James Jacobs Creative Director |
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Just went back through this thread and retallied all the votes. This time I ignored all the votes for pirates and all the votes for artifact hunts and Varisia, since with Skull & Shackles and Shattered Star we'll be covering those pretty well. Shattered Star will also be VERY big on the dungeons—while it's six different dungeons (and thus technically not one MEGA dungeon), I suspect the folks who are looking for a megadungeion AP will be relatively happy with all those dungeons.
I also didn't count the "Kingmaker 2" votes—It's obvious to me that Kingmaker is super popular, but it was also INCREDIBLY difficult to pull off. A sequel using similar rules would be easier (we've done the hard work already) but it's also something we've already done, and I'm kinda not all that eager to do another "build your campaign" AP anytime soon. I suspect, some day, another AP in these lines is inevitable though.
Furthermore, I didn't count any of the historical or time travel AP votes—not interested in opening that particular can of worms. It's hard enough with an AP like "Jade Regent" to go to a different continent... going to an entirely different time and then dealing with paradoxes and all that? No thanks.
Now... all that said... for folks who might be interested in seeing where things now stand... here's what the top ten look like, as far as I've interpreted this thread's results.
38 votes: Worldwound
34 votes: Urban/Political/Absalom
30 votes: Linnorm Kingdoms/Vikings
28 votes: Numeria
26 votes: Sword and Planet
24 votes: Megadungeon
24 votes: Total War
22 votes: Irrisen
18 votes: Planar
15 votes: Osirion
As before, don't take any of these results as promises to do that AP!
That said... I AM WATCHING.
(And this post serves me as a navigation aid—next time you update the AP Request spreadsheet, James, start with the very next post after this one!)
ValmarTheMad |
For what it's worth, put me down for:
Linnorm Kingdoms/Vikings
Total War (Civil War/Strong Political Elements)
Shadowlands/Drow/(Political, and Completely set in the "Underdark" with no outside links--"self contained" in a manner of speaking)
Holy War/Interfaith Battles/Politics (something to make the gods of Golarion more than just background, and something to make divine characters really shine).
BQ |
Can't wait for Skull and shackles.
I really like the APs that contain a some world building and encourage players to invest in the game world.
I'd like to see an AP where a barbarian tribe is at the core of it.
1) Barbarian tribes
2) Linnorm Kings
3) Darklands
4) Underwater/ancient sunken ruins (Azlanti)
5) War/Battlefield politics
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Oggron |
Something political in terms of Galt or something related would be interesting. But I'm thinking a module over a 6 part AP. But I'd imagine it's audience would be narrower. If it dealt with an international organisation such as the Aspis consortium pulling the strings for a war between nations. Now that could be a 6 parter I could sell.
Numeria would be a crazy awesome backdrop for an AP. Take fantasy players out of their element a bit. Would love to see the alien and tech based bestiaries in that one.
Pure or focussed Darklands epic would have me sign up immediately. Particularly if there was some emphasis on digging up old dwarf ruins and dealing with Duerger/ Svirfneblin. Bring back hooked horrors! And See what else is down there.
Linnorm kings need more Love. A full on Viking saga on the frozen north would be right on the money. Fill the bestiary with a reimagined Grendel or Fenrir Wolves and we got some part us a solid base stock. Add kingdom building, Glimma and a dash of pillaging. Lightly simmer with Linnorm breath for 6 parts and finish with a filling Linnorm slaying desert.
As for the sunken city AP idea? My group loved Shore to Sea and are eager for something more in that vein. The Sodden lands would be ideal for that. The city of Hyracaum for example. Would pick up an AP based there in seconds.
Curious as to why Osirion isn't more popular. Pyramids? Mummies? Spinxes? Good ol' fashioned tomb raiding. Plus don't they have that big beetle of Rovagug lying dormant in their capital? I smell a final boss battle.
I'm looking forward to seeing how Paizo develops Tian Xe in the dragon empires shtuff. Sure you could easily fill an AP or two with that. Tho maybe not so close on the heels of Jade Regent. However something set in empire of Vudra would be interesting. Maybe starting off in one of the Inner sea Satrapy of Qadira and head into the eastern reaches. More to Asian mythology than just Chinese and Japanese influences after all. If your looking for something with little precedent. Something with a more Indian theme would go down a treat.
BQ |
BQ wrote:That would be a Numerian AP. Barbarians vs robots and other such things. Could even get some tones of the industrial revolution in there.I'd like to see an AP where a barbarian tribe is at the core of it.
Robots wasn't what I had in mind. I was thinking something along the lines of a wild frontier with the PCs as part of a barbarian tribe (adopted/born into) that is battling to survive. A core part of the AP/module would be to strengthen the tribe to ensure its survivability. Unique adventures for this flavour I guess you've got the initiation to becoming a warrior/full-blooded member (think: the new Conan movie), a bit of hexploration with finding a new campsite (think: Pathfinder movie), raiding on rival tribes and settlements, fending off raids, and of course all out tribal warfare. I'm sure there's heaps more ideas you could come up with to throw into an AP alongside the standard adventures to make a full AP with this flavour/theme.
captain yesterday |
Sissyl wrote:I guess it is just me who wants a political and intrigue campaign set in Andoran and Galt. *sigh* Ah well, that just means I am 38 votes short. :-)Nope, not just you. There were about 6 or 7 votes for something Galt related.
i'll vote for political intrigue involvin galt and/or andoran also count me in for a mega-dungeon and osirion. also something starting in tian xia (i understand this might be awhile with jade regent out-which is FREAKING awesome by the way)
Mort the Cleverly Named |
Man, so many good ones. Put me down for a Planar, Sword and Planet, Irrisen, Osirion, Tian Xia, and Worldwound (in that order, not that it matters).
I also like the general category of "Long-term/building." That is, an AP with an assumed time frame of years, rather than the usual weeks or months, and one with an emphasis on building up a town/business/etc (not necessarily one and the same, though they tend to go together). Ya, I know that sounds a lot like "Kingmaker 2," but it doesn't have to be to that extent. Something only slightly more complex than the Gold Goblin from Second Darkness, or the year skip options from Legacy of Fire would be great. I just like having space for characters to do their own things, develop their interests, and maybe even do something crazy like take a vacation or start a family.
Crimson Jester |
Of those listed by JJ
Linnorm Kingdoms/Vikings - Would love to see this one. Oh yes please.
Numeria - I almost would prefer a bit of interconnected modules.
Sword and Planet - Could be interesting and I know it would be done well, just so many potential areas of opportunity that would be hard to overcome.
Megadungeon - This is almost a must have, at some point. The city near the ancient mega dungeon, the surrounding lands and the 9+ levels both down and out from the central haunted core. traps and puzzles along with say maybe Dark Stalkers guarding it.
Planar - I would ask that you stay away from an actual planar AP but rather try to insert bits and pieces in APs where appropriate. Sometimes less is more.
Osirion - I so want this. Even done as an expedition into the great tombs.
I would also suggest the underdark AP. One where you are going into the lands below and are searching for a specific objective. Takes you all the way down to Orv.
You can feel free to combine several of these together. :)
MrVergee |
Sissyl wrote:I guess it is just me who wants a political and intrigue campaign set in Andoran and Galt. *sigh* Ah well, that just means I am 38 votes short. :-)Nope, not just you. There were about 6 or 7 votes for something Galt related.
Count me in for a political or mercantile campaign filled with intrigue. Don't really care about the setting. I guess any big city or kingdom/empire will do.
Leo_Negri |
I for one would like to see an AP combining Alkenstar and it's gunfighters with the Swords and Planets and possibly Piracy ideas. The Worldwound does nothing for me and Osirion?, sorry, but pseudo-egyptian has been done to death over the past 30 years of the hobby (heck even Golarion has a few adventures set there, not a whole AP I understand, but still). Ideally I'd like an AP covering (relatively) new ground, that means I have no desire to see Vikings, Pyramids, Megadungeons (although an AP delve into Gallowspire would be cool), or anything even remotely resembling Arthurian knights jousting.
Add a big +1 for a true heroic AP (white hats / black hats - no shades of grey).
Fletch |
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James, is there a company policy on how closely you stick to a theme for an individual AP?
I mean, I sat out Carrion Crown because I'm not interested in horror adventure enough to sit through a whole campaign on it. Conversely, Savage Tide remains my favorite AP because it had such a wide variety of adventure types (including dungeon crawling, city building, sea voyaging, wilderness exploration, etc.)
Is there room for a Pathfinder AP to include different adventure types like this, or is there a preference to sticking to a narrow premise for each path?
Cthulhudrew |
Count me down for something involving Numeria. It wouldn't necessarily have to be solely focused in Numeria itself; I could easily see something just generally sci-fantasy, ranging from low end to high end (Numeria itself). The Mana Wastes strike me as being a great- albeit distant- companion region to Numeria. Some kind of tie-in with the Distant Worlds campaign setting book would be a likely connection as well.
Turin22 |
Well, I see it this way :
1. Worldwound, lot's of demons and combat and artifacts
2. Varisia, a plot involving the nomadic tribes ...
3. Linnorm Kings/Vikings, a quest by sea along the shores ?
4. A religious Quest for a Iomedae or Desna-Cleric and his friends ...
5. Retaking of a Dwarven Citadel
6. Osirion, some rather unfriendly cults ...
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James, is there a company policy on how closely you stick to a theme for an individual AP?
I mean, I sat out Carrion Crown because I'm not interested in horror adventure enough to sit through a whole campaign on it. Conversely, Savage Tide remains my favorite AP because it had such a wide variety of adventure types (including dungeon crawling, city building, sea voyaging, wilderness exploration, etc.)
Is there room for a Pathfinder AP to include different adventure types like this, or is there a preference to sticking to a narrow premise for each path?
There's no company policy regarding APs, really, apart from a policy to make them awesome, I guess! :-)
There's absolutely room for an AP that includes different adventure types like Savage Tide, and in fact MOST of the adventure paths we've done have mixed up the adventure types. In fact, even though all the adventures in Carrion Crown were horror themed, the adventures themselves were very different.
Fletch |
There's absolutely room for an AP that includes different adventure types like Savage Tide,
In that case, that's my vote. The most frustrating part about all your APs is that you either build a kingdom OR become a pirate OR engage in urban intrigue OR discover lost cities. I want it all, and I want it in one campaign.
Where it's placed is irrelephant.
Jason Nelson Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games |
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DWARVES! Would make me resubscribe.
An adventure to retake one of the Citadels would be great.
Part could be a trek through the Underdark to recover an artifact lost/left behind on the journey upwards.
Some kind of conflict with duergar would be included.
I like dwarves too. I've often wanted to run the old Night Below campaign, but just reading it one of my annoyances was that, when you go down into the ground, instead of having dwarves, there is YET ANOTHER KIND OF ELVES!!! Lame.
So yes, a hardcore "dungeons deep and caverns old" dwarf-centric AP would be cool beans in my book.
Jason Nelson Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games |
Goatlord |
My votes:
Linnorm Kings (vs Irrisen or not.. love to see new linnorms and barrows and perhaps some kingdom/amry building)
ROTR2 or more Thassilon (perhaps shattered star covers this)
Worldwound (demon incursion fighting w/ the lads of Lastwall)
Geb vs. Nex (and the Mana Wastes)
Numeria (but without so much technology that it becomes commonplace. Make future/space tech be rare and limited to bosses and the like)
Megadungeon/Kaer Maga (could combine dungeon and city adventuring into one big AP, could include some Thassilon love too)
Darklands, focused on dwarves (no Dark Elves please... let's look at Dwarf vs. Orc, dungeons deep/caverns old, buried horrors, etc.)
I also think different themes could work well. I'd like to see:
Mercantile (resource management, trade routes, etc.; like caravan in Jade regent)
War/Aftermath of War (rebuilding, perhaps recovery while being occupied after being on the losing side. Having PCs be members of military unit or involved in military ops before/during/after the campaign has some promise, but seeing this scenario through the eyes of a commoner who must suffer through these times, but is forced to turn into something more)
Lev |
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I don't understand why there is no love for Taldor. I mean, it is such an important country in Golarion's whole history. For me, it is a pillar in the setting. Cheliax, Lastwall, Rostland... many things in Avistan come from Taldor and their colonization.
And all we have is a 32-sheets-only companion (+ Cassomir in Cities of Golarion)... Is there any plan to develop that country ? If not an AP, at least a campaign setting book...
Ki_Ryn |
I'd like to see something that was Law vs Chaos (though Chaos forces thwarting Law might be even more fun), or some other combo rather than Good vs Evil. I know that's the most common but it's really been done so much.
Ok really I'd like to see a Sci-Fi campaign path. I know it won't happen because it would take a whole new setting. But my group doesn't nothing but Paizo paths EXCEPT when we need our Sci-Fi fix; then we have to go to a different game system. Since we don't have time to home brew campaigns, we're forced to leave Paizo for every second or third campaign.
I know there are some 3rd party attempts in the direction of Sci-Fi rules, but I don't think a quick conversion of d20 Modern/Future is enough. We want the real Paizo treatment and support with a path or two.
I would love to help out with something like that and I bet there are many, many more in the community who would be likewise enthusiastic.
~Ryan Wolfe: cartography, starship deckplans, setting design, etc. at ki-ryn.com
(Jim Groves would vouch for me! :)