A few balance ideas for Ninja / Rogue

Ninja Discussion: Round 1

On Concept & core mechanics: Lower the skill points to 6 + Int Mod & remove the armor proficiency to give it an AC Bonus like Monk, make the ki pool wisdom-based, & give some unarmed strike ability. Given the adjustments, you could probably have the Unarmed Strike scale like start at 1d4 at 1, then go up to 1d6 at 2, a 1d8 at 8, & a 1d10 at 16. Combined, these things should balanced(though proper study is always recommended).

Reason - Many people think it should have an AC Bonus & some unarmed capability & some think it should be better in combat than Rogue, so obviously, out of combat Rogue should have an edge. Having higher skill points should give Rogue that edge. A wisdom-based Ki Pool fits more thematically with the Ninja concept & the other adjustments suggested above should help it balance it out some.

On Talants: Remove the free once a day use of Ki-based Talents for Ninja. Allow Rogue to take Ninja a talent(or talents) that aren't the exact same as one of their Rogue talents. For Ki-based talents, let the Rogue use the talent once or twice a day, since they do not have a Ki Pool.

Reason - Ninja already can select a Rogue talent that isn't like any Ninja talent they can select. Rogue should be able to do the same. The freebie daily uses of the Ki Talents for Ninja is a bit much since they already have a point pool they can spend to use the abilities. Rogue on the other hand, has no Ki Pool, so to let the be able to pick up Ki Abilities & actually use them without giving them a Ki Pool we can instead just let them use a Ki talent once or twice a day(preferably twice if they can only pick up a single Ninja talent).

Also, while people are reading, I thought I'd include my idea for the iconic Kama & Chain weapon.

For the mechanics, Scorpion Whip + Kama, except the instead of a whip, it'll be a chain & do bludgeoning damage. Make it 10gp & a double weapon.

It wouldn't be too unreasonable to up the cost to 20gp to add in an option for wrapping up the chain around your arm so you can use the Kama only as a 1-handed weapon & the chain gives you a +1 shield bonus to AC. Such an act would take a full-round action to swap between, or a move action if you have the Quickdraw feat. But, that may be a bit much for a single weapon to be able to do.

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/whip- scorpion

Keep their ki pool on Charisma. Link their AC bonus to Intelligence. Present the Ninja tricks as new Rogue Talents.

I can see the Int to AC, but not the Cha to Ki... While charisma's nice, being overly charismatic is a detriment to most ninjas... plus, I honestly don't see force of personality being a power source for mystical abilities for the ninja. It's more of a hard training thing... I could see Int, but Wisdom's really a better fit.

Force of personality is never a detriment. Force of personality is your ability to make someone look where you want them to look, feel what you want them to feel, and do what you want them to do.

For a master of misdirection, an infiltrator, a spy, your ability to sell your persona and convince others you are what you appear to be is worth far more than your ability to understand what you're seeing.

Mystical abilities of Ninja, not Rogue. They have different training mentalities & thematics, so it makes sense for the primary focus ability to be different.

Reading people & noticing something is just as crucial, if not more so, to a spy and that's where the wisdom comes it.

InfernosReaper wrote:

Mystical abilities of Ninja, not Rogue. They have different training mentalities & thematics, so it makes sense for the primary focus ability to be different.

Reading people & noticing something is just as crucial, if not more so, to a spy and that's where the wisdom comes it.

Then again if the ninja class is done right you should have time to take 20 on that perception check. No one should notice you anyway.

There's more of a cap on how useful good lying can be verses noticing critical pieces of information a less observant person wouldn't.

In all honesty, force of personality really should be more the Rogue's thing than Ninja's...

...However, we're talking mystical powers obtained through disciplined training, though. How does that not scream Int or Wis over Cha?

However, we're talking mystical powers obtained through disciplined training, though. How does that not scream Int or Wis over Cha?

Psh you can only be born a ninja "training" is just showing off. ;)

But if that's the case, then we need to add a special stat that only Ninja's get called 'Batman', or some derivative of it, which powers all Ninja abilities.

Viktyr Korimir wrote:
Keep their ki pool on Charisma. Link their AC bonus to Intelligence. Present the Ninja tricks as new Rogue Talents.

That would seriously nerf the ninja class as it would make it a MAD class.

Str/dex for attacks, Cha for ki AND Int for AC. As well as the Wis/Con that's always good.

The class would have no dump-stat.
(I personally don't like to dump stats, but too many ability dependencies really hurt a class).

Either Wis for Ki and AC (same as monk), or Cha for Ki and AC.
I'm all for a ninja without armor, they should use hit and run tactics, not frontline combat.

InfernosReaper wrote:
But if that's the case, then we need to add a special stat that only Ninja's get called 'Batman', or some derivative of it, which powers all Ninja abilities.

CHA is a special stat, just a bit different then everyone else

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I think there is totally too much 80íes movies and Konami Video Games spirit around here. IF some things wanted here and in other threads are going to happen, then the ninja totally needs a ninja suit along with hood and tabis, not counting as armor but acting so, granting disguise on will as well as superior climb and acrobatics boni while giving AC bonus with max DEX at no AP. Oh and since its black its granting stealth boost as well and from 5th level on the ability to hide in plain sight. And i forgot anyone who wears such armor can one shot kill oponents with shuriken by aiming at their throat or so, maybe on critical hit 15-20 save or die.

And hey, go along by making ninja WIS dependant, it makes so much sense raising Will save while lowering a undercovers, spies, scouts and assasins ability to disguise, bluff and whatever. The AC bonus is fine too, no matter what score. For example my ninja would at level 10 now have +7 AC for free, +DEX, +Deflection and Dodge boni. Instead of needing to get an armor i need to pay for that eventually gives me armor penalty. And i can just get Bracers of Armor, like +5 because i dont want to buy Celestial Armor anymore. I really like that idea!

Hayato Ken wrote:

I think there is totally too much 80íes movies and Konami Video Games spirit around here. IF some things wanted here and in other threads are going to happen, then the ninja totally needs a ninja suit along with hood and tabis, not counting as armor but acting so, granting disguise on will as well as superior climb and acrobatics boni while giving AC bonus with max DEX at no AP. Oh and since its black its granting stealth boost as well and from 5th level on the ability to hide in plain sight. And i forgot anyone who wears such armor can one shot kill oponents with shuriken by aiming at their throat or so, maybe on critical hit 15-20 save or die.

And hey, go along by making ninja WIS dependant, it makes so much sense raising Will save while lowering a undercovers, spies, scouts and assasins ability to disguise, bluff and whatever. The AC bonus is fine too, no matter what score. For example my ninja would at level 10 now have +7 AC for free, +DEX, +Deflection and Dodge boni. Instead of needing to get an armor i need to pay for that eventually gives me armor penalty. And i can just get Bracers of Armor, like +5 because i dont want to buy Celestial Armor anymore. I really like that idea!

That was hard to put together, but uh yeah paizo stated they are going for the 80's movie/konami game ninja, so....

The thing is, if you give the ninja abilties dependant from INT or WIS, you make him just more powerful, raising his skill points or will save. Same with AC like a monk. Seriously the ninja i play would heavily profit from all of that. Higher AC, more skill points and higher will save. Actually i put two points into WIS only for the will save.

I think the CHA score is fine for that and fits very well.

Hayato Ken wrote:

The thing is, if you give the ninja abilties dependant from INT or WIS, you make him just more powerful, raising his skill points or will save. Same with AC like a monk. Seriously the ninja i play would heavily profit from all of that. Higher AC, more skill points and higher will save. Actually i put two points into WIS only for the will save.

I think the CHA score is fine for that and fits very well.

You may want to recheck the thread, I was on your side ;)

In this case my apologies, seems i was in a flurry^^

I have to admitt, the more i think about this change, the more i like it.
Lowering CHA would have me to rethink the character as seductress, fooling her enemies untill its too late, but even only applying the AC dependant on CHA would be soooo nice, saving a lot of cost hehe. Seems i have to talk to my DM about this, only need some other source for the slick and shadow qualities then. Perhaps create a greasy resistant Chameleon Cape....ah munchkinism.

Hayato Ken wrote:

In this case my apologies, seems i was in a flurry^^

I have to admitt, the more i think about this change, the more i like it.
Lowering CHA would have me to rethink the character as seductress, fooling her enemies untill its too late, but even only applying the AC dependant on CHA would be soooo nice, saving a lot of cost hehe. Seems i have to talk to my DM about this, only need some other source for the slick and shadow qualities then. Perhaps create a greasy resistant Chameleon Cape....ah munchkinism.

You don't need AC, like I've always said, armor is just a way of saying you expect to get hit. In the ninja's case AC is saying you expect to ever be seen.

Smoke bombs, invisibility, mirror image, etc. I love the amount of confusion you can throw on the battlefield

This is a table-top RPG, crap happens & you get spotted. Armor isn't the usual ninja style, because they're usually trying to blend in.

I do have a nice compromise I'm pulling from 3.5 though. Stat to AC in light or no armor. They'd have to get it a reasonable bit higher lv than the things in D&D that get it do(lv 2 for both Swordsage & Ranger with a certain variant). Just a thought...

If the system used a class defense setup, it wouldn't be as needed. Personally, I like the class defense system idea, since touch is so bloody hard to get up for most people, making a caster with mid-bab a death sentence for anyone who isn't a monk. And the idea of a lv 20 fighter not dodging any better than a lv 1, despite years of experience, is kinda sad.

Liberty's Edge

Personally, I'm thinking they don't need anything much better than what a rogue gets, AC-wise.

Liberty's Edge

Hayato Ken wrote:

The thing is, if you give the ninja abilties dependant from INT or WIS, you make him just more powerful, raising his skill points or will save. Same with AC like a monk. Seriously the ninja i play would heavily profit from all of that. Higher AC, more skill points and higher will save. Actually i put two points into WIS only for the will save.

I think the CHA score is fine for that and fits very well.

Yeah, a lot of the suggestions here infringe on the mechanics of the monk. Using CHA for Ki and an AC bonus in no armor fits fine. Ninjas are not typically depicted as serene and wise, but rather as forceful and aggressive.

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