Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Though I guess the same could be said for hockey to some extent...

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Yeah yeah, I'm racist against white people. I think you play lacrosse and have money and have giant dicks and eat fried chicken. I've heard all the complaints.

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To be fair I think all races love fried chicken, fried chicken is delicious!

Limeylongears wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I get to go to a seminar about stone tomorrow.

They better have pizza.

It'll be full of Dwarves and Pech. The food will be dreadful, but the beer? A-MA-ZIIING.
Unfortunately, this being Wisconsin the beer will also be dreadful (If you haven't already had Milwaukee's Best, DON'T!!!).
Agreed, once you've had Milwaukee's Best you'll wonder if it's even possible to survive it's worst.
Challenge. Accepted.

You're using someone else's bathroom after you drink it, we have old plumbing, I'm not sure it can withstand a first timer anymore.

If it helps, Old Milwaukee is only slightly better.

You left out Schlitz, Heilemann's, and Pabst.

When the hipsters tried to make Pabst trendy, I was amazed. I know, I KNOW that it doesn't actually taste like fish. But my brain can't separate the taste of Pabst from the taste of fish batter.

At least Pabst would taste of *something* if it tasted of fish.

Now I've got the Treadmill Lager sketch from Monty Python stuck in my head.

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Yuugasa wrote:
To be fair I think all races love fried chicken, fried chicken is delicious!

All kids love log.

All races love fried chicken.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:

So is Ed Greenwood good at dark characterization or is this just kinda...?

Inquiring of those who have read him =/

Greenwood is a professional old pervert.

He's in a weird legal position where he basically got WOTC to agree, some time in the distant past, that anything he chooses to write about Forgotten Realms is automatically canon. Since he's a rabid old horndog, a LOT of this is his personal views about how the Realms is basically a huge rampant series of orgies basically all happening at once, everybody is having sex with everybody, prominent figures tend to have extramarital affairs constantly and nobody seems to mind (even the spouses, who are probably in affairs of their own if they're a named and leveled NPC as well) or just accepts this as normal, etc. etc. etc.

And that's the stuff that's relatively normal by the standards of (a particularly free-love-friendly) real-world perception. Just search up some of the stuff he and/or his wife have written on and Candlekeep. It gets pretty bizarre and in a few cases downright "Dude WTF".

It does not surprise me one bit that his self-insert Gary Stu can manhandle a woman freely and her response be "omg he touched me~".

Coors. It's the water. And not much more.

Orthos wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:

So is Ed Greenwood good at dark characterization or is this just kinda...?

Inquiring of those who have read him =/

Greenwood is a professional old pervert.

He's in a weird legal position where he basically got WOTC to agree, some time in the distant past, that anything he chooses to write about Forgotten Realms is automatically canon. Since he's a rabid old horndog, a LOT of this is his personal views about how the Realms is basically a huge rampant series of orgies basically all happening at once, everybody is having sex with everybody, prominent figures tend to have extramarital affairs constantly and nobody seems to mind (even the spouses, who are probably in affairs of their own if they're a named and leveled NPC as well) or just accepts this as normal, etc. etc. etc.

And that's the stuff that's relatively normal by the standards of (a particularly free-love-friendly) real-world perception. Just search up some of the stuff he and/or his wife have written on and Candlekeep. It gets pretty bizarre and in a few cases downright "Dude WTF".

It does not surprise me one bit that his self-insert Gary Stu can manhandle a woman freely and her response be "omg he touched me~".

Honestly I don't mind the all orgy all the time aspect, if that's how he rolls, cause it's his fantasy so whatever, its just the hitting a woman in anger, then jumping right back to the orgy? mmmmm bad taste my friend.

I mean, I don't mind him killing female combatants but that scene had a distinctly domestic abuse feel to it, with his friend offering ridiculous excuses for his behavior in addition to his striking her in anger.

Eh, but who am I to judge? I'm a racist=D

Saddening too as I like the Realms alot...oh well next time I run a game there will be a bunch of woman and some angry husbands will be standing outside Elminster's tower holding "Time's Up" signs and everyone will refer to him as Old Creep instead of Old Mage. =D

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I only know about Realms stuff because I help admin for a NWN server set in Cormyr. And our general reaction to Ed's non-published stuff is "... yeah whatever that's nice old man" and ignore it.

But teeeeeechnically it is canon because of that weird deal he struck with WOTC all those years ago.

Oh, before I forget; *puts clothes back on*

Orthos wrote:

I only know about Realms stuff because I help admin for a NWN server set in Cormyr. And our general reaction to Ed's non-published stuff is "... yeah whatever that's nice old man" and ignore it.

But teeeeeechnically it is canon because of that weird deal he struck with WOTC all those years ago.

Yeah that's weird. I wonder if I would have fallen in love with the Realms if my first book there had been an Elminster book instead of the Sell Swords trilogy. I mean it would make more sense if Artemis Entreri randomly groped women, he was suppose to be a bad guy, not the person everyone looks up to...

Anyways, sorry bout complaining about fiction here, I've just had bad luck recently and seen or read a lot of things that have me scratching my head.

The Exchange

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I think racism is a horrible thing. I mean imagine that someone dislikes you on sight because your skin is a colour they don’t like. Even before you’ve had any interactions with them. Is that fair to you?

And racism has lead to some of the most terrible atrocities in history – like the Holocaust.

Anyway I think most of FAWTL are probably male Caucasians.

My family looks rather multi-coloured…we’ve got an Italian, will be adding a Malay soon.

The Singapore pledge reads as follows:

We, the citizens of Singapore,
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language or religion,
to build a democratic society
based on justice and equality
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity
and progress for our nation.

Yes I’m not above a little stateism but at the end of the day I was apologetic to LM for it.

The Exchange

I gave up on Forgotten realms quite some time back. Just found the newer books not to my taste. Think I dropped it around the avatar series.

Also LM - have you baked with whole wheat flour before? If you have, what is it like?

Just a Mort wrote:

I think racism is a horrible thing. I mean imagine that someone dislikes you on sight because your skin is a colour they don’t like. Even before you’ve had any interactions with them. Is that fair to you?

And racism has lead to some of the most terrible atrocities in history – like the Holocaust.

Anyway I think most of FAWTL are probably male Caucasians.

My family looks rather multi-coloured…we’ve got an Italian, will be adding a Malay soon.

The Singapore pledge reads as follows:

We, the citizens of Singapore,
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language or religion,
to build a democratic society
based on justice and equality
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity
and progress for our nation.

Yes I’m not above a little stateism but at the end of the day I was apologetic to LM for it.

Oh, sorry Mort, maybe I didn't make it clear enough I was joking. Yes, Racism=bad.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your pledge is a lot nicer than ours, and a lot less [REDACTED FOR POLITICS].

Just a Mort wrote:

I think racism is a horrible thing. I mean imagine that someone dislikes you on sight because your skin is a colour they don’t like. Even before you’ve had any interactions with them. Is that fair to you?

Yeah I hear you, I don't have to imagine it, I've experienced it, to my great cost.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I achieved Enlightenment after much meditation, yoga, time in nature, outrageously good sex, smoking weed, and contemplating the nature of infinity.

I will not share what I discovered publicly nor in spoiler because I love my FaWtL friends and accept their rules.

I'm more joy filled and happy than years. I have no fear. I have no guilt. I have no shame. It's beyond my words how liberating it was and continues to be.

Your kind support and friendship as a group helped me to discover my purpose as I reflected inward upon myself, and I thank you all for it.

I'll still be me, but don't be surprised to see considerably less cynicism.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Glad to hear that you have gotten connected with your inner self. I don't think I'm there yet, but I think part of the way for me will be learning not to care what others think about me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

She has a hard time with jokes sometimes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

I achieved Enlightenment after much meditation, yoga, time in nature, outrageously good sex, smoking weed, and contemplating the nature of infinity.

I will not share what I discovered publicly nor in spoiler because I love my FaWtL friends and accept their rules.

I'm more joy filled and happy than years. I have no fear. I have no guilt. I have no shame. It's beyond my words how liberating it was and continues to be.

Your kind support and friendship as a group helped me to discover my purpose as I reflected inward upon myself, and I thank you all for it.

I'll still be me, but don't be surprised to see considerably less cynicism.

I'm glad you have found your Buddha nature, send some peace and enlightenment my way when you get a chance.

Just a Mort wrote:
Glad to hear that you have gotten connected with your inner self. I don't think I'm there yet, but I think part of the way for me will be learning not to care what others think about me.

That's too bad as I think most here think well of you. I see you as the mother figure of the thread, trying to offer others sage advice and lead them toward their best life.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
She has a hard time with jokes sometimes.

It's all good, my jokes are usually only funny to me anyway.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
She has a hard time with jokes sometimes.
It's all good, my jokes are usually only funny to me anyway.

I personally believe in the shot gun method of humor. If I fire enough buck shot I'm bound to hit something.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Glad to hear that you have gotten connected with your inner self. I don't think I'm there yet, but I think part of the way for me will be learning not to care what others think about me.
That's too bad as I think most here think well of you. I see you as the mother figure of the thread, trying to offer others sage advice and lead them toward their best life.

Does that make freehold like a creepy uncle?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Glad to hear that you have gotten connected with your inner self. I don't think I'm there yet, but I think part of the way for me will be learning not to care what others think about me.
That's too bad as I think most here think well of you. I see you as the mother figure of the thread, trying to offer others sage advice and lead them toward their best life.
Does that make freehold like a creepy uncle?

Nah Freehold is the sexy neighbor with the James Earl Jones voice who calls you sugar then shows up on your doorstep one fine summer evening and asks to borrow some sugar.

Ah ha I see what you did there neighbor.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Two tablespoons of cinnamon
And two or three egg whites
A half a stick of butter
Melt it
Stick it all in a bowl, baby
Stir it with a wooden spoon
Mix in a cup of flour
You'll be in heaven soon

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Incidentally that recipe despite how good it sounds is quite terrible. They do not form into chocolate salty balls at all.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Freehold is a proponent of revenge and holding grudges though my philosophy about that stuff is more of an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

Apparently free hold is a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Well done sir.

Can I be grandpappy vid? I can tell old war stories and snore very loudly. Plus look at the beard!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Can I be grandpappy vid? I can tell old war stories and snore very loudly. Plus look at the beard!

Why yes sir that works just fine for me.

Yuugasa wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Can I be grandpappy vid? I can tell old war stories and snore very loudly. Plus look at the beard!
Why yes sir that works just fine for me.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Can I be grandpappy vid? I can tell old war stories and snore very loudly. Plus look at the beard!
Why yes sir that works just fine for me.

Oh Gramps, you're scaring the children, don't force us to put you in a home.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

...I'll behave..

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*pats Gramps on the head then gives him a 40*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
She has a hard time with jokes sometimes.
It's all good, my jokes are usually only funny to me anyway.

My jokes are funny to everyone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
She has a hard time with jokes sometimes.
It's all good, my jokes are usually only funny to me anyway.
My jokes are funny to everyone.

like that one ha ha so funny!

gran_funny_joke_time wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
She has a hard time with jokes sometimes.
It's all good, my jokes are usually only funny to me anyway.
My jokes are funny to everyone.
like that one ha ha so funny!

That feels somehow masturbatory.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Did you hear about the guy who got caught pirating Captain Marvel? He was charged with Brie Larceny.

Wow just read a story about a national park that gave out bear mace one of the tourists thought it went on like bug spray and sprayed the daughter right in the face with it and of course it was indoors soooo....

gran rey de los mono wrote:
gran_funny_joke_time wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
She has a hard time with jokes sometimes.
It's all good, my jokes are usually only funny to me anyway.
My jokes are funny to everyone.
like that one ha ha so funny!
That feels somehow maturbatory.

I feel like their is an "s" in that word somewhere.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Did you hear about the guy who got caught pirating Captain Marvel? He was charged with Brie Larceny.

Ok yeah that one was good.

I was at a wedding this weekend. At the reception, the DJ said "I want all the married men in here to go and stand next to the person who has made your life worth living". Three people almost died in the stampede to the bartender.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here are two short jokes and a long one:

Joke joke oooooooonnnnnnnnneeeeeeee.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
I was at a wedding this weekend. At the reception, the DJ said "I want all the married men in here to go and stand next to the person who has made your life worth living". Three people almost died in the stampede to the bartender.

They should of applied their bear mace.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
gran_funny_joke_time wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
She has a hard time with jokes sometimes.
It's all good, my jokes are usually only funny to me anyway.
My jokes are funny to everyone.
like that one ha ha so funny!
That feels somehow maturbatory.
I feel like their is an "s" in that word somewhere.

I wasn't sure if that was a misspelling or a joke I really didn't understand.

A pair of sparrows got married. It was an amazing ceremony. A cardinal presided over it, and for entertainment at the reception they had a flock of seagulls.

Yuugasa wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
gran_funny_joke_time wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
She has a hard time with jokes sometimes.
It's all good, my jokes are usually only funny to me anyway.
My jokes are funny to everyone.
like that one ha ha so funny!
That feels somehow maturbatory.
I feel like their is an "s" in that word somewhere.
I wasn't sure if that was a misspelling or a joke I really didn't understand.

Its best to take it at face value because it kills his joke just a little. Which I personally find entertaining.

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