Mornin'. All of them are dressed in the finest clothes you have seen in a while, most probably for the festival due to begin later in the day.

Finally you see a large structure , obviously an inn, that seems notable for the impressive (and quite rusty) iron dragon that looms on the building’s roof. A quite wonderful spiced smell emenates from it hinting at exotic food within.

M Dwarf Ranger 1

Harsk nods in the direction of the locals, acknowledging the greetings with a hearty resounding "Hmph."

To his companions, he says in a low voice, "Well, spirits do seem to looking up around these parts, and that's a good sign. They've had their fair share of troubles in this town of late. Maybe they can put all that behind them now, and get a fresh start with the new temple and festival and all."

Approaching the inn, Harsk pauses to breathe deeply the aroma of the spicy food. "Smells like the place to be." Still remembering Mattie's words, Harsk brushes off some of the road dust from his beard and clothes, then moves to enter the inn.

male gnome cloistered cleric 3 [ HP: 19/23 | AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +5 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 Perc: +2 | Effects: ]

Ensu heads eagerly toward the inn, though he is clearly making mental notes of what is going on and what to explore later on after a good bath and meal. He too, will brush whatever dust he can off of himself, making sure that the simple, but important, holy symbol is visible over his simple travel garb, though he is certain most people will still confuse him for a wizard as they usually do. While the confusion amuses him, he feels compelled to at least try to keep people from getting confused for his patron's sake.

"Blessed Bird of Shelyn! Don't they look handsome! I never thought to bring no finery with me. I wasn't spectin' no festival. You fellas go on in. I'm headin' round the place to check the stables. I'll join ye for a cup in a jiffy."

Mattie dismounts and looks over her pony. "How you faring, beautiful feller? I guess I've gotta find a name for ye? But first let's get ye some fresh water 'n some oats and a dress down." She then goes to see the local stable and find out who's running the place.

I'm not sure if any checks or roleplaying are needed when she negotiates housing for the pony. She's no animal handling expert, but she knows her way around a stable. Also. I don;t know what she knows about this Vankaskerkin guy. Does she know who he is and what he looks like? Thanks.

male gnome cloistered cleric 3 [ HP: 19/23 | AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +5 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 Perc: +2 | Effects: ]

Apparently my post got eaten, so I will try again

As he enters town, Ensu will try to brush off as much dust as possible, and make sure that his simple holy symbol is visible, though even with those efforts, he appears to be a traveling mage that happened to be devoted to Nethys. While he personally finds it amusing when people confuse him for a mage, he respects his patron enough to understand that he needs to at least make an effort of appearing properly clericy, though that was difficult to do with his limited strength and funds. He looks around eagerly, making mental notes of what to check out after a good soaking and meal, and of course the obligatory stop at the cathedral to make his presence known to the local clergy, but for now, he heads straight to the inn.

Male Human (Taldan) Wizard 1

As he enters the town he raises his cane, tapping his left forearm and the road dust simply... falls away. He greets others with a plesant enough, "Good day" as they make their way through the street.

Pausing outside the Inn he looks up at the iron dragon sign, "An inn taking the namesake of a dragon... I've never seen that before." The sarcasam is easy for all to pick up. "At any rate, the food does smell wonderful... of course that could be directly proportinate to the lack of a decent meal had while on the road these many days, but I digress. A hot meal, a good long bath and then perhaps I will inquire as to whether or not this festival could use the services of one with my particular talents." He glances around at those he has traveled with over the last few days, "If we do not see each other again for reasons unknown it was a pleasure sharing the road with you all, but for now good day." With that Ezren departs to secure a room, a meal... and hopefully a job.

M Dwarf Ranger 1
Ezren Tempest wrote:
As he enters the town he raises his cane, tapping his left forearm and the road dust simply... falls away.

Looking over his shoulder, Harsk witnesses Ezren's minor display of magic. "Hmph. Wizards." he mutters to himself before stumping into the inn, spurred onward by a rumble in his belly.

The interior of the Rusty Dragon is filled with a light blue hazy mist, that seems to emenate from an incense burner near the door. Several circular tables are situated around the main room and a long mahogany bar runs the length of the rear wall. Kegs and shelves with many exotic looking bottles are visible behind it. An arched opening is off to the left and thesmell of cooked food emenates from this direction.

At the end of the bar sits an ornate cage and a trio of tiny red birds fill the inn with a sweet bird song. This seems to be in harmony to the tinkling of water that comes from a marble fountain in the middle of the room.

Wooden stars climb to the upper level of the inn.

The patrons already sat at tables or stood at the bar turn as you enter and the carry on with their conversations.

There are two pretty serving girls behind the bar and a woman of exotic beauty and even more exotic hairstyle sits on a stool near the bird cage, chatting with a young man, whilst playfully poking her finger through the bars of the cage.

Miss Mattie wrote:

"Blessed Bird of Shelyn! Don't they look handsome! I never thought to bring no finery with me. I wasn't spectin' no festival. You fellas go on in. I'm headin' round the place to check the stables. I'll join ye for a cup in a jiffy."

Mattie dismounts and looks over her pony. "How you faring, beautiful feller? I guess I've gotta find a name for ye? But first let's get ye some fresh water 'n some oats and a dress down." She then goes to see the local stable and find out who's running the place.

** spoiler omitted **

A grizzled white haired man emerges from the stables, leaving the door open behind him. As he walks over to you, dusting his hands together he smiles at you. "Nice mount you got thre young miss. Take it you'll be looking to stable him eh? Well, I think I can accomodate him, and the price aint too bad now. Say a silver a day, and that includes feed as well." He thrusts out his hand. "The names Hosk, Daviren Hosk"

Miss Mattie

Vankaskerkin is ruggedly handsome and was working a bar in Magnimar. Your questions about the man have only turned up the fact that he seems to originally hail from Riddleport to the North, and fled to Sandpoint when things got to hot for him in magnimar for one reason or another.

male gnome cloistered cleric 3 [ HP: 19/23 | AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +5 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 Perc: +2 | Effects: ]

Ensu will walk up to the bar and inquire about a room, and the selection of available services that come with it. "Excuse me, good maidens, I am curious as to what arrangements you may have for a weary traveler."

Mattie looks around to check the quality of the stable - in particular how it is secured and the ways in and out. Assuming everything is to her satisfaction she hands a silver over to the grizzled man. She shakes the man's hand in the fashion of Varisian packers, teamsters and muleskinners. And she continues to speak as they take off the saddle...

"The name's Mattie Leathersoles of Magnimar, Mr. Hosk. I'm right pleased to meet ye. I see you keep a clean stable. I trust you have a blanket to wipe 'im down and drape on 'im to keep off the chills. I'll warrant yer a farrier - or ye know one who'll check his feet for me. If you've got a stableboy or girl I'd like to meet 'em bye and bye. Now I'm goin' in to the saloon there for some grub. I'll be back to fetch 'im afterwards."

She finds a basin of fresh water and cleans her self up, grooms out her hair with a brush, ties it up in a bandana and dusts off her poncho. Then she proceeds into the Inn.

Male Human (Taldan) Wizard 1

Ezren enters the inn and glances around. His eyes run the length of the mahogeny bar. He delights in the gentle rythmic sound of the fountin. He breaths in the aromatics emminating from the kitchen...

Liking the feel of the place he lifts his cane and walks over to get a closer look at the birds...

knowlege nature for the birds 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

"They are quite lovely," he says to no one in particular. "Not native... from the lands of Andoran perhaps, no?" He pauses looking to the young man and the bueatiful woman, whom he is likely old enough to be the father of, "Ah, forgive me... Ezren, at your service." He states as he gives a slight bow, his left hand waving a red rose into existance as he rises. "A flower to accentuate the lady... or perhaps it is not flowers, but birds the lady enjoys?" As he finishes the words his hand shifts pointing to the cage and the flower transforms into a red bird akin to the ones in the cage... the bird lands gently at the ladies hand before dissapearing into a red sparkling mist. "Of course, such things brought about by magic are but fleeting." Again he bows, this time turning toward the bar.

He walks over next to Ensu, "Yes, accomodations... and perhaps I could speak to the proprieter regarding a proposition of a bit of magic to enertain the patrons of this fine establishment." His voice as he compliments the inn is sincere as he does like the feel of the place, it is playing the showman that he doesn't care for, but when ones purse is near empty one does what one must, "But for now, a room and a meal would be most welcome."

M Dwarf Ranger 1

Harsk can't help but chuckle at Ezren's showmanship, proving that a smile can occasionally crack even his gruff demeanor. He gives the older human a rough clap on the shoulder, saying, "You may as well come and join me at a table when you're done impressing the locals with your magic show. Eh, you too Ensu, if you can sit still for five minutes. We shared enough meals on the road, what can one more hurt?"

"A mug of strong brewed tea and a plate of whatever that is that smells so good," the dwarf calls out to the nearest server as he finds a table. Harsk narrows his eyes and listens to the music of the birds singing while waiting for his meal.

Mattie enters the room and starts by scanning the scene as carefully and comprehensively as she can. This is just the sort o' place that !@!#$wipe Orik used to hang out in - she ponders.

Her eyes light upon the bird cage and her face brightens with delight. She stops to visit the birds for a while. "Gorgeous! Do they talk?"

Mattie recites a list of ribald and completely inappropriate words - perhaps the birds know one or two of them? She even inserts some insulting references to that murderin' son-of-a-b#&*$ Orik into the profanity.

When Ezren finishes his show she approaches the table.

"My my. I never figgered you for a street magician, old feller. What a charmin' spectacle. I'm impressed!"

Mattie climbs up to the table and sits on the corner. "A half pint o' beer, honey. And somethin' good to eat!" she calls out to the server.

Male Human (Taldan) Wizard 1

Ezren shudders a bit as the dwarf raps him on the shoulder, "Indeed Harsk," he says, rubbing his shoulder,"give me but a moment to seek an answer to my proposition and I will join you."

Once an answer is given for good or ill Ezren will join the others at their table and have a seat, resting his cane against his chair close to hand. "Well Mattie my dear, a street magician is not something I ever figured myself for either. However, one does what one must to purue ones goals, yes? I took up the study of magic rather late in my life, and as such am self taught... and self funded. Performing minor magics for coin became a necessity." He shrugs and sighs. "As I said, one does what one must."

male gnome cloistered cleric 3 [ HP: 19/23 | AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +5 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 Perc: +2 | Effects: ]

"You have quite the vocabulary there, Miss Mattie. I am sure the owner of that bird will curse you forevermore with sharing it." Ensu chuckles as sits down at the table with the group. "I probably would have been better off as a mere street mage, but apparently Nethys has greater things for me planned; though how he intends me to afford any of them is still beyond my understanding."

M Dwarf Ranger 1

"Bunch of paupers we all are, it seems." Harsk nods in commiseration as he waits to be served. "Well, I've got enough coin to enjoy a good meal, maybe see a bit of the Swallowtail Festival, anyway. After that, who knows? Probably hit the road again, and see what comes."

Male Human (Taldan) Wizard 1

Sitting easily in his chair Ezren turns to Ensu, "So, you simply wander about and allow Nethys to do your planning for you? That methodology has always seemed to me to be... flawed. To each their own mind you, it has simply always struck me as rather careless to expect some diety to plan ones day to day activities... a lack of self reliance if you will."

This would not be the first time since meeting that his companions have heard comments indicating Ezren's views on faith. Much to the chagrin of Ensu I am sure.


You believe that the caged birds may hail from distant Tian Xia.

male gnome cloistered cleric 3 [ HP: 19/23 | AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +5 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 Perc: +2 | Effects: ]

"I was constantly exploring new things before I discovered Nethys in an effort to prevent the bleaching anyway and because I really had nothing better do to, so self reliance is not the issue. It's the long term planning aspect that drew me to Nethys; well that, and the fact the a great many things in the world don't seem to care for curious little gnomes popping in at odd times and asking them random questions. I never have been good at long term goals or plans, so Nethys is perfect for me. I have the freedom to live my life as I would have done anyway, and have the comfort of knowing that it all fills a purpose, even if that purpose is difficult for me to comprehend." Ensu's eyes light up as he talks about his constant pursuit of new things, clearly not particularly worried about his companion's skepticism, being well used to that general reaction by now, even among his fellow gnomes. "What about you? What drove you to study magic?" Ensu asks, turning the tables on his questioner.

His companions have figured out by now, that while not crazy, Ensu seems to have a markedly different world view than pretty much anyone else, though how he arrived at that point not even Ensu could say.

As you all make yourself comfortable at the table, an elderly halfling woman aproaches the table. "Welcome to the Rusty Dragon good sirs and ladies. May I take your order? Food, beverages? And will any of you be requiring a room?" She shuffles from foot to foot as she talks, constantly shewing a wayward piece of hair away from her rosy red cheeked face.

As she talks, the exotic haird woman from the bar comes to stand beside her and smiles warmly at you all.

"Welcome to Sandpoint and the Dragon. I'm Ameiko, the proprieter. When Bethana here has taken your order and you've eaten, perhaps we could see more of your 'tricks' good sir? (She smiles at Ezren). I'd see to it that you and your companions had free rooms for the duration of the Festival, if you'd be willing to entertain us during the evening hours. What say you?"

M Dwarf Ranger 1

"A free room for all of us? He says yes." Harsk interjects before Ezren even has a chance to answer Ameiko's query.

She laughs. "A free room indeed. Now if any of you can impress me some more I may even consider free drinks as well?" Ameiko winks at Harsk with a wry smile.

male gnome cloistered cleric 3 [ HP: 19/23 | AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +5 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 Perc: +2 | Effects: ]

"A room would be lovely, though I fear that I have little to offer in way of entertainment. Now if you had an undead infestation, I could help with that."

M Dwarf Ranger 1

Harsk gives Ezren another firm clap on the shoulder. "Well done, old timer, I guess we're 'companions' now. Don't be late for your first show."

To Ameiko, Harsk answers, "I thank you for your generosity, but I doubt there'd be anything much about me to be impressed with. Unless there's somebody you need shot full of bolts, that is." Harsk taps the stock of his crossbow meaningfully.

Finally, to Bethana. "You've been most patient. I'll have a mug of strong tea, not sweetened. And, a plate of whatever is creating the delicious spicy smell in the air. My thanks."

A thickly built man walks into the Rusty Dragon, attracted by the presence of new arrivals. He stands a little taller than average, but possesses an abundance of lean muscle, scar tissue, and chain male, giving him an imposing figure. Though not as crude looking as some of his bretheren, he possesses the thick brow and tusks of a half orc.

His gear and clothing is travel worn but in good shape, functional with little flare. Several axes hang from his belt and pack, one large and the rest small.

He nods to a few employees on his way in, drops his pack off at a small table and sets down.

"The usual, if you would." He sais to the serving girl when she makes her way to his table...the usual being a large dark ale and whatever meat is being served.

After ordering he turns to the table of new comers. "In for the festival?" His voice is a deep grumble, though not unfriedly.

Amekio nods at Grogthamus as she moves back toward the bar, taking her leave of the newcomers. "It's been a few days since we saw you Grog. Been on your travels again have you?"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Lvl 2

A giant of man walks into the bar standing well over six feet tall he is still clearly of Chelish descent. His head is clean shaved and his skin is darkly tanned from many days on the road the only noticeable markings a star tattoo around his left eye. He wears a chain shirt with a red tabard with black stenciling bound at the waist. He carries a glaive easily in one hand and a short spear and bow strapped to his pack.

He walks easily across the room to the bar and nods to one of the young women a smile on his face."Good day m'lady. Would you have any spiced wine and a meal for a weary traveler and possibly any rooms available for the night?

M Dwarf Ranger 1
Grogthamus wrote:

A thickly built man walks into the Rusty Dragon...

After ordering he turns to the table of new comers. "In for the festival?" His voice is a deep grumble, though not unfriedly.

Harsk looks on, a bit suspicious of the half-orc, though his mind is reassured when he realizes that Ameiko apparently knows the new arrival. "Aye, that's right. You seem to be familiar with Sandpoint. What can you tell us of the Festival? Anything you'd recommend?"

"Thank you darlin'" Mattie says to Bethana, paying and tipping when she brings her beer. "Do y'all have accommodations more suitable for smaller folk? I'd prefer to be near to the stables...and..."

She speaks quietly to Bethana in halfling:
I'm looking for a man who's recently arrived from Magninmar. A Riddleporter. If you know someone who's good at findin' people I'd appreciate some help.

"Wooah! Look at these big dudes just came in."

To Gallus:
"Hey, man. That's some freaky tattoo you got...what's it signify anyway?"

Male Shoanti Human Barbarian 2

The door to the inn opens yet again to admit another human whose head almost scrapes the top of the doorway. He has a wiry build but with broad shoulders. His head completely shaved of all hair, you see a stylized tattoo of a hawk on the side of his face helping to mark him as of Shoanti descent. Dressed in leathers underneath studded leather he also carries saddle bags over one shoulder, a large hammer on the other, and quiver of javelins on his back.

He looks around with a sour look on his face until his gaze settles on the group at the table. At the sight of you a grin appears and he walks towards you. The grin fades slightly as he notices Gallus but it comes back quickly as he closes. As he stops next to your table you notice the scent of horse sweat on him.

"Well met friends. Galstok of the Shriikirri-Quah. You all have the look of something a little more interesting then most of the rest of these city-dwellers."

As he realizes he heard the dwarf speak of a festival, he says "Aye, that would be a mite interesting then."

He waves down a serving woman. "A round of drinks here for my new friends, if you mind. Aye, even the Chelaxian." The last said with the grin fading slightly.

AJ's Dad:
How much for the round of drinks seeing as I wasn't present for the mention of possible free drinks?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Lvl 2

Galls looks down at the halfling his expression one clearly of surprise. He bends to one knee so as to look her in the eye. "Well met little one my name is Gallus Domitus. My tattoo used to represent the ever watchful eye of the empress of Cheliax. However, now it is just a reminder of a past I would soon regret." He briefly glances at the other people gathered at the table then turns back to her. "May I ask your name most curious one? As where I come from most would not even be willing to talk to one of the Dottari let alone question them?" This is all said with a slight smile held behind a stern face.

"Ye can call me Mattie, just Mattie. I'm a simple gal with a simple name. From Magnimar. I've heard about you Westcrowners. Those ever watchful eyes ain't as welcome in Magnimar, I can tell you. But I guess there's always watchful eyes in any place. Anyhow, the way I sees's hard enough to know a feller without askin' questions of 'im. Even if he lies ...his lies teach us somethin' about him. And when he tells the truth...he might tell us somethin' he didn't think to tell. Its sometimes not so easy to tell the truth of a man just from his actions...or the bull-s~+% he speaks. But sometimes ye got to ask to find out anyways, right? Well its nice to meet ye, big guy."

Male Human (Taldan) Wizard 1

Ezren sits quietly as Ensu goes on about his god, not desiring to interupt the gnome. The mention of the "bleaching" does catch his attention though...

Knowlege Nature taking 10 gives 18, what does Ezren know of the bleaching regarding gnomes

The he notices Ensu change the direction of the conversation, "What about you? What drove you to study magic?" Ensu asks, turning the tables on his questioner.

"Nothing mysterious I assure you. When I decided to begin my travels I was too old for the sword and my view of the gods, well we won't get into further at the moment. I always had the gift of a sharp mind however, so the study of magic seemed obvious. To me at least... every magic acadamae I applied to gave the same response, too old. Every master mage I sought out answered with more of the same as I was older than they were. So, I trained myself and do so still."

Turning to the lovely woman from the bar, "Well, as good Harsk has already aswered for me I will but echo the sentiment. I would gladly perform here for the duration of my stay." He looks over his shoulder to the bird cage, "A species born of Tian Xia, yes?"

Finally he addresses the halfling patiently waiting to take orders, "Ah my dear, forgive me for keeping you waiting while I prattle on. I will have the same as the dwarf."

He also takes note of the newcommers into the Rusty Dragon...

Knowlege Geography taking 10 gives 18, what does Ezren know of the Shriikirri-Quah people? I know of the Shaonti, just need to know if Ezren does.

Miss Mattie wrote:

"Thank you darlin'" Mattie says to Bethana, paying and tipping when she brings her beer. "Do y'all have accommodations more suitable for smaller folk? I'd prefer to be near to the stables...and..."

** spoiler omitted **

"Wooah! Look at these big dudes just came in."

To Gallus:
"Hey, man. That's some freaky tattoo you got...what's it signify anyway?"


Bethana nods at Mattie and whispers to her, "I'll keep my eyes open for you my dear".

Galstok wrote:

The door to the inn opens yet again to admit another human whose head almost scrapes the top of the doorway. He has a wiry build but with broad shoulders. His head completely shaved of all hair, you see a stylized tattoo of a hawk on the side of his face helping to mark him as of Shoanti descent. Dressed in leathers underneath studded leather he also carries saddle bags over one shoulder, a large hammer on the other, and quiver of javelins on his back.

He looks around with a sour look on his face until his gaze settles on the group at the table. At the sight of you a grin appears and he walks towards you. The grin fades slightly as he notices Gallus but it comes back quickly as he closes. As he stops next to your table you notice the scent of horse sweat on him.

"Well met friends. Galstok of the Shriikirri-Quah. You all have the look of something a little more interesting then most of the rest of these city-dwellers."

As he realizes he heard the dwarf speak of a festival, he says "Aye, that would be a mite interesting then."

He waves down a serving woman. "A round of drinks here for my new friends, if you mind. Aye, even the Chelaxian." The last said with the grin fading slightly.

** spoiler omitted **

Ameiko, smiles warmly at you. "As I said to your new friends here, your first drinks on me. It is the Festival anyway. And if you want to get a good view you allneed to be leaving soon. Its due to start at noon and I think a crowd is already gathering in front of the new church."

Ezren Tempest wrote:

Ezren sits quietly as Ensu goes on about his god, not desiring to interupt the gnome. The mention of the "bleaching" does catch his attention though...

** spoiler omitted **

The he notices Ensu change the direction of the conversation, "What about you? What drove you to study magic?" Ensu asks, turning the tables on his questioner.

"Nothing mysterious I assure you. When I decided to begin my travels I was too old for the sword and my view of the gods, well we won't get into further at the moment. I always had the gift of a sharp mind however, so the study of magic seemed obvious. To me at least... every magic acadamae I applied to gave the same response, too old. Every master mage I sought out answered with more of the same as I was older than they were. So, I trained myself and do so still."

Turning to the lovely woman from the bar, "Well, as good Harsk has already aswered for me I will but echo the sentiment. I would gladly perform here for the duration of my stay." He looks over his shoulder to the bird cage, "A species born of Tian Xia, yes?"

Finally he addresses the halfling patiently waiting to take orders, "Ah my dear, forgive me for keeping you waiting while I prattle on. I will have the same as the dwarf."

He also takes note of the newcommers into the Rusty Dragon...

** spoiler omitted **

Ameiko nods at you. "Well spotted sir. Yes the birds are a reminder of my homeland, now just a distant memory"


In regards the Bleaching you know that, beginning in early adulthood, gnomes who do not regularly experience new things begin to fade in color and lose their connection to the Material Plane, becoming depressed and apathetic before eventually expiring. Few
gnomes survive the Bleaching, and most who show signs view it as a delayable but ultimately terminal affliction. Those rare gnomes who undergo the harrowing rigors of the Bleaching and somehow survive are known as bleachlings. Endowed with a strange calmness, heightened magical ability, and an apparent immunity to aging, these gnomes are both monsters and heroes to their fellows. Bleachlings rarely live within gnome society.

Ezren will know of the Shoanti as well the basics of the Hawk Clan and the fact that although they retain many of the traditional cultural
prejudices against Chelaxians, the Shoanti of the Hawk Clan are also the most likely of the seven quahs to interact with other peoples.

As you all start to get your drinks served to you by the staff, you start to notice locals beginning to finish their drinks and get up to leave.

Ameiko nods at them. "It seems that others are taking my advise also. Unfortunately there is no time now to prepare food, although later, after the festival, I am sure you will all have had your fill, what with all the vendors hawking ther tasty delicasies around the town."

Male Human (Taldan) Wizard 1
Ameiko nods at you. "Well spotted sir. Yes the birds are a reminder of my homeland, now just a distant memory"

"Yes, it took me a moment to place them... I had, afterall, only read of their distinctive song. Hearing, I mist say, is quite pleasent."

Ezren rises to leave but pauses a moment to greet the big man with the hawk tattoo, "Shriikirri-Quah, the Clan of the Hawk, yes? Not that your tattoo did not ease the deduction. I have long thought of traveling to the lands of the Shaonti, perhaps you would acquiesce to an old mans questions while we enjoy the festival?" With that he finishes his complimentary drink, bows to lady Ameiko and gestures toward the door. "Come friends, I am sure there will be much to see..."

M Dwarf Ranger 1

Harsk finishes his tea in one long gulp. "Food later, then. Mistress Ameiko, my thanks for your hospitality. Let's be off." Gathering his weapons, Harsk follows after the others toward the new temple, gazing up at all of the tall warriors who have suddenly come out of the woodwork. Handy lads to have around in a fight I'd guess.

Male Human (Taldan) Wizard 1

Ezren pauses at the door, realizing he was being rude and had missed a question directed in his vacinity. He turn to the half-orc, "Ah, forgive me, in the bustle of conversation I failed to respond. I am here, not for the festival but simply as a traveler who has had the good fortune to arrive at the time of said festival. I always delight in observing others at such events. Always much to see, you are local to the area, yes? Perhaps you would elect to join us and show us about town as we see what there is to see? My name is Ezren by the way, and you would be?"

As we walk out into the bustle of the festival Ezren will, inbetween questions of Shaonti life to Galstok, politely inquire to any local passersby regarding local news to lend credance to anything he already knows, or suspects, about Sandpoint. I will, of course, understand if we get into trouble before I am able to learn too much. ;)

Oh, and sorry to Grogthamus, I almost did not notice than none of us had given you a way in.

Knowlege Local, take 10 giving 18
Diplomacy (to gather information), 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18

male gnome cloistered cleric 3 [ HP: 19/23 | AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 14 | F: +5 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 Perc: +2 | Effects: ]

Ensu will quietly order a quick meal and arrange for his meager belongings to be stowed away in a room above as the others talk. Once that task in accomplished, he sits quietly absorbing the talk of the others. Apparently the only way to get him to be quiet is to surround him by people who aren't, as he is too busy listening to the conversation to speak himself. Excellent, with big guys like that with us, no one will dare disturb us here. I might be given the time I need to make my magic halfway useful. I do wish Nethys had granted me access to wizard spells rather than cleric spells. I actually understand how to effectively yield those, at least somewhat. "Yes, let us be off, I must stop in at the cathedral before I can explore anything else, so if you could be so kind as to show me how to get there, I would be most appreciative."

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