Over under pistol / dragon pistol?

Gunslinger Discussion: Round 2

What would keep a gunslinger from making his own gun, and making a double barrel pistol where one barrel is for regular bullets and the other is a dragon pistol?
This way he could fire is pistol normally , but have specialty shot (AoE, tangle shot etc) reloaded and waiting for the right situation?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Umm... Well, besides cost which won't matter at later levels, i can't think of a single thing.
Furthermore, what's to stop him from crafting a double barrel dragon pistol so he could doubletap scattershot? Effectively creating a sawed-off shotgun with a pistol grip.

Shadow Lodge

I say add the price of the most expensive gun to twice the price of the cheaper and go for it. If I was GMing I would allow this with maybe a few rolls for design (really just determining how long it takes to do it).

Under-slung shotgun anybody?

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Combine the dragon pistol with a revolver and you effectively have the LeMat Revolver. The LeMat was a 9 shot .32 caliber cap and ball revolver with an underbarrel 16 gauge shogun. Some versions extended the barrels and added a stock to make it a carbine.

Cape Guns are side-by-side rifle/shotgun combinations used for big game hunting. There are even some early muzzleloader versions.

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