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Off-Topic Discussions

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Oh, Sebastian. When ar4e you taking me out to dinner and a movie? After all, I am your best friend! I know that I am and that you love me because I am at the top of your friends list.

The Exchange

Sebastian wrote:
Vikingchris wrote:

Oh, and please make sure to do a thorough job of the burning so that I can rebuild from the ground up with the insurance money.

You assume you won't be in the house...

Nekked Arson?? damn Sebastian we have missed you.

How gos work, CJ?

The Exchange

Sharoth wrote:
How gos work, CJ?


and yourself?

This would be a great job if it wasn't for all the customers [/Randall]


Good Evening all.

Woodraven wrote:
Good Evening all.


The long weekend has started.

Madclaw wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
As a matter of fact he did.

Well, not to down play the situation, but it could be worse. It could have been ** spoiler omitted **

And yes, I'm sorry I went there.

I am not sure what that is. I know I will not look it up at work.
I would not reccomend looking it up at all. It's scarring, mentally scarring.

i loved bible black, even got the computer game for it. Haven't watched it in a while, though. Maybe I'll dust off my copy and have a marathon. Punish your son if you will, cj, but go easy -we were all his age once.

Jess Door wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:

Howdy my dear FAWTLers, just tonig the artsy ones /Jess, Shiny, Moorluck, etc?) that the Wayfinder artistcall is open, thou you don't need to apply, I'll email you this weekend with your commissions unless you say otherwise

We are also open for donations for the printing fund you know... ;)

Leafette: Take a good look at this.

Froggy: YAY!

Dammit, I was FINALLY going to finish Inuyasha...and Netflix has subtitled instead of dubbed. Oh, the pain.

You watch dubbed instead of subbed?!? Oh, the pain, that agony! :(

I need to buy the rest of the manga.

The cartoon was a great study aid, I must say. Most of the language was simple enough I could read the comic before the episode aired, then watch the episode, and they would each help me pick up stuff about the other I missed. :)

Watch it in raw Japanese! :D

i shudder at the idea of watching anything dubbed, but to each his own. I do hope to watch something raw one day, though.

Sharoth wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Dammit, I was FINALLY going to finish Inuyasha...and Netflix has subtitled instead of dubbed. Oh, the pain.
Trust me, you don't miss anything.
I don't even know how the cartoon ended, since it was still playing when I came back to the states. But the manga ended pretty good, if not with a surprising ending. :)
How good is Inuyasha?

despite it being of rumiko takahashi, I found it meh. This could be because I am a guy, however.

Madclaw wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Madclaw wrote:

If you haven't seen them I strong recommend Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. The first is the original anime which was produced while the manga was still being written and diverges greatly from the plot of the manga. Brotherhood is the series redone following the manga storyline almost exactly.

Another good anime is Death Note. I highly recommend it.

YES!!! FMA and FMA - Brotherhood ROCK!!! I have not seen the anima of Deathnote, but the live action Deathnote is AWESOME!!!
*fist bump* amen to that!

i found death note to be a much better read than a watch, but that is just me. I will be adding fma to my collection soon enough.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
mobile suit gundam is likely the Greatest Anime Ever. Samurai Champloo is pretty awesome, too. Ghost is the Shell is also wonderful.


The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
As a matter of fact he did.

Well, not to down play the situation, but it could be worse. It could have been ** spoiler omitted **

And yes, I'm sorry I went there.

I am not sure what that is. I know I will not look it up at work.
I would not reccomend looking it up at all. It's scarring, mentally scarring.
i loved bible black, even got the computer game for it. Haven't watched it in a while, though. Maybe I'll dust off my copy and have a marathon. Punish your son if you will, cj, but go easy -we were all his age once.

So far I have yet to sit down and have a discussion about it. We will see if any further punishment is warranted, beyond just having his step mom embarrass him by catching him in the act.

RPG Superstar 2012

107 new posts!?!?

Crimson Jester wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
As a matter of fact he did.

Well, not to down play the situation, but it could be worse. It could have been ** spoiler omitted **

And yes, I'm sorry I went there.

I am not sure what that is. I know I will not look it up at work.
I would not reccomend looking it up at all. It's scarring, mentally scarring.
i loved bible black, even got the computer game for it. Haven't watched it in a while, though. Maybe I'll dust off my copy and have a marathon. Punish your son if you will, cj, but go easy -we were all his age once.
So far I have yet to sit down and have a discussion about it. We will see if any further punishment is warranted, beyond just having his step mom embarrass him by catching him in the act.

oh!!! She caught him? Oh man, go real easy. I still have nightmares about the one time I thought my door was locked and it wasn't.

taig wrote:
107 new posts!?!?


200 NEW POSTS??!!??

RPG Superstar 2012

Sharoth wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Speaking of jumping back in... I owe you guys the $5 for Ashton illo... should I send it to Taig or a gift certificate for Ashton?
~curses~ Damn it! I forgot about that. taig, do I also send you the moola?

GC to me works. :)

Morning all....

It is a beautiful sunny day in Sydney and I am waiting to be told when our systems are up so I can go into work (our systems have been crashing all week because they have been outsourced. I have to work on the weekend to make up for the time lost).

My wife is taking my girls down to the park to play soccer with friends. There is a good coffee shop near the park they have traditional Italian doughnuts without the holes. It sounds like they will have a nice day.

I am not a fan of work today.

Okay. Last post before nap - Please heal up, wolfie; Jess Door is indeed the awesome despite our divergent political views; i wish I could have applied for the job, Solnes; Lindisty, please watch Read or Die; and Treppa that sound you heard earlier when you said you did not like anime was my heart breaking!

RPG Superstar 2012

Wolfthulhu wrote:
ohhh, i'm sore. spent most of the day running around in my buddy's mustang picking up x-rays, checking on the bike etc... i should have a few pictutres to put up later this weekend.

I hope your convalescence continues to be good for you.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Sebastian wrote:

Played kingmaker last night.

One character was originally an elk animal companion to a druid, but was resurrected as an elf druid. This all happened off camera, in his back story.

Last night, the character's animal companion (an elk) died. So, of course he ressurected him...

and rolled an elf.

Which prompted another player (who's character was recently exiled from the kingdom and hence, retired) to decide to play the new elf/elk.

And to be a druid.

I hate players. This game would be so much better without them.

These fine gentlemen will be attending PaizoCon. I post here because I would appreciate it, fellow FAWTLies, if you would do your utmost to wreak revenge upon them on my behalf. If you DM a game with them, please kill their PCs. If you play with them, suggest they go ahead and check for traps (particularly if they are not rogues). Please treat them with all the anger and vitriol that my enemies deserve.

That's a tall order. Maybe two or three of us could work together to muster up your level of anger and vitriol.

RPG Superstar 2012

Freehold DM wrote:
Okay. Last post before nap - Please heal up, wolfie; Jess Door is indeed the awesome despite our divergent political views; i wish I could have applied for the job, Solnes; Lindisty, please watch Read or Die; and Treppa that sound you heard earlier when you said you did not like anime was my heart breaking!

She likes Joss Whedon, though! That makes it better, right?

well, bike is at the mechanic, kindle was recovered, gps was also safe.

learned that my insurance will also cover up to $3000 of bike accessories including riding gear (helmet, jacket and gloves) so that's nice. won't hear about the bike until monday or tuesday though.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Aberzombie wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I never got into anime or comic books for that matter...
I like some anime - own Demon City Shinjuku and Vampire Hunter D on DVD. I've been collecting comics for like 27 years or so.

Wow, that's longer than I've been collecting comics.

RPG Superstar 2012

Sebastian wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
What? (offering sympathy to others on my enemies list) Oh come on. The PonyLVR alias should have cause more of a grief then that. :)
Good call. I was blanking on a reason. I forgot about PonyLVR...

Beaten out by horned elves...what's this world coming to?

RPG Superstar 2012

Aberzombie wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

Soooo....I take it you're angry with them?
All I ask is that you treat them as you would anyone on my enemies list.

Well, I'm on your enemies list - and how I'd treat myself is to give myself a beer. So, I should give these guys a beer?

Incidently, WTF? I keep falling in the enemies list. I need to do something to get back near the top.....

Give them skunky beer.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Morning all....

It is a beautiful sunny day in Sydney and I am waiting to be told when our systems are up so I can go into work (our systems have been crashing all week because they have been outsourced. I have to work on the weekend to make up for the time lost).

My wife is taking my girls down to the park to play soccer with friends. There is a good coffee shop near the park they have traditional Italian doughnuts without the holes. It sounds like they will have a nice day.

I am not a fan of work today.


Freehold DM wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
FULL METAL ALCHEMIST is likely the Greatest Anime Ever. Samurai Champloo is pretty awesome, too. Ghost is the Shell is also wonderful.

Re-fixed. Giant robots or mechs haven't grabbed me.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
FULL METAL ALCHEMIST is likely the Greatest Anime Ever. Samurai Champloo is pretty awesome, too. Ghost is the Shell is also wonderful.
Re-fixed. Giant robots or mechs haven't grabbed me.

Once you've been grabbed by a giant robot or mech, you won't want to go back.

taig wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Speaking of jumping back in... I owe you guys the $5 for Ashton illo... should I send it to Taig or a gift certificate for Ashton?
~curses~ Damn it! I forgot about that. taig, do I also send you the moola?
GC to me works. :)

Ok. Shall do.

The Exchange

taig wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
What? (offering sympathy to others on my enemies list) Oh come on. The PonyLVR alias should have cause more of a grief then that. :)
Good call. I was blanking on a reason. I forgot about PonyLVR...

Beaten out by horned elves...what's this world coming to?

I know, and I thought the pink pony photo shop would have placed me on the hatred level, well maybe not with Taig but closer to him. Cause you know badgers and ponies just don't mix.

Actually, Four things are neck in neck for me. Batman the animated series / Superman the animated series / Justice League (all in one group), Avatar the Last Airbender, Gargoyles and Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood. All are at the number one spot for me.

The Exchange

Tornadoes Tornadoes go away Tornadoes

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Crimson Jester wrote:
Tornadoes Tornadoes go away Tornadoes

You should tell those tornados to blow you!

Liberty's Edge

That's a lot of new posts overnight ...

Liberty's Edge

Sorry to hear about your accident Wolfthulhu, glad to hear you're (mostly) ok.

Liberty's Edge

Wow, government shutdowns ... living outside the US I have never heard of such a thing ... without getting into the politics it strikes me as bizarre and sad.

Hope you don't lose out on too much work or pay Lindisty, and any other federal employees on the thread.

Liberty's Edge

Vikingchris wrote:
Btw Sebastian. Ive decided that my summoner is going to multiclass into druid so she can fit in with the rest of this ragtag group. Im also going to take leadership. My goal is to roll 100 dice each turn.

Our Curse of the Crimson Throne group currently has 7 regular PCs, two familiars, three cohorts and a ridiculous number of followers. Three of the seven PCs have taken leadership, two more are planning to next time they get a feat, one of the characters is going to multiclass to cavalier and get a horse companion, the sorcerer summons monsters every fight … it is madness.

The Exchange

taig wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Tornadoes Tornadoes go away Tornadoes
You should tell those tornados to blow you!

No... they need to blow in another state. Studpuffin keeps saying Misery is nice this time of year.

Sharoth wrote:
Actually, Four things are neck in neck for me. Batman the animated series / Superman the animated series / Justice League (all in one group), Avatar the Last Airbender, Gargoyles and Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood. All are at the number one spot for me.

Boundaries are sometimes kind of fuzzy for me. {Opens door for Uri}

If Avatar the Last Airbender is included, then it would also go in those top faves.

Liberty's Edge

As for gamers loving anime … you only have to wait till Paizo published an illustration with someone with a particularly oversized sword, or an elf with particularly long ears or big eyes, or a female student of a magic school wearing a uniform with a particularly short skirt, for all the anime hating gamers to come out of the woodwork.

Mothman wrote:
Vikingchris wrote:
Btw Sebastian. Ive decided that my summoner is going to multiclass into druid so she can fit in with the rest of this ragtag group. Im also going to take leadership. My goal is to roll 100 dice each turn.
Our Curse of the Crimson Throne group currently has 7 regular PCs, two familiars, three cohorts and a ridiculous number of followers. Three of the seven PCs have taken leadership, two more are planning to next time they get a feat, one of the characters is going to multiclass to cavalier and get a horse companion, the sorcerer summons monsters every fight … it is madness.

Any chia lions or chia giants?

Mothman wrote:
As for gamers loving anime … you only have to wait till Paizo published an illustration with someone with a particularly oversized sword, or an elf with particularly long ears or big eyes, or a female student of a magic school wearing a uniform with a particularly short skirt, for all the anime hating gamers to come out of the woodwork.

Not my fave thing; like some, hate some; weird little kids that need ritalin and shoot thousands of hearts out of their heads and sing weird songs about how cute some dude is is the absolute worst,.....

but I can't get motivated to pwn on anime necessarily.

Liberty's Edge

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Vikingchris wrote:
Btw Sebastian. Ive decided that my summoner is going to multiclass into druid so she can fit in with the rest of this ragtag group. Im also going to take leadership. My goal is to roll 100 dice each turn.
Our Curse of the Crimson Throne group currently has 7 regular PCs, two familiars, three cohorts and a ridiculous number of followers. Three of the seven PCs have taken leadership, two more are planning to next time they get a feat, one of the characters is going to multiclass to cavalier and get a horse companion, the sorcerer summons monsters every fight … it is madness.
Any chia lions or chia giants?

Heh, no ... but there are some similarities between the two groups in terms of extras.

For my CotCT group I also forgot about the siblings, twin brothers, wives, daughters, hirelings, former PCs - turned NPCs, servants and faithful companions who are known to accompany the group from time to time.

Liberty's Edge

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Mothman wrote:
As for gamers loving anime … you only have to wait till Paizo published an illustration with someone with a particularly oversized sword, or an elf with particularly long ears or big eyes, or a female student of a magic school wearing a uniform with a particularly short skirt, for all the anime hating gamers to come out of the woodwork.

Not my fave thing; like some, hate some; weird little kids that need ritalin and shoot thousands of hearts out of their heads and sing weird songs about how cute some dude is is the absolute worst,.....

but I can't get motivated to pwn on anime necessarily.

Yeah, I'm kinda with you, there are some I quite enjoy, but I wouldn't lable myself an 'anime fan' necessarily.

Mothman wrote:

Wow, government shutdowns ... living outside the US I have never heard of such a thing ... without getting into the politics it strikes me as bizarre and sad.

Hope you don't lose out on too much work or pay Lindisty, and any other federal employees on the thread.

I have to show up Monday morning to find out whether or not I am working. Stupid. My weekend might be really long.

Liberty's Edge

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Mothman wrote:

Wow, government shutdowns ... living outside the US I have never heard of such a thing ... without getting into the politics it strikes me as bizarre and sad.

Hope you don't lose out on too much work or pay Lindisty, and any other federal employees on the thread.

I have to show up Monday morning to find out whether or not I am working. Stupid. My weekend might be really long.

It sounds like a completely sucky situation TTfBtE.

Mothman wrote:
Vikingchris wrote:
Btw Sebastian. Ive decided that my summoner is going to multiclass into druid so she can fit in with the rest of this ragtag group. Im also going to take leadership. My goal is to roll 100 dice each turn.
Our Curse of the Crimson Throne group currently has 7 regular PCs, two familiars, three cohorts and a ridiculous number of followers. Three of the seven PCs have taken leadership, two more are planning to next time they get a feat, one of the characters is going to multiclass to cavalier and get a horse companion, the sorcerer summons monsters every fight … it is madness.

That sounds fun. :P

I am in the process of putting a game together sort of like a combination of Civilization and the PFRPG. Each player starts with a 20/20 gestalt character that is encouraged to be broken. A multitude of cohorts and thousands of followers is the norm. But, it will be a PbP rather than an IRL RPG.

taig wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Morning all....

It is a beautiful sunny day in Sydney and I am waiting to be told when our systems are up so I can go into work (our systems have been crashing all week because they have been outsourced. I have to work on the weekend to make up for the time lost).

My wife is taking my girls down to the park to play soccer with friends. There is a good coffee shop near the park they have traditional Italian doughnuts without the holes. It sounds like they will have a nice day.

I am not a fan of work today.


Woohoo the system is still down I dont have to go into work today :-)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
taig wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Morning all....

It is a beautiful sunny day in Sydney and I am waiting to be told when our systems are up so I can go into work (our systems have been crashing all week because they have been outsourced. I have to work on the weekend to make up for the time lost).

My wife is taking my girls down to the park to play soccer with friends. There is a good coffee shop near the park they have traditional Italian doughnuts without the holes. It sounds like they will have a nice day.

I am not a fan of work today.

Woohoo the system is still down I dont have to go into work today :-)

Congrats! Enjoy your day!

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