![]() Ezric wrote:
Ezric Spoiler: You do recognize the crude symbol. It is the symbol of Orcus, the demon god. ![]()
![]() Tregar Quill wrote:
The oarsman grimaces at you. "I think so, but not for long and then we will have to back off. Cant wait around here, what with these currents and those cliffs. Once we drop you off, I think your on your own. No way we can pick you up from here." ![]()
![]() Looking at the desecration of the temple, you can all determine that it is not of recent origin. Those detecting magic can detect a faint aura hangong over the structure, but it is weak and difficult to judge. Approaching the temple, it seems that there are signs of activity with scuffed tracks but these are old, at least a week it seems, and nearly washed away. Looking inside the structure, you can make out several water fonts, that seem chipped and cracked. Some are full of filth - another sign of the desecration. A large statue of Muir, the Lady of Paladins stands prominantly in the centre of the temple, although this to has been defaced. It's head now lies next to the base of the statue and its upraised sword has been broken off at the hilt. The statues shield, representing the 'shield of faith' has been defaced with a symbol, drawn in blood, of a two horned goat. Strange words are etched on the base of the statue, that read "Varesh, Uklathra, ashkavnik yin fensk, ash ytrin od viskras Muir". ![]()
![]() After what seems like hours on the cold dark water, you eventually spy your destination. A huge upthrust rough and craggy outcropping of rock looms ahead of you in the half-light, climbing over 80' above the waves. Sillhouetted against the moonlight you can vaguely make out the shape of a face, but with massive features, aged by centuries of wind and sea spray. The island is connected to the mainland by a swinging rope bridge that stretches over the 60' wide open gulf of water. Where it joins the mainland are situated two burning torches and these are mirrored on the island side as well. A vast hedge of thorns grows wild along the mainland side of the coast and the path away from the bridge seems to dissapear into this hedge. The rope bridge itself is made of hairy rope and thick wooden planks; the whole thing creaks and sways in the wind above the churning surf eighty feet below. The most impressive feature of the island is a wooden one-story stockade, built on its flat top. Two thirty-foot-tall watchtowers guard the stockade’s southern facade, facing the rope bridge. The towers have torches burning atop them which throw shadows at crazy angles as the flames gust in the wind. The sailors pull back on the oars of the boats, awaiting your next move. ![]()
![]() You head toward the right hand temple. The shrine consists of a large stone foundation and mighty stone pillars ringing a central room.The pillars support and inverted 'V' shaped roof. Bass relief carvings once adorned the pillars but have long since crumbled with age and neglect. The once white pillars are now blackened by fire as are the walls of the room within. Blood and faeces smear the pillars and interior walls. From outside you can make out a large statue and alter within the temple. ![]()
![]() Mai'ela Lydul wrote:
Mai'ela Spoiler: When looking, you find an abundance of nuts and fruit. Also there are rabbits and hare which will be easy to catch ![]()
![]() Mai'ela Lydul wrote:
Mai'ela Spoiler: Apart from mud and muck on the side of the lake and some rotten reeds, there is not a lot of interest on this side of the lake. Around 150 yards away on the far side of the lake are what appear to be large frogs or toads. They seem to be aware of your presence. The lake itself doesnt seem to be poisonous but also doesnt seem to be very clean either. A foul smell is evident as are large patches of scum and mold on the surface. ![]()
![]() Belnan wrote:
Belnan Spoiler: Blackie can spot that the stream of bubbles seem to be coming from somewhere deep underwater...very deep. Belnan does spot what appear to be very large frogs on the other side ofthe lake amid the reeds. They do not seem threatening from this distance (around 150 yards) but they do seem to be watching you all. ![]()
![]() Galstok wrote:
The fisherman glances over at you and smiles. "Well my large friend. I was hoping that you would be able to tell me. All the instructions I got from the Lady Mayor was to take you lot out to the Isle and drop you off." ![]()
![]() Ezric wrote:
Ezric Spoiler: There appears to be nothing of any threat around the campsite. It seems easily defendable and offers a good view of the area. ![]()
![]() Belnan wrote:
Belnan Spoiler: Although you detect no magic emanating from the lake, you do notice a steady stream of bubbles that seems to be rising to the surface around 20 meters out. ![]()
![]() The three boats that have been provided for you slowly move away from the shore into open water. Each is crewed by two hearty fishermen who pull steadily on the oars. The sun is setting and dusk is fast approaching. As the boats head North, sticking within a few hundred yards of the rocky coast, one of the sailors informs you that the Isle of Thistletop should be in site in around another 4 hours and so suggests you all take the time to rest if you can. ![]()
![]() Mayor Deverin arrives at the quay side and spots Valori. "Ahh. Good. As you can see, transport is arranged. I have made sure that supplies appropriate to the expedition are with you as well...rope, climbing gear, provisions...that sort of thing. Hopefuly it will be of good use. Now, I wonder where the rest of your fellows have got to?" ![]()
![]() Valoria Grundmire wrote: Once she collected the extra gear for climbing, she carries it slowly towards the docks. Once she arrived near the docks, she takes a seat on a rock under the tree. Placing the gear next to her as she awaits for the rest to arrive. At the quay side you can see that several small boats have been hastily assembled and their crew are milling around swapping tales and jokes. ![]()
![]() Ensu wrote: Ensu takes the food eagerly, not being completely a gourmet, but being a frequent traveler, he is able to appreciate a good cooked meal when he sees one. "Indeed, this is better fare than I usually experience, even in town. It's amazing how many priests cannot cook to save their own life, even those that have the luxury of staying in the same place. How is your mistress doing? Has she recovered from this morning's adventure's yet?" Ameiko raises her head from the conversation she has been having and looks in your direction. "I am better,Ensu. Thank you. Thanks to all of your companions. I will not lie and say I am fine as I am not. I don't know if I will ever deal with my brothers treachery. But life must move onwards. I must move forwards. One never knows what is ahead in life, don't you agree? And oh, I forget my manners. I have a message from your friend, Kendrick. He appologises for his abscense but I had an errand that I needed running and he offered to undertake it for me. As we speak he is riding for Magnimar in hopes of catching young Master Foxglove, carrying a message to him from me." ![]()
![]() From where you all stand, you can see the imposing bulk that is the Stoneheart mountain range, rising as a magnificent backdrop beyond the two temples. Further beyond the temples you can see a forest of connifer trees and just visible is a path that appears to be paved that leads off through a gap in the trees, heading in the general direction of the mountains. The path appears to be flanked by two white stone monoliths. You also note that a small stream runs into the lake that looks as if it originates somewher in the mountains. ![]()
![]() North of the city of Bard’s Gate, in the hills of the Stoneheart Mountains, lie the ruins of twin shrines dedicated to Thyr and Muir—the God of Justice and the Goddess of Virtue and Paladinhood. Near the ruined shrines lies a series of catacombs used as burial halls for the followers of Thyr and Muir. The complex has come to be known as the Stoneheart Mountain Dungeon. Your group has been commissioned by the remaining priests of Thyr and Muir in Bard’s Gate to seek out the Burial Halls and to locate within them the tomb of Alaric the
Setting out from the Silver Serpent Inn in Bard’s Gate, your group has traveled through the vale north of Bard’s Gate towards the foothills of the Stoneheart Mountains and the hidden path to the valley of the shrines. Using the map supplied to you by the head priest of Thyr, Bofred the Just, back in Bards Gate, your party eventually found the hidden path and—climbing the twisting and hidden stairs—you discovered a beautiful peaceful valley nestled within the foothills. In the valley amongst the swaying green trees,you spied two large structures—the once majestic shrines to Thyr and Muir—standing near a small lake of dark and polluted water. The lake seems oddly out of place in such a peaceful place. Muck rings the lake and reeds clog its shores. Both structures are of similar appearence. Both seem to face the lake and seem to made of white marble in an ancient style. (ooc)Think Ancient greek temple(/ooc) Also you note that both structures seem to be in a state of disrepair with crumbling stonework evident everywhere. ![]()
![]() Upon your return to the inn, the Rusty Dragon seems as you left it. Ameikio is up and about but is sat at a table talking with a couple of local merchants., her spot at the bar left vacant. She nods as you enter. Before long Bethana is seeing to your needs and bringing you warm oyster soup, Cauliflower in a strong pungent sauce and a brazed rack of lamb ribs, basted in a succulent wine sauce. "Appologies good sirs for the poor quality of the food, but it is late and we have had a bit of a run on this afternoon. Cook is preparing the evening fare right now but I guessed that you would all be a bit peckish, what with all your running around." ![]()
![]() KNOWN GODS Dwerfater
Dwerfater appears as an ancient dwarf, whose beard is the color of
----------------------------------------------------- Dame Torren, Goddess of the Four Winds
This goddess is credited with carrying the music to the ears of the faithful. She is considered Oghma’s handmaiden and is always worshipped in association with him. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Hel is known to spread disease, pestilence and plague with the wave of her hand. Any living thing in her presence withers and dies. She appears as a strange gaunt woman of both jet black and blankest white.
Moccavallo, God of Disguise and Treachery
Moccavallo is the god of actors and spies, and those who seek to keep their identities hidden. Moccavallo’s true face is unknown even to the gods themselves. A capricious deity, Moccavallo is arrogant and untrustworthy, known to play gods against one another as it serves his needs. Moccavallo has been known on more than one occasion to steal the treasures of evil deities and the hearts of good ones, leaving both with nothing. Although not specifically evil, Moccavallo’s cult has a penchant for cruel jokes, yet actors who venerate him are known for their fantastic performances and ability to completely “become” their characters.
Yenomesh, God of Glyphs and Writing
Yenomesh is the aged sage of the gods. He is said to have been the first to gain knowledge of the sacred runes which brought the light of knowledge to the world. He is likewise credited with being the inventor of language, and his priests are often fluent in many different tongues. Libraries and archives are often dedicated to this god, and many have at least one small shrine to Yenomesh. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bacchus-Dionysus, God of Wine and Madness
Bacchus-Dionysus appears as a youthful well built man with curly brown hair. Rams horns spring from his brow and he is frequently dressed in a wine- (or blood-) stained toga. Bacchus-Dionysus is the god of revels and debauchery and the overindulgence in alcoholic beverages. The god’s priestesses, the Baccae, epitomize the rage and mindless violence that often comes of overindulgence. These priestesses, once
Bowbe is the embodiment of barbarian wrath and frenzy. He appears as a mighty barbarian dressed in the pelt of Urson the Great Bear, whom he can summon to his side by tossing the pelt to the ground and calling its name. Bowbe carries the greatsword Bm’fob in one hand and warhammer Wytch-Killer in the other.
Dre’uain The Lame, God of Craft and Smiths
Dre’uain appears as a clubfooted gnome with strong but fine-fingered hands. His flame-red hair and beard always appear singed. He has a
Freya, Goddess of Love and Fertility
Freya is a lesser goddess of love and fertility. She is also the leader of a great band of women warriors known on some planes of existence as Valkyries. Freya represents fertility in all its forms. On this plane, Freya represents the cycle of death and rebirth. She is a goddess of the coming harvest as well as a goddess of sexuality and procreation.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gromm the Thunderer
Gromm is a barbarian god, worshipped by those who both fear and respect the fury of nature. He also counts mercenaries and adventurers
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hecate, Goddess of Evil Magic
Hecate is the goddess of evil magic. She appears as a beautiful woman flanked by numerous hell hounds, her favored creature. The setting moon is her symbol. She requires sacrifices on the full moon. Her priests are normally accompanied by hell hounds sent by their
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamien, Goddess of Rivers Streams and Springs
Kamien is the embodiment of springs, streams and rivers, appearing as
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirkeer, Goddess of Shadows and the Night
Mirkeer is the daughter of Hecate and serves as her mother’s messenger and personal assassin. As beautiful as her mother and equally cruel, Mirkeer is the mistress of shadows and can control shadows with a thought. Venerated by assassins, evil rogues, and dark magicians, her
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Muir, Goddess of Virtue and Paladins
Muir is the sister of Thyr. While he represents law and peace, she represents the martial valor necessary to make that peace a reality. As such, she is the goddess of paladins. She is often depicted as a dark-tressed maiden warrior in shining mail with an upraised (often
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note, God of the Harp
Note, God of the Harp, is a diminutive deity who serves as the bodyguard and herald of Oghma. Frequently he appears in the guise of a magical talking harp, while at other times he appears as a handsome
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Oghma, God of Song and Bards
Oghma, the God of Song and Bards is an ancient deity, credited with shaping the first sounds into song, recording of the earliest sagas of gods and mortals, and giving dance and music to mortals. Oghma appears
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Orcus, Demon Demon-Lord of the Undead
Orcus is a demon prince with — surprisingly enough — many human worshipers. He has a strange fascination with humans and their desire for power, possibly because it is this very flaw that causes them
Sefagreth is a handsome deity popular among aristocrats, diplomats, tradesmen and courtiers. The father of cities and founder of trade, Sephagreth is a deity whose primary concern is the creation and maintenance of wealth and good relations between cities. Sefagreth is
Set is a greater god, worshipped on many planes in many forms. He most often appears as a scaled humanoid with the head of a jackal. He is utterly dedicated to the orderly spread of evil and oppression.
Thursis as a powerfully-built red haired man driving an iron chariot drawn by a team of four fiendish warhorses. His chariot glows with hellfire and is adorned with the animated heads of his fallen enemies which moan incessantly. Thursis wear spiked plate armor of archaic design which glows a sickly green. His cursed arrows are said to afflict his enemies with a variety of infections and demonic fevers which render them unable to defend themselves. Thursis is not so much
Thyr is the god of wise and just rule. He is normally depicted as a wizened king seated on a great throne holding a rod of kingship in one hand and a chalice of peace in the other. His principles are justice, order and peace.
This foul frog-demon cares less about the machinations of men and power than he does about obliterating light and life with slow, oozing sickness and decay. He is the viscous dark evil bubbling up from beneath the surface; the foul corruption at the heart of the earth. Making his home on the plane of Tarterus at the mouth of the vast
Lady Luck wears many guises. She embodies good fortune, and is praised during winning streaks and big wagers. She is also appealed to by losing gamblers, in the hope that she will eventually favor them. Other strokes of good fortune such as good harvests, unexpected pregnancies, financial windfalls and similar events are also sacred events to Tykee and her followers. Her temples are usually quite prosperous, as especially lucky gamblers often give part of their winnings to the goddess. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vanitthu, God of the Steadfast Guard
Some claim that Vanitthu is the son of the great god Anumon; others go so far as to say that Vanitthu is yet another aspect of the great god (this schism has caused considerable conflict within the faith). In either case, Vanitthu is the embodiment of martial perfection, law, the strength of the state, and the punishment of the guilty. A grim and resolute deity, Vanitthu is always shown bearing a spear made of
---------------------------------------------------------- Zadastha, Goddess of Love
Zadastha the Beautiful is the goddess of true love. Her gaze is said to bring forth love even in the cruelest of hearts and her perfume to cause lustful thoughts to fill the mind of any being. ![]()
![]() Justicar Prestige Class Justicar of Muir
Role: Justicars of Muir are the elite paladins in the worship of Muir. While there may be many paladins of Muir, there can never be more than 13 Justicars of Muir alive at any one time.
Alignment: Lawful good.
Class: A Justicar must have at least 3 paladin levels and may not be a ex-paladin. In addition, the PC must have taken his last level as a paladin prior to becoming a Justicar. Thus a person who takes 3 levels of paladin and then 7 levels of cleric cannot be a Justicar, though a person who has taken 7 levels of cleric and then 3 levels of paladin could be a Justicar. Deity: Muir. Skills: Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks, Sense Motive 2 ranks,
Quest: A Justicar-to-be must complete an arduous quest of
Ordination: This is the most difficult of the requirements to become a Justicar. A Justicar of Muir must be ordained by a person with the power to ordain Justicars. This power is only held by clerics of Muir of 13th level or higher and clerics of Thyr of 16th level or higher. Once the Justicar-to-be proves himself worthy by a quest (see above), the ordaining priest must cast bless, zone of truth, prayer, discern lies, mark of justice, righteous might, and holy word upon the Justicar-to be.
Class Limitations
Alignment: A Justicar must be lawful good. In addition to the strictures placed on a paladin, a Justicar must live by the following additional limitations: Reject Cohorts and Henchmen: A Justicar may never gain followers, cohorts, henchmen, or hirelings. If, at the time of becoming a Justicar, the character has followers, cohorts, henchmen, or hirelings, he must renounce them and free them of their bonds of fealty or obligation. In addition, a Justicar may not hire men-at-arms. A Justicar may retain his special mount, if gained while a paladin. Once slain, however, a Justicar may not call a new mount. The only exception to this limitation is that a Justicar may retain his falcon familiar (see below) as long as he remains a Justicar. Willful disobe-dience of this principle results in the character becoming an
Reject Property: A Justicar may not own real property — land, buildings or other holdings, nor may he circumvent this by having agents or friends hold such property in his name. Willful disobedience of this principle results in the character becoming an ex-Justicar. Unintentional disobedience (inherited land, for example) requires atonement. A gift of land, if rejected, does not constitute disobedience. Reject Wealth: A Justicar may not possess more material wealth than is required to feed, clothe, and house his person in a modest fashion (usually no more than 100 gp). Willful disobedience of this principle results in the character becoming an ex-Justicar. Unintentional disobedience (inheriting wealth, for example) requires atonement. A gift of money or wealth, if rejected, does not constitute disobedience. Reject Material Property and Magic: A Justicar may not carry more than his arms and armor, a pack with simple equipment, equipment for his mount, simple religious items, and simple clothes. He may not possess ornamental items. He may not possess magic items other than his arms and armor. He may, however, carry and use potions and scrolls created
Reject Disguise: As an embodiment of Truth, a Justicar may not thwart truth, regardless how noble the goal. Though he may tolerate it in others, a Justicar will not willingly disguise himself, accept magic intended to conceal or disguise his person or qualities, nor may he use protective magic based on disguise or hidden appearance. He will counsel against his companions using such tactics, though he will not split with persons who are otherwise good-aligned as a result of their use of such tactics. The Justicar simply will not take part in them. Willful disobedience of this principle results in the character becoming an ex-Justicar. Unintentional disobedience (having a disguising spell cast upon you by a friend against your will) requires atonement. Having a disguise or concealment spell cast upon you by an enemy, if unwanted, does not constitute disobedience if the Justicar immediately seeks to undo the disguise. Reject Falsehood: A Justicar may not lie, regardless of how noble the goal. Lying means active deception. Standing silent or failing to answer a question is not lying. However, if a Justicar fails to answer a question because of an intent to deceive, he must do atonement. Willful disobedience of this principle results in the character becoming an ex-Justicar. Unintentional disobedience (being magically compelled or otherwise forced to lie against your will, for example) requires atonement. Because a Justicar embodies Truth, the GM is encouraged to demand the strictest compliance to this principle. Ex-Justicars: If a Justicar violates any of the strictures above,
Torment: The above rules allow evil NPCs (or characters) to torment Justicars — attempting to give them wealth, magically disguising them against their will, etc. An evil creature can never cause a Justicar to become an ex-Justicar by such torment unless the Justicar willingly joins or fails to reject the evil character. At worst, such actions may require the Justicar to do atonement. Note that in the case of such torment, a Justicar is free to attempt to slay the tormenting evil NPC prior to attempting to undo the source of the torment (breaking the spell on a charmed cohort, dismissing the obscuring mist
Class Skills
Skill Ranks per level: 2 + Int modifier. Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Justicar’s gain proficiency in the bastard sword as an exotic weapon per the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword). Spells per Day: When a Justicar of Muir level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in any one spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous caster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Justicar, he must decide to which class he adds the new spell level for purposes of determining spells per day. Resist Illusions (Su): A Justicar gains a +4 divine bonus on Will saves against illusion magic. In addition, Justicars are allowed to save to disbelieve illusions without having to interact with the illusion, even if that is normally required to disbelieve the illusion. Zone of Truth (Sp): Once per day for every three Justicar levels, a Justicar can cast the spell zone of truth as a spell-like ability. The ability functions as if cast by a caster of a level equal to the Justicar’s total character level. Enemy of Evil (Su): A Justicar gains a +2 divine bonus to attack and damage rolls against evil-aligned undead and outsiders. Celestial Companion (Su): A Justicar gains a celestial falcon — the holy animal of Muir — as a companion per the druid animal companion rules (see “Druid” in Chapter 3 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game).
4th-Level Advancement: Ability Scores Str +2, Con +2. Discern Lies (Su): At 2nd level, a Justicar can discern lies as the spell once per day and an additional time per day for every 3 Justicar levels thereafter (2 at 5th, 3 at 8th). The ability functions as if cast by a caster of a level equal to the Justicar’s total character level. Shield of Truth (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, a Justicar can invoke Muir’s shield of truth once per day. Invoking this ability either enhances the Justicar’s current shield or temporarily creates a supernatural shield for the Justicar to use. The shield has the following abilities: +2 divine truth bonus (if the shield is created, this is the only armor benefit it provides) and becomes a blinding shield (see the “Magic Items” section in Chapter 15 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game), except the blinding effect only affects evil creatures. In addition, the shield radiates the effects of a prayer spell for its duration.
Mark of Justice (Su): Beginning at 4th level, the Justicar gains the ability to pass holy judgment on others once per day and place a mark of justice on persons so judged as the spell (but as a standard action). The ability functions as if cast by a caster of a level equal to the Justicar’s total character level. Immunity to Illusions (Su): Beginning at 5th level, a Justicar is immune to all illusions. A Justicar notes the presence of illusions
Sword of Courage (Su): Beginning at 6th level, a Justicar can invoke Muir’s sword of courage once per day. Invoking this ability either enhances the Justicar’s current sword or temporarily creates a supernatural magical bastard sword for the Justicar to use. The sword gains a +2 divine courage bonus to attack and damage rolls. The sword also becomes a holy weapon (see the “Magic Items” section in Chapter 15 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game) for its duration. In addition, the sword radiates remove fear in a 30-foot radius for its duration
Scourge of Evil (Su): At 6th level, a Justicar gains an additional +1 divine bonus to attack and damage rolls and double the normal critical threat range against all evil-aligned creatures (of all types). This ability stacks with the enemy of evil ability and the Improved Critical feat or keen weapon quality if the Justicar has these as well. True Seeing (Su): Beginning at 7th level, a Justicar can use true seeing as the spell once per day. The ability functions as if cast by a caster of a level equal to the Justicar’s total character level. Armor of Honor (Su): Beginning at 8th level, a Justicar can invoke Muir’s armor of honor once per day. Invoking this ability either enhances the Justicar’s current armor or temporarily creates a suit of magical chainmail around the Justicar. The armor gains a +2 divine honor bonus to AC. The armor also has the qualities of moderate fortification, invulnerability, and spell resistance (15) (see the “Magic Items” section in Chapter 15 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game) for its duration. This ability lasts for 30 minutes. Armor of honor cannot be used in combination with either shield of truth or sword of courage until the Justicar gains the avatar ability. Holy Word (Su): Beginning at 9th level, a Justicar can speak a holy word as the spell once per day. The ability functions as if cast by a caster of a level equal to the Justicar’s total character level. Avatar (Su): At 10th level, a Justicar can use shield of truth, sword of courage, and armor of honor at the same time up to once per week. When all three powers are invoked at the same time it seems as if a spectral figure of Muir herself overlaps the body of the Justicar and mimics his every movement. In combat against evil creatures the figure of Muir becomes even more apparent. In addition to allowing all three powers to operate in unison, when a Justicar becomes an Avatar of Muir
Demon-bane (Su): At 10th level, a Justicar becomes an evilkilling machine. His critical threat range is doubled against evil undead and outsiders. This ability stacks with both the scourge of evil ability (see above) and the Improved Critical feat or keen weapon quality if the Justicar has these as well ![]()
![]() The surrounding lands are best described as follows. Many miles to the East lies the Great Sea. The port city of Reme can be found here. Several miles to the South of Reme, along the Sea Coast Road lies the Forest of Hope. Rappan Athuk, a dungeon of legend, can be dound in the low hills, East of the Forest. Traveling further inland, towards the West along a well traveled route called the Tradeway, you eventually come to the Forest Kingdoms. These verdant lands are teh realm of the elves and are jealosly patroled to keep fell creatures and evil doers from entering their borders. The Tradeway carries on across the land , eventually reaching other towns on the coat of the Inland Sea. But before then, it encounters two other settlements. The first of these is the city of Bards Gate. Established many years ago as a bard’s outpost and way station for travelers between the inner Forest Kingdoms and the port city of Reme, Bard’s Gate has grown into an important crossroads for trade and travel. The city’s banner depicts a silver lyre above a stone gatehouse on a green field. Bard’s Gate is currently an independent city, allied to the nearby Grand Duchy for mutual defense and prosperity. The Grand Duke’s troops help defend the city against the evil creatures from the Stoneheart Mountains to the north. A liberal and tolerant city, Bard’s Gate welcomes all races. Because of its strategic position on the only easily-bridged area on the Stoneheart River, the city developed quickly. In addition to being a way station and trade center, Bard’s Gate quickly became a meeting place for wandering bards, skalds and other performers. To the south, the Stoneheart River becomes impassible due to a series of sheer falls. As a result of this, the central island of Bard’s Gate became an important port for barge traffic, from which goods were transported
The northern wall of Bard’s Gate looks out over a vast river valley disappearing into purple hills in the hazy distance. The mighty gates fixed in that wall rarely open anymore. On the few occasions when the north gates do open to allow entrance to the occasional merchant caravan or especially daring traveler, they reveal a wide road, paved with great stone flags forming a smooth and level traveling surface striking due north for the hills. However, closer inspection reveals the signs of a lack of maintenance, and after a few miles the road deteriorates into little more than a wide dirt track, overgrown with
Further West along the Tradeway is the small village of Fairhill. North of Fairhill are the beginning of the low hills that eventually rise up into the Stoneheart Mountains. Several smaller villages dot the land including the village of Crimmor. ![]()
![]() BACKGROUND In ages past, two vast temples to Thyr and Muir were erected in Bard’s Gate at the founding of that great city that still stand today. The priestly followers of these noble gods erected smaller duplicates of the twin temples in a small secluded valley to the north of the city, adjacent to a lake of crystalline clarity. This valley became known as the Valley of the Shrines. In the nearby hills they also carved burial halls to house their fallen heroes and worshipers. For years the worship of Thyr and Muir thrived, producing heroes and paladins of legend, some of whom are entombed in the burial halls.
As the years passed and the worship of Thyr and Muir declined further, the shrines in the northern valley fell further to disuse and ruin. Only a handful of devoted priests, led by the high-priest Abysthor, were left to continue the elaborate rituals of their gods. Even the great twin temples in Bard’s Gate began to deteriorate. Despite Abysthor’s devotion, his temple and the worship of his gods waned. In his final years, Abysthor spent many hours in the main temple in Bard’s Gate in commune with his deity.
It has been some 20 years since Abysthor disappeared. Only a handful of lesser priests remain in the temples in Bard’s Gate, their cavernous temples falling to ruin, empty of worshipers. Thyr and Muir Some familiarity with these twin deities will be helpful for you as player characters as you descend into the Burial Halls. Thyr: Thyr is the god of wise and just rule. He is normally depicted as a wizened king seated on a great throne holding a rod of kingship in one hand and a chalice of peace in the other hand. His principles are Justice, Order and Peace. He represents proper and traditional rule and as such was once worshiped (at least with lip service) by all human royalty. He is the embodiment of the enlightened human caste system where each person fairly has their place in a lawfully ordered society aimed at the good of all people. His priests wear white robes trimmed with silver, purple or gold, the colors of kingship. His symbol is a silver cross on a white field, symbolizing the upturned cross-haft of his sister’s sword, which he thrust into the earth to end the god’s war. Upon seeing the blood of so many gods shed, Thyr foreswore the use of swords and his priests, for this reason, may not use bladed weapons. Many favor reinforced rods, similar to light maces, modeled after Thyr’s own rod of kingship. The noble eagle and lion are his sacred creatures. Deity: Thyr, God of Law and Justice
Muir: Muir is the sister of Thyr. Thyr represents Law and Peace, she represents the martial valor necessary to make peace a reality. As such, she is the goddess of paladins. She is often depicted as a dark-tressed maiden warrior in shining mail with an upraised (often bloodstained) sword. She is noble and single-minded of purpose.
Deity: Muir, Goddess of Virtue and Paladinhood
A bit more background on the temples of Thyr and Muir in Bards Gate from whence you have been sent. The Exalted Temple of Thyr the Lawgiver is a smaller replica of the faith’s original basilica in the valley to the north. High priest Bofred the Just leads the faith’s survivors — a mere eight priests and
As a dedicated paladin of Thyr, Bofred is a stern and unyielding man who preaches loudly against evil and corruption. His oratorical style is not terribly popular in Bard’s Gate, where the population is a bit
He often recruits goodaligned parties to help him in his quest — scouting northern territories, seeking out prominent enemies of the temple, retrieving lost treasures or artifacts. His uncompromising struggle against evil has earned him many enemies, but Bofred relies on his faith to keep him safe. Officially called the Shrine of the Uplifted Sword, the temple of Muir is tended by a small group of paladins and clerics under the leadership of Barahil the Faithful. The priests and paladins do good and aid the weak throughout Bard’s Gate and beyond, and have joined with Bofred the Just to form an alliance of lawful good warriors, intent on liberating the north from the forces of evil.