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Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
I'm not sure when I'll see Avengers. But I will see it in the theater. Even if I have to lie to my wife.

Do it.

And, I have a feeling that it may just topple some numbers from the top of the movie heap. At least until Dark Knight Rises comes out.

Scarab Sages

A desire to play nekkid hookie? I can get with that!

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
I'd really rather not be at work today.

I can understand why, with you being nekkid and all.

Scarab Sages

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
And, I have a feeling that it may just topple some numbers from the top of the movie heap. At least until Dark Knight Rises comes out.

I'd love to see it knock Avatar and Titanic out of the top spot. That would be so fawesome.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Hmmm....much anger in him. Like his father.

Scarab Sages

Must. Avoid. Answering. Phone. Today.

Scarab Sages

If only because I don't want to get sucked into anything that has the potential to keep me here past my appointed departure time.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Is that your age?
43. With cool ass white sideburns like Dr. Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts.

That's cool.

Aberzombie wrote:
I probably shouldn't yell like that this early in the day, but what can I say - I'm loud.

So, I need lots of new clothes for the new job. I go poke around at the Nordstrom Off the Rack to see how far my money might go there (not far), and I notice that, men's shirts have gotten lots louder than they used to be. What style advice do the FaWTLies have for a guy looking to bring his CHA MOD up through the purchasing of better, but not necessarily crazy more expensive, clothes?

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

What do you think?

Iron Man
Captain America

I think I am getting a little Avengers crazy.

I did the Marvel Movie Marathon yesterday at the theater. $35 and I saw Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor 3D, Captain America 3D and The Avengers 3D (midnight showing). 15 hours in a theater sustaining myself on popcorn, water and over-priced candy.

But it was worth EVERY F*#@ING MINUTE.

Actually I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to do this. Work interfered.

Scarab Sages

And, with that, I really should get to doing work stuff. Here endeth the miniblitz of the Aberzombie for today, Friday, the 4th of May, in the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Twelve.

Go in pieces my humble friends.

Aberzombie wrote:

I'm sorry to hear that you don't care for Cameron. While I truly detest Titanic, I loved Avatar.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Thanks guys. I'm trying not to take it too hard. I did better than I thought I would. Next time I'll get it :)
kicks math in the shin three times. HARD.
You know...

Actually, what gets me about this comic's caption is that it REALLY makes those who fall into the caption's category sound like a mom's basement dwelling hot pockets eating stereotype.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I probably shouldn't yell like that this early in the day, but what can I say - I'm loud.
So, I need lots of new clothes for the new job. I go poke around at the Nordstrom Off the Rack to see how far my money might go there (not far), and I notice that, men's shirts have gotten lots louder than they used to be. What style advice do the FaWTLies have for a guy looking to bring his CHA MOD up through the purchasing of better, but not necessarily crazy more expensive, clothes?

J.C. Penny - Stafford Oxford shirts - the heavy weave stuff. They look decent, no loud colors, and they'll last forever. Four of the ones I own I've had for over 10 years, with hardly a sign of wear or tear.

That and some Dockers pants - you're good to go.

If you need a suit - Joseph A Banks. Excellent customer service and it seems they've always got some kind of sale or special going on.

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I'm sorry to hear that you don't care for Cameron. While I truly detest Titanic, I loved Avatar.

I used to love Cameron. Then he made Titanic. Then he became a preachy douchebag. Now I can't stand him.

Scarab Sages

And, with that, I really do need to settle down to work. Later dudes!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I probably shouldn't yell like that this early in the day, but what can I say - I'm loud.
So, I need lots of new clothes for the new job. I go poke around at the Nordstrom Off the Rack to see how far my money might go there (not far), and I notice that, men's shirts have gotten lots louder than they used to be. What style advice do the FaWTLies have for a guy looking to bring his CHA MOD up through the purchasing of better, but not necessarily crazy more expensive, clothes?

I am the LAST person to talk to about this. I truly hate shopping for clothes, and find that men's fashions are either laughable or make you look like you rolled off the assembly line.

Aberzombie wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I probably shouldn't yell like that this early in the day, but what can I say - I'm loud.
So, I need lots of new clothes for the new job. I go poke around at the Nordstrom Off the Rack to see how far my money might go there (not far), and I notice that, men's shirts have gotten lots louder than they used to be. What style advice do the FaWTLies have for a guy looking to bring his CHA MOD up through the purchasing of better, but not necessarily crazy more expensive, clothes?

J.C. Penny - Stafford Oxford shirts - the heavy weave stuff. They look decent, no loud colors, and they'll last forever. Four of the ones I own I've had for over 10 years, with hardly a sign of wear or tear.

That and some Dockers pants - you're good to go.

If you need a suit - Joseph A Banks. Excellent customer service and it seems they've always got some kind of sale or special going on.

Hm. I may take this advice, and I've heard good things about Joseph A. Bank myself, although I think they might be going out of business.

aeglos, here is the answer that you were wanting.

Warning, minor Avengers spoiler.

He is Thanos

Enjoy the movie everyone. It was well worth paying full price. Joss did a WONDERFUL job with it. ~shakes my head~ Sorry Freehold DM, but it is true.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I still haven't seen Avatar. I didn't want to watch Pocahontas again.

Avatar was Cowboys versus Indians. OTOH, I really DID enjoy it, if only for the special effects. I also enjoyed Titanic. ~WEG~ Hey,

the ship sank.

TO0 wrote:
I still haven't seen Avatar. I didn't want to watch Pocahontas again.

Don't mention that B%&%*!!!

(If you grew up in Virginia, American history throughout elementry and middle school consisted of the 'the story of P$#@#@^&*(*^&%$hontas'.

Liberty's Edge

Let's go!

God, Puffy AmiYumi is so friggin' awesome on a Friday morning.

Oh crap. Thanks for the reminder Ashe. I will have to set the DVR to record Green Lantern and Young Justice tomorrow.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

Would it be rude to point out that "goat" is not spelt "ghoat?"

Pointing out the correct verb form of spell in that sentence would be perfectly polite, for some reason I can't seem to get those right.

As far as I know, technically, "spelled" and "spelt" are still both correct.
Which is why I both love and hate this bloody mongrel of a language.

“The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that the English language is as pure as a crib-house whore. It not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary.”

― James Nicoll

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:

Gentiles and honey

Too easy

And with that, good FAWTLy morning from work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Friday! Quatro de Mayo! Eve of the Super Moon!

Scarab Sages

Urinsane wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

Gentiles and honey

Too easy

That's what she said!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I probably shouldn't yell like that this early in the day, but what can I say - I'm loud.
So, I need lots of new clothes for the new job. I go poke around at the Nordstrom Off the Rack to see how far my money might go there (not far), and I notice that, men's shirts have gotten lots louder than they used to be. What style advice do the FaWTLies have for a guy looking to bring his CHA MOD up through the purchasing of better, but not necessarily crazy more expensive, clothes?

Non iron shirts. Joseph Abboud is good. So is Brooks Brothers. And the zombie is right about JC Penney having good quality shirts. Solid colors are better if you're going for a crazy color. Pattern is tricky. And whatever you do no pleats in the front on pants. It's not flattering. if I could just get Dan to be able to remember that...oh who am I kidding? It's never going to happen. The guy thinks there are 8 colors and that if you have two things that are blue they will of course match. And never mind about complementary and supplementary colors. This leads to awful color combinations that would make others blind to have to look on. So I get dragged along to make sure that doesn't happen. Which would be why I know so much about guy's clothes.

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I'm sorry to hear that you don't care for Cameron. While I truly detest Titanic, I loved Avatar.

WTF?! All that ranting about how Whedon is such a hack and then THIS?

I...I don't know you anymore, man.....:P

Freehold DM wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Thanks guys. I'm trying not to take it too hard. I did better than I thought I would. Next time I'll get it :)
kicks math in the shin three times. HARD.
You know...
Actually, what gets me about this comic's caption is that it REALLY makes those who fall into the caption's category sound like a mom's basement dwelling hot pockets eating stereotype.

Well, it is a comic about math.

Woot new minis preview today.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I probably shouldn't yell like that this early in the day, but what can I say - I'm loud.
So, I need lots of new clothes for the new job. I go poke around at the Nordstrom Off the Rack to see how far my money might go there (not far), and I notice that, men's shirts have gotten lots louder than they used to be. What style advice do the FaWTLies have for a guy looking to bring his CHA MOD up through the purchasing of better, but not necessarily crazy more expensive, clothes?

Black concert t-shirts. B!+ches love black concert t-shirts.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Yes, what did I miss?

CH, did the Tums help your heartburn?


Sharoth wrote:
Oh crap. Thanks for the reminder Ashe. I will have to set the DVR to record Green Lantern and Young Justice tomorrow.

we may disagree in other areas, but we are of one mind here.

Elucidate, I would know more. One thing that fascinates me about this country is that as the child of immigrants I notice that american history is told very differently in different parts of the country. I wonder if it is true elsewhere.

Cornielius wrote:
TO0 wrote:
I still haven't seen Avatar. I didn't want to watch Pocahontas again.

Don't mention that B+*+!!!!

(If you grew up in Virginia, American history throughout elementry and middle school consisted of the 'the story of P$#@#@^&*(*^&%$hontas'.

I don't understand -do you hate Cameron or avatar? Because the movie was not for everyone, certainly, and I can only stand the man due to this one work.

lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I'm sorry to hear that you don't care for Cameron. While I truly detest Titanic, I loved Avatar.

WTF?! All that ranting about how Whedon is such a hack and then THIS?

I...I don't know you anymore, man.....:P

I may need to take you shopping with me, as my wife tries too hard.

lynora wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I probably shouldn't yell like that this early in the day, but what can I say - I'm loud.
So, I need lots of new clothes for the new job. I go poke around at the Nordstrom Off the Rack to see how far my money might go there (not far), and I notice that, men's shirts have gotten lots louder than they used to be. What style advice do the FaWTLies have for a guy looking to bring his CHA MOD up through the purchasing of better, but not necessarily crazy more expensive, clothes?

Non iron shirts. Joseph Abboud is good. So is Brooks Brothers. And the zombie is right about JC Penney having good quality shirts. Solid colors are better if you're going for a crazy color. Pattern is tricky. And whatever you do no pleats in the front on pants. It's not flattering. if I could just get Dan to be able to remember that...oh who am I kidding? It's never going to happen. The guy thinks there are 8 colors and that if you have two things that are blue they will of course match. And never mind about complementary and supplementary colors. This leads to awful color combinations that would make others blind to have to look on. So I get dragged along to make sure that doesn't happen. Which would be why I know so much about guy's clothes.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I don't understand -do you hate Cameron or avatar? Because the movie was not for everyone, certainly, and I can only stand the man due to this one work.
lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I'm sorry to hear that you don't care for Cameron. While I truly detest Titanic, I loved Avatar.

WTF?! All that ranting about how Whedon is such a hack and then THIS?

I...I don't know you anymore, man.....:P

I will grant you that the visual effects in Avatar are amazing. It was the only thing that made the movie bearable. But the movie as a whole...the words tired and recycled come to mind. Cameron is so preachy and full of himself and he makes these hideously mediocre movies to great critical acclaim....the guy wouldn't know an original idea if it bit him. :/

*holds up sign*

"Can I bite him?"

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Just got back from aforementioned rock show. Whoever the promoter is is an idiot. It was advertised as a dual-headlined punk rock show, but what I instead got was a DJ opening for one punk band and one indie band. Also, I was one of precisely two actual punks in the crowd. The rest of the concert-goers were a bunch of hipster f~#+heads. I literally heard someone say they were going to a punk show because it was "ironic."

The first of the headliners, Dem Ghostf#+#ers, were billed as a 'gypsy punk' act, a la Gogol Bordello. In fact, they were more of a cross between Old Crow Medicine Show and a harder-edged version of Voxtrot, though they were still very good. The second headliner, Gyaos, I previously knew to be a surf/noise punk band, and they did not disappoint, rocking very hard for their one-hour slot.

I also experienced what I like to call the pit death of the universe, in which a hipster mosh pit would open up, and then dissipate less than five minutes later, dissolving into hipster seizure-dancing. F@@@ my life.

On the upshot, though, as I said, Gyaos kicked much ass, and I got to meet a few people actually willing to jam sometime next week.

AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! F@~%ing Hipsters! Oh well, at least they are a form of entertainment!

I actually like clothes the more I have worn them. I don't like shopping for new clothes either. I like my clohtes a little worn. I don't exactly like holes in them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I probably shouldn't yell like that this early in the day, but what can I say - I'm loud.
So, I need lots of new clothes for the new job. I go poke around at the Nordstrom Off the Rack to see how far my money might go there (not far), and I notice that, men's shirts have gotten lots louder than they used to be. What style advice do the FaWTLies have for a guy looking to bring his CHA MOD up through the purchasing of better, but not necessarily crazy more expensive, clothes?

J.C. Penny - Stafford Oxford shirts - the heavy weave stuff. They look decent, no loud colors, and they'll last forever. Four of the ones I own I've had for over 10 years, with hardly a sign of wear or tear.

That and some Dockers pants - you're good to go.

If you need a suit - Joseph A Banks. Excellent customer service and it seems they've always got some kind of sale or special going on.

I am going to +1 this and add Kohls. I love me some Kohls.

Interesting -this may sum up my feelings on Whedon after the movie this weekend.

lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I don't understand -do you hate Cameron or avatar? Because the movie was not for everyone, certainly, and I can only stand the man due to this one work.
lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I'm sorry to hear that you don't care for Cameron. While I truly detest Titanic, I loved Avatar.

WTF?! All that ranting about how Whedon is such a hack and then THIS?

I...I don't know you anymore, man.....:P

I will grant you that the visual effects in Avatar are amazing. It was the only thing that made the movie bearable. But the movie as a whole...the words tired and recycled come to mind. Cameron is so preachy and full of himself and he makes these hideously mediocre movies to great critical acclaim....the guy wouldn't know an original idea if it bit him. :/

lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I don't understand -do you hate Cameron or avatar? Because the movie was not for everyone, certainly, and I can only stand the man due to this one work.
lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I'm sorry to hear that you don't care for Cameron. While I truly detest Titanic, I loved Avatar.

WTF?! All that ranting about how Whedon is such a hack and then THIS?

I...I don't know you anymore, man.....:P

I will grant you that the visual effects in Avatar are amazing. It was the only thing that made the movie bearable. But the movie as a whole...the words tired and recycled come to mind. Cameron is so preachy and full of himself and he makes these hideously mediocre movies to great critical acclaim....the guy wouldn't know an original idea if it bit him. :/

I didn't even see Avatar and I hate the movie, and the man. All the hate on Whedon, and you back anything Cameron! C'mon! And at the word Original here all I could think was, "Dr Horrible's Sing a long blog"!!!!

Silver Crusade

BluePigeon wrote:

Yes, what did I miss?

CH, did the Tums help your heartburn?

I just had to stop slouching.

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