Great ninja builds

Ninja Discussion: Round 1

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What is a great ninja build? My friend's character died and he's decided to make dhampir ninja to replace it. It will be a 10th-level character with 25-pt. buy and standard starting funds. It is for the Dragonlance: Dragons of Winter adventuring module.

He is having particular trouble finding good feats for it.

Dark Archive

I really enjoyed the Str-based Ninja I playtested in the Arena. Here were my feats:

1 Weapon Focus
1b Dodge
3 Power Attack
5 Furious Focus
7 Extra Ki
9 Iron Will

He used a Katana two handed to great effect.

I plan to run a level 10 Ninja so maybe try this?

For stats: prioritize Dexterity and charisma, the rest is up to him
For skills: Up to him really, ninjas get 8 skill points.

1- Point Blank shot
3- Rapid Shot
5- Weapon focus (Shortbow)
7- Precise Shot
9- Multishot

Ninja Tricks
2- (Rogue Trick) Snap Shot
4- Vanishing Trick
6- Forgotten Trick
8- I picked feather fall, but anything will do
10- The one that impvoves vanishing trick

Combat Tactics:

Go invisible, stay within 30 feet of your target, pound away, obliterate, rinse and repeat :D.

Since you are invisible all attacks are considered sneak attacks (unless the target is immune or has improved uncanny dodge).

Also carry normal arrows and blunt arrows, for those immune/resistant to piercing damage.

Nemitri wrote:

I plan to run a level 10 Ninja so maybe try this?

For stats: prioritize Dexterity and charisma, the rest is up to him
For skills: Up to him really, ninjas get 8 skill points.

1- Point Blank shot
3- Rapid Shot
5- Weapon focus (Shortbow)
7- Precise Shot
9- Multishot

Ninja Tricks
2- (Rogue Trick) Snap Shot
4- Vanishing Trick
6- Forgotten Trick
8- I picked feather fall, but anything will do
10- The one that impvoves vanishing trick

Combat Tactics:

Go invisible, stay within 30 feet of your target, pound away, obliterate, rinse and repeat :D.

Since you are invisible all attacks are considered sneak attacks (unless the target is immune or has improved uncanny dodge).

Also carry normal arrows and blunt arrows, for those immune/resistant to piercing damage.

Invisibility wears off after the first attack

Shadow_of_death wrote:
Nemitri wrote:
Invisibility wears off after the first attack

"10- The one that improves vanishing trick"

Is what makes it work

LoreKeeper wrote:
Shadow_of_death wrote:
Nemitri wrote:
Invisibility wears off after the first attack

"10- The one that improves vanishing trick"

Is what makes it work

I see it now, just quick-skimmed and didn't see its actual name

I would recommend the CHA and DEX build too. To support that and sneakyness i chose a halfling, giving DEX and CHA bonus, but STR -2.
This way i started with +5 on DEX and +6 on CHA. High CHA is very good for Ki points and the CHA based saves, what you will like for assasinate later and all the bomb tricks.

Ninja tricks:
Bleeding attack
Vanishing trick
forgotten trick
rest uo to your taste, but smoke bombs gives you poison or later blinding bombs via forgotten trick and pressure points is nice too.
Flurry of stars or any other ranged attack is good with bleeding attack, since you can bleed multiple enemies.

Skill Focus Stealth
Hellcat Stealth
Weapon Finesse/Ranged attack stuff
Taunt (nice for halfling)

eventually go improved feint

You can have a not so specialized but versatile build, taking waepon finesee and point blank shot and before fights remember a forgotten trick cmobat trick like precise shot or two weapon fighting.
I play very skill heavy using diplomacy with a magic item from runelords AP that gives you doubled improvements influencing NPC´s attitudes. I also use stealth of course a lot, bluff with taunt, disguise and UMD.

Not really sure if it s a great build per say but I'm doing a halfling ninja lvl 4 slightly powered game.

1- Childlike
3- Pass as Human

Ninja Tricks:
2- Ki Charge
4-Flurry of Stars

further lvling would involve picking up stuff like improved and greater trip, Under and Over, Improved Unarmed strike and scorpion style

later lvls possibly kick up some monk lvls then pick up Ki Throw

I currently have a Dhampir Ninja at 7th level. I focused on DEX and CHA.

Weapon Finesse
Two weapon fighting
Two weapon defense

Ninja Tricks
Vanishing Trick(my group has changed it slightly at my recommendation)
Shadow Clone
Wall Climber

He isnt a very optimized ninja, but he is actually quite powerful and with Shadow Clone can easily stay in melee for the full attacks. So far I have been able to keep up with a half orc fighter and dwarven samurai in damage.

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