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Wait...DQ is a chick? *mind blown*

...apparently clothes blown away too!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I honestly went by her picture, it looks so Quaker like. Not that it matters. No one knows more about video games, except Sharoth and Turin. :-)

Unrelated, I might have been a bit... reactionary about it.

But it's all good, I apologized to Cosmo, so I'm good!

Wait... did... I... do that right...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, my day has improved massively.

Impus Minor has been... less-than-forthcoming about his homework failures, and he's got a report card like a 1980's jock: One A (P.E.), five D's, and an F. I reached out to his counselor, and it looks like they're all well aware that it's an, "I don't feel like doing homework" problem, rather than an, "I don't get this" problem, so they're going to let him move on to 7th grade, as long as he attends a course on self-organization.

Considering that I've been all over him since he broke his arm, and his grades have been spot-on since then, I think it's a good solution, and it gives him 12 weeks of summer to relax before I really apply the thumbscrews.

So no summer school, meaning all those summer camps we already paid for, plus Disneyland, are all "gos".

Assuming, of course, we can still save up enough money for Disneyland.
But hey, NobodysWife and I already have annual passes. The kids can enjoy themselves in the hotel room, right?

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Just give them a smartphone, tablet, television, and easily accessible food and they won't even know you're out of the room.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Just give them a smartphone, tablet, television, and easily accessible food and they won't even know you're out of the room.

Everything except the food is a "go".

We *could* give them our Disney Dollars card (thank you, Chase!) with $1000 on it.

But something in the back of my mind keeps saying, "That would be... Bad!"

On the other hand, I'm really enjoying Impus Minor's obsession with the whole process: "No, Impus Major! You CAN'T buy Overwatch! We're trying to save money for Disneyland!"

We'll make our stupid-way-too-expensive-trip-from-heck yet!

And if anyone wants to join us, we'll be there July 2-9, and we're still looking at an $800/day budget, meaning treating friends to dinner is a no-brainer. I personally think that total is utterly ludicrous and that we'll never spend that kind of money, even eating out all the time and entertaining friends. But my whole family is determined to keep that total intact by spending NOTHING until then... so who am I to say, "No, that's too much money to spend!"

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Do not give them a lump sum. Yup, that can only end badly. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
I feel sad now. Some jerk (LordFyre) just drove DeathQuaker off the site by being mean.

Son of a... If she does leave, then I might just flag every one of his post as offensive! This site should be safe from that kind of crap!!! But it isn't.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What does it say that favoriting Sharoth's post was instant, while favoriting CY's took over a minute?

You're on their list, CY... beware!

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It says I was switching avatars. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
It says I was switching avatars. :-)

Very handsome.

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Wonder Woman (Jessie Graff) does it!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I honestly went by her picture, it looks so Quaker like. Not that it matters. No one knows more about video games, except Sharoth and Turin. :-)

Unrelated, I might have been a bit... reactionary about it.

But it's all good, I apologized to Cosmo, so I'm good!

Wait... did... I... do that right...

I wish I could say that I am good at video games, but I am not. I just play them a lot so I can BS my way through some stuff.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You're just being modest. :-)

You're better than you give yourself credit for. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
I feel sad now. Some jerk (LordFyre) just drove DeathQuaker off the site by being mean.

Freehold's Rage Meter: >9000

What. The. F&%&?

Sharoth wrote:
Aranna wrote:
I feel sad now. Some jerk (LordFyre) just drove DeathQuaker off the site by being mean.
Son of a... If she does leave, then I might just flag every one of his post as offensive! This site should be safe from that kind of crap!!! But it isn't.

also, this.

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captain yesterday wrote:

You're just being modest. :-)

You're better than you give yourself credit for. :-)

No, no. I am being honest. I am really good at BSing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So I'm trying this new thing, where I leave most of the weeds, and just pull weeds around the plants, thus giving the nocturnal animals a buffet of options (my phone assumed I was gonna type "a buffet of kittens", wtf phone!) yes, anyway, hopefully the bunnies will fill up on bread (I.e. weeds) while hardly touching the main course (my veggies)

Time will tell.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

My old house had wild onions growing in the yard. The plus side was the bunnies LOVED them so they would eat the onions and leave the veggies alone. The bad part was if they missed any then you would end up crying your eyes out while mowing the lawn from the mowed onion effect.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Why yes, yes I did jump down the rabbit hole that is my eastern flower bed.

Yes, I started by weeding it, then decided to hand till it.

Yes, it has been a number of years since I last tilled it.

No, it's not as easy as I thought it would be.

Yes, I've only made it four and a half feet (by three feet wide).

Yes, it is looking much better already.

And we have wild garlic. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Why yes, yes I did jump down the rabbit hole that is my eastern flower bed.

Yes, I started by weeding it, then decided to hand till it.


captain yesterday wrote:

Yes, it has been a number of years since I last tilled it.

No, it's not as easy as I thought it would be.


captain yesterday wrote:

Yes, I've only made it four and a half feet (by three feet wide).

Yes, it is looking much better already.

Ug-, er, yay.

captain yesterday wrote:
And we have wild garlic. :-)


The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
And we have wild garlic. :-)

This is what gives me power

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Excellent, we have a proposition for you. Do you have a Home Depot card.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We're going to need lots of wood...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

G!$$$@n it, not these guys again...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I made no further progress on the side garden. Might go out and see what I can accomplish before the sun goes down.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I look like RJ from Over The Hedge.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Maybe a player race version of Tanuki...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Maybe a player race version of Tanuki...

*whistles innocently*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Turtles 2 was a great time at the theater! The references to both the 90s series (and toys) and in-jokes with the fans and drama surrounding the previous films were upped in a way I didn't find distracting; while the story was solid and entertaining - it actually felt like they made the cartoon into a film (with exactly two references to a mule's behind to make sure the rating was "high" enough, I suspect). Fun film!

Shadow Lodge

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*starts looking for people handing TL sacks of money*

TOZ wrote:
*starts looking for people handing TL sacks of money*

Hah! I'd take it! Alas...

I've gone on record as liking the first one, soooooo...

I definitely regret Fox as having gotten the April role, but she's not a terrible actress in the role (even if the fan service feels unnecessarily forced; though I'm pretty sure it's also a bit of self-parody/nod to the fans, given an early scene referenced in the credits).

Otherwise? The film's surprisingly solid. And the characterizations are actually impressive. It's funny: I didn't realize it, watching the first one; nor even while watching this one, but - and I can't believe I'm saying this - this film series actually knows how to differentiate the turtles' personalities in unique ways that also allow them to contribute to the team dynamic in a unique method: a feat that was not accomplished by either animated series, nor the original films.

Before the incoming storm, allow me to clarify. This is not an "intelligent" film. But it shouldn't be. Because it's a daggum 80s/90s cartoon turned into a live action PG13 film (due to two uses of a variant "bum" word).

I actually saw Leo leading - not just the people saying he was the leader, but him being one, and employing the strategy for which he was famed. I actually saw Raph being a loner and rude, but could see him being a "cool" guy (i.e. popular/jock) character. Mikey has an actual place beyond, "the orange guy with nunchucks" - something that no expression (except maybe the Archie comics?) has ever really done anything with. Donatello has been reduced in his social skills - he's still a cool guy, but more naturally a follower, and introvert: he actually acts more like the self-taught "genius" nerds I know.

There were some issues. Raph made a spectacularly stupid decision that should come back to haunt the turtles later. The turtles collectively made a poor group decision at the end by turning down a <spoiler>, shortly after Raph's foolish move. Kasey... I liked his inclusion and character, but there was some juvinile humor that projected itself way too far in advance (though this, too, is a reference to older material). Splinter and Shredder are unfortunately weak in their characterizations.

But the movie itself was really fun. The characters are solid and enjoyable and there were about as many holes as you get from action movies: some, but not overwhelming. It worked. :D

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Now I want to see both the first and the second turtles film.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've always liked the (original) Turtles Movies

(Sue me, you won't get much. I'm broke) ;P

OK, Not saying they were the best films ever, but were fun! When my (1st) Son was 5 we watched that VHS all the time!

OK #3 got a little TOO cartoony in the sillyness w/ Time travel and all. But it still fit in with all of the 'original' material from the cartoons.

I also enjoyed the 1st of this new incarnation. Again, not saying it should win an Oscar, but I don't judge movies based on whether or not they'll win Oscars, I judge them on whether or not I liked them. :)

In the end, That's all that matters. ;)

Glad to hear TL enjoyed the new 2nd Turtles movie. It on my list to see.
It's a LONG list, we don't get to go to movies often. :(

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I get what you're saying, but I just don't see it. Maybe it's nostalgia blinding me to the problems.

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Got most of the side bed done before the rain. next up, two days of sweaty 91 degrees, the humid kind i believe.

Have i mentioned the worst thing about Florida is the weather. So not really looking forward to it. But i kinda boxed myself in with all the enthusiasm over summer so Yay!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Exam is done with. I think I'll take a day or two to destress, then get back to writing.

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We'll probably see it this weekend. I want to see Batman vs Superman at the budget cinema, But I'm (rightfully) the only one, and admittedly I'm more interested in the train wreck is it as bad as everyone says aspect of the movie.

3 people marked this as a favorite.


6 people marked this as a favorite.

There is nothing so satisfying as watching your child, who has struggled with school for his entire lifetime, finally begin to mature and focus.

Today's the last day of school (woo hoo!), and Impus Major has two finals back already: Math (always his weakest subject): 85%, Spanish (where I can't help him since I don't speak it): 79%.

Nothing like watching your "let's hope he doesn't flunk out THIS year" kid getting solid, well-earned B's in his courses.

Also, Impus Minor gets his cast off today. Everyone's looking forward to playing the game, "What will come out of Impus Minor's cast?"

We know that it contains a pen cap, sand, and possibly a few coins. NobodysWife is thinking some form of livestock.

We'll know in a few hours...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Have some sweetened corn ready, if there's a cow in there, it's gonna come out angry. And nothing talks down an angry hungry cow like sweetened corn. Otherwise if you hit it square in the forehead with the flat side of a shovel, it should stun it momentarily and it'll forget what it was doing.

Cows are silly creatures.

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And as if that weren't enough, Rivoli for dinner tonight, with our favorite waiter, James the Awesome.

(Yes, I believe that's his real name. Or at least it should be...)

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Pea Bear either just passed or has to repeat a couple classes.

I'm hopeful she'll have maturity growth this summer. :-)

Have you ever been in a situation where you wonder why men aren't staring at your chest? Only to realize that it's probably because you are wearing a gun and they are staring at that instead. The only guy at the airport today who looked me in the eyes was the policeman I was chatting with. Guys girls everyone else was staring at my gun.

I'd stare at your chest.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

Have you ever been in a situation where you wonder why men aren't staring at your chest? Only to realize that it's probably because you are wearing a gun and they are staring at that instead. The only guy at the airport today who looked me in the eyes was the policeman I was chatting with. Guys girls everyone else was staring at my gun.

Both are attention-getting I'm certain, but I know which one I'd prefer to stare at! :)

Probably, the men were staring at the gun trying to decide if it was SAFE to stare at said chest.

The women were staring at the gun thinking, "Where can I get one of those?"


7 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Pea Bear either just passed or has to repeat a couple classes.

I'm hopeful she'll have maturity growth this summer. :-)

Oi vay,

My 16 (17 in August) yr-old had some serious problems this year with math (I don't speak Math) and Spanish, (I also don't speak this) SO yeah, we tried to get her help all year. It was a Long, tense, drawn out year. Fighting bad grades til the LAST day of school.

Amazingly, she passed all her classes. Nothing worse than a C. (We were expecting the 2 classes to be D's or F's)

So, vacation and Space Camp is NOT cancelled!

Now I'm explaining to her how you don't sluff off all summer, and forget what little you've learned.

I'm too old to play another year long game of 'How bad can my grades be and still pass?!?'My heart won't take it. :/

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

Have you ever been in a situation where you wonder why men aren't staring at your chest? Only to realize that it's probably because you are wearing a gun and they are staring at that instead. The only guy at the airport today who looked me in the eyes was the policeman I was chatting with. Guys girls everyone else was staring at my gun.

Maybe you should try wearing holster on the front of your chest?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Now I want to see both the first and the second turtles film.



3 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

Have you ever been in a situation where you wonder why men aren't staring at your chest? Only to realize that it's probably because you are wearing a gun and they are staring at that instead. The only guy at the airport today who looked me in the eyes was the policeman I was chatting with. Guys girls everyone else was staring at my gun.

Freehold will stare openly at your chest and not your gun, for only boobs will bring about world peace.

5 people marked this as a favorite.



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