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I'm just sayin. Texas is hot. I live in Florida, worked outside on a dog farm, with no air conditioning in the damn house for two damn years, and when I went to Panama in the national guard in the summer, there were heat injuries in my company and I was happy because it was nicer than in Florida.
And I say that Texas is hot. 95 degrees at 9:30 pm on a July evening hot.

But that's kewl; maybe I'll drive down there and meet you guys IRL.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Solnes wrote:
I prefer the heat to the cold. I could not deal with teh amount of snow that you get NC and up. :P

I hope so.

Cuz trees drop twenty dollar bills in Texas when dogs walk by.


Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
But that's kewl; maybe I'll drive down there and meet you guys IRL.

I would hope so!!! Mapquest says your only 4 hours out! :)

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
Darth Knight wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Voice-over actors crack me up. The best was when I was in Quebec and I saw an episode of the Simpsons translated into French. Marge sounded like some sort of elderly Parisian prostitute.
My Russian friend just showed me the Russian dub of the 90s X-Men cartoon that she used to watch when she was a kid. Believe it or not, the voice acting was actually better in Russian.
Actually this is not that hard to believe.
Not in the least. Gawd, that was an awful show.

FINALLY someone agrees with me. I have long waited for this day, good sir, and you have delivered it.

Liberty's Edge

Urizen wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Just going to take a minute here and promote my friend's artwork, and also to ask:

Why hasn't this guy gotten a job with Paizo yet?

Maybe Sarah doesn't know of him? *shrug*

I did see he had some work with FFG, so that does say something about the caliber of his work in the RPG industry.

He's met with Sarah at Illuxcon a couple of times, and I gave Sarah and a few other staff members some of his samples last Paizocon.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fawesome, Moorluck clan! I hope you're able to pull off the move!

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Solnes wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
But that's kewl; maybe I'll drive down there and meet you guys IRL.
I would hope so!!! Mapquest says your only 4 hours out! :)

It is a drive I have made many times. It's not bad at all. Looking forward to an expansion of Houston based FaWTLs.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Darth Knight wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Voice-over actors crack me up. The best was when I was in Quebec and I saw an episode of the Simpsons translated into French. Marge sounded like some sort of elderly Parisian prostitute.
My Russian friend just showed me the Russian dub of the 90s X-Men cartoon that she used to watch when she was a kid. Believe it or not, the voice acting was actually better in Russian.
Actually this is not that hard to believe.
Not in the least. Gawd, that was an awful show.
FINALLY someone agrees with me. I have long waited for this day, good sir, and you have delivered it.

The best dub I have ever seen, and by best I mean so bad it wrapped right back around to entertaining, was Temple of Doom in Spanish. Watched it subtitled in a Mexican resort during a late evening on my honeymoon while the wife was tuckered out from our excursion to some Mayan ruins. The man doing the voice over for Indy was the same person doing the voice over for Short-Round, only in falsetto. I was laughing so hard I almost woke my wife up. Of course it might have been all the free liqueur.

aeglos wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Ah. We call those vicarages or parsonages or rectories. I assume the German word is a compound approx. 39 letters long with lots of linguistic doohickies.

strangly it is a short word (but still a compound): Pfarrhaus

the longest official compound in german is (if I remember correctly):


(Danube Steam Boat Association Captains Exam Rule Delegation)

One doohickey? ONE? It's like I don't even know you people anymore.

Moorluck wrote:

Now that I think about it, when he got here to get my keys he was in his lounge pants and the chick who drove him over here wasn't his girlfriend Karri.

Am I going to have to kick his ass now?

Kick his ass? Are you MAD? What you have, my friend, is called leverage. Life is about to get quite good for you.

Moorluck wrote:
The way things are shaping by this time next year the Clan Moorluck should be living in Houston TX. The move must be made, gotta get out of this place.

...or not. What's wrong in MB, if you don't mind me asking? Or is it just time for a move?

Solnes wrote:
I prefer the heat to the cold. I could not deal with teh amount of snow that you get NC and up. :P

What snow? sighs dejectedly, puts on shorts to go outside for a walk

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Ah. We call those vicarages or parsonages or rectories. I assume the German word is a compound approx. 39 letters long with lots of linguistic doohickies.

strangly it is a short word (but still a compound): Pfarrhaus

the longest official compound in german is (if I remember correctly):


(Danube Steam Boat Association Captains Exam Rule Delegation)

One doohickey? ONE? It's like I don't even know you people anymore.

I'm disappointed he's not using the double-s squiggle (ß).

Freehold DM wrote:
Solnes wrote:
I prefer the heat to the cold. I could not deal with teh amount of snow that you get NC and up. :P
What snow? sighs dejectedly, puts on shorts to go outside for a walk

Heh. I ws just complaining this morning about how I haven't really gotten to wear my winter clothes this year. :)

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
The way things are shaping by this time next year the Clan Moorluck should be living in Houston TX. The move must be made, gotta get out of this place.
...or not. What's wrong in MB, if you don't mind me asking? Or is it just time for a move?

Myrtle Beach isn't a bad place to visit, it's just not a good place to live. There's really nothing here for us, very little chance to improve our life, for us or for the kids. After researching different places we decided on TX, and we already have friends, and some family, there. And since we know more folks around Houston it seems like the best choice for us.

So in answer to your question, a little bit of being sick of it here, and a little bit of it just being time.

But......... the Beach?!?!?!?!```````

The Exchange

Darth Knight wrote:
But......... the Beach?!?!?!?!```````

You mean our lovely brown sand and sparkling green water? Yeah, I don't do the beach, it's nasty, it's crowded, and I can't wear my boots.

Moorluck wrote:
Darth Knight wrote:
But......... the Beach?!?!?!?!```````
You mean our lovely brown sand and sparkling green water? Yeah, I don't do the beach, it's nasty, it's crowded, and I can't wear my boots.

Whatabout Bikini's? They have bikinis don't they......or is it better not to talk about those????

The Exchange

Darth Knight wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Darth Knight wrote:
But......... the Beach?!?!?!?!```````
You mean our lovely brown sand and sparkling green water? Yeah, I don't do the beach, it's nasty, it's crowded, and I can't wear my boots.
Whatabout Bikini's? They have bikinis don't they......or is it better not to talk about those????

Sure, but I can see those anywhere! :P

Having water around, even green water helps

The Exchange

I will admit to wondering if I'll be able to get good Carolina style pulled pork there though.


The Exchange

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Darth Knight wrote:

Then I'll make it my damn self. ;)

Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
The way things are shaping by this time next year the Clan Moorluck should be living in Houston TX. The move must be made, gotta get out of this place.
...or not. What's wrong in MB, if you don't mind me asking? Or is it just time for a move?

Myrtle Beach isn't a bad place to visit, it's just not a good place to live. There's really nothing here for us, very little chance to improve our life, for us or for the kids. After researching different places we decided on TX, and we already have friends, and some family, there. And since we know more folks around Houston it seems like the best choice for us.

So in answer to your question, a little bit of being sick of it here, and a little bit of it just being time.

Just make sure you visit and/or get a job lined-up ahead of time. Have a friend that recently uprooted from Columbus to Clearwater, FL because she was in love with being in Florida. They broke the lease to their condo they had for just six months and her husband moved in with his parents until he can find something down there. She landed a job, but what she thought it was and what she ended up doing were (by her words) horrible in comparison, so she's frantically looking for another one to get out of that one as soon as possible.

But good luck, nonetheless. If it weren't for my mortgage, I would have strongly reconsidered some of the job offers I did get that would've paid me to relocate.

But something is going to have to give next month that's essentially unavoidable. *sigh*

2 people marked this as a favorite.

But you can get hand-made tamales.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No fear Uri, we're going to have to have jobs lined up and a lease sign ahead of time. As much as I would love to just uproot and go right now, it's not a smart move with a family to take care of and all.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
The way things are shaping by this time next year the Clan Moorluck should be living in Houston TX. The move must be made, gotta get out of this place.

Houston is very hot and humid.

So.... pretty much what I'm used to? I can handle that. ;)


I can't wait for you to actually find out just exactly what I'm talking about.

Ah ain't scairt! I lived in Loozeeana!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Who are all you people? Maybe if you gave me a Google link?


Aberzombie wrote:
Who are all you people? Maybe if you gave me a Google link?

*drum roll*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Darth Knight wrote:
But......... the Beach?!?!?!?!```````

Not too far from a beach there, so if we get a hankering we can make a day of it! :)

Urizen wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
The way things are shaping by this time next year the Clan Moorluck should be living in Houston TX. The move must be made, gotta get out of this place.
...or not. What's wrong in MB, if you don't mind me asking? Or is it just time for a move?

Myrtle Beach isn't a bad place to visit, it's just not a good place to live. There's really nothing here for us, very little chance to improve our life, for us or for the kids. After researching different places we decided on TX, and we already have friends, and some family, there. And since we know more folks around Houston it seems like the best choice for us.

So in answer to your question, a little bit of being sick of it here, and a little bit of it just being time.

Just make sure you visit and/or get a job lined-up ahead of time. Have a friend that recently uprooted from Columbus to Clearwater, FL because she was in love with being in Florida. They broke the lease to their condo they had for just six months and her husband moved in with his parents until he can find something down there. She landed a job, but what she thought it was and what she ended up doing were (by her words) horrible in comparison, so she's frantically looking for another one to get out of that one as soon as possible.

But good luck, nonetheless. If it weren't for my mortgage, I would have strongly reconsidered some of the job offers I did get that would've paid me to relocate.

But something is going to have to give next month that's essentially unavoidable. *sigh*

Can't help myself

Duh, gee ya think?!

<3 Meant with lots of love and just a lil snark ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Darth Knight wrote:
But......... the Beach?!?!?!?!```````

Meh. Even Danny Boyle has to fail from time to time.

Silver Crusade

Urizen wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
The way things are shaping by this time next year the Clan Moorluck should be living in Houston TX. The move must be made, gotta get out of this place.
...or not. What's wrong in MB, if you don't mind me asking? Or is it just time for a move?

Myrtle Beach isn't a bad place to visit, it's just not a good place to live. There's really nothing here for us, very little chance to improve our life, for us or for the kids. After researching different places we decided on TX, and we already have friends, and some family, there. And since we know more folks around Houston it seems like the best choice for us.

So in answer to your question, a little bit of being sick of it here, and a little bit of it just being time.

Just make sure you visit and/or get a job lined-up ahead of time. Have a friend that recently uprooted from Columbus to Clearwater, FL because she was in love with being in Florida. They broke the lease to their condo they had for just six months and her husband moved in with his parents until he can find something down there. She landed a job, but what she thought it was and what she ended up doing were (by her words) horrible in comparison, so she's frantically looking for another one to get out of that one as soon as possible.

But good luck, nonetheless. If it weren't for my mortgage, I would have strongly reconsidered some of the job offers I did get that would've paid me to relocate.

But something is going to have to give next month that's essentially unavoidable. *sigh*

I feel a little bit that way about Los Angeles. Great place to visit, great weather, but some of the things we haven't liked are things you just can't know until you live here. And I think the East Coast / West Coast divide is something we didn't really appreciate until we were in it. We feel a little displaced, to be honest.

Hence my and my partner's frantic applications to jobs in major Northeast cities.


Afternoon all!

On the subject of moving, it seems clan Curtin will be relocating within a year or two when my wife gets promoted. I always thought I would miss living in Massachusetts , but more and more I am beginning to loathe this state. I'll miss the beach, but I'll settle for somewhere not so buck ass insane


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
The way things are shaping by this time next year the Clan Moorluck should be living in Houston TX. The move must be made, gotta get out of this place.
...or not. What's wrong in MB, if you don't mind me asking? Or is it just time for a move?

Myrtle Beach isn't a bad place to visit, it's just not a good place to live. There's really nothing here for us, very little chance to improve our life, for us or for the kids. After researching different places we decided on TX, and we already have friends, and some family, there. And since we know more folks around Houston it seems like the best choice for us.

So in answer to your question, a little bit of being sick of it here, and a little bit of it just being time.

Just make sure you visit and/or get a job lined-up ahead of time. Have a friend that recently uprooted from Columbus to Clearwater, FL because she was in love with being in Florida. They broke the lease to their condo they had for just six months and her husband moved in with his parents until he can find something down there. She landed a job, but what she thought it was and what she ended up doing were (by her words) horrible in comparison, so she's frantically looking for another one to get out of that one as soon as possible.

But good luck, nonetheless. If it weren't for my mortgage, I would have strongly reconsidered some of the job offers I did get that would've paid me to relocate.

But something is going to have to give next month that's essentially unavoidable. *sigh*

Can't help myself

** spoiler omitted **

<3 Meant with lots of love and just a lil snark ;)

It's the Luke Skywalker in me.

"I care."


Patrick Curtin wrote:


Afternoon all!

On the subject of moving, it seems clan Curtin will be relocating within a year or two when my wife gets promoted. I always thought I would miss living in Massachusetts , but more and more I am beginning to loathe this state. I'll miss the beach, but I'll settle for somewhere not so buck ass insane


Which states in the Union will be graced with your seismic upheaval to their borders?

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:


Afternoon all!

On the subject of moving, it seems clan Curtin will be relocating within a year or two when my wife gets promoted. I always thought I would miss living in Massachusetts , but more and more I am beginning to loathe this state. I'll miss the beach, but I'll settle for somewhere not so buck ass insane


I keep hearing good things about Houston.

Urizen wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:


Afternoon all!

On the subject of moving, it seems clan Curtin will be relocating within a year or two when my wife gets promoted. I always thought I would miss living in Massachusetts , but more and more I am beginning to loathe this state. I'll miss the beach, but I'll settle for somewhere not so buck ass insane


Which states in the Union will be graced with your seismic upheaval to their borders?

I'm hoping for New Hampshire, but Upstate New York is a possibility.

Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:


Afternoon all!

On the subject of moving, it seems clan Curtin will be relocating within a year or two when my wife gets promoted. I always thought I would miss living in Massachusetts , but more and more I am beginning to loathe this state. I'll miss the beach, but I'll settle for somewhere not so buck ass insane


I keep hearing good things about Houston.

Alas, Texas is not a possibility. I have spent time in the Lone Star state, and I am not certain that would be a good fit for my family.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:


Afternoon all!

On the subject of moving, it seems clan Curtin will be relocating within a year or two when my wife gets promoted. I always thought I would miss living in Massachusetts , but more and more I am beginning to loathe this state. I'll miss the beach, but I'll settle for somewhere not so buck ass insane


Which states in the Union will be graced with your seismic upheaval to their borders?
I'm hoping for New Hampshire, but Upstate New York is a possibility.

I can see you as a resident of the LIVE FREE OR DIE state.

Silver Crusade

Urizen wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:


Afternoon all!

On the subject of moving, it seems clan Curtin will be relocating within a year or two when my wife gets promoted. I always thought I would miss living in Massachusetts , but more and more I am beginning to loathe this state. I'll miss the beach, but I'll settle for somewhere not so buck ass insane


Which states in the Union will be graced with your seismic upheaval to their borders?
I'm hoping for New Hampshire, but Upstate New York is a possibility.
I can see you as a resident of the LIVE FREE OR DIE state.




I'm not sure which is worse at the moment. Studying for a quiz I need to take in just a bit or trying to pretend I don't feel the symptoms of the flu which I most definitely have.

And I get to spend the evening working on precalculus.

Again I say blegh.

Hopefully my stomach will feel better by then since there are pascki waiting for me at home. Ah, who am I fooling. Those are worth it even if they make me sicker. :)

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
Darth Knight wrote:
But......... the Beach?!?!?!?!```````
You mean our lovely brown sand and sparkling green water? Yeah, I don't do the beach, it's nasty, it's crowded, and I can't wear my boots.

A man after my own heart.

Liberty's Edge

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Which states in the Union will be graced with your seismic upheaval to their borders?
I'm hoping for New Hampshire, but Upstate New York is a possibility.

New Hampshire has a TERRIBLE public school system, so if you've got school-age kids, probably not such a good idea. And if you need any tips on where to go in upstate New York, I can give you the straight scoop on just about any town north of Albany.

Liberty's Edge

18 people marked this as a favorite.

And in other news...

...I got engaged over the weekend. Shocking, right?

This is a strictly Paizo-only announcement for now, since we're not going to tell her family for another few weeks at least, but still...

Silver Crusade

Congrats, Shiny!

Congratulations, Shiny! That's great news. :)

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