Burning Sun, Shifting Sands {Group 2}


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Kept Lesarith where he was and corrected the map.

Lesarith does a quick strike against LD3 but somehow the lizard dodges out of the way.

Gannicus swings a mighty cleave striking both LD2 and LD5 with the one swing.


Irivis is up.

Male Half-Elf Mindvivisectionist 3/Archaeologist 1 (AC: 16 [T: 13 /F: 14]; HP: 28/28; F+5 (+2 vs Poison), R+8, W+4; Init: +2; Perc: +7 [Low-light vision])

"Great work men, keep the front line held strong! Don't let any of them slink off, or come back here." Arakan encourages.

Hey, Xabulba, I hope you don't mind if I put a link to my 4E recruit thread here trying to get a few more active players so i can kick it off.

Female Human Warlock 4 (Sorcerer King, Wildling) HP 46/46

Move to K3. Concealment.
Curse LD4
Hand of Blight (Fort) using Fell Scorn on LD3
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 - maybe, maybe not. If that hits, then -
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 - power damage
1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (2) = 6 - curse damage
1d8 ⇒ 8 - Fell might.
Potentially 20 damage to LD3

Irivis stumps across the cave and sends an irritable blast towards LD3.

"I'm female, Arakan. Do try to remember."

Male Half-Elf Mindvivisectionist 3/Archaeologist 1 (AC: 16 [T: 13 /F: 14]; HP: 28/28; F+5 (+2 vs Poison), R+8, W+4; Init: +2; Perc: +7 [Low-light vision])

"Oh, my dear Irivis, your nagging ensures that forgetting your gender is not an issue. As you may notice, as well as not being a man, you are also not on the front line. If it makes you feel included, you are also doing great work." Arakan quips with a sneer.

All IC, no ill will from me

Female Human Warlock 4 (Sorcerer King, Wildling) HP 46/46

Ha! Arakan's hilarious. Irivis knows a coward when she sees one - they're sisters under the skin.

"How kind. In your place, I'd keep the congratulations until I hit something, but I'm sure you're just doing your best to keep up our morale."

Irivis's tone is sweet, even humble.

Irivis withers and rots the lizard-dog to the bone. The lizard falls to the ground as a mummified husk. Irivis hears the faint cackle of glee from Kalack over the life taken.

LD 2
LD 3 (bloodied, cursed by I)
Irivis (concealed)
LD 4


Lesarieth is up.

Female Human Warlock 4 (Sorcerer King, Wildling) HP 46/46

"Now you may congratulate me."

Fell Might restores.

M Mul Barbarian/Warlord Hybrid 1

I think it's LD4 and then Arakan and me.

Tirshok wrote:
I think it's LD4 and then Arakan and me.

I ran LD4 & 5 out of turn so it would be Arakan's turn now not Lesarieth.

Arakan is up.

Male Half-Elf Mindvivisectionist 3/Archaeologist 1 (AC: 16 [T: 13 /F: 14]; HP: 28/28; F+5 (+2 vs Poison), R+8, W+4; Init: +2; Perc: +7 [Low-light vision])

First a reminder from my Virtue of Valor, 1/round if someone bloodies/kill they get 4 temps. Tirshok got 4 last temps last round, and Irivis gets 4 this round.

Standard, Direct the Strike, Lesarieth make a free basic against LD3.

"Lesarieth, you were so close, if you just focus on his wounded right flank you should have him" Arakan directs, as if he's a combat veteran, while moving to stay near Irivis. Drawing and loading his crossbow as he moves.

Move to J3, minor draw, free load

Lesariethmake anasic attack please then Tirshok is up.

For Xabulba

Wicked Strike vs. LD2 with power attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Damage 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Throwing caution to the wind, Gannicus puts more muscle into his attack against the dog before him.

male Human Rogue, brutal scoundrel, Gladiator theme. lvl1

"Right Akaran.... Of course, how can we fail with your expertise I think you will find you mean the left flank you moron"

Akaran can prance about all he wants, Lesarieth is a combat veteran and recognises Akaran's false expertise for exactly what it is.

In any case, attack vs. LD3 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 vs. AC to hit. 1d4 + 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (2) + (3, 7) + 7 = 19 damage.

or not

"I was just... just trying to err... prove my point... err.. you see had that been the left fl..." Lesarieth realises he isn't fooling anyone, he missed, end of.

Female Human Warlock 4 (Sorcerer King, Wildling) HP 46/46
Arakan wrote:

First a reminder from my Virtue of Valor, 1/round if someone bloodies/kill they get 4 temps. Tirshok got 4 last temps last round, and Irivis gets 4 this round.

Thanks indeed. Mighty handy as she's a good bit closer to melee than she really likes.

Male Half-Elf Mindvivisectionist 3/Archaeologist 1 (AC: 16 [T: 13 /F: 14]; HP: 28/28; F+5 (+2 vs Poison), R+8, W+4; Init: +2; Perc: +7 [Low-light vision])

"No, Loserieth, your first mistake was in saying 'you think' I meant left. What I said was HIS right flank, not THE right flank." frustrated, he corrects.

"I assumed, my mistake, that you would understand. Sometimes the voice of expertise comes from knowledge, not just practical application. The wise man is not the one who has fought and survived, but the one who has not needed to fight to survive." He finishes preachingly.

Lesarieth flubs the direction given by Arakan and misses his target by an entire flank.


Tirshok is up.

M Mul Barbarian/Warlord Hybrid 1

Tirshok makes two swift attacks with his handaxe.

Vault the Fallen: two attacks, one each on LD3 and LD4. I can shift 1 between attacks if I wish.

Attack on LD3: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 2 = 19 to hit, damage 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7
Attack on LD4: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 to hit, damage 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 3) + 3 = 8

If LD3 goes down I'll shift to J5, otherwise I'll stay put.

Tirshok easily brings down LD3 but LD4 spry enough to avoid the blow.

LD 2
Irivis (concealed)
LD 4


Lesarieth is up.

male Human Rogue, brutal scoundrel, Gladiator theme. lvl1

Lesarieth slides between the two remaining lizard-dogs, and briefly gives one a grim smile before lashing out hard at it's head.

Move to J6, then dazing strike with CA vs. LD4. 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 vs. AC to hit. 2d4 + 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (2, 1) + (4, 3) + 8 = 18 damage.

If that hits LD4 is dazed.
Oh give over, a 1? really?

Female Human Warlock 4 (Sorcerer King, Wildling) HP 46/46

Are you sure you don't have my dice by accident?

Lesarieth snaps his dagger on LD4's scaly hide.

LD2 shifts over to gather strength from it's pack mate and attacks the unarmed Lesarieth,
Attack vs ac, 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 1 = 8, damage = 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 miss
LD2 breaks a tooth as it bites the ground instead of Lesarieth's foot.

Gannicus hits LD2 with a soild hit that bloodies the lizard.

LD 2 (bloodied)
Irivis (concealed)
LD 4


Irivis is up.

Male Half-Elf Mindvivisectionist 3/Archaeologist 1 (AC: 16 [T: 13 /F: 14]; HP: 28/28; F+5 (+2 vs Poison), R+8, W+4; Init: +2; Perc: +7 [Low-light vision])

New round, Gannicus gets 4 temps for bloodying LD2

Female Human Warlock 4 (Sorcerer King, Wildling) HP 46/46

Move to N8.
Curse LD2
Hand of Blight (Fort) v LD2 using Fell Might.
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Irivis hobbles across the floor and stubs her toe on the ground at an inopportune moment. She hops and curses, but does no actual damage as her trusty staff harms nothing but dust.

Irivis's broken toe prevents her from successfully throwing her power at the dogs.

LD4 claws at Tirshok,
Attack vs ac, 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 6 + 1 = 23, damage = 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 hit
Filth encrusted claws rake across tirshok's arm opening up four shallows gashes as they do.


Arakan the yellow is up.

M Mul Barbarian/Warlord Hybrid 1

"Aaargh, blasted creature!!

2 hp actual damage as I had 4 temporary hp, courtesy of the "cautious" one.

Male Half-Elf Mindvivisectionist 3/Archaeologist 1 (AC: 16 [T: 13 /F: 14]; HP: 28/28; F+5 (+2 vs Poison), R+8, W+4; Init: +2; Perc: +7 [Low-light vision])

Using Tirshok as cover, Arakan takes the bolt from his crossbow dips it into his belt pouch and reloads it. This he then fires at the lizard-dog nearest him.

Poisoned Strike at LD4, 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 AC, if it hits it does 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 poison damage. Also on a hit, until the EOMNT, if the target willingly moves more than 2 sq or makes an attack it then falls prone and is immobilized until EOINT.

"Huzzah! Gee, Loserieth, you think you would be so kind as to educate me on the ways of combat?"

From the cover of his comrade Arakan snaps off a poison arrow that strike LD4 in th haunch.

Tirshok is up.

M Mul Barbarian/Warlord Hybrid 1

Tirshok lashes out again with his handaxe.

Shift to K5. Basic attack on LD4. 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 2 = 11, damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9.

Tirshok mistimes his attack on the lizard-dog and misses completely.

LD 2 (bloodied)
Irivis (concealed)
LD 4


Lesarieth is up.

Bump for Lesarieth

male Human Rogue, brutal scoundrel, Gladiator theme. lvl1

sorry about that
Oh, no flanking for me this turn...

Lesarieth searches frantically for an opening to swipe at a lizard dog, eventually giving up in the chaos of melee and just taking a halfhearted swipe at LD2.

Piercing strike on LD2 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 vs. reflex to hit. 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 damage

Lesarieth's half hearted attack catches the lizard in a vulnerable spot and kills the beast.

Gannicus is up.

Wicked Strike vs. LD2 with power attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Damage 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Gannicus performs the same sword strike he did awhile ago though not with the same satisfying result.

Male Half-Elf Mindvivisectionist 3/Archaeologist 1 (AC: 16 [T: 13 /F: 14]; HP: 28/28; F+5 (+2 vs Poison), R+8, W+4; Init: +2; Perc: +7 [Low-light vision])

As a new round, Lesarieth gets 4 temps for dropping the dog.

Sorry for the slow updates, I'm going through some RL drama that is taking up most of my free time.

Overconfident in his abilities Gannicus misses the last lizard.

Irivis (concealed)
LD 4


Irivis is up.

Female Human Warlock 4 (Sorcerer King, Wildling) HP 46/46

I'm sorry to hear that and hope things work out for you.

Move to N3. Concealment gained.
Curse L4.
Hand of Blight (Fort) v L4 invoking Fell Scorn.
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
1d8 + 4 + 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 4 + (3) + (2) + (2) = 19 - power damage, plus fell scorn plus curse damage

Irivis looks scornfully at the last lizard dog, curses it and pushes her staff into the ground sending up a cloud of sand. The yellow grains lacerate the creature as they settle around it.

Sorry to do this but due to RL bullshit that is taking all my time and energy I have no other choice but to pull the plug on the game. I'm sorry for leaving you guys in the lurch.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Sure thing - hope things work out for the better.

Dark Archive

No prob bro.


That's a shame, but it's always better to make a clean break. Thanks for letting us know.

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