Limeylongears |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Oh, I have to rescind my previous statement: We have encountered one burger beyond anything Umami burger ever sold: There's some upscale steak place down in San Jose that Shiro took us to, and there was a $75 Kobe beef burger. Yes. A $75 burger. So of course Hi had to order it.
He quite literally cried after his first bite, and said he'd never be able to eat a burger again, because this one put all the others to shame.
Yes, it was indeed the best burger I'd ever tasted.
No, I wouldn't order it again, because $75 will get me a full meal at Rivoli, and I'm afraid that's still better than any burger.
Wait until my superduper 'Shameburger' chain opens!

Nylarthotep |
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Nylarthotep wrote:And so it begins for us. First round of layoffs announced.you gotta be kidding me.
Nope. We lost four attorneys and three support staff. If our clients announce further adjustments to their legal budgets we may tighten further.
Conversely, if they double down with their legal budgets, we may be able to rehire some of them. But given our focus on telecom and appurtenant Chinese entanglements, I am not optimistic today.
Tomorrow is another day, so I may be more optimistic tomorrow, but today I feel pretty s!!*ty.

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:Nylarthotep wrote:And so it begins for us. First round of layoffs announced.you gotta be kidding me.Nope. We lost four attorneys and three support staff. If our clients announce further adjustments to their legal budgets we may tighten further.
Conversely, if they double down with their legal budgets, we may be able to rehire some of them. But given our focus on telecom and appurtenant Chinese entanglements, I am not optimistic today.
Tomorrow is another day, so I may be more optimistic tomorrow, but today I feel pretty s~*&ty.
I am so sorry.

Scintillae |
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Scintillae wrote:And then I come in and ruin everything because I'm really just kind of lukewarm on burgers and avoid anything other than the combination of bun, patty, cheese, and maybe lettuce.Basic doesn't mean bad, and it doesn't always mean boring either.
I meant in the sense of "Oh, you have to try this place! Their special sauce is amazing." "I don't like sauce..."

Ragadolf |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Heh, My Not-So-Mini-Me will ONLY eat a burger with bread, meat, and cheese. NOTHING else. If anything else appears, he won't touch it.
My Daughter 'Princess' is a cheese-a-holic, (like her mother and I) yet refuses to put cheese on her burger. ?!?
Me? Aged Wizzie likes his burger loaded, but I like all kinds of stuff. Stuff I might not 'normally' eat is sometimes good on a burger. :)
The yummiest (I hesitate to say 'best') burger I have ever had was from a shack located ON the entrance ramp to the highway. They had minimal/no space to sit and eat, and they cooked it in front of you. It was by FAR the greasiest-greasy-spoon joint I have EVER been to.
And. It. Was. Awesome.
It was so good, that the owner would frequently put a sign on the front door. "Gone on Vacation" or the ever-popular 'Gone Fishing'. Never any dates of closure or when it would re-open.
There was ALWAYS a line waiting outside for when it re-opened. ;P
Annnnnnnd NOW I want to go on my back porch and grill hamburgers,... :(

Nylarthotep |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry if I misrepresented - I am insulated from the layoffs since i am a partner. {cue VE lumping me in with the evil corporate overlords and frat boys since I am one of those too :)}.
But these are people I have worked with closely for several years. Hate to lose them, but we will not remain viable if we don't start the trimming. We kept them through 2019 even though the trade war impacted us negatively, but this current hooha makes even that unpossible.
I will have a corona with my burger tonight.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry if I misrepresented - I am insulated from the layoffs since i am a partner. {cue VE lumping me in with the evil corporate overlords and frat boys since I am one of those too :)}.
But these are people I have worked with closely for several years. Hate to lose them, but we will not remain viable if we don't start the trimming. We kept them through 2019 even though the trade war impacted us negatively, but this current hooha makes even that unpossible.
I will have a corona with my burger tonight.

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:I apologize for nothing. Never liked onions and tomatoes are only good after being turned into some kind of sauce.Orthos wrote:Burger get. Double bacon cheeseburger from Armandos,That's great!
Quote:hold the onion and tomato.You monster!
I like onions if they've been grilled too, otherwise I'll pass.

Tacticslion |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Also, right now through April 20th, Green Ronin is giving away free PDF copies of their Fantasy Age core rulebook.WOO-HOO Free Stuff!
(That I'll likely never ever get to actually USE,... but still,...)
WOO-HOO Free Stuff!
Indeed! Thanks Amby!

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

There are times you see something that just makes you headdesk at your country. (Surprisingly not political)
... that isnt headdesk worthy. It's munchies worthy, perhaps. But I am past my spicy quota for the day.

Ambrosia Slaad |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:I apologize for nothing. Never liked onions and tomatoes are only good after being turned into some kind of sauce.Orthos wrote:Burger get. Double bacon cheeseburger from Armandos,That's great!
Quote:hold the onion and tomato.You monster!
Must. resist. evangelizing. vine-ripened heirloom tomatoes...

Ambrosia Slaad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Scintillae wrote:There are times you see something that just makes you headdesk at your country. (Surprisingly not political)... that isnt headdesk worthy. It's munchies worthy, perhaps. But I am past my spicy quota for the day.
I'd definitely eat that if they used fresh jalapenos instead of those terrible mass-produced pickled jalapenos.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:Must. resist. evangelizing. vine-ripened heirloom tomatoes...Freehold DM wrote:I apologize for nothing. Never liked onions and tomatoes are only good after being turned into some kind of sauce.Orthos wrote:Burger get. Double bacon cheeseburger from Armandos,That's great!
Quote:hold the onion and tomato.You monster!
My mom grows plenty of home-gardened fresh tomatoes. Still hate em. The taste of tomato just doesn't agree with my palate. It's why the only way I like it is when it's mixed with spices and other materials to become ketchup or salsa or pizza sauce or whatever.
And even then if there's still solid tomato chunks involved I leave them on the plate/in the bowl/jar.

Ambrosia Slaad |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Must. resist. evangelizing. vine-ripened heirloom tomatoes...My mom grows plenty of home-gardened fresh tomatoes. Still hate em. The taste of tomato just doesn't agree with my palate. It's why the only way I like it is when it's mixed with spices and other materials to become ketchup or salsa or pizza sauce or whatever.
And even then if there's still solid tomato chunks involved I leave them on the plate/in the bowl/jar.

Tacticslion |

Freehold DM wrote:Internet hugs will work as well :)Woran wrote:I would send you apples if I could. I know how stressful things are right now.Work has been crazy. Since people now have to work from home and most people were not equipped / had to do it before. We now have to facilitate that.
So its endless back to back calls.
Some people barely know what the internet is.I've been dong a LOT of stress eating.
Internet hugs!

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Get A Free Lycanthropy Today! (Werewolf 20th Anniversary for free on DriveThru).
Yay! More free stuff!
*sad face*
I thought you were giving out lycanthropy. As a vaccine.
I know, right?! (But I'd want to be a celestial were-polar bear. For... reasons.)

Tacticslion |

Sorry if I misrepresented - I am insulated from the layoffs since i am a partner. {cue VE lumping me in with the evil corporate overlords and frat boys since I am one of those too :)}.
But these are people I have worked with closely for several years. Hate to lose them, but we will not remain viable if we don't start the trimming. We kept them through 2019 even though the trade war impacted us negatively, but this current hooha makes even that unpossible.
I will have a corona with my burger tonight.
Dude, it's never easy or pleasant to be in that position.
Hugs - 'cause it sucks, either way.

MissingNo |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:{points accusingly:} <DONALD SUTHERLAND POD-PERSON SCREECH!>Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Must. resist. evangelizing. vine-ripened heirloom tomatoes...My mom grows plenty of home-gardened fresh tomatoes. Still hate em. The taste of tomato just doesn't agree with my palate. It's why the only way I like it is when it's mixed with spices and other materials to become ketchup or salsa or pizza sauce or whatever.
And even then if there's still solid tomato chunks involved I leave them on the plate/in the bowl/jar.

Tacticslion |

I could see Musk being driven to try and get more space-stuff done because the dethplague has lit a fire under his ass and being an innovator can't understand why people don't see why it's important to get things GOING.It's a bit tone-deaf, but I'd rank it right up there with the a-holes that are STILL EFFIN SHOPPIN for BS and getting within 3' of me while wheezing and reeking like they just crawled out of a brewery while taking a bath in a sewer.
And no, those AREN'T the homeless in our community. They actually smell better by a slight order of magnitude.
Doesn't excuse him being an ass-hat, but it makes sense and fits his character, from what I've heard of him.
This is more or less what I took away from the announcement.
It's also possible that he simply hasn't bitten into the hype of the scare, as in he doesn't think it's as deadly as it is. This doesn't excuse him, but it explains it.
And I have no idea about why people do that near you. That sucks.

Scintillae |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:Must. resist. evangelizing. vine-ripened heirloom tomatoes...Freehold DM wrote:I apologize for nothing. Never liked onions and tomatoes are only good after being turned into some kind of sauce.Orthos wrote:Burger get. Double bacon cheeseburger from Armandos,That's great!
Quote:hold the onion and tomato.You monster!
I don't like the texture.

Tacticslion |

I apologize. That's What She Said jokes are so easy and ubiquitous, they just pop out of my mouth before I can help it. See? I'm trying to keep it in there, but I just feel like I'm going to explode sometimes. Ok, that one was on purpose. Once I get started, it's even more difficult to stop. Stahp, that was another and old habits die hard and all. It's Tala's fault. She laughs at it every time. You could even make that a TWSS if you wanted to be a jerk to someone. I mean, technically, it's low humor - below the belt, even *snicker*, but since we have so many fans of puns, I figured it wouldn't be too insulting - they're weak puns, true, and filthy, but theoretically they fall into the realm of word play.
I helped!

Tacticslion |

I am officially working from home while quarantined. I have no idea if I have the virus, as the only way to get tested is apparently the emergency room. I’m not going to expose others when I am surviving as best I can. Hopefully a week will be long enough to recover.
I went through something similar, a while back. We're now "enjoying" the "fourteen day after" quarantine just to be safe.
I am not a fan of fourteen-day-after-symptom self-quarantine. I'm doing it, but am not a fan.

Tacticslion |

lisamarlene wrote:WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBreathing a huge sigh of relief... Census is suspending operations until March 31st.
Since WW's job in Census Administration is all about hiring new people, fingerprinting them, and lots of other human interaction stuff with lots of random strangers, I was really worried about him.
So now he gets to be home, sending out resumes and applications, and hopefully also dealing with our knee-high lawn.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:Must. resist. evangelizing. vine-ripened heirloom tomatoes...Freehold DM wrote:I apologize for nothing. Never liked onions and tomatoes are only good after being turned into some kind of sauce.Orthos wrote:Burger get. Double bacon cheeseburger from Armandos,That's great!
Quote:hold the onion and tomato.You monster!

Tacticslion |

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