Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Naked self interest ftw!!!

Nice The Prisoner . reference Creeprechaun!

Ugh covered in sugar and missing my bed ATM.


Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Ugh covered in sugar and missing my bed ATM.

That's what she said!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Speaking of numbers: me having 4 brothers we have, on occasion, referred to each other by number. So, this one time, I call the eldest to talk over something and when he answers the phone it goes something like this:

Him: Hello?

Me: Number 1? This is Number 4!

Him: Number 1 speaking. Report Number 4!

His wife in the background: Who is that? Who are you talking to?

Scarab Sages

To this day, I'm not sure if he ever actually told her that was me.

Aaaand done


Scarab Sages

Also: Good morning to all my fellow FAWTLY Folk! I hope your day goes better than I expect mine to.

And with that, we're almost at work. Bye for now.


Ugh. Morning.

The Exchange

Mothman wrote:
How is the job situation going?

Like crap.

Aberzombie wrote:
Songs from Grease - guilty pleasure or sign of dangerously fragile psyche?

If it's the Beautiful South version of You're the One That I Want - good taste.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

One preliminary phone interview already done this morning. Got a follow-up phone interview from an assessment taken last week in over an hour.

C'mon, people. Employ this guy.

Don't you love it when people prove your point for you?

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

Well, Scott continued to dismiss his shoulder problems as a simple pulled muscle, never realizing that he had, in fact, become host to an other-dimensional organism that was slowly merging with his own DNA because it could not otherwise survive in our atmosphere. Meanwhile, Gregg's phone interview went horribly wrong when a malfunction in his phone resulted in the caller only hearing heavy breathing sounds. And, across town, Max and Patrick agreed to disagree over the superiority of 80's Mumm-Ra versus.....No, wait! That's my soap opera.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think I may need to discuss with hockey pad manufactures, why there is no pad on the back of the upper leg...

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Aberzombie's Really Grim Fairy Tales:

The Elf Princess and the Dwarf Warrior

Once upon a time, a stalwart dwarven warrior named Curmudge was marching through the forest when he came upon an elven maiden beset by goblins. The brave dwarf charged into battle, slaughtering the monsters left and right, until the survivors fled. The elf introduced herself as Princess Farfulu. Curmudge felt a stirring in his heart, and suddenly professed his undying love for the beautiful elf maid. Farfulu reciprocated his feelings, but knew that they must be careful, lest her father find out and bring his wrath down upon her hero.

So, for many months, Curmudge and Farfulu met in secret, enjoying many glorious spring days basking in each other's company. Unfortunately, their meetings were not a secret as they thought. Mucknuck the troll had accidently come across them during a rendevous, and grew jealous that his own love for such surpassing beauty was not returned in such a fashion.

The seed of anger and rage over his unrequited love continued to grow in Mucknuck's heart, until it one day burst forth in a tidal wave of violence. Ambushing the two lovers, Mucknuck gutted the beautiful princess, all the while screaming,

"That's my dwarf, b**~+! Die! Die!"

Enraged at the murder of his beloved, Curmudge grabbed up his trusty ax, dismembered Mucknuck, and burned the pieces. Then, before he could even so much as weep over Farfulu's cold body, the elf king and his warriors came across the scene, saw the dead princess and the blood covered dwarf, and filled Curmudge full of arrows before he could utter one word.

Later, the elf king died of a broken heart.

The end.

Aberzombie wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?
Well, Scott continued to dismiss his shoulder problems as a simple pulled muscle, never realizing that he had, in fact, become host to an other-dimensional organism that was slowly merging with his own DNA because it could not otherwise survive in our atmosphere. Meanwhile, Gregg's phone interview went horribly wrong when a malfunction in his phone resulted in the caller only hearing heavy breathing sounds. And, across town, Max and Patrick agreed to disagree over the superiority of 80's Mumm-Ra versus.....No, wait! That's my soap opera.

I tried to explain that it was the dog doing the heavy breathing because she was sleeping.

Then I heard a dial tone.

What does this mean?

Hey, Fawtlies. I could use some help. Link in PIE.

Scarab Sages


The Exchange

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You ever have one of those days where you're pissed off at everyone in the world and you don't know why?

Well I'm on my second one in a row.

Moorluck wrote:

You ever have one of those days where you're pissed off at everyone in the world and you don't know why?

Well I'm on my second one in a row.

It's because someone installed the toilet paper with the flap you grab to the back.

2 people marked this as a favorite.




Great to hear. Welcome back, man.

Moorluck wrote:

You ever have one of those days where you're pissed off at everyone in the world and you don't know why?

Well I'm on my second one in a row.

I had mine y'day. Hoping I dodged today, but I've been laying low, just in case...

Hi folks!

M!! Got the book today! I was super excited to see something from you in the mailbox :P

Scarab Sages


Silver Crusade

Mrgh. 45 more minutes...

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Mrgh. 45 more minutes...


Can someone show me again how to code links into Blogger comments. I know, you showed me before, but I can't remember and I can't find where I saved it, either. :-3

The Song lied:
You DO have to live like a ref-u-ge-e.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Moorluck wrote:

You ever have one of those days where you're pissed off at everyone in the world and you don't know why?

Well I'm on my second one in a row.

It's usually PMS.

Time to go to my crappy night job when the winds in Southern Nevada blow furious. Have a safe night everyone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, I also need one of these.


Silver Crusade

It's probably a good time of year in Vegas, no? I was in Palm Springs last weekend and it was perfect.

Liberty's Edge

Quiet day ...

I need to start getting more sleep.

We made it home fine. Going to collapse for a few hours. Talk to you all later.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Does anyone but me find it odd sometimes that we say things like "talk to you all later" when we're actually typing and reading?


Scarab Sages

Otherwise, good morning FAWTLY Folk! Hope everyone's doing ok. Looks to be a nice day (weather wise) here in Philly. Hope everyone else is as fortunate.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

You ever have one of those days where you're pissed off at everyone in the world and you don't know why?

Well I'm on my second one in a row.

I had mine y'day. Hoping I dodged today, but I've been laying low, just in case...

Monday and yesterday were more or less awful for me, but for different reasons. Although I think the root cause might be a bit of full moon fever. Here's hoping today's better for everyone.

Sharoth wrote:
We made it home fine. Going to collapse for a few hours. Talk to you all later.

Sleep, Dragon. I shall watch the hoard while you rest.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

You ever have one of those days where you're pissed off at everyone in the world and you don't know why?

Well I'm on my second one in a row.

I had mine y'day. Hoping I dodged today, but I've been laying low, just in case...
Monday and yesterday were more or less awful for me, but for different reasons. Although I think the root cause might be a bit of full moon fever. Here's hoping today's better for everyone.

Hmmm - based on my experience last night, maybe there is something to this full moon fever belief.

Morning, and I'm off to bed. Everyone, have a magnificent day.

Dark Archive

It is supposed to be in the mid 50's here today. Not sure where winter went this year ... we did not have one at all. Which worries me since we always have some sort of winter in New England. I expect some late snow up here this month.

How is everyone doing on this fine day?

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It feels like May not March. This weather is freaking me out. Also the bird who thinks it's a brilliant idea to sit on top of my air-conditioner and sing at an ungodly hour must die.

Not a morning person obviously. And where I live obnoxious wildlife is pretty uncommmon. The time we spent living in the quieter part of town I nearly went crazy. I couldn't hear sirens or train whistles or traffic. I really like where we are now cause I can also hear the bells from St Francis church across the street. It's not that rural areas have less sound, it's that they have the wrong sounds. :P

hi everyone

Gruumash . wrote:

It is supposed to be in the mid 50's here today. Not sure where winter went this year ... we did not have one at all. Which worries me since we always have some sort of winter in New England. I expect some late snow up here this month.

How is everyone doing on this fine day?

Other than trace snowfall that essentially melted by mid-day, we've only had one three-to-four day weekend in Ohio where we had snow on the ground long enough where I had to get out and shovel. I'm sure hoping that there'll be no nasty late season snowfall surprises as spring is right around the corner. I'm actually thankful that snowfall was quite minimal this year.

I am curious about how that gets handled in city / community budgets since they didn't have to pay for the expenditures on "salting" the roads and the overtime to keep the workers out there to keep the roads in drive-able conditions.

I just need to find some spare change to get started on laying down some mulch and fertilizer for the yard.

The Exchange

We had a Wind advisory all day yesterday. The gusts were up to 48 mph. Today it will be overcast with a chance of rain, then thunderstorms and a chance of rain in the afternoon. High of 72F. Winds from the South at 20-25 mph with gusts to 30 mph. Chance of rain 30%.

This is your daily Midwest forecast.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh CJ, and it's been SO WARM out here the last few days. They said maybe 60 on saturday though!

btw, new avatar is dayumn creepy.

Sovereign Court

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I thought you were referring to the Song That Never Ends.

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