Democratic walk out

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Kryzbyn wrote:
Heymitch wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Come on it has been already proven when the REPUBLICAN can't actualy come up with a arguement they go for the labels of racist....facist etc. You expect any different? This what they learn from their leadership.
Typo fixed.

Thanks but those are the word Democrats use...Republicans use words like socialist....liberal(though that was mostly early 80's)...commie...pinko...etc. for the same situration.

I have never seens a republican call people racist or facist.

You've never heard Obama being called a racist against white people? You must never listen to right wing talk radio, or you'd hear Rupublicans use words like that...

Well, I remember Rev. Wright being caleld a racist, but funny thing there is HE IS. By association it was speculated that Obama might hold some of the same ideals seeing as how he attended that church forhowever many years.

This is supposition based on fact not blind BS "if you don't vote fer Obama yur a racist" or "if you don't support anmesty for illegal immigrants yur a racist" that the left often spews. This is rhetoric.
There is a difference.

It's just as much rhetoric in the latter situation as it is the former. I can't speak for Rev. Wright, but I do know many older black people in my family who feel similarly. Am I racist because I'm related to these people and love them dearly?

Kryzbyn wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:
I take it you don't%+%ch Faux News?

This always gives me a chuckle.

You know that's not how faux is pronounced, right?
I know it's supposed to be clever, but it really lends to an opinion of stupidity.

I don't think this is Sanakht- I think there's an error on the boards today because I'm having similar issues with things I write after certain contractions looking like curses when they aren't.

Kryzbyn wrote:

Well, I remember Rev. Wright being caleld a racist, but funny thing there is HE IS. By association it was speculated that Obama might hold some of the same ideals seeing as how he attended that church forhowever many years.

This is supposition based on fact not blind BS "if you don't vote fer Obama yur a racist" or "if you don't support anmesty for illegal immigrants yur a racist" that the left often spews. This is rhetoric.
There is a difference.

So the left "spew" unfounded accusations of racism (and apparently cannot spell "your"). On the other hand, folks called racist by the right are guilty (and it is highly likely that their acquaintances are, too).

Fair and balanced my ass.

Dark Archive RGENTNEWSREPORT&page=1#1

Please ensure that you hold one of the new flaming shovels up when the paparazzi storm your home.

Freehold DM wrote:
Am I racist because I'm related to these people and love them dearly?

Nope... because just associating with them is enough. :)

Ancient Sensei wrote:
As for 'non-public' schools performing better, that's also a hogwash stat. What happens is charter schools actively recruit the wealthier and smarter students, and so 'inflate' their scores. Put those kids back in public schools and guess what? They perform just as well. Charter schools don't get any better results then most public schools. They ARE more exclusive.

Can't let you get away with that old canard. i have a friend who tries that on me sometimes, but it turned out he was jsut told by his union to say that during the last election.

My oldest daughter goes to a charter school. Her school in the district we lived in is a failed school that gets demogogue money, and lack of parental involvement means no one cares if the school fails. it was one of those schools where the science lesson was just as often about a black scientist as it was about any actual science. And not jsut in February. Year-round, the science was more about the scientist than it was any meaningful discovery. The predictable end result was that my kids didn't learn anything about science. Every year, the first semester of math was a review of last years' math, and the second semester was a cram to prepare for testing, such that the kids didn't learn much math.

She went to the charter school and started learning. Now, she is pretty smart, and I make her work to learn instead fo doing her homework for her, which kids still try at younger ages. But she chose to move to another school, and we chose to move her to another school. No one came calling on her 98th percentile test scores to join a charter school. The same with the other smarter kids in her class. Their families fled the school becasue it sucked.

Our new state superintendant got a reputation for developing fantastic charter schools on a tight budget. She got tired of hearing the lie that charter schools cherry pick the best and brightest and have inflated performance indicators. She teamed up with other teachers and started a new school in a broken,...

Well said, charter schools in Colorado have been a very mixed bag, but with rare exception public school here is a catastrophe.

Public school are simply doing a horrible job in every regard. Families who can are moving their kids to charter schools, alternative schools, private schools, and home school both private and public.

Public school here has consistently demonstrated that it is the most expensive and least effective option no matter how much money we throw at them. That doesn't mean that there aren't a few good teachers, but a system that rewards incompetence and ignores excellence may not be the best choice.

bugleyman wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Well, I remember Rev. Wright being caleld a racist, but funny thing there is HE IS. By association it was speculated that Obama might hold some of the same ideals seeing as how he attended that church forhowever many years.

This is supposition based on fact not blind BS "if you don't vote fer Obama yur a racist" or "if you don't support anmesty for illegal immigrants yur a racist" that the left often spews. This is rhetoric.
There is a difference.

So the left "spew" unfounded accusations of racism (and apparently cannot spell "your").

You mean "you're?" Apparently they can't.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Freehold DM wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:
I take it you don't%+%ch Faux News?

This always gives me a chuckle.

You know that's not how faux is pronounced, right?
I know it's supposed to be clever, but it really lends to an opinion of stupidity.
I don't think this is Sanakht- I think there's an error on the boards today because I'm having similar issues with things I write after certain contractions looking like curses when they aren't.

[thread jack]See, what happened is the 't' (presumably orphaned by the apostrophe) was followed by 'watch'. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out the naughty word in that combination.[/thread jack]

Sebastian wrote:

Good work publicist! Can you please leak a story to the tabloids about how Natalie Portman and I may be an item. Please refrain from using the word "stalker," though "persistent unwanted admirer" is fine.

Quick question for you Horn head.

I thought you guys were strictly into the "untried" type and then sorta killed off any ladies with experiance that got a little too close to you, so how do you figure anything other than you skewering the lovely Ms. Portman would happen?

I can picture it now she sees your incredibly muscled frame and becomes over come with awe and wonder, she notices the size of your "horn" and filled with child like wonder at being privledged to even see such a magical creature forgets herself and runs to you.
Where upon you getting a good whiff as she approaches begin running to her as well and in a maddend rage lower your horn and crit for a heart shot.
She falls lifelessly to the ground as her eyes are frozen with shock at such an ultimate betrayl.

Is that the meeting you 4 legged casanovas are famous for? Seems to me thats what the press keeps reporting.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
You mean "you're?" Apparently they can't.

D'oh. Pwned. Not sure how "left" I actually am, though. By the standards of some folks here, probably pretty far...

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Kirth Gersen wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Well, I remember Rev. Wright being caleld a racist, but funny thing there is HE IS. By association it was speculated that Obama might hold some of the same ideals seeing as how he attended that church forhowever many years.

This is supposition based on fact not blind BS "if you don't vote fer Obama yur a racist" or "if you don't support anmesty for illegal immigrants yur a racist" that the left often spews. This is rhetoric.
There is a difference.

So the left "spew" unfounded accusations of racism (and apparently cannot spell "your").
You mean "you're?" Apparently they can't.

No, it was "Ur". Not sure what Sumerians have to do with the discussion, but it makes as much sense as anything else.

Ancient Sensei wrote:
He campaigned on the unfunded promises, union control of government and a sagging economy that needed tough choices, yes?

The third thing in some sense, yes.

Ancient Sensei wrote:

Also, he campaigned on his success at the county level right? People elected him because he promised to amke tough choices.

Yep. Granted, that success is the equivalent to realizing a profit as a farmer by selling seed corn, but I think it's going to be a while before most people in the county realize that.

Heymitch wrote:
Ancient Sensei wrote:
Heymitch wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:
* A whole bunch of good stuff *

Thank you, and well said.

We're living in a time of great income inequality, and I believe that's the time that a country needs strong unions.

As to Democratic politicians who have used a gimmick to keep this legislation from a vote...good for them! I think it's time that Democrats fight for their beliefs (and represent their constituents) with the same intensity as their Republican counterparts fight for theirs.

There is no such thing as a time without great income equality. Ifyou want to see a wealth gap close, institute a national retail sales tax, kill a Social Security setup that destroys wealth instead of creates it, teach kids financial literacy in middle school (dont you think it's weird we don't require than, with a debt-burdened, illiterate graduating class every year for decades now?) so they learn not to destroy their own wealth with interest payments and credit troubles, and popularize long term care insurance so that entire estates aren't eaten alive by healthcare costs, which removes money from the economy and places an incrasing burden on Medicaid accounts.

Our habits create a greater wealth gap than anything else.

Or, raise taxes on the rich to the levels they were under Reagan (or Eisenhower).

Or, don't eliminate the Estate Tax, just to benefit a few hundred wealthy families every year.
Or, charge Social Security tax on people's entire income.
If you want to address a wealth gap, adopt a tax policy that doesn't funnel wealth to the top 1% at the expense of everyone else.

Do you think there is any limit to what should be taken away from the rich? Is it just in your view for them to keep any of their money? If they resist is there any limit to the violence that should be used against them to make them comply with your wishes?

Do you think our current tax policy funnels money to the pot 1%?

Should we simply raise taxes on "the rich" by $2,000,000,000,000 a year to start balancing our federal and local budgets? Should it be more?

Steven Tindall wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

Good work publicist! Can you please leak a story to the tabloids about how Natalie Portman and I may be an item. Please refrain from using the word "stalker," though "persistent unwanted admirer" is fine.

Quick question for you Horn head.

I thought you guys were strictly into the "untried" type and then sorta killed off any ladies with experiance that got a little too close to you, so how do you figure anything other than you skewering the lovely Ms. Portman would happen?

I can picture it now she sees your incredibly muscled frame and becomes over come with awe and wonder, she notices the size of your "horn" and filled with child like wonder at being privledged to even see such a magical creature forgets herself and runs to you.
Where upon you getting a good whiff as she approaches begin running to her as well and in a maddend rage lower your horn and crit for a heart shot.
She falls lifelessly to the ground as her eyes are frozen with shock at such an ultimate betrayl.

Is that the meeting you 4 legged casanovas are famous for? Seems to me thats what the press keeps reporting.


Bitter Thorn wrote:
Public school are simply doing a horrible job in every regard.

Yes! We need to bulldoze the existing system and start over. As a former teacher with a very high success rate in actually, you know, educating kids, let me make three suggestions:

1. No Child Left Behind is seriously exacerbating the problem. What we really need is an "Every Child Will Sink or Swim" law. The ones that refuse to work get no special needs and no "social promotion." Instead, they get apprenticed. Instead of ignoring the top performers completely and spending all our efforts on making people into median students, we should be challenging the top performers to do even better, and allowing kids who aren't academically-oriented to explore other careers.

2. Along those lines, all school board decisions are currently being made based on only one factor: fear of litigation. One threat to sue over some perceived slight trumps the educational needs of every other student in the district. That needs to stop. Just like health care won't improve without tort reform for doctors, so too it's needed for schools. If they hurt a kid, then, yes, throw the book at them. But failure to treat Little Johnny like he's Emperor of the Galaxy should not be an invitation to take everyone to court.

3. We need to spend less time on abstract memorization of rote crap and more time on useful skills: Small engine repair. Balancing a checkbook. Basic electronics. Thinking critically and evaluating sources. Avoiding credit card debt.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
Heymitch wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Come on it has been already proven when the REPUBLICAN can't actualy come up with a arguement they go for the labels of racist....facist etc. You expect any different? This what they learn from their leadership.
Typo fixed.

Thanks but those are the word Democrats use...Republicans use words like socialist....liberal(though that was mostly early 80's)...commie...pinko...etc. for the same situration.

I have never seens a republican call people racist or facist.

You've never heard Obama being called a racist against white people? You must never listen to right wing talk radio, or you'd hear Rupublicans use words like that...

Well, I remember Rev. Wright being caleld a racist, but funny thing there is HE IS. By association it was speculated that Obama might hold some of the same ideals seeing as how he attended that church forhowever many years.

This is supposition based on fact not blind BS "if you don't vote fer Obama yur a racist" or "if you don't support anmesty for illegal immigrants yur a racist" that the left often spews. This is rhetoric.
There is a difference.

It's just as much rhetoric in the latter situation as it is the former. I can't speak for Rev. Wright, but I do know many older black people in my family who feel similarly. Am I racist because I'm related to these people and love them dearly?

No, but one could speculate.

EDIT: That is, if you weren't related, but still chose to associate with them.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
bugleyman wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Well, I remember Rev. Wright being caleld a racist, but funny thing there is HE IS. By association it was speculated that Obama might hold some of the same ideals seeing as how he attended that church forhowever many years.

This is supposition based on fact not blind BS "if you don't vote fer Obama yur a racist" or "if you don't support anmesty for illegal immigrants yur a racist" that the left often spews. This is rhetoric.
There is a difference.

So the left "spew" unfounded accusations of racism (and apparently cannot spell "your"). On the other hand, folks called racist by the right are guilty (and it is highly likely that their acquaintances are, too).

Fair and balanced my ass.

Reading comprehension FTW.

When did I claim to be fair and balanced?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Steven Tindall wrote:

Quick question for you Horn head.

I thought you guys were strictly into the "untried" type and then sorta killed off any ladies with experiance that got a little too close to you, so how do you figure anything other than you skewering the lovely Ms. Portman would happen?

I can picture it now she sees your incredibly muscled frame and becomes over come with awe and wonder, she notices the size of your "horn" and filled with child like wonder at being privledged to even see such a magical creature forgets herself and runs to you.
Where upon you getting a good whiff as she approaches begin running to her as well and in a maddend rage lower your horn and crit for a heart shot.
She falls lifelessly to the ground as her eyes are frozen with shock at such an ultimate betrayl.

Is that the meeting you 4 legged casanovas are famous for? Seems to me thats what the press keeps reporting.

I've tried to keep this secret, but...


The horn is prosthetic. I only use it to pick up innocents who believe in the whole "attracted to the untried type."

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Kirth Gersen wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Well, I remember Rev. Wright being caleld a racist, but funny thing there is HE IS. By association it was speculated that Obama might hold some of the same ideals seeing as how he attended that church forhowever many years.

This is supposition based on fact not blind BS "if you don't vote fer Obama yur a racist" or "if you don't support anmesty for illegal immigrants yur a racist" that the left often spews. This is rhetoric.
There is a difference.

So the left "spew" unfounded accusations of racism (and apparently cannot spell "your").
You mean "you're?" Apparently they can't.

I wanted to add a feel of "uneducated" to the uninformed opinions I quoted. I see it worked :)

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Public school are simply doing a horrible job in every regard.

Yes! We need to bulldoze the existing system and start over. As a former teacher with a very high success rate in actually, you know, educating kids, let me make two suggestions:

1. No Child Left Behind is seriously exacerbating the problem. What we really need is an "Every Child Will Sink or Swim" law. The ones that refuse to work get no special needs and no "social promotion." Instead, they get apprenticed. Instead of ignoring the top performers completely and spending all our efforts on making people into median students, we should be challenging the top performers to do even better, and allowing kids who aren't academically-oriented to explore other careers.

2. We need to spend less time on abstract memorization of rote crap and more time on useful skills: Small engine repair. Balancing a checkbook. Basic electronics. Avoiding credit card debt.

1- Agreed on many points. I have wondered what to do with our non-academic kids for some time now, and I am not a teacher. Also, very much in favor of the elimination of social promotion, and quite curious on how this apprenticeship would work.

2- Agreed rote memorization has seen its sunset(or should have seen it some time ago). Small engine repair and basic electronics, however, are going to be *extremely* hard to adjucate as technology advances. Am very much in favor of avoid credit card debt and balancing a checkbook as a part of both math and home economics classes(that last should be brought back).

Great work, everyone. Truly.

Sebastian wrote:
Steven Tindall wrote:

Quick question for you Horn head.

I thought you guys were strictly into the "untried" type and then sorta killed off any ladies with experiance that got a little too close to you, so how do you figure anything other than you skewering the lovely Ms. Portman would happen?

I can picture it now she sees your incredibly muscled frame and becomes over come with awe and wonder, she notices the size of your "horn" and filled with child like wonder at being privledged to even see such a magical creature forgets herself and runs to you.
Where upon you getting a good whiff as she approaches begin running to her as well and in a maddend rage lower your horn and crit for a heart shot.
She falls lifelessly to the ground as her eyes are frozen with shock at such an ultimate betrayl.

Is that the meeting you 4 legged casanovas are famous for? Seems to me thats what the press keeps reporting.

I've tried to keep this secret, but...

** spoiler omitted **

Now I understand. Just do yourself a favor and let your publisist in on it. You never know when the press will get wind of it and villifiy you or heaven forbid your medical staff talk.

Kryzbyn wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
Heymitch wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Come on it has been already proven when the REPUBLICAN can't actualy come up with a arguement they go for the labels of racist....facist etc. You expect any different? This what they learn from their leadership.
Typo fixed.

Thanks but those are the word Democrats use...Republicans use words like socialist....liberal(though that was mostly early 80's)...commie...pinko...etc. for the same situration.

I have never seens a republican call people racist or facist.

You've never heard Obama being called a racist against white people? You must never listen to right wing talk radio, or you'd hear Rupublicans use words like that...

Well, I remember Rev. Wright being caleld a racist, but funny thing there is HE IS. By association it was speculated that Obama might hold some of the same ideals seeing as how he attended that church forhowever many years.

This is supposition based on fact not blind BS "if you don't vote fer Obama yur a racist" or "if you don't support anmesty for illegal immigrants yur a racist" that the left often spews. This is rhetoric.
There is a difference.

It's just as much rhetoric in the latter situation as it is the former. I can't speak for Rev. Wright, but I do know many older black people in my family who feel similarly. Am I racist because I'm related to these people and love them dearly?

No, but one could speculate.

EDIT: That is, if you weren't related, but still chose to associate with them.

So one should stop hanging out with people they know and love just because they're racist, but retain family members regardless of said racism? Why can't one keep both and try to change both their minds?

Bitter Thorn wrote:

Do you think there is any limit to what should be taken away from the rich? Is it just in your view for them to keep any of their money? If they resist is there any limit to the violence that should be used against them to make them comply with your wishes?

Do you think our current tax policy funnels money to the pot 1%?

Should we simply raise taxes on "the rich" by $2,000,000,000,000 a year to start balancing our federal and local budgets? Should it be more?

First off, BT, he already stipulated a limit -- the limit under Reagan.

Second, some question whether the money justly belonged to the rich in the first place. I sometimes do.

As for "If they resist is there any limit to the violence that should be used against them to make them comply with your wishes?" Well, that could be used to make a parking ticket sound insidious.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:
So one should stop hanging out with people they know and love just because they're racist, but retain family members regardless of said racism? Why can't one keep both and try to change both their minds?

Nope. Didn't say that. Didn't really imply it either.

You can, and should keep trying to work on them.

It's not fair, but you shouldn't be suprised if someone assumes you hold the same ideals.

taig wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

Well, I remember Rev. Wright being caleld a racist, but funny thing there is HE IS. By association it was speculated that Obama might hold some of the same ideals seeing as how he attended that church forhowever many years.

This is supposition based on fact not blind BS "if you don't vote fer Obama yur a racist" or "if you don't support anmesty for illegal immigrants yur a racist" that the left often spews. This is rhetoric.
There is a difference.

So the left "spew" unfounded accusations of racism (and apparently cannot spell "your").
You mean "you're?" Apparently they can't.

No, it was "Ur". Not sure what Sumerians have to do with the discussion, but it makes as much sense as anything else.

Contrary to popular Internet rumors, Ur is not my prefix or honorific. I just want to make sure I clear that up in the remote possibility that even one person would be slightly concerned. Because the only thing worth mentioning with me in reference are things of a dishonorable mention.


Kryzbyn wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
So one should stop hanging out with people they know and love just because they're racist, but retain family members regardless of said racism? Why can't one keep both and try to change both their minds?

Nope. Didn't say that. Didn't really imply it either.

You can, and should keep trying to work on them.

It's not fair, but you shouldn't be suprised if someone assumes you hold the same ideals.

However, this is an unfair assumption by your own admission. By this logic we're all horrible racists because our great uncle had problems with the [insert ethnicity here] people in town. Such large paintbrushes should be used on walls, not people.

Wet Blanket wrote:
Great work, everyone. Truly.

Is that irony I hear or are my hearing aids malfunctioning? Or tinnitus?

bugleyman wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

Do you think there is any limit to what should be taken away from the rich? Is it just in your view for them to keep any of their money? If they resist is there any limit to the violence that should be used against them to make them comply with your wishes?

Do you think our current tax policy funnels money to the pot 1%?

Should we simply raise taxes on "the rich" by $2,000,000,000,000 a year to start balancing our federal and local budgets? Should it be more?

First off, BT, he already stipulated a limit -- the limit under Reagan.

Second, some question whether the money justly belonged to the rich in the first place. I sometimes do.

As for "If they resist is there any limit to the violence that should be used against them to make them comply with your wishes?" Well, that could be used to make a parking ticket sound insidious.

I kindda want to address the second one real fast Bugleyman.

Why wouldn't it belong to them> are you saying the kid that made billions off facebook didn't come up with the idea or that the other inventions that made people rich were any less valid.

If you create something that society embraces why shouldn't you use it to become wealthy. Look at the folks that invented beta players or has any one played an 8 track tape in awhile.
What about actors, are you gonna say to Ophra or Ms. Joliee that you make too much money so were takeing it away and giveing it to somebody else.
Wealth redistribution is just wrong on all levels In My Opinion.
I don't hate the rich, I want to become them.

Freehold DM wrote:
However, this is an unfair assumption by your own admission. By this logic we're all horrible racists because our great uncle had problems with the [insert ethnicity here] people in town. Such large paintbrushes should be used on walls, not people.

I prefer fire hoses, myself.

LazarX wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:
Lasseiz-faire government does not work. Wall Street today should be screaming that at you. Wall Street sucks up money like a vacuum and the government does NOTHING to stop it, because the overseeing agencies don't have the funding to do so. When government does nothing, business goes NUTS. It takes advantage of people, the environment, bends and breaks laws, corrupts everything around it. This is a proven fact. THe 'robber barons' were AMERICAN, and they lived in an edge where money got away with anything. The job of government is to tell business owners what they cannot do, because if you leave it to them, they will most definitely abuse anything and everything in pursuit of the almighty dollar..
Actually the oversight problem is worse than lack of resources. Oversight committees tend to be staffed by Wall Street Insiders. Reagan, Bush, even Clinton, and possibly Obama as well have staffed regulatory agencies with the folks that are supposed to be regulated. Even more pervasive is the "pay to play" activity that goes on in Congress. The Supreme Court made matters worse when it lifted any serious limitation on the use of soft money in the electoral process.

Nevertheless people still think that government is the solution to all of our problems.

This tendency mystifies me.

Steven Tindall wrote:

I kindda want to address the second one real fast Bugleyman.

Why wouldn't it belong to them> are you saying the kid that made billions off facebook didn't come up with the idea or that the other inventions that made people rich were any less valid.

If you create something that society embraces why shouldn't you use it to become wealthy. Look at the folks that invented beta players or has any one played an 8 track tape in awhile.
What about actors, are you gonna say to Ophra or Ms. Joliee that you make too much money so were takeing it away and giveing it to somebody else.
Wealth redistribution is just wrong on all levels In My Opinion.
I don't hate the rich, I want to become them.

As I'm said before, our system is not a meritocracy. Briefly:

* Cost are routinely externalized.
* People get rich selling equity in companies that never make a dime.
* People get promoted, hired, fired, etc. for reasons that have nothing to do with merit or ability.
* Markets function with incomplete information. This alone prevents a 100% "correct" outcome.

In short, I do believe people should be rewarded for creating value -- I just don't think our system a very good job of it.

Kryzbyn wrote:
I wanted to add a feel of "uneducated" to the uninformed opinions I quoted. I see it worked :)

You implication is not only factually incorrect, but smug and bordering on an insult.

I will refrain from responding in kind.

Dark Archive

Steven Tindall wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Steven Tindall wrote:

Quick question for you Horn head.

I thought you guys were strictly into the "untried" type and then sorta killed off any ladies with experiance that got a little too close to you, so how do you figure anything other than you skewering the lovely Ms. Portman would happen?

I can picture it now she sees your incredibly muscled frame and becomes over come with awe and wonder, she notices the size of your "horn" and filled with child like wonder at being privledged to even see such a magical creature forgets herself and runs to you.
Where upon you getting a good whiff as she approaches begin running to her as well and in a maddend rage lower your horn and crit for a heart shot.
She falls lifelessly to the ground as her eyes are frozen with shock at such an ultimate betrayl.

Is that the meeting you 4 legged casanovas are famous for? Seems to me thats what the press keeps reporting.

I've tried to keep this secret, but...

** spoiler omitted **

Now I understand. Just do yourself a favor and let your publisist in on it. You never know when the press will get wind of it and villifiy you or heaven forbid your medical staff talk.


The real magic horn, is his penis. It's something like an angler fish, give them the ol' lure n' skewer.

Taste the rainbow, ladies.

Just be aware ladies, if you've survived sex with Sebastian... you haven't had SEX with Sebastian. Sebastian Co. accepts no responsibility for any bodily harm, injury, or psychosis developed while "tasting the rainbow"

John Kretzer wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Come on it has been already proven when the REPUBLICAN can't actualy come up with a arguement they go for the labels of racist....facist etc. You expect any different? This what they learn from their leadership.
Typo fixed.

Thanks but those are the word Democrats use...Republicans use words like socialist....liberal(though that was mostly early 80's)...commie...pinko...etc. for the same situration.

I have never seens a republican call people racist or facist.

I'm a Republican, and I have, but I'm odd.

Bitter Thorn wrote:

Nevertheless people still think that government is the solution to all of our problems.

This tendency mystifies me.

I'm not sure I know anyone who believes government is the solution to all of our problems. I don't. I believe a balance of power between labor, government and industry is probably best.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
bugleyman wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
I wanted to add a feel of "uneducated" to the uninformed opinions I quoted. I see it worked :)

You implication is not only factually incorrect, but smug and bordering on an insult.

I will refrain from responding in kind.

You mean "Your"?


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Now that we've meandered through just about every hot-button political topic, I think this thread has overstayed its welcome.

Thread locked.

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