Random idea... A Character who controls the minds of enemies... What class?


So, This idea randomly popped into my head when talking to a friend, A character who specializes in mind affecting spells. Calming, Charming, Dominating enemies and more. Commanding enemies to kill eachother and forcing them to obey..

What class would be good for this? I'm thinking maybe a Mesmerist, Or maybe a full arcane caster? I think it would be enchantment spells right?

And I'm going to apologise right here for making posts like this over and over, You probably read my post a little while ago asking about magic archers.. I get ideas and toss them out there to the many knowledge masters of this game see if they are doable and what options for them there are... I'm sorry if you find my many questions annoying..

Mesmerist or just a good old fashioned wizard are your best bets. I don't actually know what's on the bard spell list but maybe them?

Thank you. =) Havent looked at bards much, Because we normaly have one in the party already..

You're pretty spot on here. If you're going arcane caster then you're going to be an Enchanter. Depending on how focused vs. versatile you wish to be, certain bloodlines in Sorcerer would also support this concept. Fey comes to mind right off the bat, but there are probably better ones. A Witch could also fulfill this trope quite well with the correct combination of hex and spell choices. This is a classic concept, and a potentially quite fun character. I also personally hate them. Nothing bad on you, but mind control is one of those fantasy elements that frightens/angers me at my very core. I can't stand the idea of loss of free will. It's a role-playing achilles heel of mine. Any character I play is against mind-control; also most time travel, and absolutely no smart machines.

The stereotypical dip is Crossblooded Sorcerer for Fey and either Serpentine (for mind-affecting vs. beasts and monstrous humanoids) or Undead (mind-affecting vs. undead), then Wizard or Mesmerist.

Silver Crusade

If you do build this type of character, you need to have a plan B for enemies that are immune to mind-affecting. Undead, constructs, plant creatures and vermin are collectively fairly common.

The psychic class is obviously going to be good at this too. Clerics and oracles may be better at it than you realise. Then there's odd archetypes like puppetmaster magus.

Edit: Also, illusionists are the same general idea and you may want to have a few of those spells to cement your position as a master of minds.

Thanks everyone! Not sure what I'l do with this idea, But it just seemed like it could be fun to try sometime. I'm thinking either a Mesmerist or a Enchantment/Illusion wizard.. Would need to think of ideas for dealing with things immune to mind affecting things. We will see what I come up with, Thanks all!

Merellin wrote:
Would need to think of ideas for dealing with things immune to mind affecting things.

Just get a metamagic rod of

Coaxing vs Vermin & Oozes
Threnodic vs Undead
Verdant vs Plants
and that's that.

Theaitetos wrote:
Merellin wrote:
Would need to think of ideas for dealing with things immune to mind affecting things.

Just get a metamagic rod of

Coaxing vs Vermin & Oozes
Threnodic vs Undead
Verdant vs Plants
and that's that.

Thank you! =D

Don't forget about possession.

It's one thing to tell someone what to do... it's something else to use them to do it for you.
[insert maniacal laugh here]

VoodistMonk wrote:
Don't forget about possession.

Possession and Scouting Summons are best used as a Familiar Spell (with rod, if you have the gold), I think. That way you can have your familiar possess an enemy. Obviously restricted to those who have a familiar, but very stylish for Imp familiars.

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