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Off-Topic Discussions

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

A musical interlude will be sponsored by
Of Embla - Shadowplay

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I've still got it!

(Exchange of text messages)

Impus Minor: I would like to go get a water bottle after school
NobodysHome: OK. Let's to to Target together! It'll be a Daddy Date! Or REI.
IM: Let's go to Target and never say the words Daddy Date again. Please.

NobodysHome wrote:

I've still got it!

(Exchange of text messages)

Impus Minor: I would like to go get a water bottle after school
NobodysHome: OK. Let's to to Target together! It'll be a Daddy Date! Or REI.
IM: Let's go to Target and never say the words Daddy Date again. Please.

I call such things a “Man-Date” (because it’s imperative, you get it?) to about the same reaction by my 8-year-old Eldest. I look forward to this getting worse. :D

Drejk wrote:

A musical interlude will be sponsored by

Of Embla - Shadowplay.

I can see it’s important enough to you that you meant the musician your sense of... scale.

EDIT: this is a joke about a naked dragon, yes.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I've still got it!

(Exchange of text messages)

Impus Minor: I would like to go get a water bottle after school
NobodysHome: OK. Let's to to Target together! It'll be a Daddy Date! Or REI.
IM: Let's go to Target and never say the words Daddy Date again. Please.

Were I not at work, I would link the Dream Daddy theme song.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I've still got it!

(Exchange of text messages)

Impus Minor: I would like to go get a water bottle after school
NobodysHome: OK. Let's to to Target together! It'll be a Daddy Date! Or REI.
IM: Let's go to Target and never say the words Daddy Date again. Please.

Were I not at work, I would link the Dream Daddy theme song.

I got ya

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:




Should have wiped them out back before they learned beyond basic grunts and broken sentences. But no, and now you have an infestation.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Everyone's a Critic

"I finished the grammar homework, Ms. Scint."
"That's awesome."
"But as I was doing the last question, 'Under Pressure' started playing."
"Nice. At least it wasn't 'Ice, Ice Baby.'"
starts humming the intro
"Ms. Scint why"
"Stop what?"
"Collaborate and listen-"

Scintillae wrote:
*new avatar*

Uh-oh. Scint has dawned [sic] an iron mask. I scared.


Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Donned" is the word you're looking for.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
*new avatar*

Uh-oh. Scint has dawned [sic] an iron mask. I scared.


Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the ferrous one of all?

Tacticslion wrote:

Woof. Ouch!

The lyrics are pretty brutal!

The song is pretty beautiful!

Tacticslion wrote:

Also: what the heck is going on with that guy.

Seems like he miiiiiiiiiight be totally horrible in every way.

I have now found out his story.

Wikipedia and YouTube reviewers are rather useful.

It just... I... uh... you see... um... hhhhhhhhhhhhhuh.

I don't even.

This is just.


You know, I'm just gonna let this guy tell it, because he's actually seen the show. I laughed way to hard at that, and am... ah... hrrrrrrrrrrrrm. I just. That is a NOPE.gif, waitin' right there. Great opening, tho. [sic]

I'll say this: if Shiro loves horr(or/ible) things, this may just be right up his alley!
For the record, as far as I can tell, it lacks any sort of gore, body-horror, or even actual violence. It, uh... it... hm. Yes. Well. #NoChromo. Yeah, that'll make it juuuuuuuuust fine. Daggummit, Japan.

Oh, and, I'm just going to presume you get the one joke-reference, Freehold (the one with "<title> x <name> x <name> x <name>" - at least I think the others were names, relating back to this series), and formally request you explain it, either in a spoiler tag or in a PM so I can figure out what the heck that even means, as it wasn't the, uh, family name of Natsuo in this series, so *shrugging motion*.

Google, Demon Queen of Spiders wrote:
"Donned" is the word you're looking for.

No, I know, but I got it right the first time.

Because "dusked" isn't a word (as in "darkening"), and she now looks more like her alternate avata-

Blackguard of Puns wrote:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the ferrous one of all?

Oh, yes. That one. Daggummit. They're becoming one being at all times.

Don't think I'm not secretly pleased with this, though. Eeeeeeeeeheeheeheehee~!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

glares at clock

I hate conferences night. Two and a half hours...two parents.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Azala the Reptite Queen wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:



Should have wiped them out back before they learned beyond basic grunts and broken sentences. But no, and now you have an infestation.

Hah! You think you so smart!

But you dumb!

You summon La Vos and kill you all because bad loser!


We smart!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kino, Iokan Chief-Mate wrote:
Azala the Reptite Queen wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:



Should have wiped them out back before they learned beyond basic grunts and broken sentences. But no, and now you have an infestation.

Hah! You think you so smart!

But you dumb!

You summon La Vos and kill you all because bad loser!


We smart!

I have a tyrannosaur.

Your argument is invalid.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Azala the Reptite Queen wrote:
Kino, Iokan Chief-Mate wrote:
Azala the Reptite Queen wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:



Should have wiped them out back before they learned beyond basic grunts and broken sentences. But no, and now you have an infestation.

Hah! You think you so smart!

But you dumb!

You summon La Vos and kill you all because bad loser!


We smart!

I have a tyrannosaur.

Your argument is invalid.

Hah! You loser!

Dumb loser make fake word!

Me winner! Ayla like me BEST!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Friends, let us not fight! We could have a nourishing feast instead!

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kino, Iokan Chief-Mate wrote:
Azala the Reptite Queen wrote:
Kino, Iokan Chief-Mate wrote:
Azala the Reptite Queen wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:



Should have wiped them out back before they learned beyond basic grunts and broken sentences. But no, and now you have an infestation.

Hah! You think you so smart!

But you dumb!

You summon La Vos and kill you all because bad loser!


We smart!

I have a tyrannosaur.

Your argument is invalid.

Hah! You loser!

Dumb loser make fake word!

Me winner! Ayla like me BEST!


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, that won't do at all. Such a mess.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sue The Zombie T-Rex wrote:
Kino, Iokan Chief-Mate wrote:
Azala the Reptite Queen wrote:
Kino, Iokan Chief-Mate wrote:
Azala the Reptite Queen wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:



Should have wiped them out back before they learned beyond basic grunts and broken sentences. But no, and now you have an infestation.

Hah! You think you so smart!

But you dumb!

You summon La Vos and kill you all because bad loser!


We smart!

I have a tyrannosaur.

Your argument is invalid.

Hah! You loser!

Dumb loser make fake word!

Me winner! Ayla like me BEST!


Hey, I hear someone needs lightning on these guys?

Good thing I paid for that silly shock enchantment, eh?

Who's laughing, now, Kyra?!

A. Ziraphale wrote:
Oh, that won't do at all. Such a mess.

Water's good for cleaning messes!

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
A. Ziraphale wrote:
Oh, that won't do at all. Such a mess.

Not our problem, Angel.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Anthony J. Crowley wrote:
A. Ziraphale wrote:
Oh, that won't do at all. Such a mess.
Not our problem, Angel.

But it's going to bother me! I'll know it's there.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
A. Ziraphale wrote:
Anthony J. Crowley wrote:
A. Ziraphale wrote:
Oh, that won't do at all. Such a mess.
Not our problem, Angel.
But it's going to bother me! I'll know it's there.

Just think about Lunch instead.

Or dolphins.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Anthony J. Crowley wrote:
Or dolphins.

Dohl-fahnz?! You dare mention dohl-fahnz in my presence?!

Those arrogant, self-righteous, pretentious monsters get aaaaaaall the gloh-ree!

But soon they will know the POWA- er, um, HEROISM, of the true su-preme intelligence: ME~!

(And my minion, of course.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am clearly the superior specimen! writhes

2 people marked this as a favorite.

No! Fawful is bestest pupil! You are all being fink-rats and having of many stupids!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi, new friend!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In addition to alias-fail up there (edited, by the way), I just realized it wasn't Valeros who had the shock weapon.

It was my two-feat no-named fighter with less than 1/3 of his wealth spent who could do a decent chance of soloing a CR 13 monster that Valeros could not.

Because oops.

I'm... still perplexed.

I'm just gonna ret-head-canon the whole thing that Valeros learned from my display and bought a shock weapon. Because really, now.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Well...I got a week of lesson plans done, a novel test and a half written, and vocab for the next month sorted.

Can I go home yet?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:

Well...I got a week of lesson plans done, a novel test and a half written, and vocab for the next month sorted.

Can I go home yet?

No. You're a teacher. That means that you're contractually obligated to be chained to your desk until your work is done.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:

Well...I got a week of lesson plans done, a novel test and a half written, and vocab for the next month sorted.

Can I go home yet?

Not until you've written a week long lesson on puns which will require your students to write several per day. Each day must have a different theme, such as food, music, family, and potpourri.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I called my wife and asked her if I should pick up Fish and Chips tonight. She hung up on me. I guess she's still mad that I won the bet to name our kids.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

What do you call something that ruins a movie?


2 people marked this as a favorite.

How do you fix a broken gourd? With a pumpkin patch.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm really good at getting through labyrinths. It usually only takes me a Minotaur two.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm listening to a podcast, and the GM is describing a hut made of flesh. He says "There is a door like an open wound in the flesh of the hut." Eww.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I've still got it!

(Exchange of text messages)

Impus Minor: I would like to go get a water bottle after school
NobodysHome: OK. Let's to to Target together! It'll be a Daddy Date! Or REI.
IM: Let's go to Target and never say the words Daddy Date again. Please.

Were I not at work, I would link the Dream Daddy theme song.
I got ya

I wonder what that would sound like slowed down 3-4 times?

Or sped up by the amount and given the happy hardcore treatment?

I bet someone's already done the latter, but I'm not at all sure that I wanna hear the results...

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh dear. Reaper is doing another miniature kickstarter.

*wallet starts crying*

4 people marked this as a favorite.

We have a high temperature of 57 for today and tomorrow.

F~@% you mosquitoes!!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

So I saw a shoulder specialist yesterday. Afterwards I had my monthly appointment with my chiropracter.

Shoulder specialist: "MRIs are great, but they make doctors fat and lazy.
Yeah, your doc and the radiologist said you have tendonosis. That's true. It's also not your problem. Everyone over the age of 30 has tendonosis. Don't worry about it."

Me: "They also said there's no tears?"

Specialist: "Yeah...they were a bit wrong about that too. You have two partial tears. One in the tendon here, and one in the cartilage here. However, they're small, nothing that requires surgery yet, and even taken together...they're not you're problem. But contrary to what you were told, they do exist. Your problem is you have frozen shoulder."

It will go away on its own, but it can take months/years to develop, another months/years to feel awful, and another months/years to "thaw" and go away on its own.

Specialist: "So what we're going to do is give you a steroid shot in the shoulder. This won't feel nearly as bad as what you've dealt with in the past. Then you're going to do some daily stretches. In 6 weeks you're going to come back to me and you should be 50% better. We'll reevaluate and go from there. Probably another shot and more exercises until you're good, as long as your body responds to this."

Body, you will submit to my Will. This war must come to a close.

So to the chiropractor's afterwards.

Chiro: "Ok, I'm going to leave your shoulder alone since you just got the steroid injection. Let that do its work. We can assist with the treatment, but we're not going to do anything to make it worse or impede what he wants you doing. It's a solid diagnosis and solid treatment plan."

Me: "Great, so on to the usual back issues."

Chiro: "Yep."

Chiro works on the low back, which I strained over the weekend with too much work for Zelda's event. Then she gets into my mid-back. And it sounds like a snare drum roll.

Chiro: "Holy shit! Oh, I mean, I'm sorry, that was unprofessional of me."

Me: "Don't worry about that. I'm not the least bit offended. I'm equal parts proud and depressed."

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, frozen shoulder. MrT suffered from that for years. When it got bad Id need to help him with putting on his coat.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I blame Freehold for Vany's frozen shoulder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Oh, frozen shoulder. MrT suffered from that for years. When it got bad Id need to help him with putting on his coat.

And this is one of two reasons Cap doesn't want me as an employee right now. The other reason will likely never get better.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

*SIGH*. On our roadmap call, and the presenter just threw out one of those comments that depresses me: "Just like you can never have too much money or a car that can go too fast..."

Er, yes, yes you can.

And that makes me an alien.

EDIT: For the record, I've pegged "enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life" at $10 million. Any more than that and I'd just start giving it all away because I'd have no use for it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have to admit, I'm pretty stoked about the insulation.

Lows are in the mid-40s right now, with highs in the high 60s, yet the living room is bottoming out at 63°F, which is perfectly livable. So we're not even particularly using the portable space heaters yet, much less the core heat.

Of course, we usually don't turn on the heat until November, so we'll see how things progress.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl was everything good about the series in an hour and a half with an extra hard gut punch of an ending. If you liked Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Sempai you will enjoy every minute of the movie.

Edit: Okay, maybe every minute of the first half. The second half is rough.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Woof. Ouch!

The lyrics are pretty brutal!

The song is pretty beautiful!

Tacticslion wrote:

Also: what the heck is going on with that guy.

Seems like he miiiiiiiiiight be totally horrible in every way.

I have now found out his story.

Wikipedia and YouTube reviewers are rather useful.

It just... I... uh... you see... um... hhhhhhhhhhhhhuh.

I don't even.

This is just.


You know, I'm just gonna let this guy tell it, because he's actually seen the show. I laughed way to hard at that, and am... ah... hrrrrrrrrrrrrm. I just. That is a NOPE.gif, waitin' right there. Great opening, tho. [sic]

I'll say this: if Shiro loves horr(or/ible) things, this may just be right up his alley!
For the record, as far as I can tell, it lacks any sort of gore, body-horror, or even actual violence. It, uh... it... hm. Yes. Well. #NoChromo. Yeah, that'll make it juuuuuuuuust fine. Daggummit, Japan.

Oh, and, I'm just going to presume you get the one joke-reference, Freehold (the one with "<title> x <name> x <name> x <name>" - at least I think the others were names, relating back to this series), and formally request you explain it, either in a spoiler tag or in a PM so I can figure out what the heck that even means, as it wasn't the, uh, family name of Natsuo in this series, so *shrugging motion*.

strange. Noone had a problem with marmalade boy did it.

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