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so how would dual, or more, wielding two handed weapons work out if one were to give himself/herself more arms?

Stephen will there be a round 3 playtest for the gunslinger or is the book going to the printers after today, april 1st?

GM speaking: sounds like a nice time to break out the rules for making NEW spells which hardly ever get touched.

Step One: does a similar spell already exist? YES! in fact TWO similar spells exist that do the same thing but for different categories of weapons.

Step Two: compare the "new" spell to other spells and see what level the spell should be. Well we have two other spells that do the smae thing at lvl 1, so logic says this new spell would be lvl 1

Step Three: GM approval. go talk to your GM. at first glance it looks good so with "approval" received move to step 4

Step Four: GM sets a dc ( or uses a simple formula ) for making the new spell and the caster in question goes about the task of researching it.

Step Five: "Research requires an expenditure of 1,000 gp
per week and takes one week per level of the spell. This money
goes into fees, consultants, material component experimentation,
and other miscellaneous expenditures. At the end of that time, the
character makes a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + spell level). If that roll
succeeds, the character learns the new spell if her research produced
a viable spell. If the roll fails, the character must go through
the research process again if she wants to keep trying."
source: Dungeon Masters guide; WoTC, Pg. 198

this is the procedure more or less as defined back in 3.5 and having used it several time now as a player and as a GM it works rather well.

testing of the new spell is always fun and research can be a fun side quest involving the gathering of forgotten lore or perhaps finding certain ingredients.

if you want it to be a bit harder start the DC at 20 + spell level and it makes it harder for low level groups to pull this gem out on the poor BBEG goblin or what have you early on in the game.

in this thread: http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/ultimateCombatPlaytest/gunslinger/soMonksCanDeflectBullets

Two different devs said yes.


i would love to see the customization in either the form of alchemists or of summoners and eidolons. it would make my possibly self destructing piece of gear FEEL like MY GUN rather than just my explosive stick.

an update just like that, if that refers to out black powder wielding friends.

aye would be nice for an update, on the progress of the update.

any chance for an update, on the progress of the update, on where things stand? not trying to nag just curious.

dotting, i like where this is going.

i regularly do 10/20/30 and 50 foot throws, theres a reason why most throwing blades come dull and only have a point. once you learn to count rotations range simply becomes a matter of a few adjusting steps and trajectory.

though for a throw this far i might switch to a no spin throw, hard to say which is going to be easier to do for a longer throw.

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

Everyone knows a dagger can only be shot at a maximum of 50 feet! :P :P :P

blast it all now i want to take my throwing daggers out to the football field and try and prove ya wrong.

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:

I like these. The innovations allow some diversity for the gunslinger in his black powder crafting without resorting to magic per se. I also like the deeds. I'd love to see how a gunslinger and alchemist would play off of each other in a party.

Bomb launcher?

in several threads people have been discussing a possible upgrade system that would allow slingers to modify their weapons. so how could we do this? a discovery system like alchemists or a system more akin to the Arcane archer or the Kensai of the complete warrior in 3.5 who gets a +1 bonus at every level that can be switched around to diffident things each day.

or maybe a combination of both, switching off every level, an discovery then a +1 follow by another discovery and another +1 so on and so forth.


I think Skaorn best summed up the way i see it.

0gre wrote:

If you are the sort of GM who soaks gunpowder the you are probably the same GM who burns spellbooks and scrolls and smashes potions and alchemical substances. Most likely you are sitting at a table alone also.

Actually i was the other gunslinger in the group who ended up in the river, i gave half of my dry powder to my friend until the wizard remembered about prestidigi.

turned out to be one of the highlights for the night, and as far as burning spellbooks and scrolls, smashing potions and alchemical substances these are the things that spawn some of the most memorable moments.

I was apart of a group where i was a goblin rogue who liked his poison, alchemist fire, acid and acid bombs. during an adventure we damn near had a TPK but i managed to black bag the fallen, scoop up unconscious people with my bag o holding, and run for all i was worth.
now i died in the process but i did manage to get the others out of harms way long enough for the wizard to swoop down and pick up my bag and my body.

later when the wizard went to have a druid res us, he proceeded to shake my sack upside down over the ground to get every one out. now up until this point the majority of the glass and clay objects in my bag had remained intact... until the full plate tank fell on top of them upon exit from the bag. this one moment had the entire party laughing and crying for about 20 minutes while i listed off every bomb, inhaled poison and thing that burns. at the end of the list we all looked at each other and knew that there was no way enough of our bodies would be left for a res; but yet we were all fine with this.

moments likes these are great for adding to the story, they are the twists and turns of excitement you cant plan for, and they IMHO make the world alive.

oh and we never did see that druid ever again...

whoa whoa whoa, didnt mean to start an argument. turned out that the wizard just used prestidigi after the fight and the gunslinger facepalmed and made a note to oil his bag.

though honestly its these small things that tend to make for some of the more hilarious moments. no one is trying to screw any one over its just one of those "oh sh!t" moments that make things exciting.

and as a thought, for the firearm knowledgeable opposition pit traps with water in the bottom could be a nice trap.

ProfessorCirno wrote:
Sure he did. That's what the gunpowder comes in.

where does it say that? didnt see it when i took a quick glance to see if that was the chase.

thats the what we're going with at the table right now however the other gunslinger didnt buy a oiled bag. so right now he's sol.

What happens when you get your black powder wet? does it base come in oiled paper or did the gm just start laughing manically?

blarg i can has brain today, sooner or later >.<

nice to see the update, only question is for the new shotgun nightmare. originally it got a dmg bump every 2 levels since it was half grit; now though its a dmg bump every four levels. just wondering why you decided to change the dmg progression.

Also eagle eye + sniper shot + hand cannon

actually you may need to look at the extra grit feat plus shotgun nightmare, as my gm said that could really be a nightmare.

going to have an opportunity to do some play testing tomorrow, any areas you would like checked out in particular, certain lvls, deeds, ect...?

OR your dm/gm looks at you and asks you if you really want to do that. if you say yes then the deed suddenly doesnt work when you need it to and your up the creek without a paddle.

for any BS like this there is a gm ready to say NO.

bravo good sir, i will be play testing this next Friday, and possibly sooner classes depending.


hmm hive mind, one of my players tried to do this also. sofar i have only let them do it with foce and sonic dmg bombs, and with contact poison. they have put in a request for both the poison cloud idea and also the poison shrapnel.

i was thinking if they take the smoke bomb discovery they could "imbune" the smoke bomb into a poison vial of inhalation poison and then any one who moved through there would experiance the poison cloud.

as for the shrapnel bomb i was thinking it would take its own discovery that would instead make a bomb that would cause the every one to bleed for the splash dmg amount and then they could do as above and "imbune" a shrapnel bomb into a injury poison vial.

the only problem i have here is this puts a monetary cost on a class ablity which isnt realy in the norm...

and also because it may come up: what happens when the palyers "imbune" a vial which holds more than one does of poison?

ugh i have a bone to pick with my dm now... we nearly lost half the party to an orc with a reach weapon and that feat...

on a difrent note the resualts are pretty much the same without stand still.


yes i did take feral mutation at lvl 4. also just found that if you use the reach mutation with the stand still feat you can realy realy put the hurt on anything that doesnt have a ranged attack or a realy good cdm.

currently it does, unless your a gnome. it just seems to fit realy well with the class.

Acording to "The Book Of Exalted Deeds" the difitive work on wtf is good in the 3.5 world, pathfinders dear... step brother?, states that:

"Using poison that deals ability damage is an evil act because it causes undue suffering in the process of incapacitating or killing an
opponent. Of the poisons described in the Dungeon Master’s
Guide, only one is acceptable for good characters to use: oil of
taggit, which deals no damage but causes unconsciousness."
^pg 34.


"the powers of good have their own answer to poison and disease:
ravages and afflictions, magical traumas that turn the moral corruption
of evil creatures into physical corruption that wracks
their bodies. Ravages and afflictions affect only evil creatures, and are particularly debilitating to evil outsiders—despite the immunity
to poison that is common among such creatures.
Ravages function in a manner similar to poisons, dealing ability damage or even ability drain when the target is exposed to them
through inhalation, injury, or ingestion, and additional
damage or other effects 1 minute after the initial exposure."
^pg 35

what these two blocks o text say is that poison, unless just knocking some one out, is bad. BUT specail poisons can be used on evil people. sooo in GENERAL poisons are evil but if used on evil people the 3.5 universe sees it as ok...

hipocritical yes... but thats how it was viewed in the 3.5 world and its what i go with as a DM/GM/StoryTeller

all right, from all of the fights i have done sofar when i use half level and evo points from discoveries; you get to much power at level 4.

using the same stats as above as a half orc alch at level 4 i was able to beat almost every cr 4 creature in the bestairy. the only one i couldnt beat was the mimic... which has ownd every melle char i have ever played.

i used imp nat armor imp dmg for the bite attack and reach on both the bite and claw attacks.

the hydra was the toughest of the fights but still doable.

at level 8 the fights were much more even and i had to focus much more on defense to take the fights one on one. i did have limited succes with "glass cannon builds" but those were iffy and i never came out in good condition.

at leve 8 i found myself asking wether or not i knew what was coming before hand, when i did the fights leaned towards me quite a bit more, give or take 75% of the fights went my way. other wise with a general build nat armor, imp dex, reach on bite and claws and imp dmg on both, the fights were rough.

the achiles heel no matter what seems to be the will saves, if a creature has spells or spell like ablities it becomes realy hard not to get scorched... ala efreeti's. the dragons and ogre mage were even more brutal.

overall i think the evolution points should come from half level and starting at greater start adding in more evolution points with the discoveries.

this gives the mutegen a great feelling of monstrosity that was lacking before.

one of the old standbys for wether or not a class was ballanced was wether or not it[the class in question] could win 50% of the time against something of an equal CR.

if several people could run this test at lvl 4 and 8 using half lvl and discoveries for evo points and compare results; i would be interested in seeing what the stats ended up being.

and becuase i havent said it, great idea.
( the whole evo points thing )

the idea for the evo points in the mutigen is a change i would like to see.

as Scipion said check it out.

from the gold ol days of 3e
Calculus, Gnome: This oversized sling is made to
fire flasks filled with liquid. Common ammunition
includes acid, alchemist’s fire, and other alchemical
. Alchemical ammunition deals damage
according to its properties, but it gains the range
increment of the gnome calculus.

Calculus, gnome 50 gp — — 50 ft. 2 lb.

played through an alch last night and this item was a god send.
several of the other players thought that this would make a nice
addition to the alchemist class base. any one else have ideas?

Burning magic:
Whenever a creature fails a
saving throw and takes fire damage from one of your
spells, it catches on fire. This fire deals 1 point of fire
damage per spell level at the beginning of the burning
creature’s turn. The fire lasts for 1d4 rounds.

Question: if a metamagic feat raises the spell level, it does not increase the dc or the damage dealt in case of caster level increase but does it increase the damage dealt by burning magic since it is a more "powerful" spell?

Burning magic:
Whenever a creature fails a
saving throw and takes fire damage from one of your
spells, it catches on fire. This fire deals 1 point of fire
damage per spell level at the beginning of the burning
creature’s turn. The fire lasts for 1d4 rounds.

Question one: if an oracle casts porduce flames and hits a target multiple time do the difrent "bits" of flame cause difrent burning damage.

Question two: two difrent oracles in the party hit with difrent fire spells each with burning magic. does the high level burning magic take effect or do they both burn?