Moths and Flames

Game Master Signore di Fortuna

Part 1: How Not to Deal With Goblinoid Threats

Combat Map

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"E'en in death, his grip did not loosen on his blade. As the colours of the world faded and became grey, his eyes remained sharp. Face to face with the reaper, he stated 'If there is nothing to fight for, then death holds little interest for me'."

Chapter 1:

In silence, Daedran's flags were taken down from the governor's manor and the black banners raised. The black fabric cracked in the wind as a summer breeze descended from the dwarven mountains to the north. The warm air carried the smell of the feast prepared for the wake throughout every nook and cranny of the city. It drew the people out of their homes as if roused from a long, unnatural slumber.

Visitors filed in through the city's gates, some eager to pay their respects to Haxson Lewell, the man who had carried the valley on his shoulders for the last fifty years. Others came simply grateful for a meal on someone else's copper. The few remaining soldiers of Daedran weaved through the milling crowds to set up tables for the feast. You find yourselves working your way through the crowd, a feeling of unease hanging in the air.

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

Seeing that the soldiers have the set up already underway, Kelda keeps an eye out for her parents, while watching all the newcomers mill through the city. She was used to seeing strange faces come and go with the various merchant ships, but this time it was different. There hadn't been as many ships lately with all the troubles that had started up recently, and people were obviously troubled by the passing of their governor.

She just hoped that things didn't get out of hand too quickly. Putting on a brave face, she makes her way through the crowds. Even on a day like this, you couldn't let your guard down. As she watches for her parents, she also keeps an eye out for trouble makers. Some people had no problem trying to take advantage of such a somber occasion.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Female Half-Elf Brawler 1 | HP: 11/11 | Init: +2 | AC: 14 | Tch: 12 | Flat: 12 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +0; +2 vs Enchant | Speed 30ft | Conditions:

As Celanna entered the city, she was unready for the crowds of people that had gathered to pay their respects to the fallen Governor. She'd been on the road for the past two days and was looking forward to sleeping in a bed tonight. Fat chance of that. She thought.

Pushing her way through the crowds, she inadvertently elbowed someone in the face. Turning about, "Deepest apologies."

NG Half-Elf Arcanist
Init: + 1 | HP: 11/15 | AC: 12 | FF: 11 | Fort: + 1 | Ref: + 1 | Will: + 1* | Perception: +5, Low-Light Vision| AR 5/5

Stumbling through the growing crowd while trying to take in all the new sights and smells of the city Astoria is knocked to the ground by a stray elbow.

Rubbing her nose her curiosity gets the better of her once again and she blurts out. "How can someone so small hit so hard?"

Female Half-Elf Brawler 1 | HP: 11/11 | Init: +2 | AC: 14 | Tch: 12 | Flat: 12 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +0; +2 vs Enchant | Speed 30ft | Conditions:

Offering a hand to help the other Half-Elf up, Celanna's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, "Lot o' practice. Mayhaps I could get you an ale for recompense?"

Female NG Half-elf Druid (Mooncaller) 2 | HP 13/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +1, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8 | Speed 30ft | Enlarge 6/day (Used: 1) |

Standing as she watches the bustle of activity all across the city, Lysithia takes a deep breath of the warm mountain breeze, glad that the weather had accommodated the ceremony. As much variety as she saw milling around her, the druidess could occasionally feel the stray eye fall upon her, noting her presence. Not that that was surprising.

Dressed in the armor that had been her gift upon being fully initiated into The Ring, thorned rose vines wrapping around her limbs and torso, accenting the worked leather, she looked every bit the part of a representative of the region's druidic enclave. She shifts slightly, feeling overdressed, though she had at least worn and trained in the armor enough that she no longer had any issues with the thorns.

Yet something hung in the air, something other than the melancholy and somber mood one would expect of a funeral ceremony, a tension and unease that had been building...over the whole region actually since news of the Governor's passing on. A sense of something ominous that could be felt all over the valley, even within the Dragon's Ring commune.

Shaking off the feeling, she steps out into the street, following the flow of the crowd toward the area being set up for the feast.

NG Half-Elf Arcanist
Init: + 1 | HP: 11/15 | AC: 12 | FF: 11 | Fort: + 1 | Ref: + 1 | Will: + 1* | Perception: +5, Low-Light Vision| AR 5/5

Astoria takes the woman's hand and pulls herself to her feet. Not wanting to pass up a chance to connect with another half-elf she nods to accept the offer."Well it's a little early but I suppose one drink couldn't hurt."

Female Half-Elf Brawler 1 | HP: 11/11 | Init: +2 | AC: 14 | Tch: 12 | Flat: 12 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +0; +2 vs Enchant | Speed 30ft | Conditions:

Giving her a gentle pat on the back Celanna said, "Like my Ma says, 'An ale at sun up, keeps you till tis down.' You'll be fine with just one."

The brawler then looked about to see where she could get some ail.

Celanna notices that the larger tavern in this part of town is currently closed, though a smaller one, away from the crowds, appears to be open.

As Lysithia follows the flow of the crowd, she feels a very familiar presence nearby.

You notice your parents over by the governor's home, talking with two younger dwarves, but what catches your eye is a solitary human leaning against what you figure to be a community board. He tacks up a piece of paper and it looks like the simple task absolutely drains him. He props himself up with a pitchfork, sweat running down his face in sheets.

Elsewhere, you notice a ring of people, away from the crowd. With your keen senses, you can detect a very uncivil tone coming from it. The ring is fairly dense, but you can make out a tall, green-skinned figure in the middle of it.

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

Even though the tones she heard made her feel uncomfortable, she felt that there were still enough soldiers to handle a possible quarrel should things get heated. As a Warpriestest of Torag on the other hand, she had a certain duty and responsibility towards the people of this valley to help when she can. A person that looked to be in physical distress, was more important than an argument.

Making her decision, she makes her way over to the community board, "Excuse me Sir, but are ye alright?"

Female NG Half-elf Druid (Mooncaller) 2 | HP 13/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +1, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8 | Speed 30ft | Enlarge 6/day (Used: 1) |

Feeling the familiar presence, Lysithia instinctively turns in that direction, keen eyes scanning the area for a friendly face.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Lysithia sees one of her teachers, Lydon of the Wind, walking along with their falcon companion, Erris, on their shoulder. They glance at Lysithia briefly and offer her a smile.

The druidess picks up on some rough language coming some distance away from the milling crowd.

The man nods and wipes his brow. "I'll be fine...after some water and rest."

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

Nodding she looks over where she heard the noise coming from earlier, "Alright then, I'll be going so you can get some. Be careful."

Giving him a nod and slight smile, Kelda heads back to see what the problem with the group of people is. She didn't think it was a proper occasion for people to be starting fights.

Female Half-Elf Brawler 1 | HP: 11/11 | Init: +2 | AC: 14 | Tch: 12 | Flat: 12 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +0; +2 vs Enchant | Speed 30ft | Conditions:

Celanna pointed at the smaller tavern, "There! Head that way an' I'll meet you at tha door."

"Hold a moment, miss!" the man calls out before Kelda can walk away. He looks her up and down, his gaze settling on her warhammer for a second before looking back into her eyes. [b]"Are you an adventurer, perhaps?"

NG Half-Elf Arcanist
Init: + 1 | HP: 11/15 | AC: 12 | FF: 11 | Fort: + 1 | Ref: + 1 | Will: + 1* | Perception: +5, Low-Light Vision| AR 5/5

Astoria glances over the the tavern and nods. "I'll see you there."

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

Holding her warhammer over her shoulder she looks up at him, "I haven't actually ventured out of the Valley as of yet, but I did mean to speak to Lewell's son after the funeral. It's no secret that trouble has been brewing for a while now, and I'm not willing to just hand over our home to the first jerk that thinks they can take it." She pauses for a moment to catch her breath, "I'm sorry, I'm sure that's more of an answer than you were looking for. I'm not as experienced as some, but yes, I plan on being an adventurer." Taking in his posture and heavy breathing she looks him up and down again, "Are you sure you're alright?"

The man breathes heavily as he listens to Kelda, opting to reply to her question first. "If you can spare some water and a coin or two for a room tonight, I'd be grateful."

Before the dwarf can say anything else, he tears off the notice he placed on the board and hands it to her. Kelda notices tears welling up in the man's eyes. " village needs help. I don't expect you to come right away...maybe you can find some others to help you. I've been across the valley over the last week trying to find someone...anyone to help."

Astoria and Celanna notice a faded sign that reads "Fine Wines and Spirits" hanging crookedly next to the tavern door.

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

Seeing the tears forming in his eyes stirs something in her that she isn't familiar with. It wasn't like her to give over to her emotions, but she couldn't turn her back on him. Giving him a solemn nod she says, "I'm sorry for whatever it is that has happened to you and your village. I will do my very best to help in any way I can. I'll see if I can find some to come with me to help with the problems in your village. I'd like to hear about the problems you've been having." Pulling out five gold pieces, she holds them out to him, "Why don't you take this, and let me get you something to eat. You can tell me about what it is that's troublin' your village. That way, if I meet up with anyone that is capable of helping, I can tell them what it is I need help with." Her tone is friendly, even if her speech is a little different from most Dwarves. Taking out her waterskin she hands it to him after filling it with fresh water, "Here, go ahead and take this as well. I can always get another one."

I just can't help it, it's my nature.

Female NG Half-elf Druid (Mooncaller) 2 | HP 13/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +1, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8 | Speed 30ft | Enlarge 6/day (Used: 1) |

Flashing Lydon a warm smile, Lysithia considers joining the Windrider, before the intensifying exchange in the crowd draws her attention. Moving toward the cluster of people, she looks to see what the trouble is.

HP 13/13 | AC 18/12/16 | F +4 R +4 W +4
Climb +6-5 Dungeoneering +4 Nature +4 Stealth +6(8)-5 Survival +6 Handle Animal +3 Geography +4
Perception +6(8) Darkvision 60ft | Favored Enemy: Human +2

”It’s too early for all of this,” the gaunt human said with a yawn as he maneuvered around the festivities, trying his best to keep an eye on things while staying out of everyone’s way. Although young he already had heavy circles around his eyes and his dark hair was already starting to prematurely Grey.

Lup was on leave from Stilton when he had heard of Lewell’s passing, even though he had never met the man personally he felt he needed to at least come and pay his respects even if it cut short his free time.

Granted he wasn’t expecting a celebration and festivities, but then he didn’t know what he was expecting considering how important the man was.

Female Half-Elf Brawler 1 | HP: 11/11 | Init: +2 | AC: 14 | Tch: 12 | Flat: 12 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +0; +2 vs Enchant | Speed 30ft | Conditions:

"Well that doesn't look good," Celanna says, "You think they're still open?"

NG Half-Elf Arcanist
Init: + 1 | HP: 11/15 | AC: 12 | FF: 11 | Fort: + 1 | Ref: + 1 | Will: + 1* | Perception: +5, Low-Light Vision| AR 5/5

"I'm sure it's fine. Probably." Astoria answers before trying the door.

The door to the tavern opens with a load creak and the smells of oak and dust waft out into the street. The passage beyond is lit by a flickering lantern.


Most people give Lup a wide berth after a few more-than-momentary glances, giving the ranger more freedom than most to move around. However, that comfort is short-lived as a soldier swings a table around to place it where Lup is currently standing.

DC 10 Reflex Save.


As Lysithia move toward the ring of people, she sees a tall green-skinned man in the middle with his hands held up defensively. Amidst chants of "Get out!" "Damned green skin!" and other colorful epithets, she can hear the voice of someone else in the middle of the ring. "If you don't clear out, I'll stab you in the ankles!"

The man greedily gulps down the water and hands the waterskin and three of the coins back to Kelda. "Na', I'll not take more than I asked for. I appreciate the kindness, nonetheless."

He takes a few measured breaths, seemingly better now. "We can talk but not now."

He gestures to the milling crowds. "It would be rude to interrupt what you're here for. There's an inn on the other side of the city, the Weathered Saddle. Find me there this evening."

HP 13/13 | AC 18/12/16 | F +4 R +4 W +4
Climb +6-5 Dungeoneering +4 Nature +4 Stealth +6(8)-5 Survival +6 Handle Animal +3 Geography +4
Perception +6(8) Darkvision 60ft | Favored Enemy: Human +2

Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Lup promptly bunny hops away from the freshly placed table. "Whoa... need some help?" he asks, the tenseness fading from his voice fast.

The soldier pushes her helmet up and looks at Lup. "Only if you're here to put me outta my misery."

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

Nodding she takes back the waterskin and gold, "Alright, I'll see you later this evening."

Motioning back to where she heard the commotion before, "I need to get back anyways before things turn ugly. Today is not the day for that."

HP 13/13 | AC 18/12/16 | F +4 R +4 W +4
Climb +6-5 Dungeoneering +4 Nature +4 Stealth +6(8)-5 Survival +6 Handle Animal +3 Geography +4
Perception +6(8) Darkvision 60ft | Favored Enemy: Human +2

"Phrasing..." he replies on instinct before shaking his head. "I can help you move tables, I don't think your compatriots would appreciate me taking you up on your counter offer."

Kelda sees a woman covered in thorns also approaching the ring of people.


"I doubt they'd notice," the soldier mutters as she heads toward a large pile of tables in front of a tavern. "If you want to move tables, be my guest. Mind you, it's strictly volunteer work."

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

There were plenty of people here that she hadn't seen before, but none of them had been covered in thorns before. Keeping her thoughts to herself for now, she pushes her way through the crowd the best she can. Looking around she asks, "What's going on here?"

HP 13/13 | AC 18/12/16 | F +4 R +4 W +4
Climb +6-5 Dungeoneering +4 Nature +4 Stealth +6(8)-5 Survival +6 Handle Animal +3 Geography +4
Perception +6(8) Darkvision 60ft | Favored Enemy: Human +2

I don't know why I'm surprised people are on edge and down, Lup thinks to himself as he follows the soldier to the tables. "Wasn't gonna ask for coin."

Female NG Half-elf Druid (Mooncaller) 2 | HP 13/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +1, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8 | Speed 30ft | Enlarge 6/day (Used: 1) |

Despite the integration of many people who'd made the valley their home over the years, there were still those who saw anyone that looked different, to be outsiders.

Moving into the circle, she raises her voice to be heard amid the chaos, her tone, warm and amiable, appealing to people's better natures. "Please, I'm sure whatever misunderstanding has occurred can be solved peacefully"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Female Half-Elf Brawler 1 | HP: 11/11 | Init: +2 | AC: 14 | Tch: 12 | Flat: 12 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +0; +2 vs Enchant | Speed 30ft | Conditions:

After coughing for a moment, Celanna noticed the lantern within. "For a place to be that dusty, it can't have been used in a while. So why is there a light inside?"

The densely packed ring of people refuse to budge as Lysithia and Kelda try to make their way in. The druidess' plea for civility falls on deaf ears.

If you want to get into the ring of people, you're going to need a strength check or another way for them to move.


The soldier picks up a table and hands it to Lup. "So...why so eager to drag tables around?"


As if in answer to Celanna's question, a roar of drunken laughter comes from beyond the door.

HP 13/13 | AC 18/12/16 | F +4 R +4 W +4
Climb +6-5 Dungeoneering +4 Nature +4 Stealth +6(8)-5 Survival +6 Handle Animal +3 Geography +4
Perception +6(8) Darkvision 60ft | Favored Enemy: Human +2

"Something to do, plus, you sound tired." Lup simply responds as he takes the table.

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

I'm not sure there's much I can do, but I'll try.

Realizing these people weren't just going to move out of the way, she looks over at the other woman and shrugs, "I don't think they're listening."

Unsure of what else to do, Kelda attempts to force her way through the tight group of people.

Strength: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

Yup, that's not happening. Lol

Female NG Half-elf Druid (Mooncaller) 2 | HP 13/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +1, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8 | Speed 30ft | Enlarge 6/day (Used: 1) |

"Hmm...looks like this will take a more pointed approach." Lysithia says to the dwarven woman also trying to push through the ring of people. "Excuse me!" she says a bit louder, then proceeds to edge her way into the crowd, quite aware of the fact that her armor is covered in thorns.

Move or don't, your discomfort.

The soldier shrugs. "Everyone is tired these days. Bandits, monsters, rumors of war. It's enough to wear a person out."

The first couple of people are poked by Lysithia's armor, until the rest get the point and make a passage for her. Inside of the ring of people is a halfling man wielding an ornate dagger, standing at the feet of a half-orc woman. The halfling assumes a defensive stance. "Are you their ringleader? I'm not afraid to use this, you know."

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

Kelda can't help but chuckle slightly as she watches her not so subtle approach to the situation. Trying to cover her mirth with a cough, Kelda falls in behind the interesting woman.

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

If this woman could get through the crowd, maybe she could get through to the angry people in it as well. Kelda quietly takes up a supportive stance next to the interesting young woman.

Female NG Half-elf Druid (Mooncaller) 2 | HP 13/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMB +1, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +2, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perception: +8 | Speed 30ft | Enlarge 6/day (Used: 1) |

"There's no need for violence I'm sure." Lysithia says calmly, stepping forward. "What's the problem?"

HP 13/13 | AC 18/12/16 | F +4 R +4 W +4
Climb +6-5 Dungeoneering +4 Nature +4 Stealth +6(8)-5 Survival +6 Handle Animal +3 Geography +4
Perception +6(8) Darkvision 60ft | Favored Enemy: Human +2
GM Henry Fortuna wrote:
The soldier shrugs. "Everyone is tired these days. Bandits, monsters, rumors of war. It's enough to wear a person out."

"Thought about moving then?"

NG Half-Elf Arcanist
Init: + 1 | HP: 11/15 | AC: 12 | FF: 11 | Fort: + 1 | Ref: + 1 | Will: + 1* | Perception: +5, Low-Light Vision| AR 5/5

Astoria walks deeper into the tavern. "Seems like it's pretty lively in here, after all."

Female Half-Elf Brawler 1 | HP: 11/11 | Init: +2 | AC: 14 | Tch: 12 | Flat: 12 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +0; +2 vs Enchant | Speed 30ft | Conditions:

Celanna moves up and gets in front of Astoria, "Allow me to go first. I've got a bad feeling about this." Proceeding forward, the brawler kept herself ready for anything.

Female Dwarf WarPriestess/2 HP 17/18; Init: +1; AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16; Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +6 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities); Perception: +5 (+7 vs unusual stonework)

Just a quick question. Is the half orc a male or female? Earlier you said it was a male holding up his arms defensively, then you said it was a woman.

Female Half-Elf Brawler 1 | HP: 11/11 | Init: +2 | AC: 14 | Tch: 12 | Flat: 12 | F: +2, R: +4, W: +0; +2 vs Enchant | Speed 30ft | Conditions:

I think it's two different people in two different circles.

Nope, just a typo. It's a man.

NG Half-Elf Arcanist
Init: + 1 | HP: 11/15 | AC: 12 | FF: 11 | Fort: + 1 | Ref: + 1 | Will: + 1* | Perception: +5, Low-Light Vision| AR 5/5

Astoria motions for her companion to take the lead. "Lead the way."

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