Boosting initiative


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I may have been spoiled by playing Another Game in which I had a rogue with a silly initiative bonus, but my Pathfinder monk has +5 to his initiative, and it just doesn't seem like enough.

Aside from bumping up his dexterity score -- already at 20 -- or delaying until higher in the next round, what are some other good ways of improving initiative?

Liberty's Edge

kelvingreen wrote:

I may have been spoiled by playing Another Game in which I had a rogue with a silly initiative bonus, but my Pathfinder monk has +5 to his initiative, and it just doesn't seem like enough.

Aside from bumping up his dexterity score -- already at 20 -- or delaying until higher in the next round, what are some other good ways of improving initiative?

Improved initiative. al

Take improved Initiative for a +4 bonus.
edit: Ninja'd

Sovereign Court

Reactionary Trait.

There's a trait in the APG called reactionary that gives an additional +2.

Grand Lodge

Dex +X
Improved Init +4
Reactionary Trait +2 (Combat Trait)
Scorpion Familiar +2
Elven Reflexes Trait +2 (Racial Trait)

I don't know of any others.

2 level dip into inquisitor to add wisdom as well as dex.

If 3.5 material is allowed, the quick reconnoiter feat might be worthwhile.

ciretose wrote:
Improved initiative.

Ha, yes. That one should be a given. :)

Grand Lodge

Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (cracked) +1 Init (competence), 500 gp

Also if you take Inquisitor to 3, you get the teamwork feats, where you can use Lookout. With a crazy Init bonus, it might even be worth it for your combat-oriented teammates to get this one. Assuming they can tilt the battlefield to the team's favor in a standard action.

On that note, Inquisitor to two gets cunning initiative which adds your wisdom mod to your initiative, in addition to your dex.

ithuriel wrote:

Dex +X

Improved Init +4
Reactionary Trait +2 (Combat Trait)
Scorpion Familiar +2
Elven Reflexes Trait +2 (Racial Trait)

I don't know of any others.

The trait bonuses won't stack, though.

Dueling nunchucks will give you a bonus on initiative if you have them drawn. Another light monk weapon would also work. This is expensive for for a +4 bonus though.

Scarab Sages

Do you really want your monk to go first? With my DPS classes, I tend not to like to roll high on initiative. Makes the bad guys mad at me, then they usually go before my party mates and they gang up on me and I fall down.

The Exchange

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Surprise Initiative [General] (Souce: A Fistful of Denarii)
Benefit: When you are allowed to act during a surprise round, you get +6 on your next initiative check.
Greater Improved Initiative (Combat) (Source: Genius Guide to Feats of Battle)
You almost always go first.
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Improved Initiative, uncanny dodge class feature.
Benefit: Whenever you need to make an initiative check to determine initiative order, you automatically get a result of 20 + Dexterity modifier + all bonuses that add to initiative checks. If you make an initiative check for a purpose other than to determine initiative order, you roll normally.
You can react to the movements of your enemies with devastating speed, able to attack those around you before they have time to react.
Prerequisites: Improved Initiative, base Reflex save +6 or higher.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Initiative checks. This bonus stacks with Improved Initiative.
PRESENCE OF MIND (Combat) (Source: Strategists & Tacticians)
The depths of your knowledge improve your reaction time.
Benefit: You add your Intelligence modifier to initiative checks. This is in addition to other modifiers to initiative checks, like the bonus provided by a high Dexterity or the Improved Initiative feat.
MUSCLE REACTION (Combat) (Source: Strategists & Tacticians)
Your muscles are always tense, ready to start swinging.
Benefit: You add your Strength modifier to initiative checks. This is in addition to other modifiers to initiative checks, like the bonus provided by a high Dexterity or the Improved Initiative feat.
BATTLEFIELD INTUITION (Combat) (Source: Strategists & Tacticians)
Your keen wit improves your reaction time.
Benefit: You add your Wisdom modifier to initiative checks. This is in addition to other modifiers to initiative checks, like the bonus provided by a high Dexterity score or the Improved Initiative feat.
Better version of Improved Initiative:
Improved Initiative [General] (Source: Book of Experimental Might II)
You can react more quickly than normal in a fight.
Benefit: You enjoy a +4 bonus on initiative checks.
Fighter Bonus Feat: Starting at 15th level, if you took this as a fighter bonus feat, you gain an additional +2 bonus on initiative checks, for a total bonus of +6 from this feat.
Boosted: You can reroll one initiative check.
Battle Mind [General] (Source: The Complete Fighter)
You never let your guard down
Prerequisite: Improved Initiative, Fighter level 5th or higher.
Benefit: You are never taken by surprise – in a surprise attack, you always roll your initiative normally. If asleep, you must succeed on a DC 20 Will save: if successful, you spring awake instantly, and roll initiative as usual. However, you lose the benefit of this feat if magically asleep, unconscious, or if you have less than 1 hit point.
Note: Due to your constant vigilance, and the effect of adrenaline on your body, you only gain half the hit points other characters gain when asleep (rounded down), and none while resting. This also limits Heal checks to half (but not magical healing).
Special: A fighter may select Battle Mind as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Superior Initiative (Source: Epic Level Handbook)
Prerequisite: Improved Initiative.
Benefit: You get a +8 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus overlaps (does not stack with) the bonus from Improved Initiative.

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Everyone keeps forgetting the Dinosaur familiar from Beastiary II that gives +4 Initiative!


Good list here though, only a few classes really get the benefit of improving their initiative.

Oracles can with the right selections get bonuses

Divine Wizards get 1/2 there CL to initiative and always get to act in surprise rounds

Not to familiar with monks though.

Ifrits can get a racial +4 that stacks with improved Initiative.

Dont forget the Kensai Magus initiative bonuses :)

ithuriel wrote:

Dex +X

Improved Init +4
Reactionary Trait +2 (Combat Trait)
Scorpion Familiar +2
Elven Reflexes Trait +2 (Racial Trait)

I don't know of any others.

The familiar gives a +4 ti init, and there are at least 3 different familiars that do so; compsognathus, green sting scorpion, and dodo bird.

Also traits give a trait bonus, which does not stack.

Spells: Anticipate Peril & Cat's Grace are both obvious prophylactic buffs with a 1 minute a level duration.

Dreamspun sorcerers can get up to +5 also. Often overlooked - I think the visionary wild-blood version is amazing.

Noble Scion of War = Charisma instead of Dex for initiative.

Go mythic. Nuff said.

Don't forget Magic Item Crafting and the Anticipate Peril Spell.

4,000 gp/+1 Insight to Initiative (Max +5)

CL x 1 x 2000 x 2*

*:x2 cost for duration of 1 min/level

Grand Lodge

Boots of Friendly Terrain.

Horizon Walker Prc.

Oracle of Battle 1 level

War Sight (Su): Whenever you roll for initiative, you can roll twice and take either result. At 7th level, you can always act in the surprise round, but if you fail to notice the ambush, you act last, regardless of your initiative result (you act in the normal order in following rounds). At 11th level, you can roll for initiative three times and take any one of the results.

roll 2 D20 take the better that should be on average +10 shift in initiative

Dip two levels of inquisitor for cunning initiative.

roll 2 D20 take the better is +5 on average. There is a website where you can calculate stuff like this, sadly I forgot what is is called...

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