How many metal cartridges does it take to reload a Revolver?

Gunslinger Discussion: Round 2

Dark Archive

So here's Metal Cartridge from the doc:


Metal Cartridge: These sturdier versions of the

alchemical cartridges allow you to reload the full capacity
of your advanced firearm with a move-equivalent action.
Cost: 20 gp.

And here's Revolver:


Revolver: A revolver is a pistol with a revolving

cylinder with six chambers. Each chamber can hold
a metal cartridge, and when one cartridge is shot, the
cylinder rotates, readying the next chamber for firing.

It sounds from Metal Cartridge that all 6 shots of the Revolver would be reloaded with a single action and that all 6 shots cost only 20g. But the revolver says that it takes a Metal Cartridge in each of the six chambers.

They cost 20gp per shot, but you can load all six with one move action (perhaps a reload ring?).

my question is can the Metal Cartridges be reused or do you have to make new ones every time?

Senior Designer

Blackvial wrote:
my question is can the Metal Cartridges be reused or do you have to make new ones every time?

New ones each time.

I give up. How many metal cartridges does it take to reload a revolver? :P

(I'm totally kidding. When I first read it, I just couldn't resist. I mean, come on, it truly is the perfect joke starter. Huh? Anyone? *Crickets chirping* Okay...I'll move along.)

Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
my question is can the Metal Cartridges be reused or do you have to make new ones every time?
New ones each time.

what i am talking about is can you reuse the Cartridges to lower the crafting cost instead of having to pay the full crafting cost every time

freduncio wrote:
They cost 20gp per shot, but you can load all six with one move action (perhaps a reload ring?).

Seems a bit fast to me, but that's how it reads.

I guess it's a lot of money, so might as well shoot it away quickly! ;)

In d20 Modern is was a move action to reload a revolver with a speed loader and a full-round action without one. With the appropriate feat, it was a free action with the speed loader (though I would prefer swift action).

The move action for a metal cartridge makes sense for a single shot rifle or shotgun (breech loader). It becomes a free action with With the Rapid Reload feat. I am not so sure about revolvers though, at least not without a speed loader.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm confused. How many do you need?

Dark Archive

Stephen while I'm glad you answered the threadjackers question I'm still confused about my question. Is it as Freduncio suggested or something else?

YuenglingDragon wrote:
Stephen while I'm glad you answered the threadjackers question I'm still confused about my question. Is it as Freduncio suggested or something else?

Well, it seems rather obvious that you reload all 6 bullets, using 6 metal cartridges, as a single move action. Obviously you could reload using fewer cartridges at once (and being lower on ammunition), but it would still be a move action, just by the mechanics of reloading a revolver (I can't explain it much further, watch a western if you need more clarification)

Liberty's Edge

Blackvial wrote:
Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
my question is can the Metal Cartridges be reused or do you have to make new ones every time?
New ones each time.
what i am talking about is can you reuse the Cartridges to lower the crafting cost instead of having to pay the full crafting cost every time

I would go with "no, you cannot use them to reduce the crafting cost - but you can keep them around in case you need to make more ammo on the road".

Senior Designer

YuenglingDragon wrote:
Stephen while I'm glad you answered the threadjackers question I'm still confused about my question. Is it as Freduncio suggested or something else?

Sorry about that. It is as Freduncio suggests. Six bullets with 6 metal cartridges as a single move action.

Dark Archive

Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
YuenglingDragon wrote:
Stephen while I'm glad you answered the threadjackers question I'm still confused about my question. Is it as Freduncio suggested or something else?
Sorry about that. It is as Freduncio suggests. Six bullets with 6 metal cartridges as a single move action.

Thanks, Stephen. Also, aren't you on the west coast? Was it really 6:25 when you posted that? Did you get any sleep at all?

Senior Designer

YuenglingDragon wrote:
Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
YuenglingDragon wrote:
Stephen while I'm glad you answered the threadjackers question I'm still confused about my question. Is it as Freduncio suggested or something else?
Sorry about that. It is as Freduncio suggests. Six bullets with 6 metal cartridges as a single move action.
Thanks, Stephen. Also, aren't you on the west coast? Was it really 6:25 when you posted that? Did you get any sleep at all?

I'm a morning person. I typically wake up between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m. No matter how late I stay up, I'm up like a bolt at 6:00 a.m.

What drives my wife nuts is that as soon as I wake up, I'm on. The brain needs no boot time. I start babbling and she just tunes me out.

Dark Archive

Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:

I'm a morning person. I typically wake up between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m. No matter how late I stay up, I'm up like a bolt at 6:00 a.m.

What drives my wife nuts is that as soon as I wake up, I'm on. The brain needs no boot time. I start babbling and she just tunes me out.

Ugh. If I'm up at 6am its because I never went to bed. And god save me if I tried babbling at my wife that early. Small fists do a surprising amount of damage. Her d4's feel like at least d10's.

How many metal cartridges does it take to reload a Revolver?

Let's find out!

A-one, a-two-hoo, a-three...



Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


YuenglingDragon wrote:



My CN 'Slinger this weekend is now going to be named Mr. Owl, in place of Buck McChesney

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YuenglingDragon wrote:



Best post I have seen in a while.

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