Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge


A naked sick surly monkey? Quick! I need a blanket, an economy-sized can of Lysol, and -- just in case!-- a baseball bat.

Sovereign Court

Aberzombie wrote:
True, but invoking certain names is like begging to be trolled.

So he's like Beetlejuice?

Sovereign Court

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
A naked sick surly monkey? Quick! I need a blanket, an economy-sized can of Lysol, and -- just in case!-- a baseball bat.

Aluminum or wooden?


I know what you covet my ice cream bar!


The Exchange

Callous Jack wrote:
So he's like Beetlejuice?

him and a few others.

The Exchange

Callous Jack wrote:
Aluminum or wooden?

Always go with the wood. Besides the obvious jokes. It can serve as a makeshift stake to kill sparkly things.

The Exchange

Patrick Curtin wrote:


I know what you covet my ice cream bar!


Ice cream bar?

Sovereign Court

Crimson Jester wrote:
It can serve as a makeshift stake to kill sparkly things.

Hey, I wouldn't try to kill The Jade, although Sebastian...


Scarab Sages

Crimson Jester wrote:
It can serve as a makeshift stake to kill sparkly things.
Callous Jack wrote:

Hey, I wouldn't try to kill The Jade, although Sebastian...


The Jade is "sparkly"?

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey PMG --

I'm not a big fan of the change to "reply". I like to see the conversation entirely (or at least mostly) so I know what I'm replying to. (Just sayin'.)

Dark Archive

Callous Jack wrote:

Hey, I wouldn't try to kill The Jade, although Sebastian...


A bat would just tickle him, before he cast Pillar of Skittles on you. Sebastian can only be killed by bludgeoning him with the femur of an honest used car salesman that as been annointed in the blood of an ethical Congressman and rolled in chocolate sprinkles.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AlexTrebek wrote:
A bat would just tickle him, before he cast Pillar of Skittles on you. Sebastian can only be killed by bludgeoning him with the femur of an honest used car salesman that as been annointed in the blood of an ethical Congressman and rolled in chocolate sprinkles.

Carob sprinkles.

Greetings and Salutations FaWlties from a rather miserable looking Tuesday morning in Sydney. It is supposed to be summer here but it has been wet and miserable for weeks. Instead of the average temperature of 30C (86F) and bright unending sunshine we are averaging 20C (68F)and rain.... Sydney's weather is almost emo enough to be Melbourne weather.

I am trying to think of a way to explain the rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne.... Maybe US West Coast V East Coast...

Shadow Lodge

It's been raining here in Texas all weekend. Horrible. :/

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
It's been raining here in Texas all weekend. Horrible. :/

Dude, it hasn't been raining in Texas pretty much all year. We need this badly.


The Exchange

F~&& you Monday, you stupid a$@***! f#+*wad. You think you can beat me? B##~+@*@ Monday, I'm gonna kill you.

You hear that, no more Monday... I'm gonna kill that f&*!er!

The Exchange

Moff Rimmer wrote:
The Jade is "sparkly"?

You have seen his pictures on FB right??

Liberty's Edge

Moff Rimmer wrote:

Hey PMG --

I'm not a big fan of the change to "reply". I like to see the conversation entirely (or at least mostly) so I know what I'm replying to. (Just sayin'.)

What happened to reply? Looks about the same as usual to me.

Sovereign Court

Moorluck wrote:

F@*~ you Monday, you stupid a#&~@&+ f@%~wad. You think you can beat me? B!*#$%*~ Monday, I'm gonna kill you.

You hear that, no more Monday... I'm gonna kill that f$&#er!

I would prefer all of last week be killed with fire. :(

Shadow Lodge

Mothman wrote:
What happened to reply? Looks about the same as usual to me.

Moff's quote was removed from your post when I chose to reply to it. Now only the most recent post is quoted.

Liberty's Edge

If we got rid of Monday would Tuesday suck just as much as Monday does now?

Shadow Lodge

Remember, every day is just a construct of your mind. Someone who doesn't go to work on Mondays probably has no problem with them.

Liberty's Edge

TOZ wrote:
Moff's quote was removed from your post when I chose to reply to it. Now only the most recent post is quoted.

Oh ... I see.

Yeah, not sure I'm a fan, makes replies less cluttered, but sometimes quoting a reply needs the previous few replies to keep context.

The Exchange

TOZ wrote:
Moff's quote was removed from your post when I chose to reply to it. Now only the most recent post is quoted.
Oh ... I see.

Yeah, not sure I'm a fan, makes replies less cluttered, but sometimes quoting a reply needs the previous few replies to keep context.

copy and paste.

Liberty's Edge

I work on Mondays, I’m generally ok with them. They give me a chance to relax after the hectic weekends.

Liberty's Edge

Crimson Jester wrote:
copy and paste.

And we just got that snazzy multiple quote pit effect too.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:


I know what you covet my ice cream bar!



But whatever you do, don't push the jolly, candy-like button.

Silver Crusade

Hi, all. What did I miss?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I broke it all real good!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gary Teter wrote:
I broke it all real good!

Congrats! You get to pick a stuffed animal from the top shelf.

Silver Crusade

Moorluck wrote:

F#@$ you Monday, you stupid a+**&~# f&%+wad. You think you can beat me? B$#++~+* Monday, I'm gonna kill you.

You hear that, no more Monday... I'm gonna kill that f~&#er!

When you're done with that one, can you kill my Monday, too?

Celestial Healer wrote:
When you're done with that one, can you kill my Monday, too?

Ooh, ooh, mine too please?

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Ooh, ooh, mine too please?

And all of my 2011? :-)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
houstonderek wrote:
And all of my 2011? :-)

HD wins. My Monday's got nothin'.

Celestial Healer wrote:
HD wins. My Monday's got nothin'.


Gary Teter wrote:
I broke it all real good!

The wind? Yeah, I can tell....


lynora wrote:


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:


I know what you covet my ice cream bar!


Dude, I don't want that old, nasty ice cream bar that you've been saving since you were a child. At this point, it almost looks like a bar of soap.

Moff Rimmer wrote:

Hey PMG --

I'm not a big fan of the change to "reply". I like to see the conversation entirely (or at least mostly) so I know what I'm replying to. (Just sayin'.)

UGH. I really liked the old new reply, not the new new reply.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I try to keep up with FaWtL but often I can't, if you've got specific feedback about the new quoting (or any other feature) the best way to make sure I see it is to post in website feedback. (Thread about new quoting.)

I have tea with lots of lemon honey in it. Time to finish that homework.

The Exchange

Gary Teter wrote:
I try to keep up with FaWtL but often I can't, if you've got specific feedback about the new quoting (or any other feature) the best way to make sure I see it is to post in website feedback. (Thread about new quoting.)

Gary if you can keep up, I am impressed.

Please no rule 34 for this, its too easy.

Dark Archive

Skyrim....soul sucking.....wife....angry.....

For the love of Sarenrae, if you are not playing this game. Get it. I HATED numbers 3 & 4. This....this is the fantasy game I've been waiting for.

Patrick Curtin wrote:

I'm a scientist??

Dark Archive

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Dude, I don't want that old, nasty ice cream bar that you've been saving sense you were a child. At this point, it almost looks like a bar of soap.


Dr. PhD, Double Honors!!!

Did you just mis-use a word??


Dark Archive

So we've determined that most everyone here hates Mondays...ergo...they must all be cats.

Dark Archive

Where did everybody go????

Dark Archive


Dark Archive


I think my posting must have ruptured the space/time continuum.


All of FAWLtY is trapped is a space/time bubble!!!

QUICK!! Someone reverse the polarity of the neutron flow!!!

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