
Peter Venkman's page

21 posts. Alias of Mac Boyce.


Patrick Curtin wrote:

I'm a scientist??

Neither. I'll bust them both.

Woodraven wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Treppa wrote:
There is no spring; there is only Zuul.
Are you a GOD?
*refrains from answering on the grounds that it might incriminate him*

are you the keymaster?

No, but I'm a friend of his. He told me to stop by.

Woodraven wrote:
Treppa wrote:
There is no spring; there is only Zuul.
Are you a GOD?

*Alright. This chick is TOAST!*

Urizen wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Are you a god? </Gozer>
Keymaster, actually.

If someone asks if you're a god, YOU SAY YES!

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Those damn ninjas are at it again. Or at least my son says they are, and kids never lie, do they? So about 4 or 5 mornings ago I found my PS3 in disarray and Fallout3 had been played. He said "someone" snuck in through a window and played it in the middle of the night. This morning we find the chocolate cake eaten, and the damn "someone" even smeared chocolate on the poor sleeping kids face before they left. I must ninja proof my house by hanging Chuck Norris posters on every surface!
HORRORS! It's sounds like the dreaded "Not Me" has escaped from the Keane household and is haunting yours. Time to call in the Ghostbusters!

We're ready to believe you.

Not Kellen, just you. ;)

If someone asks if we're gods, do we have to say yes?

Mairkurion's Loyal Mastiff wrote:
Burger Meister wrote:
Mairkurion's Loyal Mastiff wrote:
::Grows at Mac::
Throws the dog a chunk of freshly cut munchkin.
Rips it into pieces.

*uses the proton grab stream and throws Studly Puffin at the Mastiff*

You might want some salt with that. ;)

*hits the bird with a high positronic proton stream and slams him into a trap*

One in the Box!

Ready to Go!

We be fast...


alleynbard wrote:
Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote:
I just don't see how 3e mechanics detract from verisimilitude, and the examples they give aren't at all persuasive to me--they seem special pleading, exaggerative, prejudiced, etc. The fact that there are structures for characters to attempt almost any action imaginable, and it not be left up to the limited resources of the DM of the moment, all add to inhabiting the game world/suspension of disbelief, as far as I am concerned.

Hmmm, I actually think they have some valid reasons for not liking those aspects of the game. But I guess it comes down to perception.

Of course, there are a ton of reasons that go well past the issue with challenge resolution. But that would likely take pages and pages of discussion to detail fully. Not to mention, I am sure it would spawn an edition war. Then the sun would grow dark and the moon would be as blood. <insert obligatory Ghostbusters quote here>




Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Let's say this twinkie represents the regular ghost post readings in this thread. According to this morning's readings, it would be 35 feet long weighing approximately six hundred pounds.

What about the Twinkie?

Moorluck wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:
Its like every other post is ghost.
So..... who ya gonna call!?


Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
post ghost.
Someone call the post busters.

You rang?

Ghostbustin POST!!!!

Who you gonna call?? Ghostpostbusters!!!!

David Fryer wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Wait are you a sorcerer or a wizard?

"If someone asks if you are a god, you say YES!!!!"

ghostbustin' post

Aberzombies wrote:
Sorry Pete, I have no soul for your puny wand rifle to affect. Eats Peter's brain.

You never studied.

Proton stream destroys the physical body too

Aberzombie wrote:
Hey! Wait a minute! How can I wander into the thread, and then burst from the ground? Are we talking space/time distortion?

It's altrenate space/time quantum distortion converging on the central plane.

Aberzombies wrote:
burst forth from the ground and looks around

and is met in the face with a proton stream.