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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ragadolf wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Apparently this is what a cheap house in Albany looks like when you go to Scotland...

Wait, I suck at intercontinental $$ transposing, but isn't that a LOT of Euro?

THAT looks like a mansion in ANY country to me! ;P

Sign me up! :)

(SOON as I win the lottery) :(

EDIT- IF I can get a house like THAT in Albany, (cheap?) I may move TO California!

So... today's exchange rate is $1 USD = 0.79 pound sterling, so that house is $791,139 in Albany.

That'll buy you...this house. 830 square feet, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, right off a major thoroughfare (San Pablo avenue). A teensy bit smaller.

EDIT: By comparison, my house is listed on Zillow at $1.26 million and 1388 square feet, which is an out-and-out lie because it includes the unfinished garage and the "not a bedroom" studio. But it doesn't include the solar panels, so probably closer to $1.36 million.

EDIT 2: Ah, yes! The naked millionaire! I know that meme! Er, wait... no I don't!

EDIT 3: And that really is "real estate in California". By the time I turned 20, my parents could no longer have afforded the house they were in. By the time Impus Major was 10, that was true for us as well. So it's all about finding that tiny little house in the remote corner that nobody's noticed and getting it before it's out of reach. Then watching it triple or quadruple in value before you've even paid off the mortgage...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
My parents - also emphatically religious, in the sense mentioned above of being extremely hardcore conservative and exceptionally or perhaps excessively strict and harsh with all possible interpretation of scripture - didn't seem to have an issue with the long duration of our dating, until I moved and it became an issue of "you're living in the same building and not married, people will think you're sleeping together!". That's when the pushing to get married or get cut off from the family happened. They'd made it quite clear previously that that was what they expected to happen, and wouldn't be happy if it didn't, but they were in no hurry for us to actually tie the knot otherwise and seemed content with our six or so years of dating long-distance without complaint.
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Orthos (and Scint) I am so very sorry. That is completely inappropriate in every sense of the word.

Ragadolf wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Apparently this is what a cheap house in Albany looks like when you go to Scotland...

Wait, I suck at intercontinental $$ transposing, but isn't that a LOT of Euro?

THAT looks like a mansion in ANY country to me! ;P

Sign me up! :)

(SOON as I win the lottery) :(

EDIT- IF I can get a house like THAT in Albany, (cheap?) I may move TO California!

Add approximately 10% to the value to convert it to dollars.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
My parents - also emphatically religious, in the sense mentioned above of being extremely hardcore conservative and exceptionally or perhaps excessively strict and harsh with all possible interpretation of scripture - didn't seem to have an issue with the long duration of our dating, until I moved and it became an issue of "you're living in the same building and not married, people will think you're sleeping together!". That's when the pushing to get married or get cut off from the family happened. They'd made it quite clear previously that that was what they expected to happen, and wouldn't be happy if it didn't, but they were in no hurry for us to actually tie the knot otherwise and seemed content with our six or so years of dating long-distance without complaint.
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And that's my parents in a nutshell.

It's actually become a problem for them recently. I've been told they've gone utterly silent on Facebook, which is not normal for them as they have always been extremely politically and religiously outspoken. But the BLM protests and the police violence of the past week have put them in a rock-and-hardplace situation.

They can't support BLM without pissing off their church and that's really their only friends. They have no real social contact with any other people outside the members of their congregation. (This was deliberate, and something they have always been proud of.)
They can't support the police brutality and open, aggressive violence against the protesters without pissing off absolutely everyone else.

And I imagine the political situation on top of that especially has Mom in a bind. I had a political discussion several months ago with her that basically came out to "as Christians the only party we can rightly support is the Republicans because they're the only party keeping our faith and its morality in mind". ... so what does she do when the Republicans are being openly, actively evil? What can she do? I imagine that's causing her no end of personal grief.

I don't envy her the position, but I imagine it's kind of unavoidable at this point, with the only other option being to just ignore that it's happening at all, and I don't think she can let herself do that. She's been pretty vocal about being unhappy with the way the COVID situation was handled and the misinformation going around regarding it, especially due to being in the medical field herself (she's a physical therapist). I can only hope that she and Dad are starting to see just how bad the powers they've been supporting because they appealed to their religious morality and individual opinions and biases truly are and how they've been manipulated, but to some degree (and especially with Dad) I don't have high hopes.

On the topic of marriage, my parents were both of each other's second marriage. My father's first wife died, my mother and her first husband divorced.

They met each other in their 20s, and were dating when they visited my grandparents for a dinner. (This would have been sometime in the 60s, I don't know whether they were living with each other at the time.) Halfway through the dinner, my grandfather says "So, when's the wedding?" My mother hadn't learned how to say no to her parents, so they picked a date out of a hat, and that was that. My mother is friends with the guy to this day, and has told me that they'd probably still be married had they been a bit more mature at the time.

I never knew my grandfather, so I don't know if his question was intentional pressure or a tongue-in-cheek comment that got misinterpreted. I do know he was an atheist, so whatever it was wasn't religiously motivated. In any case, my own parents' frequent tensions and eventual divorce made me very skeptical of marriage, and is probably responsible for me not marrying until 2017.

Sorry your parents are so narrow minded Orthos, that sucks.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm kind of used to it at this point, and being out of their house and no longer reliant on them to survive helps. It's just a source of griping for me now, and maybe some latent psychological trauma. >.>

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I think everyone's parents are seriously messed up in one way or another.

Not religious, just more graphic than some people might like:
My father encouraged us to have premarital sex and even kept condoms in his desk drawer that we could "borrow".

But every single one of us knew that he had very likely put pinholes in the condoms because:
(a) He wanted grandkids ASAP, and
(b) He had no concern whatsoever how such a pregnancy might affect the young woman's life; he wanted grandkids and the young women were simply a means to an end.

Needless to say, none of us ever used the proffered condoms.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
My parents - also emphatically religious, in the sense mentioned above of being extremely hardcore conservative and exceptionally or perhaps excessively strict and harsh with all possible interpretation of scripture - didn't seem to have an issue with the long duration of our dating, until I moved and it became an issue of "you're living in the same building and not married, people will think you're sleeping together!". That's when the pushing to get married or get cut off from the family happened. They'd made it quite clear previously that that was what they expected to happen, and wouldn't be happy if it didn't, but they were in no hurry for us to actually tie the knot otherwise and seemed content with our six or so years of dating long-distance without complaint.
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Yeah, I don't want to be a PDF.
Scarab Sages

Drejk wrote:
Woran wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I have a few warhammer40k minis that I painted but my SO paints D&D mins all the time. She getting pretty good at it. I haven't done it lately because... I don't have time to paint... (Existential dread for Nylarthotp)

I used to paint a lot. Started with the old grenadier and ral partha lead minis, back when 25 mm was a real 25 mm. Moved to reaper when ral partha/IWM had issues. Took a while to get used to 28 mm, but am a bit tired of the size creep there. Even the supposed 28 mm figs are getting huge. Does not play well with my DF.

And my paint spree was triggered by a friend of a friend purging his collection and gifting me three tubs of minis. So my box of shame is now...large.

So. Many. Skaven. Left. To. Paint.
Remember to not paint those that actually move...

They would probably just lick it off.

Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Netherese Netherlandesse (?)


Because the English apparently couldn’t distinguish one continental country from another.

The history of the terms “Netherlands,” “Holland,” and “Dutch” in the English language

I like the sound of Netherlandesse.

Makes us sound like a fancy dessert.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Netherese Netherlandesse (?)


Because the English apparently couldn’t distinguish one continental country from another.

The history of the terms “Netherlands,” “Holland,” and “Dutch” in the English language

Duh. It fled my mind. EDIT: I keep forgetting that one, because very similar Polish word "Duńczyk" [doonchik] means "Dane" (denizen of Denmark) and I always keep confusing those two.

A random fact. Polish official name for Netherlands is "Holandia", though in past it was also called Niderlandy (it is occasionally used, though never formally, and feels archaic when used). And the Dutch are called "Holendrzy" (singular "Holender", "Holenderka").

There is a famous scene in "Potop" (Deluge), a historical book taking place during Polish-Swedish war of 1655-60, where Swedish envoy tries to bribe Zamość castellan by offering him ownership of the lands he controlled at the moment. One of the main characters prods the castellan to counteroffer the Swedish king with the gift of "Niderlandy".

Well, we call you 'Polen', and a citizen a 'Pool'.

Pool is also short for either noord-pool or zuid-pool, which is the north and sount pole respectively.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Apparently this is what a cheap house in Albany looks like when you go to Scotland...

Wait, I suck at intercontinental $$ transposing, but isn't that a LOT of Euro?

THAT looks like a mansion in ANY country to me! ;P

Sign me up! :)

(SOON as I win the lottery) :(

EDIT- IF I can get a house like THAT in Albany, (cheap?) I may move TO California!

So... today's exchange rate is $1 USD = 0.79 pound sterling, so that house is $791,139 in Albany.

That'll buy you...this house. 830 square feet, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, right off a major thoroughfare (San Pablo avenue). A teensy bit smaller.

EDIT: By comparison, my house is listed on Zillow at $1.26 million and 1388 square feet, which is an out-and-out lie because it includes the unfinished garage and the "not a bedroom" studio. But it doesn't include the solar panels, so probably closer to $1.36 million.

EDIT 2: Ah, yes! The naked millionaire! I know that meme! Er, wait... no I don't!

EDIT 3: And that really is "real estate in California". By the time I turned 20, my parents could no longer have afforded the house they were in. By the time Impus Major was 10, that was true for us as well. So it's all about finding that tiny little house in the remote corner that nobody's noticed and getting it before it's out of reach. Then watching it triple or quadruple in value before you've even paid off the mortgage...

If you want so see what that dollar amount gets you in the netherlands:

This is of course approximate. This amount of money will get you a way bigger house in the country then in a city.

Silver Crusade

Woran wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Netherese Netherlandesse (?)


Because the English apparently couldn’t distinguish one continental country from another.

The history of the terms “Netherlands,” “Holland,” and “Dutch” in the English language

Duh. It fled my mind. EDIT: I keep forgetting that one, because very similar Polish word "Duńczyk" [doonchik] means "Dane" (denizen of Denmark) and I always keep confusing those two.

A random fact. Polish official name for Netherlands is "Holandia", though in past it was also called Niderlandy (it is occasionally used, though never formally, and feels archaic when used). And the Dutch are called "Holendrzy" (singular "Holender", "Holenderka").

There is a famous scene in "Potop" (Deluge), a historical book taking place during Polish-Swedish war of 1655-60, where Swedish envoy tries to bribe Zamość castellan by offering him ownership of the lands he controlled at the moment. One of the main characters prods the castellan to counteroffer the Swedish king with the gift of "Niderlandy".

Well, we call you 'Polen', and a citizen a 'Pool'.

Pool is also short for either noord-pool or zuid-pool, which is the north and sount pole respectively.

Does that mean Polish puns are as viable in Dutch as they are in English?

(Drejk - I would love to know if the translation in the meme is accurate!)

Lantern Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I think everyone's parents are seriously messed up in one way or another.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think I've spent a grand total of almost eight hours working on this level-20 Oracle's spell list and (to a far lesser extent) revelation choices.

And the rest of the character - feats, skills, gear - is far from done.

And I still have a 20 Sorc and a 20 Path of War maneuver user to make. o.o

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Woran wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Netherese Netherlandesse (?)


Because the English apparently couldn’t distinguish one continental country from another.

The history of the terms “Netherlands,” “Holland,” and “Dutch” in the English language

Duh. It fled my mind. EDIT: I keep forgetting that one, because very similar Polish word "Duńczyk" [doonchik] means "Dane" (denizen of Denmark) and I always keep confusing those two.

A random fact. Polish official name for Netherlands is "Holandia", though in past it was also called Niderlandy (it is occasionally used, though never formally, and feels archaic when used). And the Dutch are called "Holendrzy" (singular "Holender", "Holenderka").

There is a famous scene in "Potop" (Deluge), a historical book taking place during Polish-Swedish war of 1655-60, where Swedish envoy tries to bribe Zamość castellan by offering him ownership of the lands he controlled at the moment. One of the main characters prods the castellan to counteroffer the Swedish king with the gift of "Niderlandy".

Well, we call you 'Polen', and a citizen a 'Pool'.

Pool is also short for either noord-pool or zuid-pool, which is the north and sount pole respectively.

Does that mean Polish puns are as viable in Dutch as they are in English?

(Drejk - I would love to know if the translation in the meme is accurate!)

Lots of magnet puns!

Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Apparently this is what a cheap house in Albany looks like when you go to Scotland...

Wait, I suck at intercontinental $$ transposing, but isn't that a LOT of Euro?

THAT looks like a mansion in ANY country to me! ;P

Sign me up! :)

(SOON as I win the lottery) :(

EDIT- IF I can get a house like THAT in Albany, (cheap?) I may move TO California!

So... today's exchange rate is $1 USD = 0.79 pound sterling, so that house is $791,139 in Albany.

That'll buy you...this house. 830 square feet, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, right off a major thoroughfare (San Pablo avenue). A teensy bit smaller.

EDIT: By comparison, my house is listed on Zillow at $1.26 million and 1388 square feet, which is an out-and-out lie because it includes the unfinished garage and the "not a bedroom" studio. But it doesn't include the solar panels, so probably closer to $1.36 million.

EDIT 2: Ah, yes! The naked millionaire! I know that meme! Er, wait... no I don't!

EDIT 3: And that really is "real estate in California". By the time I turned 20, my parents could no longer have afforded the house they were in. By the time Impus Major was 10, that was true for us as well. So it's all about finding that tiny little house in the remote corner that nobody's noticed and getting it before it's out of reach. Then watching it triple or quadruple in value before you've even paid off the mortgage...

If you want so see what that dollar amount gets you in the netherlands:

This is of course approximate. This amount of money will get you a way bigger house in the country then in a city.

I keep telling GothBard that you're pushing for us to emigrate to the Netherlands, but she's all picky and wants to move somewhere she has a connection with; neither of us has any Dutch blood nor ancestors that we know of.

But yeah, it's hilarious that in Palo Alto $800,000 will buy you a shed on a lot. In Albany it'll buy you a house for a 1-kid family. Virtually anywhere else in the world it'll buy you a virtual palace.

The appreciation is the scariest thing: In terms of liquid assets, we've been losing money every year since the kids were born. Yet we're "richer" by two orders of magnitude. Because the house has tripled in value, which has far outpaced our losses.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You could always trade in the $800,000 house in Albany, CA for a studio apartment in Manhattan or a broom closet in San Francisco!

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.

The challenges of being a cat:

Little fluffball Arya woke up from her nap in the guest bedroom and lazily made her way to the office where I am sitting (literally the next room - she walked about 6 feet) but that was all too much for her. She promptly curled up and fell back asleep in the middle of the doorway.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Netherese Netherlandesse (?)


Because the English apparently couldn’t distinguish one continental country from another.

The history of the terms “Netherlands,” “Holland,” and “Dutch” in the English language

Duh. It fled my mind. EDIT: I keep forgetting that one, because very similar Polish word "Duńczyk" [doonchik] means "Dane" (denizen of Denmark) and I always keep confusing those two.

A random fact. Polish official name for Netherlands is "Holandia", though in past it was also called Niderlandy (it is occasionally used, though never formally, and feels archaic when used). And the Dutch are called "Holendrzy" (singular "Holender", "Holenderka").

There is a famous scene in "Potop" (Deluge), a historical book taking place during Polish-Swedish war of 1655-60, where Swedish envoy tries to bribe Zamość castellan by offering him ownership of the lands he controlled at the moment. One of the main characters prods the castellan to counteroffer the Swedish king with the gift of "Niderlandy".

Well, we call you 'Polen', and a citizen a 'Pool'.

Pool is also short for either noord-pool or zuid-pool, which is the north and sount pole respectively.

Well, the center of Europe is in Poland, does that mean that we are Central Poles?

Celestial Healer wrote:
You could always trade in the $800,000 house in Albany, CA for a studio apartment in Manhattan or a broom closet in San Francisco!

If I weren't allowed to live in them, I'd have trouble affording rent in either of the places I own. That's how bad it is around here.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Woran wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Netherese Netherlandesse (?)


Because the English apparently couldn’t distinguish one continental country from another.

The history of the terms “Netherlands,” “Holland,” and “Dutch” in the English language

Duh. It fled my mind. EDIT: I keep forgetting that one, because very similar Polish word "Duńczyk" [doonchik] means "Dane" (denizen of Denmark) and I always keep confusing those two.

A random fact. Polish official name for Netherlands is "Holandia", though in past it was also called Niderlandy (it is occasionally used, though never formally, and feels archaic when used). And the Dutch are called "Holendrzy" (singular "Holender", "Holenderka").

There is a famous scene in "Potop" (Deluge), a historical book taking place during Polish-Swedish war of 1655-60, where Swedish envoy tries to bribe Zamość castellan by offering him ownership of the lands he controlled at the moment. One of the main characters prods the castellan to counteroffer the Swedish king with the gift of "Niderlandy".

Well, we call you 'Polen', and a citizen a 'Pool'.

Pool is also short for either noord-pool or zuid-pool, which is the north and sount pole respectively.

Does that mean Polish puns are as viable in Dutch as they are in English?

(Drejk - I would love to know if the translation in the meme is accurate!)

Sort of.

The word keep in this context would be better translated as "utrzymujemy" than "trzymamy" (both are closely related translations of different flavors of keep (the later is more adequate when by "keep" you mean holding something, while the former is for when keep means "maintain").

There also should be a space between "trzymamy" and "samochody", which are two separate words (samochód - car, literally selfwalk/aka automobile).

Celestial Healer wrote:
You could always trade in the $800,000 house in Albany, CA for a studio apartment in Manhattan or a broom closet in San Francisco!

Apartments around The main square here cost approximately $4000 per square meter. I think you might be able to find a 200-meter one, not sure about that, they have been redesigned in the past multiple times.

Well This is what 600k will get you in my mother-in-law's neighborhood.

Housing prices are high there because it's one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in Dallas and the lots are big, and your neighbors' houses are guaranteed to be pretty nice.

Whereas 460k will get you the nicest house currently available in our neighborhood.

(Our house does *not* look like this. By a long shot. We're at the sketchy end of the neighborhood.)

NobodysHome wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
You could always trade in the $800,000 house in Albany, CA for a studio apartment in Manhattan or a broom closet in San Francisco!
If I weren't allowed to live in them, I'd have trouble affording rent in either of the places I own. That's how bad it is around here.

You could move to Madison and buy two McMansions on any number of golf courses.

Or buy an actual mansion in Shorewood Hills (some people will tell you Maple Bluff, those people are a%$@!~#s).

Silver Crusade

Yeah, when I was back in visiting my hometown of Rochester, NY, I realized I could buy a sprawling estate for what if cost me to get the little 3 BR mid-century I bought in the NYC suburbs. It’s best not to compare housing prices...

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.

True story of one of my NYC corporate retirement plan clients:

HR manager: I think I’m going to retire early, just because I can. I’ve turned 55 and I don’t think I need this job anymore.

CH: Uh. It looks like you’ve saved less than $200,000. How are you planning to live on that until Social Security kicks in?

HR: Oh, I could never live on that in NYC. I bought a beautiful house near my niece in Buffalo for $150,000. I bought my 2 BR apartment in Chelsea back in 1991 before the neighborhood took off for about $200k. Now it’s worth about $2.5 million. I can live on that money forever in Buffalo.

He wasn’t wrong, as long as you don’t mind living in Buffalo.

Celestial Healer wrote:

True story of one of my NYC corporate retirement plan clients:

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He wasn’t wrong, as long as you don’t mind living in Buffalo.

Every year on my birthday I look at how much I could afford if I were to retire that very day. (And let's be honest, I'm 52 and I don't expect to get Social Security; it'll be dead before long.)

At the moment, the places I could afford to live aren't places I'd want to live. And thus, I keep working.

Run The Jewels released their new album (RTJ 4) early, for free! It's amazing.

Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
My parents - also emphatically religious, in the sense mentioned above of being extremely hardcore conservative and exceptionally or perhaps excessively strict and harsh with all possible interpretation of scripture - didn't seem to have an issue with the long duration of our dating, until I moved and it became an issue of "you're living in the same building and not married, people will think you're sleeping together!". That's when the pushing to get married or get cut off from the family happened. They'd made it quite clear previously that that was what they expected to happen, and wouldn't be happy if it didn't, but they were in no hurry for us to actually tie the knot otherwise and seemed content with our six or so years of dating long-distance without complaint.
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8 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I'm kind of used to it at this point, and being out of their house and no longer reliant on them to survive helps. It's just a source of griping for me now, and maybe some latent psychological trauma. >.>

I'm glad you got out.

Those five words are very important to me, and I never thought I would be saying them to you but here we are.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I think everyone's parents are seriously messed up in one way or another.

** spoiler omitted **

There are no words to encapsulate my rage. Is he INSANE?!? OH MY F**&ING GOD YOU NEVER F!~*ING DO THAT EVER!

NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Apparently this is what a cheap house in Albany looks like when you go to Scotland...

Wait, I suck at intercontinental $$ transposing, but isn't that a LOT of Euro?

THAT looks like a mansion in ANY country to me! ;P

Sign me up! :)

(SOON as I win the lottery) :(

EDIT- IF I can get a house like THAT in Albany, (cheap?) I may move TO California!

So... today's exchange rate is $1 USD = 0.79 pound sterling, so that house is $791,139 in Albany.

That'll buy you...this house. 830 square feet, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, right off a major thoroughfare (San Pablo avenue). A teensy bit smaller.

EDIT: By comparison, my house is listed on Zillow at $1.26 million and 1388 square feet, which is an out-and-out lie because it includes the unfinished garage and the "not a bedroom" studio. But it doesn't include the solar panels, so probably closer to $1.36 million.

EDIT 2: Ah, yes! The naked millionaire! I know that meme! Er, wait... no I don't!

EDIT 3: And that really is "real estate in California". By the time I turned 20, my parents could no longer have afforded the house they were in. By the time Impus Major was 10, that was true for us as well. So it's all about finding that tiny little house in the remote corner that nobody's noticed and getting it before it's out of reach. Then watching it triple or quadruple in value before you've even paid off the mortgage...

If you want so see what that dollar amount gets you in the netherlands:

This is of course approximate. This amount of money will get you a way bigger house in the country then in a city.

I keep telling GothBard that you're pushing for us to emigrate to the Netherlands, but she's all picky and...

Not here! self high five

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Well This is what 600k will get you in my mother-in-law's neighborhood.

Housing prices are high there because it's one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in Dallas and the lots are big, and your neighbors' houses are guaranteed to be pretty nice.

Whereas 460k will get you the nicest house currently available in our neighborhood.

(Our house does *not* look like this. By a long shot. We're at the sketchy end of the neighborhood.)

hate. You.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I can now add Antique Statue placement and transportation to my resume.

"So, if I have someone drop a couple of boulders off in front of the shop you can turn them into fountains?" "Yup!" "Sweet, let me know when you do it so I can be there to see how you do it!".

This is why I work where I work.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Well This is what 600k will get you in my mother-in-law's neighborhood.

Housing prices are high there because it's one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in Dallas and the lots are big, and your neighbors' houses are guaranteed to be pretty nice.

Whereas 460k will get you the nicest house currently available in our neighborhood.

(Our house does *not* look like this. By a long shot. We're at the sketchy end of the neighborhood.)

hate. You.

The trade-off is, you live in Brooklyn, home of Captain America and good deli.

I live in Dallas. Home of big trucks and megachurches.

Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
My parents - also emphatically religious, in the sense mentioned above of being extremely hardcore conservative and exceptionally or perhaps excessively strict and harsh with all possible interpretation of scripture - didn't seem to have an issue with the long duration of our dating, until I moved and it became an issue of "you're living in the same building and not married, people will think you're sleeping together!". That's when the pushing to get married or get cut off from the family happened. They'd made it quite clear previously that that was what they expected to happen, and wouldn't be happy if it didn't, but they were in no hurry for us to actually tie the knot otherwise and seemed content with our six or so years of dating long-distance without complaint.
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but I have Adobe up to date for once!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Well This is what 600k will get you in my mother-in-law's neighborhood.

Housing prices are high there because it's one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in Dallas and the lots are big, and your neighbors' houses are guaranteed to be pretty nice.

Whereas 460k will get you the nicest house currently available in our neighborhood.

(Our house does *not* look like this. By a long shot. We're at the sketchy end of the neighborhood.)

hate. You.

The trade-off is, you live in Brooklyn, home of Captain America and good deli.

I live in Dallas. Home of big trucks and megachurches.

I have been promised everything is bigger in texas.

Due to my natural Freeholdian proclivities, I need to visit.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Well This is what 600k will get you in my mother-in-law's neighborhood.

Housing prices are high there because it's one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in Dallas and the lots are big, and your neighbors' houses are guaranteed to be pretty nice.

Whereas 460k will get you the nicest house currently available in our neighborhood.

(Our house does *not* look like this. By a long shot. We're at the sketchy end of the neighborhood.)

hate. You.

The trade-off is, you live in Brooklyn, home of Captain America and good deli.

I live in Dallas. Home of big trucks and megachurches.

I have been promised everything is bigger in texas.

Due to my natural Freeholdian proclivities, I need to visit.

To quote the Austin Lounge Lizards, "biggest egos, biggest hair, biggest liars anywhere".

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Well This is what 600k will get you in my mother-in-law's neighborhood.

Housing prices are high there because it's one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in Dallas and the lots are big, and your neighbors' houses are guaranteed to be pretty nice.

Whereas 460k will get you the nicest house currently available in our neighborhood.

(Our house does *not* look like this. By a long shot. We're at the sketchy end of the neighborhood.)

hate. You.

The trade-off is, you live in Brooklyn, home of Captain America and good deli.

I live in Dallas. Home of big trucks and megachurches.

I have been promised everything is bigger in texas.

Due to my natural Freeholdian proclivities, I need to visit.

To quote the Austin Lounge Lizards, "biggest egos, biggest hair, biggest liars anywhere".

And big hats. Don't forget the hats.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In Wisconsin the only thing that's big are our cows, and women, and men, and our potlucks, brats, and cheese wheels.

Only a**%&&&s wear cowboy hats, farmers wear Deere.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

In Wisconsin the only thing that's big are our cows, and women, and men, and our potlucks, brats, and cheese wheels.

Only a!#~$~@s wear cowboy hats, farmers wear Deere.

is there a way to bring Texas and Wisconsin together?

You know, for science.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

In Wisconsin the only thing that's big are our cows, and women, and men, and our potlucks, brats, and cheese wheels.

Only a!#~$~@s wear cowboy hats, farmers wear Deere.

is there a way to bring Texas and Wisconsin together?

You know, for science.

It's easy! You print out a map of the US, then you fold it. Bam!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nylarthotep wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I have a few warhammer40k minis that I painted but my SO paints D&D mins all the time. She getting pretty good at it. I haven't done it lately because... I don't have time to paint... (Existential dread for Nylarthotp)

I used to paint a lot. Started with the old grenadier and ral partha lead minis, back when 25 mm was a real 25 mm. Moved to reaper when ral partha/IWM had issues. Took a while to get used to 28 mm, but am a bit tired of the size creep there. Even the supposed 28 mm figs are getting huge. Does not play well with my DF.

And my paint spree was triggered by a friend of a friend purging his collection and gifting me three tubs of minis. So my box of shame is now...large.

My own Box (or possibly a mimic) of Shame has been growing steadily as I keep procrastinating a visit to the local hobby shop for acrylics. I just know the first couple of repaints are going to be abominations.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:
Marriage is both a civil and a religious contract. You can actually do one without the other.
They're the type of hardcore conservative who sees them as one and the same.

Once again, I find myself pondering become a state licensed officiant and setting up a tax shelter cult Church of Slaadi.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I think everyone's parents are seriously messed up in one way or another.

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That is infuriating enough that my own box of shame wandering hobo uterus would pay him a visit and piranha-gnaw his ankles when he answered the doorbell.

Edit: Adds Hobo Uterus to list of possible band names.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:
Marriage is both a civil and a religious contract. You can actually do one without the other.
They're the type of hardcore conservative who sees them as one and the same.
Once again, I find myself pondering become a state licensed officiant and setting up a tax shelter cult Church of Slaadi.

As an unordained Erisian Pope you have my full support.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:
Marriage is both a civil and a religious contract. You can actually do one without the other.
They're the type of hardcore conservative who sees them as one and the same.
Once again, I find myself pondering become a state licensed officiant and setting up a tax shelter cult Church of Slaadi.

I could use a Cleric, if you're interested. The benefits are lots of puns, and you get to try and litter-train an adolescent owlbear.

*scowls at mounds of owlbear pellets*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*rolls eyes at Punniculus*

Oh, you're too cute to be mad at.

*cuddles Fluffles*

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