aphazia |
Not trying to stir up anything around here except some progress, but..
Sorry, I had some FAQ items I wanted to get out this week, but a pile of projects, a sick wife, and traveling got in my way.I'm shooting for early next week...right after I finish serving as a guest judge on RPG Superstar.
Here we are, approximately 2 weeks later, with no updates aside from one or two posts. The playtest first round was slated to run through February 14th - I assumed we would hear something then, or shortly thereafter... but figured "Heck, I'll wait until the end of the work week for some slack time." Besides, as man folks run their games over the weekend, perhaps Friday would be just in time to get new rules out for weekend testing.
I was avidly reading and participating in this forum- the Gunslinger has obvious problems and issues, but that is, of course, the reason for a playtest. After February 5th, I continued checking.. with no updates. Now I peek in here every few days, unsurprised at the lack of new information or rules clarifications.
Stephen, you're dropping the ball on us here. I say that not to bust chops, but simply as an interested customer eager to help continue your playtest. At this point in time, with no other guns to use, clarifications on some things, or baseline on rule changes for the Gunslinger for the next round, the playtest is essentially at a stand still as we wait for new information and changes.
Can we get our update? On the 5th you'd stipulated "FAQ items", but I should hope that at this point, the delay has been due to a great deal of reworking the class that we will see promptly.
aphazia |
RPG Superstar isn´t over. It´s in the quote...
If you peek at his recent posts, he did his round of Superstar judge posts and finished them up on February 8th. I can only assume that was his 'guest judging', hence why he expected more attention to the gunslinger (FAQ items) "early that week". ;)
aphazia |
Whoa...tone it back a notch. He'll get to it when he gets to it.
I don't think I need to tone it back - I'm being totally civil and just pointing out that he hasn't delivered on what he stated, and that I'd very much like to get some direction from the official side of things so that we can move the playtest forward. :)
I look forward to Stephen's response on this, in fact, as I know he'll give us good information, and will take this post in the spirit it's intended!
dnjscott |
Kryzbyn wrote:Whoa...tone it back a notch. He'll get to it when he gets to it.I don't think I need to tone it back - I'm being totally civil and just pointing out that he hasn't delivered on what he stated, and that I'd very much like to get some direction from the official side of things so that we can move the playtest forward. :)
I look forward to Stephen's response on this, in fact, as I know he'll give us good information, and will take this post in the spirit it's intended!
I don't think he needs to tone it back, either - I don't want to see this place become all WE HATE YOU ALL like the WoTC forums, but it has been a couple of weeks at this point and there hasn't been as much as a 'sorry guys, been too busy!' coming our way.
I mean, it's cool that things are cordial and I really appreciate that the devs have a presence here, but there is still a customer / producer of content relationship here, right?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
We've got a LOT more going on at Paizo than just these playtest, folks. Furthermore, we're still MONTHS away from shipping this book to print. I can understand that people are eager to find out more about gunslingers and how we're incorporating playtest feedback into the revision work, but part of your "job" as playtesters is being patient when it comes to revisions and the like.
There's certainly a possibility we WON'T have the resources or time to do anything more with this playtest in a public forum. Obviously, that'd be unfortunate, and I really hope that won't be the case, but in the grand scheme of responsibilities and tasks needing to be done here... getting these updates up and online aren't that high priority.
And remember—playtesters don't get to decide when we've had enough feedback. We do. If we left that decision up to the public, we'd never make it OUT of playtesting. One of the HARDEST parts of designing RPG rules is knowing when you need to stop tinkering and just finish it. We have a LOT of transparency in the playtest stage of things for our RPG line, and part of our job is knowing when that transparency has to end.
Anyway, all of this is just various methods of me saying:
"We'll post those updates if and when we get the chance."
In the meantime, please be patient.
E I |
We've got a LOT more going on at Paizo than just these playtest, folks. Furthermore, we're still MONTHS away from shipping this book to print. I can understand that people are eager to find out more about gunslingers and how we're incorporating playtest feedback into the revision work, but part of your "job" as playtesters is being patient when it comes to revisions and the like.
There's certainly a possibility we WON'T have the resources or time to do anything more with this playtest in a public forum. Obviously, that'd be unfortunate, and I really hope that won't be the case, but in the grand scheme of responsibilities and tasks needing to be done here... getting these updates up and online aren't that high priority.
And remember—playtesters don't get to decide when we've had enough feedback. We do. If we left that decision up to the public, we'd never make it OUT of playtesting. One of the HARDEST parts of designing RPG rules is knowing when you need to stop tinkering and just finish it. We have a LOT of transparency in the playtest stage of things for our RPG line, and part of our job is knowing when that transparency has to end.
Anyway, all of this is just various methods of me saying:
"We'll post those updates if and when we get the chance."
In the meantime, please be patient.
Hmm, guess I shouldn't have started a new campaign with one then...
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Hmm, guess I shouldn't have started a new campaign with one then...
If you do something like this, using playtest material in a campaign, you have to be willing to do accept two things.
1) Expand upon the material as written as you see fit and as your campaign demands.
2) Come to peace with the fact that when we publish the final rules, they WILL be different.
If these are dealbreakers... my best advice is to wait until the book is in print before you use stuff from it.
MaxBarton |
Hmm, guess I shouldn't have started a new campaign with one then...
As James said it is a playtest from the get go. I don't see this as a major problem though. This gives you the chance to edit things with the class as a game progresses, learning to balance it with your groups particular play style.
Once the final version comes out you can always change to the final version.
Personally I'm currently building a unique class for use in a campaign. My GM and I have already talked about it and how abilities will probably be edited or modified depending on how they balance.
Pendagast |
Im kinda with the OP on this, alot of 'outside versions' of the gunsligner out there 'muddying' the waters.
In the mean time we are running th gunslinger 'as-is' with only the pickle method of resolving multiple attacks.
Our gunslinger is 8th level, fires two pistols and uses rapid shot.
How we do this is the two primary full BABs out of Gun A and the other two out of Gun B, so the left hand gun is less effective, less accurate. (is in the iterative goes out of gun B, instead of three shots from one gun and one shot from the other)
Freesword |
Thank you for your response James.
I understand that some things have priority in the schedule over others. I can also appreciate that some new material may benefit from more playtest rounds than was initially planned for. There's never enough time in the schedule.
As for knowing when to "stop tinkering and finish it", it reminds me of an old saying:
Perfect is the enemy of good enough.
You need to get new products out to the printers and that means saying that something is "good enough".
If we seem to be pressing on more playtest rounds, it's usually for material that got feedback along the lines of "needs serious revision" as opposed to what we see as minor tinkering. (The view from your side of what constitutes serious revision vs minor tinkering may be a bit different from ours.) Getting a revision to playtest is sort of feedback on our feedback.
I for one had hoped to see a second round of playtest for Words of Power. It didn't happen. I can only hope that the feedback you got was acted on as effectively as the feedback for the Magus (major issues addressed for the second round).
Again, thank you for the response.
E I |
E I wrote:Hmm, guess I shouldn't have started a new campaign with one then...If you do something like this, using playtest material in a campaign, you have to be willing to do accept two things.
1) Expand upon the material as written as you see fit and as your campaign demands.
2) Come to peace with the fact that when we publish the final rules, they WILL be different.If these are dealbreakers... my best advice is to wait until the book is in print before you use stuff from it.
Oh, it's fine. I was more or less being dramatic. I fully (and hopefully) expect the rules to be different upon final print. I'm not sure how much my GM will enjoy my PC changing overnight in how he plays, but he'll probably be fine with it as long as it isn't too wide in power gap from the other players, and I keep RPing him in the same way.
Stephen Radney-MacFarland Senior Designer |
Don't worry folks. I am currently working on the second version of the gunslinger which will see a second round of playtesting. Comments have been heard, digested, and the new gunslinger is coming soon.
The question is (and I think I know the answer) are you ready for an increased number of firearms in the second round of playtesting?
E I |
Don't worry folks. I am currently working on the second version of the gunslinger which will see a second round of playtesting. Comments have been heard, digested, and the new gunslinger is coming soon.
The question is (and I think I know the answer) are you ready for an increased number of firearms in the second round of playtesting?
Are we ready? We were born ready!
Dragonsong |
Don't worry folks. I am currently working on the second version of the gunslinger which will see a second round of playtesting. Comments have been heard, digested, and the new gunslinger is coming soon.
The question is (and I think I know the answer) are you ready for an increased number of firearms in the second round of playtesting?
Thanks for the update Stephen. Looking forward to round two.
Maxximilius |
Oh dear RPG Gods, please tell me you gave this one a look before doing a new version for official playtest. This one is awesome, and got a lot of free stuff you could use in the official gunslinger, all inspired or suggested by playtests, discussions and community's ideas about what the Gunslinger should be able to do. It's not perfect, but is sure a great step up on the class that I believe you should look at ! :)
Nate Petersen |
The question is (and I think I know the answer) are you ready for an increased number of firearms in the second round of playtesting?
Aye, and eager for some of the non-Golarion options as well.
At the moment I've got a campaign manual shelved waiting for firearms that'll be compatible, so I'm REALLY stoked!James Jacobs Creative Director |
Well im sure there will be a pepper box and im maybe hoping for a double barrel type. Im just one of those people that dont want to see revolvers and lever actions.
But we shall seee........(echo)
Pepperbox is confirmed as part of the Inner Sea World Guide, which is coming out in print very soon. So at the very least... those'll be out there for folks to play with pretty soon, one way or another! :-)
Pendagast |
Pendagast wrote:Pepperbox is confirmed as part of the Inner Sea World Guide, which is coming out in print very soon. So at the very least... those'll be out there for folks to play with pretty soon, one way or another! :-)Well im sure there will be a pepper box and im maybe hoping for a double barrel type. Im just one of those people that dont want to see revolvers and lever actions.
But we shall seee........(echo)
Well then I think it's only fair salt gets a fair shake too!
Mr Jade |
Don't worry folks. I am currently working on the second version of the gunslinger which will see a second round of playtesting. Comments have been heard, digested, and the new gunslinger is coming soon.
The question is (and I think I know the answer) are you ready for an increased number of firearms in the second round of playtesting?
You guys thought that I was gone. Too bad.
Any word on the changes in the core? Will we see the gunslinger mechanics being changed? Or about the guns that have shown?
I am looking forward to the new guns, I just wonder what is getting changed in the old, if anything.
Buzzkill3696 |
Don't worry folks. I am currently working on the second version of the gunslinger which will see a second round of playtesting. Comments have been heard, digested, and the new gunslinger is coming soon.
The question is (and I think I know the answer) are you ready for an increased number of firearms in the second round of playtesting?
Just hopeful for an update soon. really looking forward to the updated Gunslinger and what you guys did with it ... any kind of time line you are comfortable to set for a release of the new play test? oh and is the Ninja and Samurai getting any tweaking? thanks guys ... Love the Pathfinder stuff ... keep up the great work.
YuenglingDragon |
Pendagast wrote:Clearly broken. I won't allow it in my games. And no one else should.Ok here's the update folks:
Gunslingers will be using guns.
I'm going to allow it in my games just because you're already making important decisions based on an alpha version.
Way to keep an open mind.
Blazej |
TriOmegaZero wrote:Pendagast wrote:Clearly broken. I won't allow it in my games. And no one else should.Ok here's the update folks:
Gunslingers will be using guns.
I'm going to allow it in my games just because you're already making important decisions based on an alpha version.
Way to keep an open mind.
I quite certain (as much as one can be on the Internet) that it was a joke.
xXxTheBeastxXx |
YuenglingDragon wrote:I quite certain (as much as one can be on the Internet) that it was a joke.TriOmegaZero wrote:Pendagast wrote:Clearly broken. I won't allow it in my games. And no one else should.Ok here's the update folks:
Gunslingers will be using guns.
I'm going to allow it in my games just because you're already making important decisions based on an alpha version.
Way to keep an open mind.
Since I already know, from other threads, that TOZ likes guns in his fantasy, and I'm relatively sure that I'm of the same persuasion, then yeah. Calm down, Yeungling...
...unless you were ALSO being a sarcastic bastard!
...dun dun DUN!
-The Beast
TriOmegaZero |
TriOmegaZero wrote:Pendagast wrote:Clearly broken. I won't allow it in my games. And no one else should.Ok here's the update folks:
Gunslingers will be using guns.
I'm going to allow it in my games just because you're already making important decisions based on an alpha version.
Way to keep an open mind.
Your defiance to the One True Way of gaming is endearing, but futile. You will come to see that it is YOU whose mind is closed, in time.
YuenglingDragon |
Since I already know, from other threads, that TOZ likes guns in his fantasy, and I'm relatively sure that I'm of the same persuasion, then yeah. Calm down, Yeungling......unless you were ALSO being a sarcastic bastard!
...dun dun DUN!
Dun dun dun, indeed. I'm not going to lie, I was a little drunk when I posted that. Probably a smiley or something would have helped pass the message.
Your defiance to the One True Way of gaming is endearing, but futile. You will come to see that it is YOU whose mind is closed, in time.
As the high cleric of Drunkonius, the booze goblin god who lives in the moon, I declare a booze jihad on you. May all your boozes turn to water.
You're lucky I am in a forgiving mood or I would have caused them all to turn to Sunny D, the worst drink of all.